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New Zealand Herald Oflice, Thursday evening. The Customs duties to-day amounted to £692 8s Bd. General trade exhibits little variation, and a state of languidness prevails. In the import market there are no changes of sufficient importance to specify. The low rates of stoaun coaetal freight are helping the import and export Southern trade a little. A recent decision of the London Registrar of Bankruptcy is worth a passing reference, as opening up new ground. A Mr. Laurence, described as an Australian merchant, was tempted by the copper movement into speculation outside of his legitimate business, and as a consequence of a first disastrous loss of £1900 plunged more widely with the hope of recovering the loss. The Paris collapse of last March made his position irretrievable, and he had to come to the Bankruptcy Court. He offered 10s in the .£, and with every prospect of paying it ont of the realisation of the estate free from bankruptcy liquidation. This the Registrar admitted was likely, while compulsory realisation only meant a payment of 5s in the £ to the creditors, but he refused to sanction the composition on public grounds, viz., that the Registrar is more interested in the maintenance of a fair standard of commercial morality than the more or less of insolvency of this or that particular firm. r J*he London Times in referring to the case states :— The duty of an official receiver in to inform the Court as well a:< to girard funds for the advantage of creditors. In its execution ho could not, while admitting the scheme to be for the benefit of the creditors generally, refraiu from observing that it had been rendered necessary by rasb and hazardous speculations. With that report before it, the Court, as the registrar explained, was obliged in some way to express its grave disapprobation of tbo debtor's conduct. Unlucky as it might be, he allowed, for the creditoiH that the arrangement should be rejected, Lhe Court was unable, by aftirming it, to relieve a trader " who had gone out of his way to speculate and gamble" from any censure upon such an offence. Onions, £28 to £30 per ton. ' Maize : 2s Bd, parcels, ex wharf. Wheat: Southern, 3s 9d to4s ; local, 3s 6d. Fowl wheat, 3s 4d. Oats: Local, 2s 10d ; Southern, bright short, .'te Id. Potatoes are firmer, and in short supply. In the produce market business is generally very quiet, although there are signs that the Sydney market for wheat is recovering. In trie local produce market prices remain the same as last week. Best dairy butter is 10d ; second quality,. 8d ; and third class, (id per lb wholesale. Eggs are 10d per dozen wholesale, and Is per dozen retail.


Pending the arrival of the inward mail) this market is steady at prices below. Supplies for the 14 days of August are about 2(j2 tons. We quote: —Poor ordinary (nominal), 355; fair ordinary, oGs; best ordinary, 37s ; and East Coast, 435..


Messrs. lluntkk and Nolan's weekly Kepoiit. —Horse feed, seeds, grain : Stocks are large, and Uie demand has been week, at the previous week's quotations. Jiorsee : There has existed an active demand for those of a good atwnp in both light and heavy horses, and a slightly upward tendency in value. About an averape number were entered for sale by auction at the Durham yards on Friday. Ccmp*ti»iou was good throughout the sale, and nearly all the lots found purchasers at an advance on the previous week's quotations. Hacks, £0 to £12 5s ; lljcht h.irness horses from £6 XOs to £11 16a ; medium dr.Mieht, i>o 10s to £10 ss. Wool, bides, sh»i-p«kins : buppliea of hides have been larjce, and the demand lacked strength, but there was no noteworthy alteration in price of those sold by auction at the Durham yards on Tuesday as compared with the previous week. Sheepskins sold at from Sa <5d to 5s 10d each. Cattle: There has been an increased supply and active demand, with an upward tendency in the value of stores, while dairy and fat stock have maintained their value. There was a good muster at both Newmarket on Tuesday and Puke

kohe on Wednesday; competition was brisk throughout both sales. ' Dairv cows wore at the previous week's values ; stores in demand at 5s per head advance on young stock, and 10s on p-own steers. Beef : The average value as the previous week, but prices fluctuated from 13s to 18s. Some averages were : £7 15s, £7 Sis 6(1, £0 12s (id, £6 10s, £6 7s 6d, £6 2s 6(1, £5 13s, £. 138, £5 Ss, £4 10s ; cows, £5, £4 12s 6d, £4 58, £3 12s (id. Sheep : A good many were penned at Newmarket on Tuesday, and prices were a shade higher than on the previous week at per stone. Wethers sold at from 12s to ICs 9d ; ewes, 9s Cd to l<3s. Pigs : A moderate number were yarded. Good porkers sold at 3<l per 11) live weight ; coarse were relatively lower. Messrs. Alfred Bucki-and am» Sons' Wkkkly ItKPOßT.—During the past week loose fodder lias ranged from 2s Gd to 3s Od ; machine pressed, 4s to 4s »id the cwt; carrots, 30s; potatoes, 70s; chaff, 60s to 80s; coarse bones, 100s; tine boned list, 130s to 160s tho ton; maize, in Sd, 2s 9d, and 2s 10d ; oats, 23 5d to 3a 4d tho bushel. The -20 deer sold at auction from Is to Ss, and the balance at 7s each. A t the horse .sale, on Friday, prices for useful horses ranged from £6 to £11. :Set double harness brought £4 158 ; single sets. £> and £217 aM ; and a spring cart, £6 IDs. At the hide and skin sale, on [Tuesday, prices were firm ; best ox hides reached 3d 16IGths ; cow hides, 'jjd ; calfskins, 4«d the lb ; sheepskins. in good demand ; butcher.-.'skins ranged from 3s Oil to 5s lid; station skins, Us 9d to 4s Cd each ; wool, tijd the lb ; tallow, Itis tld tho cwt. Mkssks. G. W. Bimnky and Sons' Rki'Out —At our weekly sale we offered a large catalogue of hides, sheepskins, wool and tallow. Prime stout ox are in short supply, and sell freely from -l\d to 4Jd ; heavy Btmit, ;!Jd U. 4d ; medium, 3d to BJd ; steer, 2Jd. Cowhides wore very plentiful, and no improvement has takon place in value—sold from 3d to 2\d for best medium ; country salted, 2d to 2Jd ; kip, 2d to 3sd ; calf, 3jd to l|d per lb. At each, ox sold at from His to iWs ; steer, 10s to lls ; cow, (is to 14s. Sheepskins: Supply short of demand, and local green sold : l,ougwools, up to 0s ; crossbrtids, -is to 4s 9d ; .Merinos, 4s to 4.i 3d ; country salted, 3s to ;>s '.M : dry, l.ld to 5.Jd per lb. Wool in bags, 6Jd per lb. 'fallow: Best, itis to 16s Od: ordinary, Ms to 15s 3d; inferior, 10s per cwt. Bones, 4s Cd ; shanks 5s per cwt.; horns, Jil to Id per set. Messrs. Stone IJuothuhs' Kkpout.—Southern short feed oats. :is 4d ; Danish, :?.s 3d ; local, 3s 2ii ; Tartarian, Sβ (>d ; oatmeal, £13 ; Oainarn potatoes, £5 ss; Canterbury, £5 ss: corn sacks, 44 by 'J<;.J, 0s 3d per dozen; fowl.whent, Ss6d ; sharps, £0; bran, £5 10s per lOOlbs ; Oainarii Hour, quality, £11 ; Bycroft's, first quality, £12 ss; superfine. £10; chaff, 00s to 90s ; feed barley, 3s fid ; Waikato potatoes, £4 10s ; maize, As 1 ! d; Watt and Co.'s hams and bacon, 7>d ; Auckland dairy fed, 7}d ; Auckland Tallow Company's pure bouediist, £7 10s ; Sydney bonedust, J I, £6 10s ; Southern, £:"> 10s ; Queensland bonedust, £7 , Farmers' Friend boiuidust, £5 10s ; vinegar, Is (id ; box tea, lfts ; j-ehests, is cd ; llobarfc palings, per 100, 5 feet. 15s; 6 feet, 17s; flobart rails, 65s per 100; Manilla rope, 9d ; flax, Cd ; mixed paints, 7H> tins, 7d per lb.


CALL AND DIVIDKND LIST. CAU.S. £• S. ft. N.Z. Smelting: Co. ... ..006 — Aug. 21 Trenton G.M.Co 0 0 3 — Aug. 26 Norfolk G. .Co 0 0 2 — Aujj 28 Archhill Brick and Tile Co. 0 1 0 — Aug. 30 New Moanataiari G M.G'o. .. 0 0 C — Sept. 9 DIVIDENDS. N.Z. Accident Insurance Co. 0 0 3 — Now.


C. Alexander, S. Vickers, J. F. Clarke, R. Frater, ,1. M. Lennox, D. B. McDonald, 1). G. MacDonnell, Aitken Oarrick, R. Spratt, Francis Hull, James Reid, R. G. Macky, Samuel 'l\irtle, T. A. Monaios. Joseph Nkwman, Chiinuan. MESSKS. VICKKKS AND UUJUL'S WKKKIA' STOCK AND SICVRK LIST AND INVESTOR'S GUIDE.

[Corrected to noon of Thursday.] FARM AND DAIRY PRODUCE.* WHOLESALE. RKTAIL. S. d. S. (t. S. ii. S. d Ratter, fresh, dairy, lb M 10 -00 10—00 Do., second quality 0 S — 0 0 0 0 — 0 10 Do., third quality ..00 — 0 0 0 0—00 Do , Woiknto " Anchor' brand .. ..13 — 00 00 — 00 Prime salt :. ..05 — 00 0 0 — 00 Do., inferior salt ..03 — 04 04—00 Milk, quart .... .. 0 SJ— '■' -i Cheese, local, lb ... 0 4 — 0 i".? 05 — 07 Do., best factory ..05 — 00 Eggs, dozen .. .. 0 10 — 0 0 10-00 I«ard, bladder, lb ..05 — 06 00 — 00 llama and Bacon, Pro. 0 5} — 0 Cj Cant. Bacon, now .. 0 7 A —0 0 Hams 0i4-0 0 Jams, case Odoz .. £;> 9 —£0 3 fowls, each .. .. 0 0 — 10 14 — 20 Ducks, do „ 1 0 — 1 S Geese, do ... 2 0 — 3 0 Turkeys, do ... ii 6 — 8 0 Feathers, lb .. .10-19 GARDEN AND OHC1FARD PRODUCE Apples, case, Uobart 2 6 — 40 Do., lb, local .. ..0 1-0 ■ 1} 0 3 — 04 Unions, doz - .. 0 10 — 1 0 10—13 Oranges.. „ .. OS — 10 10 — 13 Do., case _ _ 0 0 — 7 0 Plums 0 2J— 0 3 0 0 — 00 Bananas, lb .. „ 0 1 — C 2J 0 3 — 04 Coeoanuts, each .. .. 0 1 — 0 'J Do., sack -. .. 10 0 — 0 0 Onions, cwt .. .. iS 0—30 0 0 0 — 00 Garlic, lb .. ..04 — 00 O C — 0 0 PRESERVED AND DRIED FRUITS. Dried Prunes, lb .. 0 C.{— 0 7 0 8 — 0 10 Preserved Ginger ..07—00 Shelled Nuts .. .. 0 0 — 0 10 10 — 16 Barcelona do. .. _. 0 6 — 0 0 Brazil do. „ „ 0 G — 0 it 0 0 — 10 Peanuts _ .. 0 2 — 0 2J 00 — 0 0 FLOUR. £. s. £ s. Flour.Auck. roller, ton 32 o — 0 0 _ Do., household .. II 0 — 0 0 „ Do., Southern, roller 11 0—1110 „ Do., Southern, stone 11 0 —11 10 _ Bran 6 10 — 0 O „ Sharps .. _ .. 5 10 — 6 0 Cabin Bread .. .. 15 0 — 0 0 „ Oatmeal 2&s .. .. 10 10 — 0 0 .. Oatmeal 7s .. .. 18 10 — 0 0 Pearl Barley .. .. 20 0—21 0 Parent Porridge Men.], 71b bags .. ..0 0 —1j 0 HAY AND CORN. Per cwt. Hay, ton .. ..80 — 40 50 — 00 Lucerne, do (5 0 — (5 10 7 0 — 8 0 Oaten, do. .. „ li 0 — 3 0 i 0 — 5 o Chaff, threshed ... . % 0 — 2 10 0 0 — 00 'Oaten Chad .. ... 8 5 — 3 10 _ Straw, load .. „ 0 18 — 1 10 _ Clover, ton .. — no _ Potatoes, local .. 4 10 - 0 0 ... Potatoes, Southern.. 5 5 — 5 10 ... Potatoes, kidney, seed 5 10 — 6 10 _ s. d s. il Maize, bushel.. „ 2 8 —0 0 3 0 — 00 Barley, feed ... ..30 — 33 3 3 — 15 (5 Do., malting .. .. 3 0 — 3 10 Oats, feed .. ..210—31 3 6 — 3 S Oats, seed .. ..30 — 30 00 — 00 Oatd, milling .. ..33 — 30 00 — 00 Wheat, local milling 3 6 — 00 00 — 00 Wheat, .Southern 3 0 — 40 00 — 0 0 Wheat, seed .. ..60 — 50 00 — 00 Do., fowl .. .. 34—00 38 — 00 KAURI GUM AND FLAX. Supplies for the fourteen days of August, 202 tons. & a. d. £ s. d. Poor Ordinary, ton nominal .. 35 0 (I — 0 0 0 East Coast .. .. „ 43 0 0 — 0 0 0 Fair Ordinary .. .. _. 30 0 0 — 0 0 0 Best Ordinary range gum -. 37 00 — 000 Klax.. .. .. „ .. 24 0 (i - 0 0 0 Tow .. 2 10 0 — 3 0 0 Fungus, lb 0 0 3i— 0 0 0 Cocoanut Fibre, cut, cwt .. 0 15 0 — 0 17 0 Beeswax, lb .. .. „ 009-000 N.Z. FLAX ROPE. Prices subject to trado terms. Ropo in all sizes, ton" .. .. 38 0 0 —40 0 0 Tarred Yarn, do 30 0 0—10 0 0 Wool Tailings, do 35 0 0 —38 0 0 BUILDING MATERIA I..S. Boards and Scantling, 100ft .. 0 13 0 — 013 0 Do., best dressed 0 14 — 0 15 0 Do., second-class 0 8 0 —oil 0 Rustic weatherboards, beat .. Oil 0 — 0 15 0 Mills, cargo, best .. ... 0 11 0 — 0 10 0 Flitches .. .. .. _ Oil C — 0 0 o Balk ~ _ 0 C 0 — 0 S 0 Bricks, Whau .. .. „ J ,10 0 — 2 0 (i Do., town yards, 1000 .. „ 1 IS 0 — 2 0 0 Do., delivered 2 0 0 — 250 Lime bushel 010 — 010 Drain Pipes, (Jin bores, 1000 ... 15 0 0 — 0 0 0 Do., 4in mo 0-1) 0 0 Do., 3ln 4 10 0 — 0 0 0 Do., Sin .. .. ~ - 300 — 000 Do., 2in 2 10 0 — 0 0 0 English Slates, 1000 .. .. 10 10 0 — 0 0 0 Socket Glazed Pipes, foot: 24 inches 0 7 0-000 21 inches O « 0 — 0 0 0 18 inches ... „ ... 0 3 0 — 0 0 0 15 inches .. „ .. 0 3 0 — 0 0 0 12 inches „ „ _. 0 2 0-000 9 inches _ ._ ... 0 l 0 — 0 0 0 0 inches ... „ .. 006 — OOO i inches .. .. .. (> 0 4 — 000 3 inches 0 0 4 — 000 MANURES.

Bonedust, Sydney, ton .. .. 7 0 0-7100 Do., inferior (i 0 0 — 610 o Coneflour 7 0 0 —S 0 0 Do., Auckland b 10 0 — 710 0 Peruvian Guano 14 0 0—17 0 0 Coral Queen do 5 0 0-000 Long Iμ]and do., bags included i 10 0 — 0 0 0 Superphosphate of Lime, 2(5 to 28 per cent 0 0 0 — 6 10 0 Do., 30 to 38 per cent 8 fi 0 — 8 10 0 Potato JPertilieor Jfison's .. 11 o 0 — 0 0 o Wheat „ „ .. 10 10 0 — 0 0 0 Grass „ ,, .. 10 10 O—O 0 0 •Superphosphate ,, .. 7 10 0 — 0 0 i) Freezing Company'sSuporphosphate, 32 par cent 8 0 0 — 000 Do., 2fi per cont 0 0 0 — 000 Corn Manure S 0 0 — 0 <J 0 Jloot Manure 8 10 0 — 000 Potato Manure S 10 0 — 0 0 0 BoneManuru 8 0 0 — 000 Grass Manure 7 10 0 — 0 0 o Lime Manure, Craig's .. .. 1 10 0 — 1 15 0 N.Z.I , '. Co.'s quotations are subject to liberal discount. COAL AND FJUEWOOD. Coal, Newcastle, ship's yido, cargo, ton 1 10 0 — 0 0 0 Do., delivered .. .. .. 115 0-0 (I 0 Do., yard 1 12 0 — 0 0 0 Do., Bay of Islands, yard .. 1 7 0 — 1 10 0 Do., delivered 1 10 0 — 0 0 0 Do., mine _ 0 1H 0 — 0 0 0 Do., ship's side .. .. .. i (> o — o o o Miranda, mine .. .. .. 0 8 0 — 000 Do., household 0 12 0 — 0 0 0 Do., in Auckland 10 0-120 Kamo, loading ground, ton .. 0 12 0 — 0 0 0 Tauplri, mine, steam !.. .. 0 8 0 — 0 12 0 Do., yard, steam .. .. .. 0 17 (5 — 0 0 0 Do., household 14 0 — 1 0 0 Whangarei, inino .. .. 0 !) e — 0 0 0 Do , yard, steam 0 17 0 — 0 0 0 Do., household 12 0 — 130 Firewood, uncut, wharf, cargo, ■ ton 080 — 086 Do., delivered 0'10 8 — 012 0 Do., cut 0 14 0 — 0 15 0 BUTCHERS' MEAT. Per pound. Roasting Beef, lb ... ' „ 0 2 — 0 (5 Boiling do „ 0 1 J— 0 3£ Mutton, hindquarter .. 0 3 — 0 0 Do., forequarter .. .. 0 2 — Pork .. 0 4 — 0 fi Veal .. 0 Hi- 0 6 Steaks .. 0 4 — 00 Mutton Chops.. .. ... 0 3 — 00 Sausagoa .. .. .. 0 3 — 0 A Mutton Tallow, cwt... 20 0 —24 0 — Beef and Mixed do. IS 0 —21 0 MISCELLANEOUS. Kerosene, 130 , test, duty paid 0 18 — 000 i>0., 150-test 01 U —000 Fencing wire, No. 6, ton ,.~\ No. 7 .. .. J-ll 10 0 —12 0 No. 8 .. ..) Barb Fencing Wire .. .. 24 0 0 —25 0 0 Lime, slacked, bushel .. .. 0 10 — 000 Quick lime, in stone .. .. 0 16-000 New Zealand .lings, Oft .... 0 7 6 — 0 10 0 Teatree Rails, 100 „ ... 2 10 0 — 3 10 0 Puriri 1'onts .. .. _ £00 — 600 Shingles, 1000 .. ... „. 0 12 0 — 0 13 0 Hobart PaOingi, 5fb .. - 0 17 0-1 0 0 Do., 8ft .. _. _ 0 18 0 — 1 1 o Uobart Rails 4 0 — 4 10 0

Company. Business. Closing Prices. — — Buyers. Sellers. Banks— £ s d £ s d New Zealand, old.. — — 7 14 0 Insurance: New Zealand ... — - 3 11 0 South British _ — — 118 0 Union — — 1 (PC Accident .... — —070 Miscellaneous— N.Z.I.. * Mercantile — 8 10 0 — Kauri Timber .. — Oil 0 - Mining : Cambria ... .. — 0 2 10 2 4 Saxon .. .. — — 0 8 0 Caledonian .. — 0 2 0 — Trenton .. .. — — 0 4 0 Now Moanatiiiari , — — 0 3 0 *■ New Albumin .. — 0 2 0 —

I Amount L, ! % Zealand C 0 7 1,900,000 j Zealand of 0 7 1,000,000 *§ Colonial of 500 0 2,000,000 Mercantile Agency 0 j ';. 0 1,000,000 -*" Smith 0 8 8 1,000,000i 000 0 13 1,000 117,252 7J Insurance 0 0 1,000,000 j ' 0 0 — , Accident 0 6 10,850 j i Insurance I 7 100,000 [Auckland 100/ 0 202,6-102/6 IThainesUas 25,000] 1 9 l,. Coal 24,000 100 — 8,250 Northern ! 100,000 0 — — j [Northern 6 0 — 100,000 ! 10 10 I Kauri 0 0 40/ j j Kauri Timber .. .. .. .. 1,200,000 1 — 10 0 40/ & 20/ 0 11 0 10 18

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9445, 16 August 1889, Page 4

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COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9445, 16 August 1889, Page 4

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9445, 16 August 1889, Page 4