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Cuticura. __ ft- (tfc&J* W ffpt f^'w •wV\\v \ — Manly Purity and Beauty No tongue nor pen can do justice to the esteem if I had known of the Cuticura Remedies In which the CuticUKA Remedies arc held by the twenty-eight years ago, it would have saved 1110 thousands upon thousands whose lives have been $200.00 (two hundred dollars) una an immense made happy by the cure of agonizing, humiliating, amount of suffering. My disease (Psoriasis) comitching, scaly and pimply diaofioca of the skin, menced on ray head In a spot not larger than a cent, ecalp, and blood, with loss of hair. It spread rapidly all over my body and got under Cu-ncun.v, the great Skin Cure, nnd Cuticura ray nails. The scales would drop off of me all tho Boav, an exquisite Skin Bcautifier, prepared from time, and my Buffering Was endless and without it, externally, and Cuticura Resolvent, the new relief. One thousand dollars would not tempt mo Blood Purifier, internally, cure every form of skin to have this disease over again. lam a poor man, and blood disease, from pimples to scrofula, but feel rich to be relieved of what some of the doctors said was leprosy, some ringworm, psoHaving been a sufferer for two years and a half, riasis.etc. 1 took . . . and .. . Sarsaparillas over from a disease caused by a bruise on tho leg, and one year and a half, but 110 cure. I went to two or having been cured by the Cuticura Remedies three doctors, and no euro. I cannot praise the when all other methods and remedies failed, I CirricuiiA Remedies too much. They have made deem it my duty to recommend them. I visited my skin as clear and free from scales as a baby's. Hot Springs to no avail, and tried several doctors All 1 used of them was three hoses of Cuticuka, without success, and at last our principal druggist, and three bottles of CtrricuiiA Resolvent, and Mr. John P. Piulay (to whom I shall ever feel two cakes of Cuticura Soap. If you had been grateful), spoke to me about Cuticura, and I con- here and said you would have cured me for $200.00, seated to give them a trial, with the result that I you would have had the money. I looked like the am perfectly cured. Thero is now no sore about picture in your book of Psoriasis (picture number me. 1 think I can show the largest surface where two, "How to Cure Skin Diseases "), but now lam my sufferings sprang from of any one in the State, as clear as any person ever was. Through force of ALEXANDER PEACH, Greenville, Miss. I)3uit x nlb m J' hMIIJ over m arms aud le B B t0 _ , : " „ , , _ . scratch once in a while, but to no purpose. lam Sold bv all chemists 111 New Zealand. Tneo: , ~ T . u . . -~ ~. Cuticuka, 50 ct«. ■, Soap, 25 cts.; Resolvent, 51. all wcll - l scratched twenty-eight years, and it Prepared by tho Potteu Dkuq akd Chemical Co., got to be a kind of second nature to me. I thank Boston, U.S.A. you a thousand times. Any one who reads thia m- Semil to Messrs R Tows* & Co. Sydney > muJ _ ,„ angw u for " How to Cure Skin Diseases, frl pages, 50 J illustrations, and 100 testimouials. DENNIS DOWNING, Waterbnry, Vt. PJHgrLES, blackheads, red, rough, chapped and Soft, white, and free from chaps and li» oily ekln prevented by Cuticura Soat. FJpslsSJw redness, by using Ccticuka Soap. Watches, Jewellery, &c. ell 3 if i ■ I■ r M 1 ft ill 1 1 Lift I IL. IftJ itrPi ¥ PROPRIETOR, "W. SKEATES, 13S, QUEEN-STREET (OPPOSITE UNION BANK). Our special features are— " DIRECT IMPORTATION CASH PURCHASES CASH SALES A KNOWLEDGE OF THE BEST MARKETS' SMALL PROFITS Our aim is to supply goods AT WHOLESALE PRICES. SPLENDID NEW STOCK TO SELECT FROM. WATCHES, JEWELLERY] PLATE, MARBLE CLOCKS, BAROMETERS, : &C, &C, &c. EX S.S. DORIC, PROM LONDON. WJIAKBLE CLOCKS FRO 25s EACH, TS> ROTHERHAM'S WATCHES, from 80s. N.B.—Opposite Union Bank. Photography. Medical ESTABLISHED ISS2.] [TELEPHONE 390 j S ■ % A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. H « 81/ fad* ' \°« « gJ * *% § BltUHAwro PILLb £ < * S> o Aro universally « T*m & l- A admitted to bo & g M, S *? A worth a Guinea a PD ° $Uy d /v/ ' NT A I'o-forßilioufiiuid H flQi/ \*§\ Ncrrous Disorders <, Xfi K'-'y/ \ x A such as A\ md and DRY PLATES, tho most Reliable tho most # ; />/t» A rrrrnvTm \','A Pail in tho Ht °- relict, theChcape-Jt fi IIA.IhNX 1 ' |m:ich, Hick. HcikICHEMICALS. VAKNISUES, SENSITIZED |J? Ps IS l C £3 1 nI«?H«S' PAPERS,' and Every Requisite at Ig I PILLS. /g/ 1 ™«^ t^ d^; A. E. BROOMHALL & CO.'S |Vi\ —-»««— /&}$ Dizziness and PHOTO Gil Al' 111 (J .V ARE HOUSE, Vv\ -/«S?/ Z?, 1 " 0^^ 08 ?'- Colc J SHORTLAND-STRECT, AUCKLAND. l&lS'S? A Dark Boom for use of Tonrlsta Freo of Charge. ffP*SV>%y petite, Shortness — of liretttb, Costive-17IIRST-CLASS ««>, Scurvy and -SJ ' \?i*a Blotches on tho FSJATHAniiI Snifl? Bkii '- Disturbed V jMJ I siSjtKJS fl 'ft /' «S< Blcop, Fnsbtful Dreams, and all Nervous and I liUlvlSliiJll IS I \J P Trembling .Sensations, Ac. The first dese will A< "*\ give relief in twenty minutes. AT MILLION PRICES! , Cv[l-'#f\ Every suJToror is earnestly invited to try ono A tVrt v w I'll Iwk of these Tills and they will be acknowledged M^trV l * ■<M M t0 bu SMALL C.D.V/S, is per dozer,. WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. CABINETS 15s nor dozen For ' ouia!eH of all !i K these Pills aro invalu- ' * '' ' able, as a few dosos of them carry oil' all humours, and bring about all that is required. Ko female ebonld bo without them. There is no Inspection Invited at Medicine to be found equal to Lceeham'a Tills AT> 7»T f\ T y\ ) c; for removing any obstruction or irregularity of it 1-i \J 1j U O tho system. If taken according to the dir0cm,..,,,..,,.' ~..,,... .< lions given with each box, they will soon resl.oro (l UK.iiLkL) jißDi-Utt a), females of all ages to sound and robust health. 270, QUEEN-STRiiET (Opposite the Firebell). This lias been proved by thousands who hnvo ~--— ,—...^— __. —-^—, ? tried thorn, and found the benefits which aro ,-.-.. "__ \ ... . ~* ensured by their use. I'.'l3dic?jl. Kor a Weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion, — ' — . and all Disorders of tho Liver, thoy net liko — magic, and a few doses will bo found to work j_Yi\ wonders on tho most, important organs in tho rVA /s}•''*>• 4sk %, 4&M®> tfih. 6. human machine. They utrengthen tlio wliolo BWk fiwWk Wi m PiElffl % mußCular system, restore the long lost com\'MyiwJs i H I'fi F* i'<*-iA M P ®i j)loxion, bring lack tho keen edge of appetite,. v €sf&# H »*1 ta fim \>%* « M 89 W% and arouse into action with the rosebud of vWk. 4m m r W;> : i fa it pfi KA health tho whole physical energy of the human Rra ii4M P M mJfefm frame. These aro Facts testified continually mUm % H kjs IPTO Jsi w{&s£s »? members of all classes of society and one of Vtt&y *t%g m. >aiF &1 X»fe&K th « best Kuaj-antecs to the Nervous and Dehili--2*o tßtctl is, UEECHAM'S PILLS have the Largest uto& SSSSS! ® lV "' of '" J '" ttni McJicine in the WorU prizes mbdat. '" Eeecham's Magic Cough Pills. As a remedy for Coughs in Kcneral, Asthma, £?§l P*>ii 5 Ti *\ fi? W (F& 5 H Bronchial Affections, Hoarseness, Shortness of 0R 8 0 wli v>l 3&■ tl aH I Breath, Tightness and Oppression of the Chest, st & $ I P I*flT [J i RJ @ PL™, ><:c., these Pills stand unrivalled. B! » »> * J,JJ \c*'Ei asea Tncy arQ IIR . hwt ever offered to the public and _ _~, n r\ • I'll "'*" speedily removo that cense or oppression Pure, Tasteless, & Digestible. Qn<l fhnicuny of breathing, which nightly a O . ' ' -* privo the patient of rest. Let any person give Sold everywhere in Cansuled bottle* JJEECJIAM'S COUGH PILLS a trial, and the - most violent Cough will 111 a short time bo removed. ASI ] (\ UN I) I 'N(t Oil 'KS ' Prepared only, and sold Wholesale n.nd Rotail, JLVUiI IJX.X.\ Vt \JXJ JUiJJLJ % -i )y the Proprietor, Thomasßeecham,St.Helens. Lancashire, England, in boxes la. lid. and 2s. Od. each. CONSUMPTION, BRONCHITIS, Sold by all Druggists and Patent Mcdicino * r.rr.T, -ma nnim,, c , r >r>T r\c< Dealers everywhere. ASTHMA, COUGHS, COLDS, N.U.— directions are given with each box. And all Lung aud Throat Affections relieved at once __"_ and quickly cured by „- _ , r- 1 «r\ n /COCKLE'S PILLS, FJIE,! FlloM MERCURY THE PHYSICIANS- ONLY HOPE ! /COCKLE'S RILLS, THE PATIENTS' "SHEET ANCHORI" FOR LIVER. The first dose removes all oppression, loosens the /"COCKLE'S PILLS, phlegm, and cuts short at once tho most painful, H_/ FOR BILE. troublesome, and long-standing Cough, Luns, or Throat trouble. Remarkable testimony from Public /"COCKLE'S PILLS Speakers, Teachers, Siujjors, Ministers, Consuinp- H . > WMt TVnlfili . wtK tive, Asthmatic and other cases, testifying to the FOK INDIGESTION. ereat superiority of JHELEUCA to all other remedies h /COCKLE'S PILLS, INNUMERABLE LIVES HAVE V for heartburn. BEEN SPARED <n OCKLE ' s PILLS, \J FOR SICK HEADACHE. By its timelv tuio. Bo sure and ask for _ _ _ . 2/6 MELEUCA 2/6 C OCKLE ' a riLLS ' ™* aoditt. C. U M A ribiVl. Vy J "" IN use EVERYWHERE. •nn I>AT>Tn?P'CI /COCKLE'S PILLS, UJX, X JXIXLVihIX O \j in USE EIGHTY-EIGHT years. PULVIS EHEUMATICON. In Boxes at is. lid, to 9d, «8 6d, lis, and 82s, QUICK RELIEF AND PERMANENT CURE. Ax ™ Med.cine VraioMS THKOOGHOUT tue . ASTOUNDING TESTIMONY. , _______ __. , === "'" ■ - 3s Cd per bottle; 8s M by post. T>OUNDKEEPEKS' BOOKS (under the bote Agent : J_ new Act)i 26 and 60 pagoS) with the Schedule o r< t t r> v r> ' m of Fines for Trespass and Impounding Fees inserted o. utxojjjjjrv.j., in commencement, 011 Sale at the Herald I-'nbtshint; CHEMIST, QUEEN-STREET, Office, Queen-street.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9437, 7 August 1889, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9437, 7 August 1889, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9437, 7 August 1889, Page 3