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High Water at Auckland— a.m., 2,30 p.m. „ „ Manukau— a.m.; C.lOp.ui. Sun. —Rises, 7.7 a.m.; sets, 5.4 p.m. Moon,—New, 2£th, 11,40 a.m. ARRIVALS. Zealandia, R.M.s.s., 3000, K. Van Otercndorp, from San Francisco. Passengers :— For Auckland -L. L. Bromvrcll, Oliver Burginan, W. A. Green and wife, George Gillinga, L. Mendelssohn, Arthur btillmaii, and 12 steerage. For Sydney— H. Ajtken, F. J. Bridges' Fred Bnrford, \Y. D. Busch, Andrew Eastwood, Miss Ada M. Gray, Consul G. W. Griffin. Mrs. S. N. Humes, J. P. Hill, H. Henderson, Mrs. Captain Kempson, L. A. Kimball and wife, J. .Locket, It. Moore and wife. Rev. Father MeGratli, J. K Miller, E. Murphy, Geo. Oilbr, 8. rainier, C. Pridham, H. Rolidenber«r, A. \\ . Sohleichcr, J. J. Stiles. Mrs. J. D. Strong and child,-. F. Wright, J. B. Waller and wife, L. M. Young. -IS steerage.—Union S.S. Go., agents. Clansman, s.a., !*.'s, Fafnniiar, from lau-rann-n Passengers—Mr. and Mrs. doss. Mrs. Bmfell, Messrs. J. C. Davis, Bennett, Ritatna, ■ —Northern S.S. Co., agents. Lena, s.s.. 159, Ainodeo, from Mercury bay. Passengers— Mr. and Mrs. Reuben and son Mrs. Hand and family. Messrs. Loram and Wilson.—Northern S.S. Co., agents. Gleaner, brigantine, IS.\ Ray, from Lyttellou —Master, agent. Australia, s.s., 4-">!i, Gibb, from Wellington and East Const. Passengers—Mr. and Mrs. , Whitehead and 2 children, Messrs. ,7. Gibson, '■ Cole, Williams, and .1 Maori.—Union S.S. Co., agents.

CLEARED OUTWARDS. Zeulaiidia. 11.M.5., ;MX). K. Van Oterondorp. for Sydney. Passengers :—Mi*s K. Fisher, Messrs. R. Herriek. K. Smith, and 7!) through from San Francisco. — Union S.S. Co., agents. , ~... Arawata, s.s., 1098, J. Spniks, for I'm. .Passengers ':—Mis. We?tm;».eott. Messrs. P. C. Neiil, G. Paul, J. Percival, Wcitinacott, E. C. Turner., Henick.--Union S.S. Co., Agents. DEPARTURES. Zoftlfuidia, Iv.M. s.s.. for Sydney, ."Irawam, s.s., for Fiji. EX I'ECTEI) AR RIVA LS Lo>*r>ON' : .. Largo B:\y, ship, sailed April 12, L.Jy Jooelyn, ship, sailed April IC. Piako, ship, sailed May '24. Soakar, ship, loading. KEW Yor.k. : \liec barque, via Dunedin, sailed March I- , . Nettie, barque, sailed May '25. Clan MeLeod, barque, to sail June '29. NEWCASTLE : Splendid, barque, sailed July 10. R.AROTONOA : Daisy, schooner, to load. CAMARV : Agues Donald, schooner, loading. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. KEVr" YOIIK : Elinor Vernon. barqueutine, loading. UNION S.S. CO.'S MOVEMENTS. To-day.— Wairarapa arrives from South, 10 a.m. : Wakatirm arrives from South, 2 p.m. Tuesday.—Wainui arrives from longa: Rotorua leaves Oiiehunga. :! p.m. :_ Wairarapa leaves for Sydney, , r i p.m. : YVakatipu leaves for Port Chalmers: Australia leaves for East Coast, (j p.m. WED>*ESi>Ay.— Mararoa arrives from Sydney. Ihtrppay.— V.'anaks arrives Onehunga, 8 a.m. : Mararoa leaves for South, noon. Friday. — Wunaka leaves Oiiehuiiga, S a.m. NORTHERN S.S. CO.'S MOVEMENTS. To-day.—Gairloch leaves for Waitara at J p.m. : lona leaves for Mercury Bay and Tauranga at 5 p.m.; Clansman leaves for Russell", WhangaVoa, and Mangonui at 7 p.m. Chelmsford arrives from Opotiki, and the Wellington arrives from Whangarei. Tuesi»ayT—Ciielmsford leaves for Opotiki at 1 p.m.: Wellington leaves for Whangarei, Mursden Point, and Parun, Bay at 8 p.m. W£l)>]^a\y.—Gairloeh arrives from Wai tara. Tul'ksday.—Gairloch leaves for W aitara at 1 p.m. Wellington arrives from Wliangarei : lona arrives from Tauranga early, and leaves for Great Barrier at S a.m. Friday.—Clansman arrives from Russell At 6 a.m., and leaves for Tauranga at 7 p.m. : lona arrives from, the Great Barrier early, and leaves for Mercury Bay at 7 p.m.: Wellington leaves for SVhangaiei, Marsden Point, and Piu'ua Buy at 10.30 p.m. VESSELS IN HARBOUR. [This list does not include coaster?. } Bbir Drummond, ship, at Qneea-st. Wharf. Belle Isle, barque, at Sugar Works. Elinor Vernon, barquenline, at Queen-street Wharf. Jessie, barquectine, at Hobson-it. Wharf. Gleaner, brigantine, in stream. Waiapu, schooner, at No. 2 Jetty. Mariner,, schooner, at Breastwork. IMPORTS. Per R.M.s.s. Zealandia, from San Francisco :— For Auckland: 181 sacks salt, 17-1 tiaees salmon, GO cases dried fruit, 13 eases rubber paint, 10 rolls of leather, 7 boxes drills. i barrels oil, Ci) cases (jennet*, \~) barrel? bark extract, 1.3 l'asks uuieksilver, 12 bales broom corn. S cases books, 4 packages hardware, 38 packages merchandise. For "Wellington : 217 cases salmon, 8 cases rubber boots, 30 kegs casings, 7 packages merchandise. For Napier : 20 cuses dried fruit, 1 box sewing machines. For Ly'telton : 4 packages merchandise. For Port Chalmers : 200 cases salmon, 5 barrels shrimps, 7 cases books, '.) packages merchandise. For Fiji: 6 cases salmon, 15 cases fruit, 5 half-barrels salmon, 13 casts canned goods. Per brigantine leaner, from Lytteltoii: 200 sacks oats, M) sacks wheat, 210 sack? Hour, 400 sacks potatoes. Per s.s. Australia, from East (.'oast: 150 tons (transhipmentsper Toiigariro), '330 sacks barley, 27 sacks hid«, 111 boxes sonp, 553 sacks boned list, and quantity sundries. For Sydney : 203 sacks potatoes. Per Chelmsford. iona, and Douulas : 1074 sacks maize. Per Violet: Hi bags bones. Per Katie : 8 bags bones. Per Hauroto : 2\) bales sacks, 107 sacks bones, !Xi .sucks bonedust. Per loua : '2.' J >.\! sacks nisiizs. Per Hanroto :30 half-chests and 200 boxes tea. Per Wanaka: 200 sacks oats, 113 sacks table potatoes, 30 Hacks Circular Head seed potatoes, 28 sacks Lapstones. Per railway: 11 trucks chaff. Per J oust and Chelmsford : 1000 sacks to arrive on or before Tuesday.—.Stone Bros.

EXPORTS. Per s.s. Arawata : 118 cases meats, f>7 kegs beef, 15 cases apples, 45 cases kerosene, J. 'if) cases cabin bread, oU-1 pieces timber, fJG sacks potatoes, 45 sacks Hour, 31 .sacks bran, 8 sacks sharps, (i sacks wheat, '24 cases stout, 6 cases cheese, 40 cases salmon, 1(J packages vegetables, 30 sheep and sundries. The British ship Soukar had completed her loading at London, and left the docks on Juno 15, when the mail left, and was expected to start to sea on the lCtli alt. The following persons had taken passage for New Zealand at London up to the time of the mail leaving :— Per R.M.s, Britannia, sailed June 14: For Wellington, Mr. M. B, Kblcr, Rev. and Mrs. Christie ; for Dunediin, .Mr. and Mrs. G. Ulandford and governess; for Lyttelton, Mr. \V. F. Buckley* Per R.M.s. Cnzeo, sailed June 22 : Miss if. K. Jones, for Gisbofne. The barquentine Jessie will be floated into the Auckland Dock early this morning to be stripped, caulked, and recoppered. Captain Dilner elsewhere calls for tenders for the work. Yesterday the brigantine Gleaner, Captain Ray, arrived from Lyttelton, with a freight of breadstufi's and grain. The master reports that the Gleaner sailed from Lvttelton on the Uth inst., with a light southerly wind, which was carried to oil' Portland Island, on Wednesday last. Next day the East Cape was rounded, and the schooner LHniedin sighted. Light winds then prevailed till the Gleaner dropped anchor oil" the Railway Wharf at noon yesterday. About 4 p.m. yesterday the Union S.S. Co.'s steamer Australia arrived from her fortnightly trip to East Coast ports and Wellington, with a general cargo, including 150 tons cargo from London, transhipped at Wellington, ox the direct liner 'J'ongariro. Mr. Bendall, the purser, reports that the Australia left Wellington on the Kith, at 6 p.m., and arrived at .Napier on the 17th, at 7 p.m.; she left the next day at 0 p.m., and arrived at Gisborne on the 19th, at 5 a.m.; leaving again at daylight, she called at Tologa Bay, Tokomaru, Waipiro, and Awanui, and arrived at Auckland as above, having experienced fine weather throughout the passige. Late on Saturday night the Northern S.Si Co.'s lon a arrived in port from her bi-weekly trip to Mercury Bay, with freight and passengers. By advices from New York we learn that the barque Nettie sailed for this port and Kelson on May 25th with a full height of 2100 cases kerosene and general American merchandise. The s.s. Clansman returned from Tauranga early yesterday morzriiig, with a fair number of passengers and a freight of 7iW sacks iriaize, '23 sacks wheat, 10 cases cheese, and SO sheep. .. When the mail steamer Zealandia left San Francisco, H.B.M.S Caroline, from South Aiiierica, and U.S.s. Adams, from San Francisco, were daily exuected to arrive there.

The following vessels arrived at tho Thames on Saturday :—Welcome, schooner, from Newcastle, With 175 tons of coal for the gasworks; Lady Rath, cutter, from the coast, with 20 tons of firewood. R.M.S. ZEALANDIA. The mail steamer Zealandia, Captain K. Van Oterendorp, arrived about 2 o'clock on Saturday afternoon from San Francisco, by way of Honolulu and Tutuiln. In addition to bringing the usual quantity of mails from Europe anil America, the steamer had on board a score of passengers for this port, 7!) in transit for Australia, and a large freight of mixed merchandise for both colonies. Of the passage down, Mr. George McLano, the purser, kindly supplies the following details :—Tho Zealandia sailed from San Francisco on .Tune ■Jl)fch, at 12 p.m., and passed the outer buoy iiti2.Ljti.nt. on dune .SOth. The company's steamer Alnmeda was passed on July 3rd, at 1. Ifi a.m., and the Zealandia arrived ac Honolulu on July Oth, at 6 p.m. Sho sailed the same date at 10.10 p.m., and touched otl" Tutuila on July 14th, at 5.,' K.) a.m. to land mails, and continuing her passage after ft brief stay, she reached Auckland on duly l _\), above, having on the 10th instant, at 10.40 a.m., passed and exchanged signals with the Company's steamer Mariposa, bound North. The Zealandia experienced, from June .'SO to July 1, fresh N.\V. wind and rough sen, and from July 2 till arrival in Honolulu, lijihtN.E. to N.N.E. winds and fine clear weather; from Honolulu to the loth instant, light variable winds, and fine weather ; ltith and ISth, strong southerly winds and high southerly seas, thence to port line weather. As soon as the steamer was safely berthed, the work of landing her mails and cargo was promptlv begun, while her stock of coal was replenished. The vessel sailed for Sydney at about 10.,'i0 p.m. on Saturday. U.S.S. NIPSIC. By the arrival of the mail steamer we arc in receipt of news concerning the American warship Nipsic, which left Apia on June Ist for Honolulu, the U.S.s. Alert acting as convoy. On the passage up the weather was somewhat unfavourable, and the two vessels falling short of coal a course was steered for Fanning's Island, where the Isipsic was anchored safely in the lagoon on June 14th. The Alert remained at Fanning for two days, arid then pushed to Honolulu, where she , arrived after a nine days' passage, having had strong N.E. winds throughout the passive. She will stay for a few (lays at Mono* lulu and take in a large supply of coal for herself and the Nipsic, and the two warships will then proceed in company to the Hawaiian port. The Nipsic will there be placed upon the slip, and be patched up as far as possible, and it is expected that the repairs will occupy about a month, when the vessel will go on to San Francisco.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9423, 22 July 1889, Page 4

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9423, 22 July 1889, Page 4

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9423, 22 July 1889, Page 4