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New Zkai-and Hkrald Office, Thursday evening. Tttß general demand for goods is rather on the increase, business api>earing to Iμ; brisker than during the last few weeks. Stocks of kerosene are somewhat large. and in consequence prices are weak for both high and low test. The rice market is overstocked owing to unexpected ,irriv,ils of consignment parcels. A 40-ton line was sold duririj the week at auction, the price obtained beins low. There is really nochange to report in sugar. Tiie market continues tinn. Yellows are not to be h<ui at any jirice. lead is in short supply; also raw oils.

Nixey's b!n/jk lead is scarce. Of Colman's st-:uch, there Ls not much in the market.

Wine 3 and spirits are in much I>etter demand, the colder weather no doubt being responsible for the improved inquiry. In cigars there is not much doing. A shipment of Derby tobacco has arrived, and almost immediately gone into consumption.

Coarse is somewhat plentiful, but fine Is rather the opposite. Fencing Wire : Orders are plentiful, which i.s a pood sin"n, and holders have difficulty in keeping up with the demand. Shipments to arrive are, however, overdue. Galvanised iron is also selling freely. Cement is about the same, with supplies near at Land.

Mullet continues extremely scarce; very few fish are being caught, so that with large orders in hand, and entire inability to meet them, canners are having anything but a pleasant experience. Home a<l vices by cable show a much weaker market in flax ; lower prices should therefore rule there. According to letters per the Alameda, Auckland flax has recently shown a falling off both in dressing and colour. This is a serious matter, and those interested should see to it that the quality is fully maintained, otherwise the Auckland fibre will lose its reputation, and cease to command top prices. The grain and bread stuff market has been quiet, and there is no change to record, save that oats are firming up, ami flour it* easier. In the local produce market the prices remain unchanged. Best dairy butter, wholesale, is Is per Ib ; second quality, KM ; and third quality, 8d per lb. J'he retail prices are generally "2d per lb. advance on the wholeHale prices. The price of eggs wholesale is Is 3d per dozen, and la 6d per dozen retail. KAURI GUM MARKETS. This market is steady, and prices are unchanged from last week's quotations. By last mail we learn tha f London and New York stocks are heavy, and American consumers very fully supplied, and until these accumulations are slowly worked off there is no chance of any permanent recovery here or at home. Supplies, fortunately, continue I light, being for the 29 days of May about 380 tons. We quote :—Poor ordinary, 30a to 31s ; fair ordinary, 325; best ordinary (range gum), 33s ; and East Coast, 42s to 435.


OF RATES. Another large sale of lands in country districts by order of the Registrar of the Supreme Court, on account of non-payment of rates, was held on Tuesday, the following lots being put up and sold under the hammer :—Lot 94, Arapohue, 42 acres, 4s per acre ; lot 94, 42 acres, 10s per acre; lots 88 and 89, Okahu, 142 acres, 4s 7d per acre ; lots 7 and 8, Manga 96 acres, at2s per acre lot 58, Te Arai, 80 acres, 10s 6d per acre ; also 200 acres, Te Arai, 53 (id per acre ; lots 29 and 81, Albert Town, £3 2s 6d each; lots 68, 70, 74, ditto, £2 5a each; lot 50, ditto, £3 ss; lot 71, Alatakana, 80 acres, 2s per acre; lot 53, township of Matakana, £3; lots, village of Matakana, about 23 acres, 6s per acre; lot 52, Hoteo, 400 acres, 2s Gd per acre ; lots 151 and 150, Mahurangi, 142 acres, 3s 3d per acre ; lot 141, ditto, 40 acres, 9s per acre; lot 27, ditto, 80 acres, 4s per acre ; lot 94, ditto, 66 acres, ]2s 6d per acre; lot 162, ditto, 17 acres, 7s 3d per acre ; lot 58, Chalrnerston, 42 acres, 2s 9d per acre; lot 45, ditto, 90 acres, 2s (j<l per acre ; lot 10, ditto, 82 acres, 10s ikl per acre ; lot 46, ditto, 85 acres, 2s per acre ; lot 9, Komokoriki, 51 acres, 1 Is 3d per acre , lot 97, ditto, 153 acres, at Is Gd per acre; lot OS, Oruawharo, 28 acres, 5s per acre; lots 177 and 178, ditto, 40 acres, 2s 3d per acre lot 50, ditto, 40 acres, 3s (id per acre ; lot 19, ditto, 120 acres, 2s 7d per acre; lot 75, ditto, 40 acres, 4s 3d per acre; lot 79, ditto, 40 acres, 3s 6d per acre ; lot 50, ditto, 40 acres. 2s 3d per acre ; lot 174, ditto, 40 acres, 3s Gil per acre; lot 92, ditto, 40 acres, 3s 9d per acre lots 2 and 3, township of Port Albert, £2 10s each ; lot 18. Puhoi, one acre, £6 ; lots 44 and 48, ditto, 160 acres, 3s 5d per acre ; lot 108, ditto, SO acres, 2s 6d per acre; lot 96, ditto, 40 acres, 4s per acre ; lot 65, township of Leigh, one acre, £50; lot 103, Omaha, 40 acres, 3s Gd per acre ; lot 79, ditto, 80 acres, £1 19s per acre. LIVE STOCK & PRDOUCE MARKETS. AUCKLAND. Messrs. Hunter AND NOLAN'S WEEKLY Report. — Horse feed, grain, seeds, etc. : Ample quantities for requirements were brought forward. The demand was steady for grain and horse feed, without any material ration in value, but owing to the lateness of the season, grass seeds were unsaleable, except at very low figures. We quote : Feed oats, 3s to 'in 3d ; dun o.its, 2s 10d to 3s; bran, £5 10s to £6 10s per ton ; oaten chaff, £3 10s per ton ; rye, grans, 2a 6(1 to 4s (3d per bushel; cocksfoot, 3s id to 4s per bushel. Horses : There was about the usual number entered for disposal by auction at the Durham Yards on Saturday, the sale being postponed until that day on account of the holiday, but, as usual on change of days, but a short amount of business wan done. We quote: Hacks, £5 to £13 10s.; light harness horses, from £5 5s to £12 10s. Wool, hides, skins, etc. : About the usual quantities wore pitched on Tuesday at the Durham Yards. There was a steady demand at the previous week's values. We quote : Ox hides, 3Jd to 5d per lb ; cow, 2id to 3Jd ; calfskins, 3d to 4jd ; sheepskins, Is lid to 3s 9d ; pelts, 0d to Is 6d each ; lambskins, 2s to 2s 9d each. Cattle: The supply has been an average one. The demand for good dairy cows at their profit has continued brisk, but for fat and store stock was slack. There was less than the usual number yarded at Newmarket on Tuesday. Good milkers were well completed for, but for other des-

criptione bidding was slack .--Dairy cows sold at from £A to £7 7s 6d each ; ox beef, V2s to 1.->=> per lilOlb: cows, 113 to ISs. Some averages were :— Steers £•», £4 ss, £4 12s 6d, £6 Os 6d, £3 7s M, « 15s £6 6s : cows. £2 lee, £2 17s. £3 JOs, £3 1!) S. £i, £i is Sheep • There was a lair muster at me Newmarket Yards on Tuesday. The demand was stwdv at a slight advance on the previews wee* a value at per stone, although 13s Od was the highest price reached for wethers, and for ewes from <a wi to 10* 6d each, lambs 7a !o 9s Gd. Pig* : A moderate number were yarded, dairy fed sold at from to 3d per lb live weight: coarse store relatively lower. Messrs. Alfred Auckland a>d Sons' W keklv Report.—At the Uayinarket during the past weeK loose {odder was in usual supply. Mernlow hay brought from Is 9d to 2s M ; oaten sheaves, 2s 6d to 3s 9d the cwt; oats, 2s 10d ; maize, 3s Id to Sβ id ; wheat, 3s 3d the bushel; chaff, £3 5s the ton. At the horse sale held on .Saturday the unbroken hor-es were in condition and sold satisfactorily. Two year-old colts and fillies of medium strength brought from £0 to £9 each; other descriptions of horses were at late values. On Tuesday hides and skins were pitched in full numbers, ami fully sustained. Beat heavy ox brought f«id and 5Jd the Hi, or from 3:is to 37s each : pood medium ox, 2is to aw each ; tallow, from Us 3d to IBs 6d the cwt. Sheepskins were better worth, and prices ranged from 10d to 4s id each, the greater number from is 6<l to 3s each. At the cattle salt; held at Pukekohe on Monday a larger muster of cattle t linn usual at-this season were yarded. There was a steady demand throughout the sale and every lot quitted. At l x .\pakura on Wednesday a small muster also obtained ready buyers. At Remuera-, on Thursday, dairy cows giving milk or near calving were eagerly competed for, and extreme values obtained for them. Store cattle at late rallies. Fat cattle in moderate number; heavy weights better worth; light weights at last week's prices. IS.* the IOOIb was obtained for steers, r.nd 12s to 13s for cows. Calves plentiful; sold freely. Fat sheep in moderate number; sold at last week's values. Few lambs yarded. Pigs of good quality were required, but coarse store pigs were scarcely saleable. Messrs. o. W. Binnky and Sons' Hkhout.— At the ''ale on Tuesday hides and skins sold under very brisk competition. Heavy ox, 4J<l to 4jd ; no prime offered: medium, Sid to 4d ; steer hides. 3d to 3Jd • cow hides, heavy, 3d to 3Jd ; medium. 2Jd to 2|d; lUht, 2Jd : kip, 2Jd to 3jd; calf, 3Jα to 4Jd : sloppy and damaged, lid to ad per lb ; green ox, 22s to 30s each. Sheepskins : Prices advanced, with every prospect of a firm market. Best skins, butchers', 3s 3d to 3s Cd ; medium, is to 2s '.Hi; a few choice at 4s to 4.* 3d ; tallow, 14s to 16s per cwt; bones, 4s (id per cwt. Flour : Atlas (full roller), sacks. £11 10s : lOO's. £12 ; 50's, £12 6s ; Excelsior (combined), sacks, £10 10s; 100's, £11 ; 60*s, £11 ss. Messrs. STONE Brothers report:-Southern short feed oats, 3s 2d ; Danish 3d 1 Jα; Tartar, ;>s 2d ; oatmeal, £15; potato manure, i.'7 10s; corn and grass manure, £S10s; Riiano coporns, £13 ; fowl wheat, Ss 0d : sharps, £t5 10s; bnwn, £6 f>s ; h'r.-t quality flour, £13 ; superfine, £10; chaff, 60s to 90s ; feed barley, 3* Od ; splendid sample Waikato potatoes, equal to any Oomtxms, S*-'s; maize, 3s 3d; CunUsrbuiy (Watts and Go.) hams and bacon, Sid ; Auckland Tallow Co.'sguaranteed bonodust, £7 10s; Sydney, £til~s6d; Southern. £6 ; vinegar, in 30giUlon" casks, Is 6d per gallon ( from pure malt: box teas, 15s; hay chests, from Is 3d to Is fid ; Phiwiix Co.'s jams, 4s ; Uobart palings, per 100, 5 feet, 16s; 6 feet, 17s; rails (per 100), 655; Manilla rope, Sd to del; flax, I'd; mixed paints (71b tins), colours, CVI per lb ; cocksfoot, rye, and other grass seed cheap. __^_____

Messrs, Ani'kkson and, freehold land agency, report the s:iio of Air. Thomas McKl rov's fanu of 219 acres at Te Kuheroa, forisoo cash, to a farmer recently arrived from Victoria. Also the sale of the Itangirtri Hotel and two acres of land, for £300, to Mr. Ueod, who is about to effect runsiderable improvements to the property, and make it a goo.l travellers" hotel.

COAL AND FIREWOOD. Coal, Newcastle, ship's side, cargo, ton 110 0 — 000 Do., delivered 1 15 0 — 0 0 0 Do., yard .. 112 0— 0 0 0 Do., Bay of Islands, yard „ 17 o—l 10 8 l>o., delivered „ .. .. 110 0— 0 0 0 Do., mine .. - .- - 013 0 — 000 Do., ship's side 15 0-000 Waikato, mine 080 — 000 l>o., hoti.vjhold 0 12 0 — 0 0 0 Do., in Auckland 0 18 0 — 1 2 0 Knrao, loading ground, ton .. 012 0— 0 0 o Tauplri, minv, steam .. .. 0 8 0-012 o Do., yard, steam 0 17 G — 0 0 0 Do., household 140 — 150 Whang.trei, mine .. .. 09 6 — 000 Do , yard, steam 0 17 0 — 0 0 0 Do., household 120 — 130 Firewood, uncut, wharf, cargo, ton 0 7 0 — 076 Do, delivered 0 10 6 — 0 12 0 Do., cat - 013 o—o 15 0 MKSSKS. VICKKRS AND HULL'S WKKKLY STOCK


C. Alexander, S. Viclcers, .1. F. Clarke, R. Frater, J. M. Lennox, 1). B. McDonald, D. G. MacDonnell, Aitkdn Carrick, R. Spratt, Francis Hull, James Reid, R. O. Macky, Samuel Turtle, T. A. Menzies. .Joskpii Nkwma.v. Chtinußii. CALL AND DIVIDEND LIST. calls. £, a. d.

THE AUCKLAND MARKETS. [Corrected to noon of Thu-rsday.] FARM AND DAIRY PRODUCE. WilOLESAXE. BKTAIL. s. a. s. a. s. a. s. d Butter, fresh, dairy. Hi 1 0 — 0 0 0 0—13 Do , Waikato " Anchor' brand .. ..12-00 00-13 Do., inferior salt ..03 — 0 6 0 4 —OS Milk, quart .. .. .. 0 3J— 0 4 Cheese, local, lb ..0 3 — 05 0 5 — 0. Do., best factory „ 0 4J— 0 5 Eggs, dozen .. ..13 — 00 1 C-0 0 Lard, bladder, Ib ..05 — 0 0 00 — 00 Hams and Baton, Pro. 0 0 — 0 7 Do., bare .. ..06 — 07 Cant. Bacon, new .. none Daws none Jams, case 5doz .. 23 9 —-6 3 Fowls, each .. ..00 — 10 14—20 Ducks, Ac „ .. .. 1 0 — 18 Geese, (Jo. . .. .. 2 6 — 30 Turkeys, do .. 6 6 — S 0 Feathers, lb .. -16 — 19 FLOUR. £ s. £ s. Flour.Auck.roller,ton 13 <■ -l.'i 10 Do., household .. 12 10 -13 0 Do., Southern, roller 12 10 —13 0 Do., Southern,' stone li 0 — 0 0 Bran scare*? .. _. 5 0 — u 0 Sharps scarce .. ..5 0 — 0 0 Cabin Bread .. -. 15 0 — l) 0 Oatmeal 25a .. .. 15 0 — 0 0 Oatmeal 7s .. .. 17 0 — 0 0 Pearl Barley .. .. '20 0-21 0 Parent Porridge Meal, 71bbags .. ..0 0 —13 0 , HAY AND CORN. Per cwt. Hay, ton .. ..30 — 40 5 0 — .3 0 Lucerne, do 6 0 — 0 10 7 C — 3 0 Oaten, do 2 0 — 3 0 40 — 50 Chaff, threshed .. 1 10 — 2 0 0 0 — 00 Oaten Chaff .. .. 2 10 — 310 Straw, loud .. .. Old —110 4 0 — 50 Clover, ton .. ..50 — 00 Potatoes, local .. 4 iJ-0 (i Potatoes, Southern.. 4 15 — 0 0 Potatoes, kidney, seed 5 5 — 0 0 .. ... d. h. d. White Clover Seed, lb 10—11 Hed Clover do. .. 0 10 — 0 11 CowgnuKdo 0 11— 1 0 Alsykedo 11 — 00 Timothy do 0 5 — 06 Trefoil flo 0 C — 00 Rape do 05 — 00 Mustard do 0 4 — 06 Kjeyrxs-s do. (new season's), bushel ..46 —60 „ Cocksfoot do. (new neaeon's) .. ..SO — 7 0 Maize, bushel.. ..30 — 32 33 — 3 6 Barley, feed .. ..30 — 33 33 — 40 Do., waiting .. .. 3 9 — 3 10 Oats, feed .. 4-33 33-30 Oats, milling .. ..20 — 32 00—00 Wheat, lix-al willing 43 — 40 00 — 0 0 Wheat, Southern ' 3 6 — 00 0 0 — 00 Do., fowl .. ..39 — 00 40 — 00

GARDEN AND ORCHARD PRODUCE A pples, rase, imported Ho., lb, local .. .. o 3-01 02 — 03 Lemon*, doz .. ..10 — 13 16 — 19 Oranges .08 — 10 10 — 13 Do., c'tie .. ..60 — 7 0 Mums .. ..0 2.4—0 3 0 0 — 00 Bananas, lb .. ..0 — 0 2} 0 3 — 0 4 Cncoanuu, each .. .. ■ 0 l — 0 2 Do., sack .. .. :o o — 0 0 Onions, cwt .. .. 0 0—11 0 0 0 — 00 Garlic, lb .. ..04 — 00 06—00 Celery, bundle .. .. 0 0 — 00 PRESERVED AND DHIKD FRUITS. Dried Prunes, lb .. 0 I^—0 7 0 a — 0 10 Preserved Ginger ..0 7 — 00 Shelled Nuts .. .. 09 — 0 10 10 — 10 Barcelona do 0 0 — 00 Brazil do 0 0 —0 9 0 0 — 10 IVinnti .. .. 0 — 0 24 00 — 00 BUTCH KRS" MEAT. Per pound. Roasting Beef, lb .. .. 0 2 — 04 Boiling do .. 0 lj— 0 3 Mutton, himlqunrter .. 0 — 0 Do., foruijuarUT .. .. 0 1J — Pork ■• 0 4—0 Veal .. 0 3 — 0 Steaks .. 0 3 — 0 Mutton Chops.. .. .. 0 3 — 0 Sausage* .. .. .. 0 0 — 0 Mutton Tallow, cwt... 20 0—24 0 — Beef and Mixed do. 18 l> —21 0 KAURI GUM AND FLAX. Supplies for the twenty-nhi.c days of May, 380 tons. £, «. d. £ s. d. Poor Ordinary, ton nominal .. 3d 0 0—31 0 0 KastCotuit 12 0 0—43 0 0 Fair Ordinary 3200 — 000 Best Ordinary range gum .. 33 0 0 — 0 0 0 Flax 24 0 0 —25 0 (J Tow 2. 0 0 — 3 0 0 0 0 3j- 0 0 0 Cocoanut Fibre, cut, cwt.. .. 0 16 0 — 0 17 0 Beeswax, lb 0 0 9 — 0 0 'J N.Z. FLAX ROPI5. Prices subject tci trade terms. Hope in all sizes, ton .. '" .. 36 0 0—40 0 0 Tarred Yarn, do 30 0 0 —10 0 0 Wool Tailings, do 3D 0 0—33 0 0 MANURES. Bonedust, Sydney, ton .. .. 7 10 0 • 8 0 0 Do., inferior 6 10 0 — 7 0 0 Boneflour 8 0 0 — 8 10 Do., Auckland 0 0 — 000 Peruvian Guano 14 0 0—17 0 0 Coral Queen do 500-000 Long Island do., Ikirh included 4 10 0 — 0 0 0 Superphosphate of Lime, 2(J to 28 por cent. .. .. .. 600 — 6 10 0 Do., 36 to 88 per cent 8 0 0 — 8 10 0 Ammonia Phosphate, Fisou's 30 10 0 — 0 0 0 Special Potato Fertiliser „ ] 1 00 — 0 00 Superphosphate .- ,, 7 15 0 — 8 0 0 Freezing Company'sSupe«jphosphate, 32 per cent 8 0 — 000 Do., 25 per cent 000-0 00 Corn Manure .. .-• .. 8 0 0-000 Root Manure .. .. .. 8 10 0 — 0 0 0 Potato Manure 8 10 0 — 000 Hone Manure 800 — 000 Grans Manure 7 10 0 — 0 0 0 N.Z.I-. Co.'s quotations are subject to liberal di"c( unit. BUILDING MATERIALS. Board* and Scantling, 100ft .. 0 13 0 — 0 13 0 Do., boat dressed 0 14 6 — 0 15 0 Do., second-class.. .. .. 0 7 0 — 011 0 Rustic weatherboards, best .. Oil 6 — 0 15 0 Mills, cargo, best .. .. 0110 — 0 10 0 Flitches 0 11 C — 0 0 o Balk ..060 — 086 Bricks, Whau 110 0 —200 On., town yards, 1000 .. .. 1 15 0 — 2 0 0 Do., delivered .. ._ .. 2 0 0 — 250 Lime bushel .. .. .. 010 — 016 Drain Pipes, (Jin bores, Id (TO .. If) 0 0 — 0 0 0 Do., 4in .. .. . „ . 6 10 0 — 000 Do.,3in .. .. „ . 4 10 0 — 0 0 0 Do., 2Jn .. .. .... 8 0 0-000 Do., 2in - _ .. 2 10 0 — 000 Knelish Slates, iTOO .. .. 10 10 0 — 0 0 0 Socket (Jlazed Pipes, foot: 24 inches .. ... .. 060 — 000 21 inches .. ... .. 0 4 6-000 18 inches .. ._ „ Olio — 000 15 inches 0 1 11 — 0 0 0 12 inches .. _ ..0 1 li— 0 0 0 y inches ., „ .. 00 10 —000 (i inches .. _ .. 0 0 0 0 4 inches .. ._ .. <j 0 0 0 0 li inches 00* — 000 MISCELLANEOUS, Kerosene, 130 , test, duty paid 0 18 — 00 a>0., 150tost .. ._, .. 0 2 0 — 00 Fencing wire, No. C, ton. .. ~\ No. 7 _ .. HI 10 0 —12 0 No. 8 ... ..I Barb Fencing Wire ... .. 24 0 0 —25 0 0 Lime, Blacked, bushel 0 10 — 000 miick lime, in stone 0 — 000 New Zealand P .lings, Dff, „. 0 7 6 — 0 10 0 Teatreo Rails, 100 .. 2 10 0 — 3 10 0 Puriri Posts .000 — 600 Shingles. 1000 .. _. ,. 0 12 0 — 0 13 0 Hobart Palings, Aft- .. . 0 17 0 — 1 0 0 Do., 6ft / ># 0 IS 0 — 1 1 0 Hobart .Rails .. „. .. 400 — 4 10 0

f , ,, .. , Reserve Amount ' Amount Cm rent , ]<;mt jR'tnil. ' Company, lapiuu. F|ln(1 " of share . pald up _ fi:lto | xy ly _ ; nT - st £ ; .! £ £ £ s. d. I £ s. cl. £ h. il. %_ % S /Bank of Now Zealand 2,000,000 65.88G 7O0J7 00S00 7* 6 C •'National Bank of New Zealand .. 3,900,000 j 4,287 9 0 0 2 10 0 1 10 0 5 7 w Colonial Bank flf Now Zealand .. 2,000,000 i 51,902 f> 0 0 2 0 0 2 3 0 7 «J r ; N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency .. 4,500,000; 273,625 25 0 0 2 10 0 3 7 (5 35 11} £ ! New Zealand Immrance 1,000,000' 256,110 |l0 00 2003 18 0 15 8** ' South British Insurance .. .. l,0O0,OiKi ' 85,673 (20 0 0 2 00J200 8 8i> j Kationai Insurance .. .. .. 1,000 (XJO: 18«,O93 | 10 0 0 0 10 0 i 0 19 o 15 74 3 SUnduiil Insurance 1,000,000 ; 20,855 ' 10 0 0 0 15 O i 0 H 0 7 7J c Colonml Insurance .. „ .. 3,000,000 j — ) 10 0 0 0 10 0 ' 0 4 0 — -- 3 tTnSon Insurance 2,000,000 66,695 j 20 0 0 10 0 17 0 10 7i < IN.Z. Accident Insurance .. .. 100,000! 10,850 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 7 0 25 7 % I Auckland Can 2. c )0,ooo l&.ooo 2 10 0 ion/ & 50/ S07/ w> 17 8 h TliainpaOaa 25,000 1,514 5 0 0 1 18 0 1 10 0 8 9 2 JTaupiriCoal .. 24,000 j 8,260 10 0 0 18 0 1*0 19J 11 J^- ■ New Zealand Shipping .. .. .. 1,000,000 — -10 0 0 8 0 O 3 2 0 — — a [Northern 8.H 100,000 — 100 0 12 6 46 — — a INew Zealand land Mortgage .. .. 200,000 lft,874 10 00 10O 0 16 9 8 10 fNew Zealand Drug 200,000 10,079 2 0 0 40/ A 20/ 1 0 0 7 7 g Kauri Timber 1,200,000 — 1 0 0 40/ & 20/ 0 12 0 10 18 ! III

Company. | Business. I Closing Prices. ~ Buyers. . Sellers. Banks : c a d £ s d New Zealand .. — — J 8 0 0 National .. ... — 1 is 0 1 IS 0 Colonial .. ... — :> 3 6 — Insurance: ! New Zealand .. 78/ — ; — South British .. 40/ — 2 0 0 Miscellaneous: : Auckland Gas .. — — 10 7 0 Corotnruulel Steam — — ! 0 10 0 J>cvonport Kerry.. — — 112 0 Northern Boot .. — 0 0 0 10 0 Ml.NINO : i Cambria .. .. — —033 Saxon .. „ — 09G0 10 0 Caledonian _ — — ] 0 3 6 Trenton .... 4/4 — ! 0 i (i Moauat.-uari .. — — '■ 0 2 9 Alburni.i .. ._ 3/1, 3/3 0 3 10 3 4 Woodstock .. — 0 6 0 3 0 Ke nil worth .. — 0 4 3 0 4 May Queen .. — I 0 0 8 0 0 10

Tβ Aroha (iulil and Silver Mining Co 0 0 6 — .Tun <* 27 Arch-hil' flrick and Tile Co. 0 1 0 — June H DIVIDENDS. National Insurance Co. .. 10 X — >'ow.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9379, 31 May 1889, Page 4

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COMMERCIAL New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9379, 31 May 1889, Page 4

COMMERCIAL New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9379, 31 May 1889, Page 4