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; Dress and Fashion. TO THE GENTLEMEN^ ~~~~~~"~~ Have now received their full Shipments of Winter wearing apparel, which comprise all the latest Novelties of Gentlemen's wear. WATERPROOF . TT Amn coats, ■ %% HAN ■ VUJi.IO, CD ?o a * f~\ ill With or without Capes. CD ii JL JL -A. JL JL *>-/ m MACKINTOSHES, "3 g , $ With or without Capes. g , | OVERCOATS, SM & *„„„„*:„ With or without Capes. g3 3 BEAVER, SERGE, OILCOATS *>j i © In French, German, English, and Of every Description. +3 J a Colonial Makes. -. _.____. _ o I-μ a Special attention paid to the UMBKJLLiJLiAb g 8 Gents', Youths', and Boys , Hat Of Every Make, with -Choice. 5» 'C Department, Handles. QJ Ph r MADE FROM ONEHUNGA, KAIAPOI, ROSLYN, AND WELLINGTON TWEEDS, EXCEEDINGLY STYLISH. AND WONDERFULLY CHEAPems. of bios. SHORT. lIR.mcffITiIIER, AMD SILK MERCER, QUEEN-STREE'f, AUCKLAND. BRANCH SHOPS—GBAHAMTOWN, THAMES. Railways. ■M" E W ZEALAND RAILWAYS. TIME TABLE— a.nd after March 11, ISSD. AUCKLAND AN D ON EHUNGA LINE. Akd to Onehukga. V\'ekk Days. Sat'days Sundays. only. . ~! AM,AM IA M I A M i NOON PM I f M |PM j PM|PM|P M 1* M i I* M AM, P M Auckland, dep 7 lfij .. j S4O 10 45 12 0 210 4 15 ! 520 0 20. .. 10 0 110, 1140 9 0 230 Newmarket June. ..I 7 2;. i.. SMI 1056J12 10 -2 21 4 2.1 580 ;5 301 .. 1010 120; 1150 910.2 10 Kemuera 730 .. 851 10 59 1216 220 4 30, 5 35; 030 .. .. 125 .. 9152 45 "Green Lane .. ........ . | ...... ' EUerslie I 7 3S .. |0311912 25 231 440545 915 .. .. 1"0 .. 9222 62 Penrose Junction ..! 7 46j 835 'J 10, 1110 12 30 240 "4 45 §5 10 "0 52; 7 3010 30 141 1210 926 257 'TePapai'a .. ............ .. I ..!.. I ...... .. Onohuuga, arr. ..__ ..! 7 5.".! S -Jiii 9 20; 11 251_12 40'_2 fiU: 4 55: uo[ 7 0: 7 4010 40 1501220 935 3 7 OKKHUSOA TO AKU. lAMI AMI A"MI AM I I'M'jT MjPMIPM;V MIIM , !• M P M iAMiPH OaotiutiKa, ilo;> 1768 20 9 00! 11 5! 12 10 1 115 350520 640 7 1510 50 230 (10 05 30 M l*o Psipapa ' .. .. I ...... .. .. !..!.. ...... i.. .. .. 1.. I'Ciiiwc Junction .. 716 BSO.UOI 1115 12 20i 125 f4 o§s 50§(652;e7 3011 0 240 10 10 540 Ellerslio 7 20J S 3510 511 20. 12 25 1 '29 -1 5] 5 35j OSO 7 35, .. ] 245 10 151 545 "llrr.mi ]<nno .. ....!..).. .. | .. j.. I ...... .. |.. .. .... Hnnincrn I 7 SO! 8 44:10 15 11 30] 12 35 1 3S; 4155 45 7 5 7 45. .. 255 10 2115 53 Ncwinnrkot .Tuno. .. 7 35 'S 49/1020 11 35 1- 40; 1 45 I 4 25 500 711 7 001120 3 0 10 28 568 _Aucklon(l, aiT, ~ ..[ 7 4fil 8 fi&JlO 30 11 45: 12 WIJ .55' 4_;is li_oi 720 S 011 30 __3 10 10 351 6 7 " CHiuieo for (Jnohunga. 5 Change for \Vaikato Stations. I Change for Auckland and Intermediate Stations. t Change for Mercer and Intermediate Stations. a - Change for Otabuhu. I Clinriße for Kaipara Branch Stations. MAIN LINE.— Auckland—Mkrckk —Tk Anvamtitu—Te Kpiti. SOUTH.— Days. I North.— Days. ' a i ib , i I i in, i ; I i "T" - ; , i AM AM AM AM iA M PMj PM j I'M M|l» M I jAMI AM AM! A M I'M I'M PM Auck.,d. 5U55.") 0 357 15 935350 r 4 15 555 0 20: TeKuiti, dp .. .. , .. | eli 45. v m M.a. .. : .. i .. i.. I .. .. : .. j..: .. , .. j'TeKumi .... _. j ..}..! ' ,uul, d, ..6 0 .. 725 9434 0 i 2f. S9 5 30. C 30j*Haiigatiki .. ... j.. .. | Rcmuera ..Oil' .. 7 2'o .. ■'. 5 4 30514535035! OtoruhuJiga .. ... i ... 730 •Orei'iiLnne .. | ..!..[ .. |..; .. 1..j .. j.. IVKiokio ..| .. „ „ .. ... Ellei-ello ..Jβ IS), .. 7 3S| .. 4IS 4 405 24 045 C 4fti*Ka\va.. .. .. ~ | ... | .. I .. ... Von Jn. 6 45 ! 0 27 725 §7n5 10 04 20(4 40; 550 t6s3j*Te Puhi .. .. „ I .. I .. Ota'hii I^ 1 " I 040 .. iB.. r I .. 1.. .- ! C.. 7.. 5, Aw > m . tn /ar /SSS {^. 4u :: 85 ;•:•;;i;y c :° 7 y^i u »\ :: •■ -^ ::;; - "Papatoetoe „ ! .. ! „ .. 'Lake Road | i *M«.nurewa. . 1.. ... .. .. ..!..! .. .. i Ohaupo ..I .. .. ..9 5 Papakura ! 5 37; „ .. j'Rukunia .. .. ... ... j.. "Hviiiua .. ~ .. .. .. .. J,. I .. .. r/r'ranktonur! .. ~ .. j /Y>4o Driuy 725 .. 845!.. 10 50 ..5 00 „ .. j June, clpj 955 .. •Ruiicliuan ....;. „ .. "Te Jliipa ..[ .. .. "Paerala .. .. .. „ .. "I'liketc .. .. Pukokohe .. .. 920 .. ,1110; ..628 _. .. ! Ng'ru'w'hia .. „ .. 10 25 •Buokland 1.. .. .. _. .. j Taiipin .. .. .. .. ! A TiiaJjau .. .. ! 043 .. .. i Illicitly .. .. ' .. 10 55 .. .. 215 "Wliangarata .. .. •■ .- •■ 'O'liewai Pokeuo .. .. I ... 7 0 Itangiriri .. .. Mm ,,.ir3 25 .. 1015 .. 1165 .. j7 10 .. .. "Wairanpi .. .. Morcel dp 940 " JlO 35 •• , Ui \..\ .. •_ ■• ♦-hanama. .. .. •Wh'ng'uirino .. .. 1..1 •• M(<mi| , far .. .. i.. [ 1150 .. .. 430 •Wairangi ..i .. I ..\..\ Mereor \ilp .. .. 6 51210 .. .. 450 "Baagiriri .. .. .. j .. .. Pokeno 010 "Oiiinuwai ... i ... . 'Whangar'ta .. .. I .. H1 .. (1v »rU45 ..12 o; .. 110 .. .. ,„ .. Tuakoii .. .. .. C:« .. .. .] .'. Hi "' tlj dp ..! 115 :; .. ;: .. -Buckiami ;; ;..j .. :: :. :: Taupiri 1.. .. .. .. j Pukekohe C 5512 5C .. .. 635 ■Nganiawaliia.! 140 .. .. ~ .. "J'aeniui .. i "Pukete ..j 1.. .. „ .. "Huiiciinan „ .. .. j.. _ Rapa .. .. !.. .. .. Drury .. .. " 735: 120 .. Frank- far .. ... .. 210] .. ... .. .. Minima .. .. ~ .. |.. ... ~ 9 ton J. (dp .. .. .. c2 25 .. .. ~', .. ! I'apaknra.. ... " 748 .. .'. " " *Rnkuhla ..] ! .. 1 .. .. .. 'IVlanurewa .. .. .. Ohaupo ..I ]301 .. .. .'. .. rPnpatoltoi |.. " .. |.. .. " ',', •Lake Road .. .. j.. ~ \\ .. j Otaliuhu .. 050 S if, 831 '.. 407 is •Ngaroto i .. j.. .. . *Wo,«UleUl ..! ...... ! I Awai,rtu-' ' c " 25 Penrose Jn. ||7 If. !!S 30 |S l<3: +2 5t6 52 (730 t9 2C Awan,tu \dp c<3Bol IJllerslio ..,7 20 535 8 51 ! .. 6 5017 35 .. Puhi j .. I '(ireon Lane, ~ j.. : .. | .. .. 1.. •Kawa. j..1 .. .. .. .. Reniuora .. 730 544 0 3:.. 7 5:7 45 Kiokio I ..| .. .. .. ~ Newmarket I 7 35' 849 910 1 2 22] 711:7 001010 *Otoroban(;ii ! 4 35 Auckland,a 7 45! 858 920; 230 7208 01020 "Uaujfatiki ..... ....!.. i .... .. .. I j I ToKutui i .. 1.. . " j ! ToKuiti, ar. .. .. .. Wfiin ..'...'.'.'. ill : '• | t Cliaiijco for Onehmigiu II Change for Auckland and luteruiodiato Stations. 8 Change for Otahuhu, A—These are Goods ruins. lint will convey jj-.i-. senders if required. I.—iiiins on Tuesdays and Saturdays only—This is a Goods Train, but will convey passengers if required. c Kims on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays only. d Huns on Mondnys anil Fridays only. a Runs onTnesdays and Saturdays only. /' linns on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and .Saturdays only. i) Krankton Junction for Cambridge, Te Aroha, and Ro'torua Lines. JI Passengers for Otahulm"l)y thus train change at Penrose Junction. CAMBRIDGE, TE AROHA, AND ROTORUA LINKS. South.—Week Days. I North.—Week Days A M j A~M~ Auckland, dep. ._. ._. .. ._. ..9 35 ' field, dep. ... „ _ a 6 0 __. ——— I 'Putiiruru Junction .. .. .. .. .. Frank ton Junction, dep 225 v Ta>iniangi Hamilton West 2 35 ! Oxford 0 45 •Hamilton Kiist ! .. !'Okoroire .. "Kuakura Junction, arr ,2 45 > "Mangawhara ;. .. • CAMDItIDGE unANciT i ! ,?i a V!"! fttu 7 25 'Ruaknra.luiu-t.ion, dep „ ..«265 ; ».\\, a ! al ' on " " " -' •Moniraonni ! ,:. ;ul .'"V.-"TaniMliP'-e " < Ki'.viiaUi »Fenrourt " " :; " Moiwme, " r, -.".—"' V ■■ ■■ «8 30 MTautapu '.'. '.'. '.'. " T ~"'L'F. AKOiiA Branch. ; i Cambridge, arr. .. .. ,', ','. ~ao 40 \Te Arolia, di'ii , .. .. &7 40 Ttuakura Junction, dep. .. T. .. .. T~55~ 'u' a !!"! 1 ' "Eureka.. .. ..... . L), i ;, 'Motuuiuoho " .. : ;'t:<a o Haua •• •• •• ~±k SSi..e,nV, :: :: :: ::j: 3 o Morrinef^dS I *.. I™" „. .. A3 45 I .W»rrih«villc, dep. /. .. '.. 7. ~ 840 "Murray's .. .. .. ~ .. ... *Mo(immoho "vvat.f 1 "*! :: :: :: :: :: :: Ruakura Junction, aVr. " ■-• _6"IS "Waihou" " .. .'. .'. '.'. " " i Cambiudoe Branch. Te Aroha, arr.' '.. " \. " '.~.a\?,:> I Cambridge, dep 68 20 ... Morrinevillo, dep. .. '.*. .. ".". ."JwITT l{,VV l . tapv , 1 'Kiwltahi .. 1-encoin, • Wiitnn Uiuatiero ■Waharoa l JVlonaoniii MatauiaU \\ \\ \\ \\ '.'. '.'. r,"o Ruakura .Junction, „ .. _9_4 _^_ "Mangßwhara , "I'uakura Junction, dep 9 6 925 'Okoroiro '.. " ■'Hamilton East Oxford " 550 I Hamilton West 920 930 "Taumaiigi '.'. '.'. '.'. '.. .'. .. ' L-'rankton Junction, arr 69 251 940 "I'utii.niru Junction Auckland, arr. .. .. .. .. 230 ■Lichfleld, arr. .. be, 10 1 a Runs on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays only, b Runs on Mondays), Wednesdays, and Fridays only. The others run daily. KAIPARA BRANCH.— Auckland—Hendkmon—Hklknsvillk. Auckland to Hei.ensvii.ij?.—Wekk Bays. | A Helknsville to Auckland.—Week Days, a " AIIU.JIIPM I'M ~ AMIA MI P M v M Auckland, dep. .. .. 065 ,10 .15 '4 35 215 Helensvillc, dop 02011 55 4 0 Newmarket Junction ~ 7 711 12 4401 225 "Ilelensvillo South Mount Eden ... .. 714 1121 iSOI 232 *Ohiraii{;;i "Kingsland .. .. "Paeroa 'Morningßide.. ... .. ' *Woodhill 'Mount Albert .. ' .. .. *Re\viti „ ' Avoiulhlb .. .. .; 733 11-11 510 .. *Wa!niauku ~ '. "NewLynn Kuiiieu „ „ .. 715 110 455 •Waikoiniti *Taupaki Henderson 3 3 12 15 547 3 0 "Waitakeroi ~ 'Swanson .. .. .. .. .. .. .. *S\vanson ..... nvaitakerei .. Henderson .. ... ..SI 2 8 544 .. "Taupaki .. „ MVaikomiti 445 Kuineu .. ... .. 845 110 633 .. * New Lynn .. „ *Waiinauku Avondale .. .. '.. S2S 241 oil *Rewiti * Mount Albert "Woodhill *Morningside «Paeroa *King»land .'. '.'. '.. .'. !. *Ohirangi Mount Eden .. ..8 49 3 4 632 513 • Helensville South .. Newmarket Junction .. 9 1 317 644 521 liclensviHe, air. •■__.. 9JO 210 730 .. Auckland, arr 910 325 IS __ 5 30 A. Runs on Sundays only. An -asterisk C , ) opposite a station denotes that trains do not 3top unless required to pick up or set down passengers. Notice should be given to the guard at the previous stopping station by any passengers desiring to alight at stations opposite which an asterisk is placed. KAUKAPAKAPA Helemviue (dep.), 5.25 a.m., 7.10 p.m. Kaukapakapa (arr.), 5.40 a.m., 8 p.m. Kaukapakapa (dep.), 5.48 a.m.. 8.10 p.m. Helensville (air.), G. 5 a.m., 8.30 p.m. .Stopping at Pukanui when required to pick up passengers. These Trains run on Tuesdays, U'ridays, and Saturdays only. WAIKATO TRAIN SERVICE. TRAINS FROM AUCKLAND FORTe Awanuitu .. .. Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, l-'ridays, and Saturdays at 9.35 a.m. Te Kuiti Mondays and Fridays at D.86 a.m. Hamilton West .. .. Daily at 935 a.m. Cambridge Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 9.35 a.m. Morrlnsvillc .. .. Daily at 935 a.m. Te Arolia Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 9.35 a.nt Oxford and Lichfield .. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 9.35 a.m. TRAINS FOR AUCKLAND FROM— Lichfield Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 0 a.ui. Oxford Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at (i.45 a.m. Te Aroha Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 7.40 a.m. Morrinsville .. .. Daily at 5.40 a.m. ■ Cambridge Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 8.20 a.m. Hamilton West .. .. Daily at 9.35 a.m. TeKuiti .. .. .. Tuesdays and Saturdays at 0.45 a.m. , *Te Awamutu .. .. Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 8.35 a.m All Time Table:) issued prior to this date are now cancelled. March 11, 1889. BY ORDER

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9370, 21 May 1889, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9370, 21 May 1889, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9370, 21 May 1889, Page 2