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Medical. FOR -i'M'PU.RITY Of the blood, m other medicine fa eona , to Ayert.Compound Concentrated?, 1 tract of Sarsaparilla. This preparatf speedily and effectually expels iS*?* eystem all lurking taints and obi tions ; heals Ulcers and Sores r C ™°* Blotches, Ponies, and other'■kinJS ' inurements; and makes the I clear and beautiful. For " Btl(l11 i SCROFULOUS DISORDERS it is an unrivalled specific, and shrmu be resorted to at once by all who 1 the poison of scrofula in their systems'* Ayer's Sarsaparilla ; is an excellent tonic, and is invaluabl lor restoring the nervous forces to th & normal condition. It promotes ft* \igestion and assimilation of food ; v srength and vigor to the constitution aid cures all diseases arising i IO J. deulity and poverty of the blood. m jeer's Sarsaparilla is pleasant " take; has stood M THE TEST OF TIME — haviigbeen for forty years a ami i medicine of the highest repute- ani physiciais of all schools, to whom. ", formula .3 'cnown, recommend and u ' it freely ii their practice. 3e PKEPARED Kγ Dr. J. C. AVER 4 CO., Lowell, Mass., U. $ l gold by Drujgfets and Medicine Vendor A WONDERFUL MEDlciJg BCECHAM'S PIUS Are universally idmitted to be worth i r,< a Box for Bilias and Nervous Disord*,-' £ as wind and pan in the stomach, sick hp, i S "iT giddiness, fulnessuid swelling after nitai. riband drowsiness, old chills, BushingsTofw"J ßß, of appetite, shortnss of breath, costiveneea »5 and blotches on tl> skin, disturbed sleep wJK!PI dreams, and all nevous and treinbliiiK smJ.t; &c. The first dose Mil give relief in twentySS Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one h " of these Pills, and thy will be acknowledged to £ WORTH AGUINEA A BOX. For Females of all age these Pills are invaluable . a few doses of the,, carry off all humour and bring about al that is leauired \' female should be witiout them. There 'is medicine to be found equ.l to BEECHAM'S PUT for removing any obstrucion or irregularity of th. system. If taken accord.ig to the directions ril™ with each box they will sr jn restore females of - ages to sound and robusthealth. This has tx* proved by thousands whehave tried them in found the benefits which ar.ensured by their (is,. For a weak stomach, hnpfred digestion and ,11 disorders of the liver, they ac like "MAGIC " and» few doses will be found to vork wonders'on tht most important organs in the l lma n machine IV. strengthen the whole muscula system- restoretS long-lost complexion, bring bale the keen edee „ appetite, and arouse into actionjvith the ROSEBI'n of health, the whole physical eiergy of the human frame. These are "FACTS" testified continually h! members of all classes of society;ind one of the bwi guarantees to the nervous ad debilitated i, BEECHAM'S PILLS have the largest sale of ai, patent medicine in the world. ' Prepared only, and Sold WMesale and Retail by the Proprietor, Thomas Beeham, St Helena Lancashire, England, in Boxes s lid and •>$ m each. " Sold by all Druggists and PatentMedicme Dealers everywhere. N.B.—Full directions are given vith each box ASTOUNDING CMES! CONSUMPTION, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, COUGHS, COLDS, ' And all Lung and Throat Affections relieved atone* and quickly cured by MELEUCA, THE PHYSICIANS" ONLY HOPE! THE PATIENTS , "SHEET ANCHOR!' The first dose removes all oppression, loosens tb« phlegm, and cuts short at once the most piinfuL troublesome, and long-standing Cough, Lung, or Throat trouble. Remarkable testimony from Public Speakers, Teachers, Singers, Ministers, Consumptive, Asthmatic and other cases, testifying to tin great superiority of MELEUCA to all other remedies INNUMERABLE LIVES HAVE BEEN SPAEED By its timely use. Be sure and ask tor 2/6 MELEUCA 2(6 RHEUMATISM. BK PARKER'S FULVIS RHEUMATieOiM QUICK BELIEF AND PERMANENT CURE. ASTOUNDING TESTIMONY. Ss 6d per bottle; 3s Sd by post. Sole Agent: S. GILBERT, CHEMIST, QUEEN-STREET. /COCKLE'S PILLS, \_J FREE FROM MERCURY COCKLE'S PILLS, XJ for urn /COCKLE'S PILLS, \J FOR BILE. COCKLE'S PILLS, Vy FOR INDIGESTION. COCKLE'S PILLS, \J FOR HEARTBURN. COCKLE'S PILLS, FOR SICK HEADACHE. COCKLE'S PILLS, " \j FOR ACIDITY. COCKLE'S PILLS, IN USE EVERYWHERE. (HOCKLE'S PILLS, \_y IN USE EIGHTY-EIGHT YKAK. In Boxes at Is. ljd, 2s 9d, 4s 6d, 11s, and 223, At all Medicine Vkndors throughout the Would, "VT OTIC TO THE PUBLIC. Invalids who suffer from Rheumatism, Sciatica! Eczema, Abscess, and all other eruptions of the Skin, Asthma, Fatty Degeneration of the Heart, anil all Nervous Affections, can be effectually treated with P. F. Martinson's Chemical Baths; they cleanse the Head of Dandruff, Scrofula, ami produce the growth of the Hair; a few trials will convince tie most sceptical; I also guarantee to cure Hi? Diseases, Straighten Contracted Legs from »lu« rer cause, when all other remedies have failed. P- '• MARTINSON, Sole Inventor and Proprietor otto Chemical Baths, and the Miraculous Too*** 8 Tincture, Member of the New Zealand, Russia. German Pharmaceutical Societies, late ApothecMJ and Assistant Surgeon to the Brazilian Frigate, am! o Her Majesty's General Infirmary, Cape of GooJ Hope, Africa, having been presented with a sl '' Medal. Consultation Free at the Chemical But Establishment, Haydn-street, off Wellington- 8 ""* opposite St. James' Church. TESTIMONIALS ON APPLICATION^ GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. | EPPS'SIfICOI BREAKFAST. "By a thorough knowledge of the natural which govern the operations of digestion ««a' tion, and by a careful application of the one t v :_eJ ties of well-selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has pro our breakfast tables with a delicateiy-n * beverage which may save us many heavy , bills. It is by the judicious use of such * r P_( lt up diet that a constitution may be grauua-"j , .., « until strong enough to resist every M " U fl 0:J ting disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are around us ready to attack wherever there1 1 t eep ing point. We may escape many a fatal sniM dj . pr o. ourselves well fortified with pure blood an perly nourished frame. "-See article in Service Gazette. Made simply with boiling water or f"~__ Sold in Jib packets by Grocers, labelled tnu» ■ JAMES EPPS & CO., HOMOEOPATHIC CHEMISTS, LONDON. A j^L------rnß TNVENTIONS Patented and TR. X MARKS Registered in all pa l ; ",' Fat ent»»* b/KDWAKD WATERS, International t Trade Marks Office, 76. Chweey Lane,J on ><tpP l,. Established 1359. Circular ot charge cation.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9370, 21 May 1889, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9370, 21 May 1889, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9370, 21 May 1889, Page 6