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" ' ' ~ Dress and Fashion. . — - TO~HEADS OF FaMLIES, COUNTRY STOREKEEPERS, AND THE GENERAL PUBLIC. &swr ma^& ' »» , v T - ~ u .• „> ~, «,i nUin I Ticking 4tl 6(1, and lOd Onehun*a Knitting; Wools, Grey, White, and Black, [ Children's ditto, all prices ,„. ...n * * * , n rfM and Ss rrousers ' S3d' ° S "d, 6s lld > '' C 8^ ««.a...,_._—,» *j*. *- a 3~ ra ia2-i , M____-... ff °t ii ~s?,s., s am -*>** 10!4! " I~sss£Asak .?" M - -UEr K """ ne wo *' *■ M - 4 *""" ussss/sa".«, «,-. .«. ~>»*. _»?srf•-j.'S^-flfa" 4 ,J» 11 '"• 8.,5Krrt11.1.«».,»«*'«- vSSc£.llßf><;i »«f« "4 «"<•»»> Kg- leaked Flannel (White), lljd, 1.3.1, 1> W. ! {J„Scw£t,™u wW«. buck urt—n, «1U Al«o in Slock, Braid,, Stay Btt.k,, Whalobon,, Silk yard ■ tolto C»mi«»l«,J.M Bo™ ? Mote.l MttiflW '"'''" Heavy Striped Meltonette, Ss »d the ilc«n w„| tWet Clotb. is Sd, all shades .mined i ilwe Clod, aWs wide. WMk and .outlet. 5s M Reels, Steel Dress Praetrm, Needles,, Pin., totlre,-Urabteltt., 2. 11,1. 4s9d, 6s od, 6s 9tl, lie lid, M<mttlr,Oo»n». SiM Yontb.'TwJed Tro.t.ers, S, M 25££S^SK5 Srj£>irsSffiSteiu.„.<»,.uh i»»,«#- •— (S "" M " M '"'"'-'!assess 5 .ea,»,,„,■*,,«,c, SSSX" B """""'"""" T a*,;:.»ffisv*«„„,,* u. a;:ai!»., **««...h » ffl j g - KMSfff j f , f j P aSScS" l£U. n-J;*S M.l t. .. Soviet F,a,,„els. llld, ~3dLand U,d feSSe™ 1 ""* """" '"' CoS ' ar) ''" FANOY GOODS. u.IS," .. UO, ». 3d. 8. M. ;»d IS .« „„ WbIKIS"«S „« ~ IM ™ H SFrencb^as;aUcoloW,l 3 4d on ' ner «Ur * lid Ss W **~ £«. j * oS I K^«e S 6d, Bd, 10d, Is, Is 3d, and Is 6d Triulnle(l KSed Hats, Floors, Ti,sß r -s, , OS , Be lts , Underpins and P antj , „ He«y Fonle Cloths. 1* 6d the dwn „i„.b, «. l,n --,U GOOD, I Blanket _S? bed. pet -.. „ Ud, _«, j Thread, Id the Reel ,_ Button Kid Ciloves, lid, black . 'eP'ir Feathers, Shape. Onmmente and every Mil- Double width Blue Serge, strong, 2s "* ",. '" W-»— «•»«»* | "™^.\K.nd^be'«t,„Sa Sl ,; ™« Knsh Rups a»«l J'|J«J Skeins Dress Laces, all colours ptice. 1-iir 1 ippe t» t, ong, l.s * ltd Hs M M ii;.f s l^|^?,.^T?,^ l Cottonade for Boys' wear, Is 3d 14 Double width Striped Merinoes, 2s 2d I Unbleached Calicoes, 2s 6d, 2s, Ss M, *s, 4» W, * "««■ U Vis Od sM, S lid Ffiuwring Wools, Orey, White, and Black, Is Sd the \ Skirt Lace in Whjte. Cuavn, and Black °vist e « Jackets etc aU sizc-s and Men's Trousers and Vest, 6s lid, lis 9d, 14s 9d, 15s Serge for Boys' wear, Is S;nblewidth l na^h rr ,lsto.Cd | „, h . u,d ;» inch. Wools, Co.ours, 2 s 3d the head | S '"* "*«* J "*"- - I Od, and best 16s lid 1 Job 80, of Gents' Silk , Bellas, all at 6s M Grey* and Fawns, Fancy Costume Cloth, IOJd j is, is 4d; SO inch, is 3d and is od, , tut« Vuiit>, *>« ou, t» w, .» 11a, to i-> w. !„<.=,.. , Please send P N or Cash with Order to A. E. FENTOiN, Draper and Clothier, 252 and 254, Queen-street, Auckland. „__ _■ ■■ n.iif-rr-t-r-T"n-n-Tin-r-n-i ni—^TlTTl-TTTnTtlimr7y'rTT -m^m ° rTa!r^-Bm * a^-^"g:^^-M **' 1 aam " TtWr»

Money. _____ ■ LONDON' MORTGAGE, LOAN AND , DISCOUNT BANK. • SHORTT.AND-STRKET, AUCKLAND (OPPOSITE A. Clark A Sons' WAREHOUSE), And Little CoUiiis-street, Melbourne LOANS ARE ADVANCED FROM j £10 to £5000 | cpoa Personal, Freehold, and Leasehold Security J repayable by weekly, monthly, or quarterly instil j seals as lowest correal rites. j Advance- re*de on Furniture without removal, and j anv Classes of Merchandise ; I I LOANS GRANTED UPON LIFE POLICIES. LEGACY AND INTERESTS UNDER WILLS. BILLS DISCOUNTED AT CURRENT RATES. LOANS UPON DEPOSIT OF DEEDS, REPAYMENT BY EASY INSTALMENTS. All communications and interview* held strictly cjnfidenUal. Forks Gratis. fTIEE NEW ZEALAND LOAN AND I _$_ DISCOUNT BANK, t HIGH-STREET j Two doors from Offices formerly occupied by City Council), LENDS MONEY IN SUMS OF £5 to £1000, On Furniture, without removal Oc Pianos, without removal On Deposit of Deeds On Freehold On Le_->eho3d On Legacies On Person*] Security On Mortgages On Promissory Notes On Life Policies, or on acy security. Reparable Weekly, Monthly, or Quarterly. Bills Discounted Daily. All Letters and Interviews strictly Confidential. QUEENSLAND MORTGAGE, LOAN, AND DISCOUNT BANKING COMPANY, TIARBY-STREEI, OFF QUEEN-STREET, AUCKLAND. HEAD OFFICE AGENCIES; AUCKLAND, SYDNEY, AND MELBOURNE. MONEY advanced irora £5 and upwards to any amount required to suit the borrower, upon PERSONAL, FREEHOLD. LEASEHOLD, or _uy TANGIBLE SECURITY, repayable hi any sum as j may be arranged, cither WEEKLi , MOM ILLY, or QUARTERLY iuaUlineuts, at lowest current rates. | ADVANCES MADE ON FU% vl *H?_?o<£F_v" j OUT REMOVAL, also on all kinds of MERCHANDISE, including BOND WARRANTS, -c. BILLS DISCOUNTED at Current Rated. Interviews and communications will be be.d Strictly confidential. Office Hours : From ten till fire o clock. TNDU3TRIAL AND PROVIDENT JL PERMANENT BUILDING LAND, AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY OF AUCKLAND. SCALE OF REPAYMENT REDUCED. " j i Total Amount Repayments extend- Per Week j Repayable lor ingorer for £100. ! £100- _—_ " I £ s. d. £ s. d. i veir .. .-200 iM 0 1) 3 tears " _- 011 7 113 la 0 5 years " -. 010 0 330 0 0 7 years " ..0 7 11 144 9 7 10 years .. ..063 102 16 3 | And other Periods to suit Borrowers. The Board has power•in ewes of Sickness or Want of Employment to SUSPEND PAY.Mi.MS. Borrowers share in the Profits. PART OR WHOLE OF THE ADVANCE MAY BE REPAID AT ANY TIME- INTEREST CEASES ON THE PORTION REPAID A Member who has obtained an advance is at liberty to sell his property at any time, and to pay off his mortgage; or may (if he desires) sell hi property subject to the mortgage to the Society. CORNER OF QUEEN-STREET AND VULCAN LANE, Auckland. JOHN BANCROFT, Manager. AUCKLAND PERMANENT COOPERATIVE BUILDING AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY. Office—l-7, Queen-street. LOANS granted upon approved securities of Freehold or Leasehold Properties in sums of £20 to £0000, principal and interest being repayable in instalments at the following REDUCED RATES for repayment of each £100 borrowed :— Repayments extending ~ Week . '^gg ~~ £ 3. d. £ s. d. 1 year .. 2 0 0 104 0 0 9 vears .. 10 10 108 6 8 3 years '.. ... 034 7 113 15 0 4 ran .I " 011 8 121 6 8 6 years .. .. 0 8 9 186 18 9 5 years .. .. 0 7 1 147 13 9 10 years .. ■■ 0 0 3 162 16 3 And in the same proportion for smaller or larger loans. „,, _ , Borrowers may at anv time pay off the whole or part of their loans; or may (if the Committee consent) reduce the amount of their weekly re-payments. Annual division of profits, in which borrowers participate. Deposits received, bearing interest At 5 per cent, per annum, if fixed for 0 months. At i per cent, per annum, withdrawable at 7 days notice. JOHN BATGER. Secretary. MONEY LENT ON PROMISSORY NOTES. HOUSES, FURNITURE, &c. 4 BILLS DISCOUNTED DAILY. MORTGAGES NEGOTIATED JOHN W. HARDIE, LAND, COMMISSION, AND ESTATE AGENT High-street, Auckland. C&X0>00O on mortgage of flrst-clasi freehold security, in sums of £100 and upwards, ai current rates of interest.—W. R. BloomSeld Solicitor, Government Insurance Chambers, Queen street. jf*J f £\ TO £5000.— Money to lend, ir ri&O xJ' sums as above at lowest current rate! —Wm. S. Cochrane, Cochrane'* Mart, 186, Queen-s 1 MONEY TO LEND, on Freeholc Security. Two sums of £500 and one of £300 trust money, at current rates of interest.—Apply u F. L. Prime, Estate Agent, 25, N.Z. Insurano Buildings. MONEY TO LEND in large or smal sums, at current rates.—C. Williamson Land Agent, 83, Queen-street. MONEY TO LEND at a moderate rat* of interest.— Jackson & Russell Solicitors, fcihortlaiid-stree.t,. MONEY TO LEND.— large sum o Money to Lend, in sums of £100 and u] wards, at a very low interest.—Apply to Mr. V Aitken, Hand-street. MONEY TO LEND at current rates o interest) R. LAISHLEY, Queen-street. MONEY TO LEND on Mortgage o First Class Freehold Securities. W. COLEMAN, Solicitor, Kfttrional Insuranco Buildings, Queen-street.

Building Materia], Fuel, &c. I KAURI! K AURI, j TIMBER ! | THE i JZ-AURI miMBEK /COMPANY (LIMITED), Subscribed Capital _ - £1,200,000. Paid-up - •• £750,000Head Offick: 17. Market Buildings, Little Flinders-street, Melbourne. . 7, Barrister's Court, Elizabeth-street, Branches:-! Sydney. iCustom-street Vies:, Auckland. Agency: Tuam-street, Christchurch. The Cctnpanv has a: its Mill*, Custom-street. Auckland, lame stocks of Well-seasoned Timber of all lengths and sizes. Doors, Sash.?*, Mantelpieces, and Joinery ot' ever- description, which are offered at lowest remunerative prices, and on special terms for cish. Also. Gura Boxes, Fruit Cases, &c., ready tor immediate delivery. Cirsoes of Baulk, flitches, Sawn and Dressed Timber citi also be supplied from the Company* various Counts Mills on East or West Coasts at WHOLESALE PRICES. -_„. The special attention of CONTRACTORS, and BUILDERS is invited to the unrivalled facilities possessed hv tie Company for the execution of ail orders entrusted to it. and it is the desire of the Comnanv so _">e entire satisfaction to all easterners I v prompt attention to the same. 'Price Lists ran be bad on application, and all orders or communications should be :u:Jr-.-v>e.l to the Secretary, Kauri Timber Company (Limited), Auckland. -piRE 1 JpiRE 1 yiRE ! TpLAIKIE'S IMPROVED FIRE AND WATER RESISTING PLASTER WITH WIRE NETTING, ETC., IS THE ONLY GENUINE PLASTERING OF THE KIND. 1. It places the «rire netting in the centre of the plaster, thus preventing it from being reached by either Fire or Water. 2. It Isolate the wire netting and staples from the wood work by a non-conducting material, thus preventing them from igniting the timber in case of | fire. 3. It requires no iron supports which when fixed to wood work are more a source of danger than security from fire. i. It requires but the ordinary thickness of plaster to render Are proof. h. It is applicable to inside and outside of Build ings. 6. It can be made in Slabs fixed and finished in one operation, this itself is worth knowing as it does away with the annoyance of waiting a week or two until it dries in the midst of dirt and dust in the ease of any alterations beins made while business is carried on. 7. No special wire netting required for this I plastering, any ordinary wire galvanised— will do. Specimens can be seen, and all information obtained at JA S. B. BLAIKIE'S, VICTORIA-STREET. The above Plaster checked a Fire at Mr. Grubb's Buildings, Kitrangahape Road, thus saving a Block of Buildings from destruction. ■NEWCASTLE |POALS. EX EILLAN DONAN, NOW DISCHARGING. •2-24 TONS CO-OPERATIVE SMITHY , COAL 206 TONS CO-OPERATIVE HOUSE i COAL J ALWAYS IN STOCK * TAUPIRI, WESTPORT, KAMO, AND BAY GOAL. Also, COKE, CHARCOAL, FIREWOOD* &C. I "W. & G. w* 810 * 1 ' CUSTOM-STREET; -mo B U * i i) fi ft s ; TJMOKB I Tj IME ! ,Q^ D ! :r I HAVE ON SALE : ir I." BRICKS, LIME, SAND, DRAIN PIPES, ■3 fed, &0;, &C: s' SPECIAL QUOTATIONS TO CONTRACTORS ALSO, ON SALE: NEWCASTLE COAL, TAUPIRI, RAY, AND OTHER LOCAL COAL Also, FIREWOOD AND CHARCOAL. r, . „„ IJ. J. O R A ! a - Sj GOMMERCE^STREET; n- .. M%nA ND A 0° A L: st ; Id BEST HOUSEHOLD (Hand-picked). )0, to ■ -P"l PER TON (DELIVERED), ill &&■&- >n STEAM GOAL AT LOWEST u, POSSIBLE RATES-. of U p ORDKKS received by any of the DealerH, or,PJ " the Company's Offices, 14, Victoria Arcade; or _ Depot., Railway Wharf* Of MIRANDA COAL, &c, COMPANY (LIMITED), of .J J, BARBER, Secretary,

Dress and Fashion. _ ~ "~~ •m7-I3?JTE3!II J 1889. i Sj\/[ [TH AND CAUGHEY beg to intimate that they have now opened between 200 and 300 Gases — " and Bales New Goods for present and approaching seasons, comprising the LATEST NOVELTIES FOR ALL a DEPARTMENTS, and many Special Lots procured by their buyers at the end of the London Season much j below current rates, which will be sold at Extraordinary Low Prices. i New Silks Plushes and Dress Fabrics I New Underclothing, New Gloves and Hosiery I New Mantles, Cloaks and Jackets I New Millinery, New Ribbons and Laces, etc I Immense Shipments of Calicoes, Flannels, Blankets, and /\/ } Household Drapery, Tweeds, Boys', "Souths', and Men's £/ * j/\j? J/ ' Clothing, Shirts, Ties, etc. J^TT^t ' J ' New Goods" in Every Department //26C€£> (sf \ For Cash Only. _ rf ***-* J Telephone, 339. Newton Telephone, 348. WHOLESALE AND FAMILY DEAPEES. 1

Dress and Fashion. # JAILORINC! jt / \ I I \ "JP 0 " RESETS - SUSIES!! J (?& /• I \ / \ l ®\ \ TAII ORiNG n ZIF \ \ / j 1 \ I ragPj«ysbssi%« o a rfw A \ Hi JJ T A,LOR,MC,,! j: 4/ / \ jsF Wo be to announce that we have just "7 A I—p ' / A if added extensive and commodious work- / / / j //j \\ 00m? to our Preraieos, IBS and 100, Queen- ( IJ J I •''/ j I street, and secured the services of an EX- \\ I . j"I Jj MRIENCED and ARTISTIC CUTTER, \\/ i:| j] /j P0 that our Customers may depend on J \ \ _£_ I I\ I I netting thoir Orders executed PROMPTLY £== \ \|j|jp L I Mm^\j^™ A in the BEST STYLE combined with iffiP^' W STERLING VALUE. /"""\ / —\ /L i *Qp To our COUNTRY CLIENTS : All par- «fe|p % eels will be forwarded to nearest Railway fej^ Station or Post Office FREE OF CHARGE. --^SL /\ nttlutSX Patterns and Measurement Charts, &0., / j N |f A / lull iP \ on application. / I / \ I i |||j llivN A Magnificent Stock of Tweeds, Coatings, / J I \ I All lij.lij. g£J & Cl> &c. NEW ZEALAND BLANKETS, j [\\ \ 'fcyffWr RUGS, TWEEDS, KNITTING YARNS, l_fc7 I VA tr/l I lluV FLANNELS, SHIRTINGS, DRAWERS, M_J\\ UNDERSHIRTS, &c., &c., in Stock. J~"/ 1 1 \J\j HILLEISIEII BROS, & Co. UU / |;;;J 11 N.Z, CLOTHING FACTORY, W 1 fl 158 ASD 160, QOBBS'STRBEf, AWitAJTO. .RUM / ~ ...■■....— ■■■ iiiii»»i '__"~ f"" ll—— ' ' **' ' '- gurnißMng> WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CABINETMAKERS, UPHOLSTERERS, AND CARPET WAREHOUSEMEN, WOULD CALL THE ATTENTION OF TOURISTS, &0., TO THEIR LARGE STOCK , GF . FANCY CABINETS, TABLES, AS"© BOXES, ! MADS FBOM THE CHOICEST WOODS OF NEW ZEA.BAJTD; AS PRESENTS FROM NEW ZEALAND THEY CANNOT BE SURPASSED FOR ' BEAUTY AND WORKMANSHIP: ! WINKS & HALL SHORTLAND-STREET, AUCKLAND, ~ SjkaaiefyF9R HOESEB TURNED GUT; * , STEELE RUGS, ilk iT^* BUGGY LAMPS. J!> Sc*^ — 'W & WATERPROOF , HOUSE QLiPPEBa q\/4 BOGGY APRON! L S E I!° OT * AIDING APRONS, PURSES. % * ¥ -T Gladstone and Brief Bags y PORTMANTEAUX 5 *P Special Value in all kinds of %# ' fit UAEMftTCQ \Ai 1P ii t° [Hi 1 Iw I*l i\ fi 111 If™ \ \

Sewing Machines- ( V\ THE MALE HIGH-ARM PATENT ! XS\ SETTING- MACHINES \\l N. HAVE ALL THE VERY LATEST IMPROVE- ■ a/\ MENTS, including— ft \. Jr\>K \ BUTTON-HOLE ATTACHMENTS, I X X N. <4*sr%k N. AUTOMATIC BOBBIN winders, THE X SsL <** V X X SELF-THREADING SHUTTLES, X tsW X NEW DOUBLE S. X. ADJUSTABLE HEMMERS, BRAIDERS, ,-„ «-vt -.t, * -nff-i-n X X BINDERS, CORDERS, FELLERS, IRON-FRAMED X .a X X M& X TUCKERS, 4C. J_ JL A w»o jJ X KEPT IK REPAIR HAPSPURG. \ ■ ~~ X JW X FREE OF THE HAYDN ORGANS I\C \™ NEVER REQUIRE TUNING. X. J#w\ ** «2T GUARANTEED FOR TEN YEARS, "Ba \ *#'*%, X % CASH Oil TIME PAYMENTS. \% X. & fcf- Catalogue and Samples Free by Post. Jgs X i _ —— i , 170, QUEEN-STREET, AUCKLAND, SOLE IMPORTER. Freezing and Meat Preserving. mm% mmmmmm mmmk m UkUmmUm COMPANY, LIMITED. HEAD OFFICE AND WORKS: RAILWAY WHARF, AUCKLAND. P.O. Box, 113. Telephone—Rtulwar Wharf, No. lOC. „„,,..„„ . , m -nr>Tr.Av , „ K;irani»h:>p« Roii.l Shop, No. m W. BEAMISH A. MORRISON, Acid Works and Abattoirs, Westfield, No 119. Acting Manager ~ Queen-stieel "shop, No. I*s. D *gn> *&**. sera jo# ,f «f°^s "¥?*%, v^""w *ii HW *w A rifiif" P RI?Q $? P!?so i vi Hi II IK 1 xlJEjDJlflll ¥ JJAJ 111.011 4m« 1 The reputation of our " PEACH" BRAND is now thoroughly established and our sales have reached proportions which we may safely say no other Co.omal meatpreserving establishment is able to approach. QAT fp T&lji to p f T of 1D IT PACKED IN KEGS, BARRELS, AND TIERCES. Special attention is drawn to this line, which we are making a ELI ALU X, ana which—with our facilities and the Cold Air Process— are able to cure in mild pickle, the necessity of cutting to small pieces being obviated. orT .-r, . xt^u-ct, QUALITY, CURE? AND FREEDOM FROM LARGE BONE GUARANTEED. ICE ALWAYS ON HAND ICE ? <mr\ir t\ e<m/~\~o 4 "tn"for dairy produce, poultry COLD STOJUAHjrJiI} GAME, MEAT, At Low Rates, which can be obtained on application. The Company bees to notify that it has entered on the Retail Butchery Business, and has opened the undermentioned premises, from which the best meat only will bo I supplied at prices quoted below, which may be subject to further reduction if the market mtes for stock decline during the summer. ..„.,,,,,.„ ~, w.. . Queen-street Shop—No. Go, between Mr. Firth's old mill and the Waitemata Hotel. „ „ , , . . , r Karangahape Road Shop—" Crownßutchery," late the premises of Messrs. Willis and Coates, who are now acting on behalf of the Company, The Company has at present no other retail premises than those above quoted. Families waited on for orders. ''~",. n The Company's prices during the current week will be as follows :— * $ lb # R BEEF—Sirloin ... .- .- ... 4d VEAL-Filleb 4d Ribs ... .- ..- .- 3d „ Loin 4d „ Rump Steak ... ... .... 5d „ Shoulders 2d " J 5 ! 6 '" '" '" '" 01 DAIRY -FED PORK— ... ... 4d MUTTON-Legs ... , « «. 3d £ n8 ,4d ; , Hind-quarters — ... - 2kl " Chops ... -. .- 3d SAUS AGE-Beef ... 3d Fore-quarters ... .... lid p Qrk _ gd „ Shoulders 2£d " LAMB—Hind-quarters 4d CORNED BEEF—Rounds ... ... 3d ~ Fore-quarters ... ... 3d ' fCE Will be delivered to Customers for Meat at the following rates :— 21bs daily Is per week '4lhsdaily , ... . ■•• •■• Is per week Irregular supplies (in such quantities as may be required) ... Id per lb. . Egg In consequence of Imitations 'of THE WORCESTERSHIRE |P§ SA UCE which are calculated to deceive the Public, Lea and Perrins I | have to request thai Purchasers see that the Label on every bottle hears their Signature thus—* tin consequence of Imitations 'of THE WORCESTERSHIRE SA UCE which are calculated to deceive the Public, Lea and Perrins have to request thai Purchasers sec that the Label on every fattl* bears their Signature ihus— HI!! without which no bottle of the original WORCESTERSHIRE ' SAUCE is genuine. Ask for LEA and PERRINS 1 Sauce, and see Name on Wrapper, Label, Bottle and Stopper. Wholesale and for Export by the Proprietors, Worcester; Crosse and ' Mla'ckwell London, (s'c, &c.; and by Grocers and Oilmen throughout the World, a Agents : MESSRS. POTTER & CO,, D urham.street.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9369, 20 May 1889, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9369, 20 May 1889, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9369, 20 May 1889, Page 2