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_ . __ — Uress and Fashion. TO HEADS OF FAMILIES, COUNTRY STOREKEEPERS, ~ AND THE GENERAL PUBLIC. ~~ ~~ ~~ PRESS GOODS. Greys and Fawns, Carmelites, lis 9d and 14s M the Unbleached Sheetings, lid, 13 Id, and Is 2d, plain Ticking, 4d, 6d. and 10.1 Onehunga Knitting Wool* Grey White and Black 11™', ditto mi rxmrnrTftTirror ~'. . , s±±Msnwi.m-..m "'tsSftj—■ Bafs:trsa„i 4i * XZr ,Isfi ,: &PISBS3&* lAr ™ u3ll Flannel ° Vhito) ' l,i "' l3 M ' ll * as!^r n v iik '? T' T" *7 18 the 93H1 St 1A "* « 11d73 114 All Wool Costume Tweeds, llJd and Is 3d the yard The New Shirting .Dress Stuff, all wool, 11 Jd New Zealand Flannel (Shetland), Is 3d, Is 4d, and Heavy Cretonnes Old to Is ' ' Hnir Pins nJ t t foL Sfi e - r t 6 r?%? seC S 'i ins > Ladies Umbrellas, -8 11.1, 4s 9d, Cs fid, Os 9(1, Cs lid, Monthly Gowns, 2s Gd Boys' Moles, 3s fid to 4s lid ah Wool Checked Costume Tweeds, Is the yard Double width Heavy Melton, is id ' * Is Od Diapers ' Wnd?w Nets ™d Blinds, Dimity*, Car- aKhf iKdSv ButtonS ' a " d 6Very aw i Ud to lOsOd tt ~, tvt. Children's Print' Dresses, Is Od and 2,3 d YoW Tweed Trousers, 5s 9d Wool Striped Costume Tweeds, Is OJd, Is 'Jd and ! }}, lm ! ey ? pnccs ' lloavy nl!lkes > r> - I ' to \ s , , . Scarlet Flannels, llJd, Is 3d, and Is 4d pets, Hearthrugs, and every article necessary in ■ I'ANCV ooods. A Special Line of Ladies Silk Umbrellas, a Job Lot children's Cashmere Dresses, *»••**•* Men s Macintoshes and Overcoats, all prices ' uid the van! Black Cashmere and Morinoes, IS 3d, Is Od, Is lid, Cotton and Flax Shirtings, s}d, (JAd, atul 7Jd the furnishing line. FANCY GOODS. „„, .„ . 11onl 5s 3d, 5s lld, to 7s Od orkntg .shirts, Is Od, Is lld, 2s 3d, 2s Od, 2s lid. Jersey Cloths, plain colours, <ijd Crapes at ill prices' 2 " 11,1 All: I.M HABERDASHERY. Ladies' Cashmere Gloves, Od, "'l. Is 4d, and Is M A Large Variety of Leather Beits, Bd, Is 2d] Is Gd' Infants' M&f» lit Oswl to 11, 6d White Shirts, Is lld, 3s Od, « lld, 5s lid Kam-y Mohair Dress Stuffs, 7J.1 Linings, Buttons, Trimmings, etc., etc., in great Towels, s}d, 7d, S.l, 9jd, lljd, Is, la 2d, Is 4d, Is Cd, 200 yards Machine Reels, Is per dozen Silk and TnliVt-, nin,p« n,l !«■!,] i«r„i „„ii o n,i A ./r ® v„ ■V s V/•< .., • i • Boys' Tunics, 6s Od «»*.etc., Gents' Linen Collars, 2d, 4.1, and Gd lit;:- Foule Cloths, 12a Od the dozen Patterns of Dress Goods post free *■ Lace Curtains, per pair, 2s lld, 3s9d, «»d. As Od, Clark's 200 yard Heels, is the dozen - : Button Kid Gloves' » lld 'all sizes fbestl ° '' ' s always in Stock »•> ». 7 6d4s 9d, 5s 6d and Gs lld» «.« am cm,„, J MAKcSroooos. _ ssrfßsffi*® l " Tri ,„, rf efsse* P4 » tt , at Hea'w made Striped Amazon Cloth, double width, White C lid, 3 s jl! 1 ' I i Si' B TP* " ° 'PU PaU ' ' Sll '' ' 4d?Gd, Od, the dozen ' Knit tf&S W 23 1W ' 36 Double-width Blue Serge, strong, 2 s 3d, Is 3d, bes V i,iih«v»ri 5s lld OS Gd, ()S lid, and ,sGJ the dozen. Light Blankets, large size, 14s od, 15s (id, 17s lid, 10b Od Black Buttons, ljd, 2d, 3d, 4d sc! Od the dozen Eil.hons in iwpVv n!w „ ,„r v, ,; u Hr «- 4■ 7 'o° ! *',® :0 6 V the premises ? s ad rr , , - p„„M, width Striped Merinoes, 2s"2d 6d, 3s, 3s Gd, 4s, 4s Od, 5s 2SS 6d BnUMI °° l8 ' k and d the 2 ° 2 ' W'fe, Coloured, »•"« Black Lace, fell prices Fur Hs 9d"aM 17s 6.1 MEN'S BOYS' AND YOUTHS' CLOTHING. Twetls,^tM and " s Ud p„uMe to 2s M White 72 inch, 10}(1, Is 2d ;SO inch, Sllu»4 A n'd^ofli^&'fld 8 Utl "t? Wools - ° Wy ' White, and Black, Is 811 the Skirt Lace in Wl'nto.Creiim, and Black Fur,'lTtolll OdThenar" '* ** ° d ' 6dfGd,^ 1 a I rul best°3ss 249 ' Cottoifade for SJ? Sd^'' t. rf and 1» > . ' Is, Is Id ;90 inch, Is 3d and 2s (id. white Quitto, 3s Gd, Os' Gd, 7s lid, to 12s Od Fingering Wools, Colours, 2s 3d the head Slk.fmm 4rt to SslidyaU price 0 " 0 "' ' a " d VMU ' S ' ' TaCketS ' etC all RizM a " (l Men M, raTlSrtWB '6s lld ' lls 9d '"S9d ' 158 f^^ r o f^ t ?sSk Umbrellas all at 0s Cd Please send P.N., or Cash with Order to A. E. FENTO*, Draper and Clothier, 252 and 254, Queen-street Auckland. 11 n linn iam , --irim»«mnmjjium„_„ ___________ iiminn iiiiiiuliii > " v ~jui } DWCttj XJ- U.V-jJVXClaa<^-.

Merchandise. L. D. lathanI athan & C°" GENERAL MERCHANTS AND SHIPPING AGENTS. London Firm's Address 6, Ilamsell street Estaklished 1840. J> ACK E T IJI EA S. In more extensively entering into the ureparation of blended Teas than hitherto, we do not mean to spend a lot of money on fanciful advertising (WHICH .MUSI' COME OUT OF I'll PROFITS), rather preferring to supply better value in the article itself. The practical good sense of consumers ill be the best advertising medium, and we content ourselves with this simple intimation that we are now prepared to supply to trade buyers PACKET TEAS, in lbs and halves, blended to suit all the requirements of the trade, and priced to the consumer. We challenge comparison with any other blended Teas in New Zealand for value. L. 1). NATHAN & CO. m E A S. X Our Stock is large and well assorted, comprising Finest Pekoe tipped Puiyongs Choice even-leaved Pekoe Souchong Fine eil-tlavoured Congous of various qualities Medium to Low Congous, with a full range of prices adapted to requirements of buyers Above Cnina Teas obtainable in half-chests and boxes. Indian Teas, combining strength and flavour, admirably suited for mixing Orange Pekoes Scented Caper Young Hyson Gunpowder and other choice F ivouring Teas Also, Family Caddies, each Mb, in packages of four each. L. D. NATHAN & CO. m O B A C C O I We make this business a specialty, and keep a stock of all qualities and shapes in Black Flat work, Twists, Rods, Nailrod, and Aromatics, with low descriptions suitable for Island or Native trade. The following are .ines at present in stock : — VENUS, all shapes JUNO, all shapes OVER THE WATER, all shapes UNIQUE, flat sevens, and rods sevens OVER THE WATER, nailrod BLACK SWAN TWIST, ii's and I's JOSEPHINE BRIGH T, 16 to tne pound JOSEPHINE DARK, IPs and us COLUMBIA, short sixes DERBY, short sixes and fourteen? T. C. WILLIAMS' Ruby Twist and Victory rods MAIL (cut and OLD JUDGE (cut), in l'oz packets With i FULL ASSORTMENT OF HAVANA MANILLA AND GERMAN CIGARS. Also, CIGARETTES, A 1 leading Brands, in Ss and It's, 10's and 20's. L. D. NATHAN & CO. O * g A L E.' MATCHES—EeII & Black's, Bryant & Mav's K. Bell & Go's 250's and Plaids, R. B. & Co's Su. 4 Penny Springs, 11. B. i Go's Fancy Crystals. CANDLES— Sperms, Battersea Wax, London Wax, British Wax, Belmont, J'araftiue, Electric, Southern Sperm, Union, Northern Light and Adamantines. SOAPS—Warnock's, Union Oil C'o.'s and Fancy Soaps, al 3 o Hudson's and Household Extract of soap.

FRUITS—Fig-;, Currants, Elemes, Valencia*, Sultanas, Muscatels, Moore's California; also, Table and Pie Fruits, Thames Preserved Peaches, Dried and Sliced Apples ; .Dales ami Preserved Pine Apples. ALMONDS—Soft-shell Jordan, Valencia and Barbary ; and Barcelona Nuts. Nelson, Murray's and K.B. lloliart; also, Keillor's, Morton's and Macconnocliie's Marmalades and Jellie Johns' Jellies Flail—Anchovies, Herrings in Fennel, Kippered Herrings. Red M»r-ipcs. ditto a la Sardines, MacjrviH'i'hie'* ?i>;i Brutes Fre.-h Herrings, Salmon, LobsWis, uy.-uers. and .Mullet, .Sardines, halves and quarters. FLO IT'., Sharps, Bran, Oats, and Maize. PICKLES—Crosse & Blackwell'.M, Morton's, Pink's, Edwards', and Macconnochie's. SAUCES—L. P. Worcester, Yorkshire Relish, Reading, Mango, Chutney, Olson's, Koefoed's Tomato, and Mellor's VINEGAR— Sir Robert Burnett's, bulk and bottlu PEESERVED ILK—" Milkmaid" brand, Nes tie's, and Roseville (Otago). PEES Eft V El) MEATS—Crosse <fc Black well's Extract, X. /. Frozen Meat Co.'s; Nelson's Soups. COFFEE—From 111) upwards. Excelsior, Standard, Lion, Anchor, and Crown ; Pure; also Coti'eu and Milk. COCOA AN CHOCOLATE—'Taylor's Homeo, Ej) P s' ditto, Van IJouten, Fry's Homeo, Taylor's Extract, Fry's Navy, and Cocoa in Milk ; Chocolate ditto. TEAS— full range of excellent value in China and Indian qualities. See Special Advertisement rOEACCO.-s—See Special Advertisement. CIGARS AND CIGARETTES. CONt EC'IION EHV—Keiller's, Murray's, and local manufactures. Gelatine Lozenges and Jujubes, also Liquorice. CANDIED PEEL—Lemon, Orange, Citron and .Mixed. SPlCES—Pepper, mixed or fancy cartoons. Whole Cassia, \\ hole and Oiound Cinnamon, Mace Nutmegs, Cloves, and Pimento. ' ESSENCES—C. & I.' Mucky's, Burnett's, and Essence ot Lemon, in iil !>. bottler. BLUEColumn's Windsor, Azure. BROOMS—Jlarbutt's and Horsey Broom Company. STARCH Colman's White and Blue, Gladstone u.tto, also both brands in fancy boxes. SALT-Fine and Coarse, Table Salt in bottles and jars, Übe s, also Saltpetre. QUICKSILVER—ReguIar in Stock or to arrive by monthly steamer from San Francisco. BISCUIT^— Mennie &De and Bycroft's Cabin I'SODUCE—Siich as Cheese, Butter, Bacon and iiaiiLs, ac. iSvAr','-," , l ? res ' Seil ' in 501b ba Ss'. Rangoon ditto. Se ,H l '\, FOOD — Tapioca, Vermicelli, Brmv r! ilcarol ». Brown & Poison's ami Urown Cornflour Oatmeal, Neave's Food; Albany Food, Allen & U anbury's Malt l '«.d, Split and Dry Green Peas. Kerosene (low and high test), Raw and Boiled unseed, Castor. ■SwSXiKi"' M «•* S^r^~ Gr °' Paper and ' l Per Bags. BAGfi~^ aaiy ' llapß and '"l ) - Ba«s, S Bags SaCkS ° 01 Ba,es and Floui ' aX Manilla Lines. (lanlT r' u S. Company's (various stanCrystals • r Vi" % Ye . llow Counters and i Tins ti ' V de ,'. l ' up ' 111 2, 4, ti, and iiUlb '"s, also, in bulk. China Crystals. I £ e <e,i^r ti r ,t - of ev , ei 'y-<l'iy and outside ■ epleniahed continually by fresh arrivals. Af°K oldii H vout,ine of our GROCERY I *>U"n the |- L vv '" IUI be impossible to enumerate liou* ii«M i ° „ an ordlnar y advertisement the ' includin- General - Merchandise usually | Ale, 4c. UU( tin» Wines, Spirits, Beers, Ginger ; I L - D - NATHAN & CO. |

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9368, 18 May 1889, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9368, 18 May 1889, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9368, 18 May 1889, Page 7