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— 1 ' Dress and Paskion. l-;p .Are. .now opening their NEW ~~ ~ — daily. ~^''' — ' ' '*'**. : •■ being replenished with NEW . GC^jfrS,' the Latest Novelties and Newest -| Are now opening their NEW SEASON'S GOOl)daily. Every department is being replenished with NEW GOODS, comprising the Latest Novelties and Newest styles 101 the u Autumn Season. Never before have they been able to place before their customers such Choice and Beautiful Goods, and notwithstanding '' ggpk '.. . - the increased tarrift, will_ not make any difference in their charges, being determined that their values shall ensure Speedy Clearance. SS ?lOSIERY A R THoI SHORT OB ' SHORT ™ os - SHORT ' For OVERCOATS try THOS. SHORt" ' * For TROUSERS & VESTS try THOS. SHORT . £ a Ltt wna owa™? SHEETINGS try THOS. SHORT, For MACINTOSHES try THOS. SHORT For COATS try THOS. SHORT Vol BLANKETS try THOS SHORT *E or ShTm?INGS^ + try nSio S " SHORT For HD ' and ? L FELT HATS try THOS. SHORT For SUITS, Ready" Made or Made to Order,' ; : For BLANKETb y THOS. SHORT For SHIRTINGS try THOS. SHORT For Mercery of every description try THOS. SHORT try THOS. SHORT l .. MOTHERS you ever tried THOS. SHORT for Knickerbocker Suits? There is no place in Auckland where you can get the same choice. ...... C ' .: . >/•,' • GENTLEMEN . NOTE THIS—A lino of Rain-Proof Very Stylish MACINTOSHES, exceedingly good quality, purchased under advantageous circumstances, which enables us to sell them at about one-half their value. Inspection invited: EXORS.OF THOS SHORT, Draper, Clothier, Outfitter, and Silk Mercer, Queen Street, Auckland, and Grakamstom, Thames. - „ . II j .i. —I

Merchandise. lTdTna— a, C a, GENERAL MERCHANTS AND SHIPPING AGENTS. London Firm's Address Hamsell street ;.v ;••••• Established 1840. |JI E J A S. Our Stock la large and well assorted, comprising *. t- Finest Pekoe tipped Banyongs s. • ■ Choice even-leaved Pekoe Souchong : . - Fine well-flavoured Congous of various qnali- ' MedVum to Low Congous, with a full range of prices adapted to requirements,of buyers - , Above China Teas obtainable in half-chests and ■ boxes. Indian Teas, combining strength and flavour, ? . - admirably suited for mixing, . ■ ' Orange Pekoes , ■ Scented Caper ~ Young Hyson , . _ . _ .f , _ Gunpowder and other choice F avounng Teas • Also, •' • ■ Family Caddies, each slb, in packages of four each. . '■ .t , L. D. NATHAN & CO. 0 '51 ' ,S A L E ' V MATCHES—BeII & Black's, Bryant & May's R. Bell «fc Co's 250"s and Plaids, JR. B. & Co's y -No. i Penny Springs, It. B. & Co's Fancy Crystals. ?G G CANDLESNationaI Sperms, Battersea Wax, Lon- , . don Wax, British Wax, Belmont, Paraffine, .• .;• •, Electric, Southern Sperm, Union, Northern . Light and Adamantines. SOAPS—Warnock's, Union Oil Co.'s and Fancy Soaps, also Hudson's and Household Extract ' of Soap. - ' FRUITS— Figs, Currants, Elemes, Valencias, Sul- ; - tanas, Muscatels, M wire's California; also, Table and Pie Fruits,': Thames ' Preserved " Peaches, Dried and Sliced Apples; Dates and Preserved Pine Apples. 'ALMONDS—Soft-shell Jordan, Valencia and Barbary; and Barcelona Nuts. JAMS—Nelson, Murray's and K.B. Hobart; also, " ' , Keillor's, Morton's and Maccoimochie's Marmalades and Jellie Johns' Jellies FlSH—Anchovies, Herrings in Fennel, Kippered *G ' Herrings. Red Herrings, ditto a l& Sardines, 4-K Macoosnochie> »ad Bruce's Fresh Herrings, * Salmon, : Lobster**, Oysters and Mullet, Sardines, halves and quarters. G. FLOUR, Sharps, Bran, Oats, and Maize. 'PICKLKS—Crosse & 13 lack well's, Morton's, Pink's, Edwards', and Macconnochie's. Si.TJCES—L. P. Worcester, Yorkshire Relish, : "'"G G Heading, Mango,. Chutney, Olson's, Koefoed's . Tomato, and Mellor's * VINEGAR—Sir Robert Burnett's, built and bottle . PRESERVED MILK—" Milkmaid" brand, Nestle's, and Roseville (Otago). PRESERVED MEATS— & Blackwell's ■ - Liebig's Extract, N. Z. Frozen Meat Co.'s; Nelson's Soups. ~ ' COFFEE— lib upwards, Excelsior, Standard, Lion, Anchor; and Crown; Pure; also Coffee and Milk. COCOA AND CHOCOLATE— Homeo, Epps' ]. ditto, Van Xiouten, Pry's Homeo, Taylor's Extract, Fry's Navy, and Cocoa in Milk ; Chocolate ditto. ' lEAS — full range of excellent value in China and Indian equalities, y See Special Advertisement j . TOBACCOS—See Special Advertisement. CIGARS AND CIGARETTES. iG v - . CONFECTIONERY—KeiIIor's, Murray's, and local : . /' manufactures. - Gelatine Lozenges and Jujubes, also Liquorice. "CANDIED PEEL— Orange, . Citron and " ■ Mixed. SPlCES—Pepper, mixed or fancy cartoons, Whole Cassia, Whole and Giound Cinnamon, Mace, Nutmegs, Cloves, and Pimento. \ "ESSENCES—C. & E Macky's, Burnett's, and , - * Essence of Lemon, in 21b. bottles. " ' '.BLUE—Colman's Windsor, Azure. , , ' • ' BROOMS—Harb'utt's and Horsey Broom Company. STARCH—Colman's White and Blue, Gladstone ■V „ .ditto, also both brands in fancy boxes. . . SALT—Fine and Coarse, Table Salt in bottles ' i and jars, Übe'a, also Saltpetre. •. QUICKSILVER— in Stock or to arrivo by ; • - monthly steamer from San Francisco. BISCUITS—Mennie & Dey's and Bycroft's Cabin • ■ Bread. . '. PRODUCE—Such as Cheese, Butter, Bacon and • Haws, &c. —Japan Dressed, in 561b bags. Rangoon ditto. ,■ FARINACEOUS FOOD — Tapioca, - Vermicelli, G; G . Semolina, Maccaroni,' Brown & Poison's and 3 G ' ' Brown . Cornflour Oatmeal, Neave's Food, ' : ' Albany Food, Allen & Hanbur/s Malt <' ' Food, Split and Dry Green Peas. . ' , Kerosene (low and high test), Haw and Boiled ' •>' ; " - Linseed, Castor. , -. r ; ■. •f I : - , HANDLES—Men's and Boys' Axe, Pick and Sledge ■ - - Double-headed Pick Axes. " PAPER—Grocers' Paper and Paper Bags. • SEEDS— Rape and Hemp. " . • BAGGINGS—Corn Sacks, Wool Bales and Flour : • Bags, Ore Bags. " , " / COED Flax and Manilla Lines. . ■ ... fcGsj SUGARS — Colonial Company's (various -, stanG,;> ,% dards), Fiji, White, and Yellow Counters and ', - Crystals ; Golden Syrup, in 2, 4, 6, and 2Ulb Tins, also, in bulk.) China Crystals. ' i X ' With rj , •A. Genera Assortment of every-day and outsido " ' • lines, replenished continually by fresh arrivals, j . ■ The above affords a fair outline of our GROCERY • k STOCK, but it would be impossible to enumerate • within the limits of an ordinary advertisement the -:f. WriouH lines in General Merchandise usually « bandied; including Wines, Spirits, Beers, Ginger :. ■ Ale, &c. . ' L. D. NATHAN & CO. t'TJIHE following complimentary reference to, Messrs. T. C. WILLIAMS AND CO.'S - TOBACCOS appears in the American press reports received by the last mail. '. . : L. D. NATHAN & CO., 1 ■ ■ Agents., , SPECIAL NOTICE TO SMOKERS. There is now being held in Richmond, Va., U.S.A., • in" Exposition by the Virginia Agricultural, Mechanical, and Tobacco Society, at which the display , pof Tobacco is the largest and finest ever made at ' i any Exposition in America or elsewhere— of the leading manufacturers of Richmond, which is the - largest tobacco manufacturing city in the world, " • ponding • exhibits. The Committee on Tobacco,' ' themselves all old and experienced tobacco manu- . facturers, awarded to THOS. C. 5 WILLIAMS AND CO, the first premium, a Gold Medal, for the BEST . AROMATIC TOBACCO FOR EXPORT. They ; . ; Mao received the highest premium for Tobaccos for . .wane or domestic consumption, that is for chewing.; • MESSRS.' T. C. WILLIAMS. AND CO. - feel ;; justly proud of, these awards, as there could not bo "a. more severe test as to quality anywhere. v ' j ; , Consumers of tobacco in the colonies or elsewhere «nay always rely upon getting the BEST Tobacco by Using that made by "... \ '] •G . THOS. C. WILLIAMS AND CO., ; ! . v Richmond Va.', November 9th, 1889. •' - i ? : JJILLIARD rjIABLES, &0., ,&o. , Wo are Agents for the' well-known Makers, Messrs. ALCOCK & CO., Melbourne, and invite attention of full-size Table on view at our Warehouse. \ Illustrated Price Lists of various Tables obtain- . tble, and posted on application by letter. / G, : Every requisite in stock. , - • • G i : L; ». NATHAN & CO. .' : j ' I' I

Merchandise. T°BA 0 C 0 We make this business a Specialty, and keep a stock of all qualities and shapes in Black Flatwork, Twists, Rods, Nailrod, and Aroniatics, with low descriptions suitable! for Island or Native trade. The following are lines at present in stock:— VENUS, all shapos JUNO, all shapes OVER THE WATER, all shapes UNIQUE, flat sevens, and reds sevens OVER THE WATER, nailrod BLACK SWAN TWIST, 22's and 4's .< JOSEPHINE BRIGHT, 16 to the pound JOSEPHINE DARK, 14's and 6's COLUMBIA, short sixes DERBY, short sixes and fourteens ; T. C. WILLIAMS'Ruby Twist and Victory : "'' rods ■ ." • • MAIL (cut and OLD JUDGE (cut), in 2oz packets • .. • ■ With 4 FULL ASSORTMENT OF AVANA MANILLA AND GERMAN CIGARS. : Also, ■ ■ • ■ ■ G G CIGARETTES, .'G-- ' All leading Brands, in 8 s and 16's, 10's and 20's. L. D. NATHAN & CO. THE DISTILLERS' COMPANY (Limited), believing that a really good quality of Scotch and Dublin Whisky will be appreciated in New Zealand, and being convinced that, as the largest distillers in the world, they are in a much better position to supply properly matured whisky than any other existing firm, have pleasure in drawing the attention of all connoisseurs of Scotch whisky to their'products.' The Company invite I comparison; with any in the market, and are confident, as has already been proved by their obtaining : the gold medal and highest award at the International Exhibition held in Edinburgh, (the centre of the Scottish whisky trado) in 1880, that for excellence ;of quality they cannot be surpassed, i Ask for the Distillers Co's brand, to be had. from ;tho merchants and principal hotels. " "" L. D. NATHAN & CO., AGENTS. .. ... T. H. Hall & co., GENERAL MERCHANTS, IMPORTERS, AND AGENTS, LOWER QUEEN-STREET, AUCKLAND, ' (OPPOSITE THE RAILWAY STATION). FLOUR, GRAIN, BACON, CHEESE AND PRODUCE STORES, . LITTLE QUEEN-STREET MERCHANDISE OF EVER ST DESCRIP TION IMPORTED TO ORDER ON FAVOURABLE TERMS. SOLE WHOLESALE AGENTS FOR ' THE SALE OF DUNCANS' FLOUR, OATMEAL, AND PEARL BARLEY, and for GREEN'S CANTERBURY BACON AND ' HAMS. .G>;:. wGG gOME THING ' gPECIFIC ' YOU ARE TO BUY AND ENJOY. IF YOU WANT A CUP OF GOOD COFFEE, ■ SOLVE THE QUESTION AND PURCHASE " ; OF YOUR GROCER - gROWN, ' JJARRETT ;f&G OO.'S 4 EXCELSIOR i i sdyi : «<» 'Was " •• 0R THBIR '"7 : ' £ iSIIW'Wv, STANDARD | BRAND BPvAND ; These renowned Coffees have been augmented with i the very best of ' . . - ' '/■' MOCHA COFFEE, v ' <" Direct from the East, and the perfection of quality we have arrived at has given us such satisfaction hat we can recommend the above mixtures with confidence . . • ■ ■' Do not be "a penny wise and a pound foolish," but ask for and buy BROWN, BARRETT & CO.'S -GENUINE PEPPERS, It is cleaner and cheaper than the adulterated stuff sold as Pepper. To make sure of getting our manufacture, ask for tins. Every tin bears our guarantee. "DROWN, JJARRETT & (00., "COFFEE AND SPICE MANUFACTURERS, jJIIRE • jJIIRE! JJI IRE! We beg to intimate to our customers and to the residents of Newmarket and surrounding districts that we have STARTED BUSINESS AGAIN ill those large and commodious Premises opposite the Newmarket Railway Gates. Our Stock lias been selected with great care, and we will be able to sell goods at prices hitherto unapproachable for quality and cheapness. . TO BUILDERS AND. OTHERS.—We are in a position to supply Corrugated Iron and all Building .Requisites in ironmongery on specially favourable terms. ... ~ , TO FARMERS we beg to intimate that we have always on hand a large stock of Barb Wire and all Farming Implements. " . .. Country Orders by post will receive prompt attention. C. GOODWILL & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL IRONMONGERS, Newmarket Hardware Emporium. jg~ Y D P. O L E I N'j E. , THE MOST WONDERFUL SOAP i EVER, INTRODUCED. WASHES THE DIRTIEST CLOTHES WITHOUT RUBBING. G / SAVES v 'V:'' ! -i'tei TIME, ■ J •• "''.-•I . ■ LABOUR,. ' J. • ■ i " ' ' ' ' MONEY,' , : • And the CLOTHES. ! ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT, " - ; . AND TAKE NO OTHER. The trade only supplied by : A. J. ENTItICAN, -... ...\. Commission Agent, . | Custom-street. , |

Groceries, &c. "O-OBERT'JJEW Respectfully calls the attention of all ; esrT RUE ECO NO MIS Sj®, To the Substantial Advantages now "being | Offered at Revr's well-known GROCERY STORES, VICTORIA-STREET. T BI S A Good and Economical family Tea, at: Is 6<l per lb. Row's Universal and Favourite Blend of India and China Teas, at Is 10d : per lb, is composed of very choice Panyongs, carefully blended with rich Darjeelings, and flavoured with best orange Pekoes, and Compares Favourably with much Tea now selling at,2s 6d per lb by the Trade, Note. —All Teas may be obtained in Tins, Chests, and Half-chests, containing 5, 0, 12, 20, and 401bs net weight, at a Reduction of 2d per lb. The very rapid development of our business is sufficient proof of the appreciation of our numerous customers of our pROFIT gYSTEM. Our position as larsre buyers lii the ' produce markets has improved with the increasing demands of our trade, and most of our goods are now imported, direct from Europe and America. Our efforts will bo continued to maintain our reputation as distributers of goods of first-class quality to the public, at strictly wholesale prices. • TERMS: Cash with order. : Orders by post should, in ail cases, be accompanied by a remittance or reference to some business establishment in Auckland. Strict attention! to this rule will ■ revent delay in the Execution of orders. ' Price Lists on application, or posted to any address. All communications to be addressed ROBERT REW, Victoria-street. H. P. IBBONS 4C a WHOLESALE AND FAMILY GROCERS, AND PROD C MERCHANTS HOBSON-STREET • Conveyances. •:■■■ S--' ■ ■T7TSITORS TO TE AROHA.—Notice. v The undersigned will run a Coach from Te Aroha on i Tuesdays, i Thursdays, and Saturdays, meeting Train for Auckland at Morrinsville on those days, and returning to Te Aroha from Morrins - ville on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays on - arrival of Train from Auckland, conveying passengers parcels, and mails. V. GALLAGHER. HAYR & CO., Tourist Agency, 107, Queen-street. 0N AND AFTER FEBRUARY 22 MR. GRAHAM will Meet the Afternoon Late TRAIN at PAPAKURA every FRIDAY with a CONVEYANCE to take PASSENGERS TO WAIROA, on easy terms. mIM£-T A B L E. JL DA VIES BROS.' 'BUSES. Leave Devonport : Leave Takapuna: 8.20 a.m. : 9.6 a.m. , . 10.20 a.m. 11.15 a.m. '1 p.m. S p.m. 4.20 p.m. 6.15 p.m. ■ Sundays: 10 a.m.. 11 a.m. 2.25 ' 4.30 p.m. Return Fares, Is Gd; weekly tickets at reduced . rates. Special trips can be arranged at Post Offices Devonporfc and Takapuna. Devonport, waiwera, and v WAIIKWORTH ROYAL MAIL COACH. " MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, AND FRIDAYS, v Leave Devonport 8 ' a.m.; Takapuna, 8.30 a.m.; »Y;ule, • 10.30 a.m.; Waiwera, 12 noon; Puhoi, 12.45 p.m. Arrive at Warkworth, 2.30 p.m. TUESDAYS THURSDAYS. AND SATURDAYS Leave Warkwortli, 8 a.m.; Puhoi, 9.30 a.m.; Waiwera, 10.15 a.m.; Wade, 11.30; Takapuna p.m. Arrive at Devonport, 2.30 p.m. . THOMAS BUTLER, Proprietor. VICTORIA STABLES, corner of WeiV lesley and Lome-streets. I have a very great ) variety of vehicles for hire or for sale," comprising; ; Really good Carriages for weddings or private use; Waggonettes, hooded and open, to carry six or eight people; 30 Buggies, hooded and open, single and double seated; 'Buses and Breaks, modern kinds carrying from thirteen to twenty-four passengers, with two, three, or four horses. Also, a special lot of Hearses and Mourning Coaches, carrying botli coflin and passengers, always clean . and well equipped; Undertakers liberally dealt with. If you want to hire a good Saddle Horse, or a good turnout of any kind, come to me. My telephone No. it 257. . For Livery and Bait Horses, there is noplace like mine. i . * - WM. CROWTHER. MESSRS. pull an & armitage, JLyJL of the Royal Livery and Bait Stables Albert-street, beg to intimate to their customer! and the public generally that they have taken int< Partnership Mr. W. T. McLauchlan, so long anc favourably associated with Mr. W. Crowther. Mr. McLaughlan's special department will be th< supervision of Cabs and' Carriages, and his exten sive experience is sufficient guarantee that all order: entrusted to his linn will be punctually. and well attended to. Messrs. Pullan and Annitage desire to avail them selves of this opportunity to thank all ; who hav< assisted to make their business such a pronounced success, and it being their determination to main tain the reputation they have established, will hopi thereby to merit eveu a larger share of patronage 11 future. They have recently added to their plant severa new Carriages, Waggonettes, Single and Doubli Buggies, including some really stylish vehicles. PULLAN, ARMITAGE, & CO November 1, 18S3. mil AMES TO PAEROA, tauranga JL AND TE AROHA , BRADLEY .fc CO.'. Royal Mail Coach leavei Symington's ROYAL HOTEL, Thames, for Te Aroh; daily, at eight a.m., arriving at Te Aroha at two p.n , Leaves To Aroha MONDAY, WEDNESDAY THURSDAY, and FRIDAY at nine a.m.; am . TUESDAY and SATURDAY a<, eleven a.m. From September Ist, a Coach will also start a seven o'clock every morning from Paeroa, arriving at Thames at half-past ten; returning from Thame- \ at three p.m., arriving at Paeroa at seven p.m. Saddle Horses, Single and Double Buggies, on hin at Thames and To Aroha; can be left at Hikutaia Paeroa, or Te Aroha. Pay only one way. J Stables oueuodat all hours. 1 " BRADLEY & FERGUSON, 1 Proprietors. Auckland Booking Agents : Hap.rv H. llAVit. am > Co. Lower Queen-street Auckland. IMPORTANT NOTICE to TOURISTS f J. • AND OTHERS. TELEGRAPH LINE OF ROYAL MAIL COACHES BETWEEN OXFORD AND ROTORUA. On mid after August 1,1883, tie Mail Coach wil leave Oxford every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 7.30 a.m., arriving at Ohinemutu at noon. Leave Ohinemutu every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at. midday for Oxford. > Coaches running from OhUiemutu to Tikitere daily Fares; 3 Single Return Oxford to Ohinemutu .. .. 20s 35s Rotovua to Tikitere .. . .. —- 15s Rotorua to Waiotapu Valley — 21*3 Rotorua to Wfiakarewa ~ 53 —- ■ Return : Auckland to Ohinemutu (coach and rail) first class, is 10s; second class, £2 17s fid. Arrangements for Specials can be made at any o: • the offices or agencies of Messrs. Thus. Cook and ; Son, Tourist and General Passenger Agents, 4, 1 j Victoria Arcade, Auckland ; or at Messrs. H. .H. j llAYit ifc Co., Passenger Agents, 107, Queen-street, v: I 'Auckland. , . j ; Saddle Horses and Buggies always on hire, at eithei j Cambridge, Oxford, or Ohinemutu. ' i Letters or telegrams promptly attended to. k I , W. K. CARTER, ' : Coach Proprietor.

Tntflntnxt ttxxrrr Plumbers, &c. JRON OURVED fok "yERANDAHS (ANY PATTERN) | SHORTEST NOTICE. ■! co ..••^^sspasaassS^ll: . 5 1 CO £ • ■ w ;^asagateKSßS^^ ;;.' )V% ■ ! g '•• | I . 3 , fcs ' ' g S j GEORGE M c CAUL, MANUFACTURING PLUMBER AND • ■ IMPORTER OF ALL TRADE REQUISITES , WEIiESLEV-STREET EAST (Opposite New Library), HAS I 01l SALE— . ' >■ 200 Corrugated Galvanised |j ... Tanks, assorted n 200 Colonial Ovens, Tanks, assorted 500 Colonial Ovens, all —Bj sizes r J ' 60,000 feet Lead Edge Ridge 3 Cap, all sizes JjJ .' r .... 60,000 feet O.G. Spouting, 8 '3 all sizes • If I. ' 00,000 feet Downpipes, all ft tj ■ ; sizes / V 00,000 feet Galvanised Water / ; \ Pipes, all sizes. /\v/\ Lead-liead Nails, Lead / ' ft Washers . . - / % Portable Ovens, Furnace / Wv Frames Copper Boilers ' •• Jam, ; Fruit, Honey, and Butter Tins on the latest American prm- " clple, in quantities as fwli ill |j| ciple, quantities as ■I I warded Three First Prizes ll'll lit A warded Three First Prizes iww?l!l I TO" for above lines at Aucklaud Agricultural Show. Latest and best selection• of Gas .Globes in Auckland. . ) As MR." McCAULis a direct importer for cash, he is in a position to supply the trade at the lowest remunerative prices Liberal discounts to the trade. Country orders punctually attended to. QRAIG'S REVOLVING HOSE REELS, WILLIAM CRAIG Begs to intimate that he is now prepared to ...... MAKE AND SUPPLY . (In any quantity), his Nqwly-patented REVOLVING HOSE REEL. An inspection of Samples at the Stores of Messrs. E. Porter and Co. or Messrs. T. and S. Morrin and Co. will be sufficient to convince intending purchasers thsb the simplicity and genuine utility of the invention is a sufficient recommendation. These Reels can be had large or small, as required. The largest need not extend move than 10 inches from the suvface of the wall. Their specialty is being always ready for emergencies, preserving the hose and valve from damage or interruption. , . ■ They will be found unequalled for either inside or out of building, or watering gardens, lawns, bowlinggreens, &c. • Prices very moderate, and according to size. • All particulars can he obtained from Messrs. E. Porter, and Co., or T. and S. Morrin and Co., or from WILLIAM CRAIG, • ' PLUMBER, , Symonds-street (near Wellesley-street). ' ;v ' Fish. ' ■' ■ A SAN P O R D, AS A AND EXPORTER. D, O FISHCURER AND EXPORTER. ■; > ' REGISTER!) iC® sjjj /trade Mark - RAKINO FISHERY, AUCKLAND, N.Z. Pickled, Sun-dried, and (Tinned) Smoked Fish, to keep in any climate. Prico List on application at Rakino Boat, Queen-street Wharf. P.o. BOX 297J telephone 177. F. W 1 L L 1 A M s WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FRUITERER, AND GREENGROCER POULTERER AND DEALER IN GAME, &C. FISH AND OYSTER MERCHANT. OYSTERS IN ANY QUANTITY. FRESH AND SMOKED FISH ALWAYS ...... . . ON HAND. , Shipping and Country Orders Punctually Attended to. Fish forwarded to any part of the Colony. ■Jgj AS Y DIGESTION. f • CRAWFORD'S ■ . ' CHAMOMILE, RHUBARB, AND . ; DANDELION PILLS. * SAFE AND RELIABLE REMEDY FOR INDIGESTION Indigestion, Heartburn, sensation o fulness after meals, Costivencss, Bitter Taste in the Mouth, with Furred Tongue and Unpleasant Breath, Irregular Craving for Food, ami an " All Gone," feeling in the Stomach; Flatulence, Nervousness, Headache, Giddiness, Drowsiness during the day, but especially after Dinner, want of energy, accompanied with extreme depression of spirits. Any one or more of these symptoms may indicate some derangement of the Liver or Stomach, and relief should be sought for at once. Nothing will give more speedy and certain relief than CRAWFORD'S CHAMOMILE, RHUBARB, AND • DANDELION PILLS For Indigestion, one pill may bo taken directly after Breakfast and Dinner daily; as a mild apiviont two or three pills at bedtime when required. Sold in Boxes, Is, Is 6d "s (id, and 5s each, by CRAWFORD, PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST, MEDICAL HALL, NEWTON, AUCKLAND HUGHES' WORM POWDERS AND • VERMIFUGE ; Hare afforded almost immediate relief to hundreds k of suffering Juveniles during the last 14 years. ■ Telephone 278. HUGHES, CHEMIST, 111, QUEEN-STREET. JJIBLE AND PRAYER UNION. '- T CARDS OF MEMBERSHIP FOR 18S9. ; With number on Roll, the principles of the Union, and Calendars of Chapters are now ready, and will lie sent on receipt of tiamo and address, with a twopenny stamp, oil application to Mr. Brakenrig Young Men's Christian Association, Auckland.

—— r -~ ■ -————i ; ' —- — J~~ ~ ~~~ ~ Flour Mills. ~~ ~~ ~~~~ ®wa " - jam. - r "-'emm*''' 'mm** ... EfaasZl EEfc&l'vS®' oKwl KwW j th 9 ' • And. .our. Business having . TREBLED II TWELVE MONTHS, flfP" PROVES, |L M incontestibly, the ® • vane-* G • : Of our ROLLER FLOUR . \ 1 ■ \M 111 OVER .OTHERS. ■ If tf ■ - If y * . , — . . -i ■ • A C„|j fUGrWIi POLLEi HILLS . * COMPANY,'. LIMITED. , mwmi, immi. R. R. HUNT, Manager.


Seeds, Manures,, &c. F 0 E ' S A L *'■ KIDNEY SEED POTATOES (Canterbury), 0 AMARU TABLE POTATOES, POTATOE ONIONS. "TO-ILLIAM QUNSON & ,00., SEED, GRAIN, AND PRODUCE MERCHANTS 13, Custom-street, Auckland. Bi W. M ARTIN & C* HAVE FOR SALE : new clover AND grass seeds ' BONEDUST, BONEFLOUR PERUVIAN AND ISLAND GUANO SUPERPHOSPHATE, 30 per CENT. TARTARIAN SEED OATS >OTATOE AND DUN .OATS MAIZE, FEED OATS, CHAFF SHARPS, BRAN,, FOWL WHEAT CORNSACKS, TWINE &c., . &C., &C. 03, CUSTOM-STREET, AUCKLAND "m ST E D SEEDS— • op Full Power—Free from Weeds— and at Cheap Prices—are Great Aids to Profitable Agriculture," The present condition of agriculture requires that seed should bo bought in the cheapest market, AND SEEDS TO BE CHEAP MUST BE GOOD. It is well known that there are sold every year in England enormous quantities of seeds of the most worthless description. Wo believe we are the only Seed House in England that employs a certificated Resident Botanical Analyst, and every sample of Grass, Clover, and other Seeds for the Farm is submitted by him to a rigorous examination before being taken into stock, all unsatisfactory samples being; rejected. , JAMES CARTER & CO., SEED MERCHANTS AND GROWERS. By Appointment to Her Majesty the ' Queen and 11.R.11. the Prince of Wales. We are Agents i-on, and Sell only, CARTER'S TESTED ' CLOVERS. /BARTER'S Each Bag lias their Trade [TESTED! i Mark mT V SEEDS. J - ADAM LAYBOURN & CO., DURHAM, FT, AUCKLAND a~wTo wBK * c a - PRODUCE MERCHANTS AND . IMPORTERS, 0 AND 11, QUEEN-STREET WHARF, Auckland, new Zealand, HAVE ON SALE: WEEK'S CROWN BRAND . ROLLER MILL FLOUR, in sacks SILVER DUST AND EAGLE FLOUR, in sacks . . WOODS' CANTERBURY FLOUR, in sacks, 100, 60, and 25 . v CROWN, CHAMPION, AND CANTAB ROLLER FLOUR, and other LOCAL FLOUR, in all sizes WHEAT, OATS, MAIZE, BRAN, SHARPS OATMEAL, GKuMINA, SEMOLINA PORRIDGE MEAL, &c.. BUTTER . CHEESE, POTATOES, BONEDUST V' Also, ; '•'••• •-v> 1 FINE INDIAN AND CHINA TEAS, in halfchests and boxes CHOICE BLENDED TEA, in half-chests, tins, and packets CURRANTS, RAISINS, SALMON SARDINES MASEFIELD'S STAR BRAND MULLET, And ' ASSORTED GROCERIES, ■ v :

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9347, 25 April 1889, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9347, 25 April 1889, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9347, 25 April 1889, Page 7