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Merchandise. SCHWEITZER'S Anti-Dyspeptic Cocoa or Chocolate Powder. GUARANTEED PURE SOLUBLE COCOA. Consisting soleljr of the Finest Cocoa Beans, with the excess of fat extracted. The FACULTY pronounce it "The most nutritious, perfectly digestible ._ Beverage, and Invaluable for Invalids and Young Children. Made instantaneously with Boiling , Water. Palatable without Milk. A teaspoonful to a Breakfast cup, costing less than One Halfpenny. Retailed in Jib, Jib and lib tins at Is, Is lid, and 3s Sd. OOOATINA is the best COCOA for EXPORT to INDIA and the COLONIES §p| In consequence oj Imitations oj THE WORCESIERSHIR& |R ' SA UCE, which are calculated to deceive the Public, Lea and Perrins J I have to request o; Imitations oj THE WORCESTERSHIRE X ' SA UCE, which are calculated to deceive the Public , Lea and Perrins \ have to request that Put chasers see that the Labei on every bottle _fe?!t.3l bears their Signature thus— PBS3 jf sfjffl ■• •• without which -no bottle ot the original, WORCESTERSHIRE IKS SAUCE is genuine. ■ Ask ]or LEA and PERRIES' Sauce, ana see Name on IVratter, Label, Bottle, an& . StCtter. Wholesale ana for Extort by the Proprietors, Worcester; Crosst ana Blackuiell, London; &c. t &c; ana by Grocers ana Oilmen throughout the Worla. Agents : MESSRS. POTTER & CO.. Durham-street. )|p| LiamD WATERPROOF I iBELF-BHINIIif BRuHts REQUIRED $ Applied with sponge attached to tho cork. Qivos an Instantaneous /4^iwi;«wy*y\Mii:%ij,tJijJ | '!F » I brilliant, & clastic polish, which lasts a wook wot or dry weather. Mud |^"M«^«i!i^«sOH| ,P can bo washed off and polish romalna. Does not Injure loaihor nor ftp' % vMJi 7 ffiMWM soil clothing. For all Undo of Boots, Shoos nod Loathor Artiolos. W¥Jroft\k cSNttdian MANTXFACTTmEiG Co. lit d.. O-t. Saffron Hill I>ondon.Ti]ri(;ln.Tid. 1 /&$ Sia.^os'AMm I Railways. ! AT EW ZEALAND RAILWAYS JL3i a TIME TABLE— ON AND AFTER AUGUST 0, IBSS. AUCKLAND AND ONEHUNGA LINE. Akd. to Oneiiunoa. Week Days. Sat'davs Sundays ONLY. . _-_—_—— - - N()ON| PM , p M Il> M PMi F M r M 1" Mi PM AW jV M Auckland tlep 715 8 0; 840 10 40, 12 0 'J 5 4 15! (< '20 020 .. 10 0 lift , 1140 9 0 230 XL'wiimrk'ot June" . 7251 810 SGO 10 50; 12 10 215! 4 2515 30 030 .. 1010 120 1150 0 1012 40 Ileiuuora . 7SO 316! S6&10 64 1215 219 430635 035 .. .. 125 .. 015 245 •Green Lano I•• •■ ! •• •• i •• I I •- .. .. Ellerslie 738828 03 11 2112 25 2 2IS 4 4015 45 (J 45 .. .. 130 .. 9 2212 52 Penrose Junction .. 7 45"S 35| 910 11 9 12 SO 231 "4 45§5 50 "0 5a 7SOIO 30 141 12 10 9'26 256 • "ToPapapa I •■ •■ •■ I Onehunga, arr. " ." 705 543 i) 20! 11 131 12 40 240 i 561 o'o7 0; 7 4010 40 50 12 20} 035 8"7 <snehunga"to Akd. amamiam]a mirm ip m i> m pmipmi rmi i> m j> m ami> m Onehunga, dcp. ..\ .. 768 20 9 45:11 o! 12 10! 115 5505 20 6 40i 7 1610 60! 240 10 05 30 PenroseSunction' '.'. 7*15 t3SO 965 1110jtl-20 125 tll-T I§s 30§6 fi2;||7'3On"o 250 lo'lO 540 Penrose Junction .. 715J550055 11 10 (12 20 125 tll4 I§s SO:§6 52,||7 3011 0 250 10 10 540 EllersHe 7208 36 9 5011114 12 25 129 i 55350 50 7 35! .. 255 10 15 545 J *Ureen Lano I -• — Itemuera . .. 7SO S 44 10 0 1122 12 35 1 30 4105 45 7 57 45 .. 3 2 10 21 55S Newmarket June, .. 735 8 4iH101l! 11 27 12 40 141 li 25 5507 11 7 501120 3 7 10 20 568 Auckland, arr. .. ..7 451 8 5SilO 20l 11 35_12_S0_l_r.0_4 35 (5 0 7 20_8_011_30 815 10 35 6 7 " Change for Onehunga. I Change for Waikato Stations. |i Change for Auckland and Intertucdiato Stations, t Chance for Mercer and Intermediate Stations. § Change for Otahuhu. I Change for Kaipara Branch Stations. MAIN AucklandMercer—Te Awamkto— Kuiti. South.—Week Days. North.— Days. i i A i i fft ' j i i ' AM AM AM am am , pm pm>pm PM AM AM AM am AMJPM PM I'M Auck.,d. 5550207 16 S 01140325 4 164 66 520 C2O TcKuitl dp. _ ... .- el 30 ■v ~,,11, i.. ! -3 35 ...... 1.. Kumi _. Amkt d. 000357 2f> SlOll 55 .. 426 6 95 SO; 030 "Han'tiki ' .. KcmueraOll'6 40 730 815 ft .. 480 5 14.5 35' C 35 *Otoro. .. _. ... ■ _. ; 615 "Green Lane 1..| .. .. b .. .. .. |..I .. rKiokio .. „ .. „ „ „ „ _ P.llorslio 619 6 457 3S 523 b .. 440 5 -2i'T> 45 045 *Ka\ra _ „ _ - Potir» Ju.O 277 0 §755 itS 31 12 2& .. f4 49 550 06S "To j'uhi „ .. „ - - MVesttleld I ..j AVm'tti* «0 5 .. - .- ni ,.,,„ ae«l •■ is 5 0 0 7r, Awmt, \i .. /020 f uta llu dep. 712 __ 8421240 .. 450 .. .. 'Ngaroto.. .. - _ . 'Papatoitot „ .. 'LokeKd. .. „ • _ - •JManuiewa Ohaupo 960 ... ». Papakura ..8 6.. .. 130 .. 637 .. .. 'Uuk'liia _ _ Mlunua „ .. Frank, a,. .. „ .. /1025 .. „ Dniry ..S2S .. 926 150 .. 556 ... .. ton J. d 10 85 .. „ _ •Runciman .. _'(.-.. "To Itapa _. 'Pneiata .... "['uketo .. _. _ _ Pukekoho ..9 5.. 0622 27 .. 623 «. '.< .. Ngarua .. „ _. .. 1125 .. _ i 'Buckland _ .. Taupiri .. „ „ .. 1142 .. _ Tuakau ..928 .. .. 47 .. 043 „ .. Uuntly .. .. „ .. 1215 .. .. 625 r "Whangarata „ .. "O'newoi .. „ .. _. .. .. .. _ Pokono ..I9 60! ... 3 5 .. 7 0 „ "Rang'iri .. .. „ _. „ M , m . /arlOO .. 10 35 316 .. 710 .. ', .. MVairan _ .. .. Mercer | dp •• 10 &5 335 _ _ ■ -Whanga •Whanßnmari , m „-,,„-a 120 .. ..0 45 - MVairangi .. .. „ .. .. I>lelcer d.. .. 0201130 140 „ „ 710 *Ilangiriri _ .. „ .. Pokeno .. .. 0 311143 .. „ „ 720 ' "Ohintiwai m .. .. "V/ha'rta ~ _. TTimflif /ar .... 12 0450 _ _ .. „ Tuakau .. .. 0 6112 8 .. .. _ 743 lluntly | dp .. ... 1220 .. .. „ 1 Z "B'ckl'nd _ .. Taupiri 12 3.'> .. .. _. _ .. Puk'oho .. .. 71312 84 225 „ _ S 7 Ngaruawahia ... ... 12 58 .. .. „ ... „ 'Paorata .... "Pukote .. „ «, ». .. ''ll'ciniiin .. m „ "Teßsipa _ _ _ .. Drury .. .. 7501 13 8 0 .. .. 842 Frank- far .... 180 ... __. „ .. "Ilunua 0 ton J. \dp .. ». cl 40 .. _ „ _. .. Papkura.. .. 841 S3 810 ... .. 861 •Rukuhia _ _. ... 'Manure . Ohaupo 16 .. .. „ „ „ "Pap'toi "LakeKoad _. .. Otaliu. 060 816] 8 4412 12 345 0407 15 .. •Ngaroto _ _ .. "Westiiold . I •• Aw ., nhl far .. .. c2 40 Pen. J. ||7 15tH8 30t8 57t2 30 f* ItC 52 t730 044 Awamtu \dp .. .. d 2,50 _. _ _ _ .. Ellers. 720 83592235 i 6050 735 .. *ToPulii _ „ „ "Green L. .. 'Kawa .. .. _ .. „ „ „ ~ .. Ilpinu. 730 844 0102 45 41C 7 .17 45 .. "Kiokio .. _. .. „ „ ~ N"m'k't7 35 549 010 265 J4 25 7117 501010 •Otorohanga .... 3 50 A'k'd a. 745 8 58:9 2813 5 435 7 20jS 010 20 "Uangatiki ........ To Kumi • To Kuiti ar, .... ri4 3pJ .. J t Chango for Onehunga. [1 Change for Auckland and Intermediate Stations. J Chance for Kaipara, Branch Stations. 5 Change for Otahuhn. A—Passengers are not booked by tliJ3 train to Stations 0 botwoon Auckland and Onehunga. b Only slops to pick up Passengers for South of Penrose Junction. ',' c Huns on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays only. d Huns on Mondays and Fridays only. i e Runs on Tuesdays and Saturdays only. / Runs on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays 1 only, o Frankton Junction for Cambridge, To Aroha, and Rotorua Lines." /(. Passengers for Otahuhu " by this train change at Penrose Junction. i CAMBRIDGE, TE AROHA, AND ROTORUA LINES. South.— Days. north.—Week Days __— - __ AM A M Auckland, dep 8 0 Lichfielil, dep «. .. ... a 0 45 p M *Putarnni Junction .. .. .»,'«, _. .. Frankton Junction, clop „ 140 "Tantnangi .. .. v , ~,*., .., „ .. Hamilton Went .. „ „ .. .143 Oxford.. .. _. „ «,. -'i: „ .. 7SO 'Hamilton East .. .. *Okoroiro „.■•/... *Ituakura Junction, an. .. 2 0 *Mnnpiwliara.. „ „ .. 1 % , .... Camiiridue Branch. ' *Matamata .. .. _ „ .__. „ 810 (, 'Ruakura Junction, don a2 7 ,„> a " aroa ..-.-« " •• •• •Mongaonul .. .. .. .. " . .. !g"JS__hi ■• •• - •* "* *" " "Tanmliero -- ■• •Kiwltahi ... .. .. .« .. *Fencourt .. " \ Moninsvillo, air. .. __ .. _.v '_ „ .. <tO 15 •llautapu .. .. _. li *[ " ..' Til AiioHA Brancti. Cambridge, arr. vl r .. a2 50 Te Aroha, dop .. -«» „&8 30 "ftuakura Junction, don, '.. " T~ — TT t}}.'" 1 !! 1011 ■• •• - •• -*■-... •Eureka.. .. .. .. . " .. * ltoa -- T •• •' - •- •• ' *Motumaoho .. " •lutuaollaua .. .. _ .„ .. .. Morrinsville, arr .. .. " " " 2'ir. "Murray's .. ..„.._ .... _sfiissr_suga: :—u — - 1 ■,-,,. .'J J*™ Morrinsville, dep . a 65 I, tlep 9 22 - 'Murray's ... " *Motumaoho „ .... r *TatuaoHaua" .. .. II " " " "Eureka y *Waltoa _. „ — •- Ruakuia Junction, arr. .. ... 10 0 1 *Waihon *. Z '.'.'.'. Camdiudgb "Branch. ' a Te Aroha, an-. ... ~ v a3 40 Cambridge, dep , ... .. 60 20 1 Morrinsvifie, dep. «. 62 55 |*JJautapa J .... 1 *Kiwitahi .. .. „ „ I " *Foncourt 1 Walton " "" *Ta_nahero „ „ .... 1 'Waharoa .. .. „ ~ ** '.'.". "Mongaonui ■-. ? *Matamata " *. [45 *"akura Junction, air. ; . -.. - ... ' v .. 610 - 'Mangawhara« I! ** ',' " '' *Ruaknra. Junction, dep 10 10 • "Okoroiro .. „ „ " " " 'Hamilton Kast ) Oxford.. . "' 4*55 Hamilton West 10 23 3 *Tauiuangi .. _. _. „ II '.'... Frankton Junction, arr. .. .. .. .. 10 80 t *Putaruru Junction .. 1. L Auckland, arr. .._... ... 435 . Liclificld, arr. ~ ..65 40 1 ~ ~~- ' *~ ——■ ' a Runs on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays only, b Runs on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays only. The othor trains run daily. KAIPARA BRANCH. —Auckland—Hendkhson— Auckland to Helexsvi__e.—Week Days. a Helensville to Auckland.—Week Days. a~ ' AM AM P M P M * A M AMI P M P M Auckland, dep 7 0 10 55 440 215 Holonsville, dep. .. 620 11 55 4 0 Newmarket Junction .. 71211 12 467 225 •Llelensvillo South Mount Eden .. .. 71911 21 5 4 282 «Ohirangi .. " '.'. Z. 1! ' *Kingsland .. .. .. "Paoroa '.. ' . . " ~ 'Morningsido *Woodhill ." ..' *' •Mount Albert .. .. .. "Hewitt Avondalo 73511 40 520 .. *Waiinauku (•NewLynn .. *Kumeu Z Z '.'. ?"ie l'io <t - 68 '.'. *Waikomiti .. .. 3 0 "Taupaki •Henderson 8312 10 547 .. "Waitakoroi '.'. '.'. '.'.". *BwanHon .. .. .. „ .. .. *Swanson "Waitakorei „ "Honderson .. .] .'. 8"l 2"8 8*44 ■ *Taupaki "Waikoniiti .. . 445 »Kumeu 845 110 0 £13 .. "New Lynn Waimauku Avondale ',', ". .'. 8*27 2*41 0"8 ,Rewiti *Mount Albert ,Woodlull .. *Morningside ~ ,Paoroa *Kingsland .. '.'. '.. '.'. '.'. .. '.'. , h i ran £!,. „••..- • Mount Eden .. ..8 47 34 022 613 e Holensville South Newmarket Junction ..0 4 317 {0 34 521 llelensvillo, arr. .. .. 940 210 730 .. Auckland, arr 013 325 a 43 5 a A. Runs on Sundays only. An asterisk (*) opposite a station denotes that trains do not stop unloss required to pick up or sot down passengers Notice should bo given to tho guard at the previous stopping station by any passengers desiring to alight at stations opposite which an aatensk is placed. • T Change tor Oiiehmiga and Otahuhu » WAIKATO TRAIN SERVICE. TRAINS FROM" AUCKLAND FOR '. ToAwamutu .. .. Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 8 a.m.' i To Kuiti Mondays and Fridays at 8 a.m. i Hamilton West .. .. Daily at 8 a.m. , 3 Cambridge.. ... .. Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 3 . ! Morrinsville .. .. Daily at 3 a.m. Te Aroha Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 8 a.m. Oxford and Lichfleld .. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 8 a.m. TRAINS FOR AUCKLAND FROM Lichfleld Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 6.45 a.m. Oxford Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 7.30 a.m. To Aroha Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 8.30 Morrinsville .. .. Dally at 9.22 a.m. • , Cambridge Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 9.20 a.m. '■ Hamilton West .. .. Daily at 10.25 a.m. Te Kuiti Tuesdays and Saturdays at 7.30 a.m. Te Awamutu .. .. ' Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays at 9.20 a.m. All Time Tables prior to this date aro now cancelled. J. P. MAXWELL, General Manager.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9264, 18 January 1889, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9264, 18 January 1889, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9264, 18 January 1889, Page 7