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An exhibition under the auspices of the above Association was held in the Town Hall, R'awene, on January I. The weather was all that could have been desired, and consequently there was a large assemblage of people from the various settlements throughout the district. The hall was tastefully decorated for the occasion— special feature of the decorations being the arrangement of whole nikaus and pungas, so as to form charming avenues of _ branching palms between the tables, not in any way interfering with, but rendering more effective, the staging of the exhibits. Owing to many of the exhibits coming in late on the morning of the show it was well into the afternoon before the committee and judges had finished their work, so as to enable the public to be admitted. This, I think, should be avoided in future by having, as far as possible, all entries made, and exhibits in, on tho day before the Show. I venture to suggest also that the preliminary work on the morning of the Show might be greatly expedited by a larger and more defined division of labour among the members of the committee, instead of allowing so much to devolve upon the secretary. I could not help thinking also that a district with the natural advautages of Hokianga should have done much hotter in those classes where its semi-tropical climate would warrant almost perfection. However, when we take into account the time of the year at which the Show was held, and also that horticulture in Hokianga is only in its initial stage, the exhibition must be pronounced a very great success. A number of the exhibitors were village settlers, who have only been about two years in the district. They secured a good proportion of tho prizes. In class 1., the exhibition of' pot plants by Miss Webster, of Taumatawiwi, was especially worthy of notice, both tor beauty and variety. Miss Marrinor and Miss A. M. J. Bryers' exhibited a very tasteful collection of ferns in neat supplejack baskets. In class 11., the exhibits were not numerous. The most noteworthy was the bouquet of native flowers by Miss Clark. In class 111., Mrs. Goddens' exhibit of large cabbage attracted a great deal of notice. Mr. Millar exhibited magnificent parsnips. The ripe tomatoes were worthy of mention, also the very large onions exhibited by Reddy Cochrane. In class IV. the exhibits of the citrus family by Messrs. Webster and Millar were excellent, showing what the district can do in this branch of fruit culture. The exhibits of figs, peaches, plums, and strawberries were also very good. In class V., there was a good deal ot competition, and the exhibits on tho whole were very choice. A fine exhibit of fresh butter by Mrs. Hector Fraser, of Okaihau, had suffered somewhat in transmission to the show, and wsis awarded third prize. A sheaf of wheat, surface sown, attracted a good deal of notice, and was admitted by all to be first-class, in class VI., the exhibits were numerous ami excellent. The most noteworthy was the large exhibit of honey in comb by Mr. Millar, and the dried fruit (dried by machinery) exhibited by Mr. W. Webster. In class VII., the plum cake made by bachelors only, evoked large competition. All the exhibits in this class were good. In class VIII. the exhibits were really excellent. Special mention ought to be made of the specimen of macrame by Mrs. Bow, of Whangape, the ladies' hats by the Misses Wells and Bryers, and the seaweed and fern wreaths by Miss Webster. In class IX., the exhibits were not numerous. What there were showed considerable artistic taste. In class X, the walking sticks by Mr. Clark, gum ornaments by Messrs. Marriner ana Millar, sculls by Mr. McGechie, locally-made furniture by Mr. Dixon, turnery by Mr. Quigley, and sashes, doors, and picture frames by Kelsey Brothers (village settlers), were of more than usual merit. In class XI., Mr. Webster's exhibit of locally-made wine and cider was pronounced very choice. Mr. Satehell's exhibit of plug tobacco and six cigars locally made, were also praised. The exhibits of carded silk and sample of 50 cocoons, by Messrs. Hill, Young, and Cockroft, showed what an amount of success can be attained in the cultivation of the silkworm in this district.

Messrs. E. Porter and Co. presented as a prize, a cornsheller. It was exhibited shelling corn, and many were the inquiries after its cost. Great praise is due to the secretary and treasurer, Mr. George F. Webster, for his indefatigable efforts to make the show a success.

In the evening a concert was held in the Public Hall, and was largely attended. The president of the Association, Mr. John Webster, of Taumatawiwi, presided. The items on the programme were, on the whole, well rendered. The audience insisted on an encore of " Sing Me An English Song," by Miss Marriner. Swinging Along," composed by Wilford St. Maur, promises to be quite as popular as the famous song "Sailing." A charming pianoforte solo, 'Le Jet d'Eau," was well played by Miss Bryers. The following was the programme :—lnstrumental duet, Misses Marriner and Clark ; trio, " Ye Shepherds Tell Me," Mrs. and Miss Marriner, Dugmore, and Joughin ; song, "Alas, Those Chimes," Dugmore ; song, " Apart," Miss Marriner ; tlute solo, " When the Swallows, etc.," Mr. Hill; song, " The New Brigade,' T. A. Joughin ; duet, " Friendship," Mrs. Marriner and Mr. Dugmore ; song, " Dear Little Shamrock," Mr. Danagher ; song, " In Happy Moments," G. F. Webster. (Interval). Song, " White Wings," Mr. Dugmore ; song, " The Skipper And His Boy," Mr. Marriner ; flute solo, " Stride La Vampa," Mr. Hill ; song, "Swinging Along," T. A. Joughin; song, "Scenes That Are Brightest," Miss Marriner; song, " Aileen Alannah," Mr. Danagher ; piano solo, " Le Jet d'Eau," Miss Bryers ; song, " Cleansing Fires," G. F. Webster; song, "Sing Me An English Song," Miss Marriner; National Anthem. Three cheers were then given for the chairman, and the hall was cleared for dancing. Appended is the list of awards in the Exhibition :—

Class I.—Plants in Pots. Judges: W. Satchel!, T. A. Joughin. Best collection pot plants: Ist prise, Miss Webster ; 2nd, Miss Herbert. Best pot or basket of musk : Ist prize, T. Danagher; 2nd, Miss A. M. J. Bryers. Best basket of ferns : Ist prize, Miss Marriner; 2nd, Miss A. M. J. Bryers; 3rd, Miss Marriner. Bust basket of maidenhair ferns : Ist prize, Miss A. M. J. Bryers. Best specimen ferns : Ist prize, Miss A. M. J. Bryers.

Class ll.— Flowers. Judges : W. Satchell, T. A. Joughin. Best collection cut flowers : Ist prize, T. L. Millar. Best specimen flowers : Ist prize, Mr. Stephens; 2nd, Mr. Stephens. Best 6 patisies : Ist prize, Miss Young. Best collection of j)inks : Ist prize, Mrs. C. P. Hill. Best ' hand bouquet : Ist prize, Miss E. Webster ; 2nd, Miss A. M. J. Bryers. Best buttonhole bouquet: Ist prize, Miss Webster; and. Miss Webster. Best bouquet of native flowers : Ist prize, Miss Clarke.

Class lll.Vegetables. Judges: B. J. Greatbatch, E. B. Dickon. Best exhibit potatoes (Magnum Bonum) : Ist' priae, Beddy Cochrane. Beat exhibit potatoes (Breeze's Prolific) : Merit, Mrs. Finnigan. Best exhibit potatoes (kidney) : Ist prize, Mr. Bindon; 2nd, Miss McLeod;- highly commended, Mr. T. L. Millar. Best collection potatoes (White . Rock) : Merit, A. 8. Webster. Beat collection' potatoes (Shepherd's) : Ist prize, Bindon; 2nd, Bindon; highly commended, J. Baker. Beat sample potato: Ist prize, Bindon. Best collection potatoes : Ist prize (special), Tonka. Best sample potato onions : Ist prize, Reddy Cochrane ; 2nd, iteddy Cochrane. Beat sample medium onions : Merit, Mr. Clark. Vegetable marrows : Ist prize, Reddy Cochrane. Cucumbers : Commended, Iteddy Cochrane. Best sample of broad beans : Ist prize, H. Young: 2nd, T. L. Millar. Best sample of kidney beans: lut prize, H. Young. Best sample of (Stratagem) peas: Ist prize, H. Young ; 2nd (Yorkshire Hero), A. S. Webster. Best sample of, seasoning herbs: Mrs. Finnigan, commended. Best sample marjoram : Mrs. finnigan, commended. Best sample of carrots : Mr. Stephens, commendod. Best sample of cabbages : Ist prize, Mrs. Qodden; commended, Mr. J. Howe. Beat sample of rhubarb : Ist prize, T. L. Millar 2nd, C. P. Hill ; Miss McLeod, highly commended. Best sample of turnips : Ist prize, Mr. Tonks; 2nd, Mr. Tonka ; 2 other exhibits, highly commended, Mr. Tonks. Best sample of parsnips : Ist prize, T. L. Millar. Class IV.—Judges, Mr. Andrews and Mr. Tolerton. —Best dish of mixed fruits: G. Clarke, special prize. Best exhibit of gooseberries : C. P. Hill, Ist prize ; G. A. Clarke, 2nd; C. P. Hill, highly commended. Best exhibit of figs : J. Webster, special. Best exhibit of lemons : A. S. Webster, Ist prize ; T. J,. Millar, 2nd. Best exhibit of strawberries: Miss McLeod, Ist prize : A. S. Webster, 2nd. Best exhibit of plums: T. L. Millar, Ist prize ; G. A. Clarke, 2nd; G. T. Clendon, highly commended. Best exhibit of apples : G. A. Clarko, Ist prize; T. L. Millar, 2nd. Best exhibit of peaches : G. A. Clarko, Ist prize; D. Eynon, 2nd. Best exhibit of raspberries : Mrs. Bates, highly commended. Best exhibit of dried apples : W. A. Webster, highly approved. Best collection of fruit: G. A. Clarke, Ist prize. Class —Dairy and Farm Produce. Judges : Miss Aileen Hollis, Miss Jackson, Mr. Tolorton, T. A. Joughin. Best lib fresh butter: Ist prize, Mrs. Danagher; 2nd, Mrs. Baker ; 3rd, Mrs. Eraser. Best lib salt butter : Ist prize, Mrs. Finnigan ; 2nd, Mrs. Danagher; 3rd, Mrs. Baker. Best 0 fowl eggs : Ist prize, Mrs. C. P. Hill; 2nd, Mrs. Bowring ; 3rd, Mrs. Finnigan. Best 0 duck eggs : Ist prize, Ella Webster ; 2nd, T. J. Danagher. Best 6 turkey eggs : Ist prize, T. J. Danagher. Most eccentric eggs : Ist prize, Miss Marriner ; 2nd, Mrs. Hill. Best sheaf of oats : Ist prize, E. B. Dicken. Best sheaf of wheat : Ist prize, Mrs. Cashman ; 2nd, E. B. Dicken. Best bundle green forage : Ist prize, T. J. Danagher. Best exhibit cocksfoot grass : Ist prize, Mrs. Cashman ; 2nd, Mr. Dicken ; 3rd, Mr. Miliar. Best exhibit ryegrass : Ist prize, Mr. Lee; 2nd, E. B. Dicken. Best exhibit prairie grass : Ist prize, E. B. Dicken; 2nd, T. L. Millar. Best exhibit bamboo cane : Ist prize, T. L. Millar. Class Preserves. Judges : Mrs. Page, Misses Hollis and Jackson. This list is incomplete. I was enabled to obtain the names of only some of the prizetakers. Honey in comb: Ist prize, E. Clark ; 2nd, T. L. Millar. Honey, strained : Ist prize, H. Young. Strawberry jam : Ist prize, Mrs. Andrews ; 2nd, Mrs. W. A. Webster. Gooseberry jam : Ist and 2nd prize, Mrs. W. A. Webster. Raspberry : Highly commended, Mrs. W. A. Webster. Marmalade: Highly commended. Miss Quigley. Guava jelly: Ist prize, Mrs. Millar. Preserved fruit : Ist prize. Miss Webster. Dried apples : Ist prize, Mr. W. Webster. Best collection of jams, Ist prize, Mrs. Andrewes. Class Vll.— Housewife's Prize. Judges : Messrs. Harkey and Riesteror. Special prize, beat loaf white bread (6 exhibits): Ist prize, Miss K. Quigley ; 2nd, Mrs. Andrewes. Best loaf brown bread : Miss Ella Webster, highly commended. Best miniature wedding cake: Ist prize, Gladstone Harrison ; 2nd, Mrs. Andrewes. Beat pound cake: Ist prize. Mrs.

W. A. Webster. Best sponge cake: Ist prize. Miss F. Wobster; 2nd, Miss Boyco. Best collection pastry: Miss Webster, highly commended. Beat plum cake (by bachelors only): Ist prize, G. T. Clondon; 2nd, A. S. Webster. Class VIII, Ladies' Fancy Work.—Judges, Miss Quiglev and Mrs. Page.—Knitted wool shawl: Ist prize, Mrs. Martin, White wool shawl: Ist prize, Mrs. Hill. .Darned not curtains : Ist prize, Miss Cookcroft. Set of netted curtains: Ist prize, Mrs. McLood. Crewel work: Ist prize, Lilian Young. Specimen work, special: Ist prize, Miss Hollis. Crochet: Ist prize, Miss Wolls; 2nd prize. Miss Martin. Child's pinafore : Ist prize, Lilian Young. Child's dross, plain sowing: Ist prize. Miss Cockcroft. Child's hood, plain sewing : 2nd prize, Miss S.Ferguson. Macrarne: Ist prize, Mrs. Bow. Hoihere lady's hat: Ist prize, Miss Bryers (Pakia); 2nd prize, Miss Wells. Nikau lady's hat: Ist prize, Miss C. Wells. Kiekie, 3 men's hats: Ist prize, Pipi Hapana. Hoihere kit: Ist prize, Miss AVells. Nikau kit: Ist prizo, Miss C. Wells. Antimacassar (crochet): Ist prizo, Mrs. J. McLood. Antimacassar (rose garland): Ist prize, Miss Martin. Bootees : highly commended, Mrs. Cashman. Worked slippers ; Ist prizo, Miss F. Webster. Worked smoking cap : Ist prizo. Miss Thomson ; highly commended, Miss F. Webster. Clottin mat: Ist prize, Miss Freer. Fancy pockets (watch): Ist prize, Miss Jackson; 2nd, Alico Symonds. Blotting pad : Ist prize, Miss Jackson. Maori mats : Ist prize, Waitai Tul: 2nd, Netana Rawiri. Fancy shell baskets : Ist prize, Miss Bemico Bryers; 2nd, Miss Maude Phillips. Framed specimens of seaweed: Ist prizo, Miss Webster. Framed specimens of ferns: Ist prize: Miss Webster. Christmas cards : Ist prize, Miss Cockciroft; 2nd, Miss Marrinor; 3rd, Miss Webster.

Class IX., Art Prizo.—Judges : John Webster, Charles P. Hill. Best pencil sketch : Ist prizo, George Clark. Best studv in Indian ink or sepia : Ist prize, T. L. Millar (Indian ink); 2nd, T. L. Millar (sepia). Best water-colour painting: Ist prize, T. L. Millar ; 2nd, T. L. Millar. Best comic sketch: T. L. Millar, highly commended. Best collection photographic portraits and views (by local amateurs): Ist prize, W. Satcholl. Best oil painting : George Martin, commended.

Class X., Miscellaneous.—: R. Page, 11. Fraser. Door and sashes : 11. Amd J. Kelsoy, very highly commended and highly commended. Best picture frames : Ist prize, 11. and J. Kelsey; 2nd. 11. Young. Best pair of 8-foet sculls : Mr. McGeehie, excellent, very highly commended. Best 0 walking sticks : Ist prizo, G. A. Clark ; 2nd, Charles P. Hill. Best axe handle, locally made : Ist prize, Washington Harrison ; 2nd, G. A. Clark. Best 0 bricks, locally made: Samuel Dawes, very highly commended. Best specimen collection of turnery : T. Quigley, very highly commended. Bost specimen i natural curios :W. A. Webster, commended. Best canoe: Mr, Tupao, commended. Best collection £um ornaments : Ist prizo, J. W. Marrinor; 2nd, T. . Miller. Class XI., Special Industry Prizes.— : R. Cochrane. Bast sample carded silk : 11. Young, highly commended. Bost sample cocoons: Ist prize, C. P. Hill; 2nd, 11. Young ; 3rd, J. Cockroft. There was a largo exhibit by Mr. T. L. Millar, but was not entered to compote for prizes. Best bottle wine, locally manufactured : Ist prizo, J. Webster. Best bottle cider, locally manufactured : Ist prizo, J. Webster. Bost plug tobacco, locally manufactured : Ist prize, W. Satchell; 2nd, 0. A. Clark. Best 6 cigars, locally manufactured: W. Satchell, highly commended. —[Own Correspondent.]

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9261, 15 January 1889, Page 6

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HOKIANGA HORTICULTURAL AND INDUSTRIAL ASSOCIATION. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9261, 15 January 1889, Page 6

HOKIANGA HORTICULTURAL AND INDUSTRIAL ASSOCIATION. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9261, 15 January 1889, Page 6