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Flour Mills, , ,'■ .. . • ■-'."'... THE BEST AND ARE MADE. brands: ' Crown, 5 • Champion,'' Caniab,'' Volcano/ LOOK TO YOUR HEALTH AND USE THEM. ULU «■■ V fe. R T VVI HEREi Furnishing Goods. WHOLESALE AND EBTAIL CABINETMAKEES, UPHOLSTEREES, AND CARPET WAREHOUSEMEN, SAVE JUST OPENED THEIR FIRST SHIPMENT OF EIHIBITM LIBERTY (MAIS AND LIBERT! MUSLINS, EXHIBITION" CARPETS, HEARTHRUGS, &c, &c., &a. WINKS & HALL, SHORTLAND-STEEET, AUCKLAND. Medical. & Hot an Emulsion and consequently does not contain an equal quantity of (or any) g water charged for at the prioe of Oil. * 3 The pure world renowned Oil. perfected inono operation, consequently needing tcl ~ no after manipulations— covers for imperfections. OLLO WAY'S PILLS. — - — ' Impurity of the BLOop.-Unloss tho blood bo A SURE REMEDY FOR kept the constitution must bo weakened -EIL. and disease supervene. TUeso wonderful Pills possess the power of removing or neutralizing all containing- "RAT TYNTTTQ^I tions of tho blood and syatoni genorally. They UM\.UUxi XJ\tJ\iJ t quietly, but certainly, overcome all obstructions tending to produce ill health, and institute regular action to organs that are faulty from irritation or ' «nmnw» debility. Tho dyspeptic, weak, and nervous may rely on theso Pills as their best friend and comforter, WTO. as they act upon tho main isprings of life, and thus «j iZ-X' Htsl©- ** save thousands from a premature grave. 3 , ?5 Complaints of Women and Children.— .3 * 5 very mild and painless action of these invaluable g ✓"S § Pills recommends them to every housohold as a r . s§foJ ~Qs\ f^?' ■-* remedy for the first departure from health. Any 9 '^CjiCHffiß'JL \ V C mother, nurse, or young person guided by the direc- 9 m tions which accompany each box of Holloway's Pills pj YsswitY?ETl£«-*<C. M has at once available means of checking disease, H BSFSwRiKFTOa Y^sSsy purifying tho blood, and expelling from the system vSltekOEsilJiaN \W^ all gross humours. They are indeed, at all ages, the female's tried friend. DISORDERS OP the Liver with Flatulency and Indigestion.— of appetite and flatulency aro usually the forerunners of stomachic disease. These TESTIMONIAL famous Pills exercise the most salutary power on all '" * x affections of tho liver, and all irregularities of tho ; From a former M H R. for Christchurch stomach and bowels; they restore a healthy function ' "•""""'* North-— to every internal organ, overcome all obstructions, ' r:hriW.rTiiiiv>T> tvj v and cast out all impurities. . Au'ustfsth'lSTa Weak Stomachs—lmpaired Digestion.— Mr Hickman— *uusi; iota, ib/a. >Wsest cannot enumerate one tithe of the distressing Dear Sir,—lf my testimony to the efflcacv of vour eraiptoins arising from enfeebled digestion, all ol Hair Producer is of any value U T you tou are S which may be readily dwpelled by those admirable liberty to make whatever use of it you maytntak Pills, as they rouse the stomach, liver, and every proper wuu* other organ of digestion to that healthy tone which I About six years asro mv hair bßiran tn fall nff ir, fully enables them to convert all food and drink to irregSar patehes afidSfchmih lfri«Hi2«vSLi %to tho nourishment of the body-hence these Pill* aro niSS to ch^k^e the purest strengthqnors, and the safest restorative Steady progress towards baJdnesai About fifteen in nervousnoss, wasting, and chronic debility. months ■ I was induced to try your Hair P^, Coughs, Colds, INFLUENZA, and SORE Throats ducnr At first I did not Notice WW^mJ^l^ For curing diseases of the throat, chest/and I had m^mfh2«U° h im P. ro, ;f meut j lunga, these PUls have established for themselves a not carrying a^S t^^ZS I TSS^ y ' if pre-eminently world-wide fame, as they purify the givotta^^Md^^S-L^S^^f* o blood and regulate its circulation. Coughs, common as directed. My perseve^ce^Spl^rewaried 1 colds, influenza, bronchitis, asthma, pleurisy, in- and lam dad to «v thS inv h^ P i!L ' (lamination of the lungs, and even consumption in t£ck aSTvS it was and quite^^oriSfcolou? Its early stages, are successfully treated with this which is very remarkable SnSffi,^ I ' , medicine particularly if Hollo 8 Ointment be 60S rfagSSSSfflS^*^* lam over ■ell rubbed upon the chest and back night and *u"ia«uuuuuy, I morning. . AdeVnr "• THOMSON, J.P. Hollo way's Pills are tho beat remedy known in the abkhot world for the following diseases:— HICKMAN'S ECLIPSE HAIR PRODUCER Ague Gout Stone and Gravel (Registered) ™»vu*^> Asthma Headache Secondary Symp- »*.•.*« Bilious Com- Indigestion toma rJ^ 11 bottle contains supply for one month. plaints Liver complaints Tic-Doloureux 7? 106 ' 4s > ° f Graves Aickin, Hamilton Bros., J. P. Blotches on the Lumbago Ulcers K "?£ and 0113 . J. A. Pond, and all Chemists. Skin Piles Venereal Affec- General Agents— Bowolcomplaints Rheumatism tions N Z. DRTIO «ivn>iw Debility r Retention of Worms of all A^SS^m Dropsy Urine kinds Ana SHAKLAND AND CO. Female Irregu- Scrofulaor King's Weakness, from . _^ larities Evil whatever cause ' ~~ ~" " —*" Feversofollkinds Sore Throats &c., Ac. tt-« a<4V t\ tn-d am v e\Jr The Pills and Ointment are sold at Professor Jli £« » T[l ON. Holloway's Establishment, 78, New Oxford-street, " London, also by nearly every respectable Vendor of CRAWFORD'S Medicine throughout the civilised world, in Boxes CHAMOMILE, RHUBARB, AND the British Government Stamp, with the words, DANDELION PILLS "Holloway's Pills and Ointment, London," engravwd On°?he label is the address, 78, Kew Oxford- LSAFE AN REMEDY FOEJ street, London, where alone they are manufactured. INDIGESTION SS~ Bewaro of all compounds styled Hollow-ay's ■ Pills and Ointment with a " New York " label. Indigestion, Heartburn, sensation o fulness aftei n.TT V gTTT-PfP-PPa' -nnATVT »eals, Costivoness Bitter Taste in the Mouth, with THE SUFFERERS BOON. Furred Tongue and Unpleasant Breath Irregular mHE FRENCH HOSPITAL REMEDY stoH." mSf. , .^™" , AU Gone '" feeJin in the X will cure any case of NERVOUS DEBILITY Giddutiss D^s&durl^t^T Headache, &c. FaUure is impossible. Pull particulars, to- StoSrZf n fSs5 eday!,,u 1 ? HIDDEN 'IREAbURE, , by a French Doctor, which r ' wltfi HIDDEN '1 REASSURE," by a French Doctor, which ' TO is really worth its weight in DIAMONDS to . those A „ .~ about to marry. Price by Post, sealed, Is Bd. N.Z * n ? , one or mor of these symptoms may indicate stamps. Address Parisian Agency Co., P.O. Box Z°i?% arrangement of the Liver or Stomach, and 670, Sydney. ' ™ Uef should be sought for at once. Nothing will —L-i 1 ■— : fifre more speedy and certain relief than B HUGHES WORM POWDERS AND AWFOED L C i F d Vt^r^^^f' AND VERMIFUGE „ ■ - .: DANDELION PILLS Have afforded almost immediate relief to hundreds ato ItoEriSffinA T** ta ?,? dlrect, y of suffering J uveraie l dunn g the last H»* t^i^StaS^^SS^x^S'"^ Telephone 278. o,*, " . . , . Sold In Boxes, Is, Iβ 6c!,. 5s 6d, and 6s each by ISold in Boxes, Is, Iβ 6d,. 2s 6d, and 6s each by - -~ '-Bsmnbr Hi, QUEEN-STREET.' ; • HALL, NEWTON, AUCKiAJND

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9254, 7 January 1889, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9254, 7 January 1889, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9254, 7 January 1889, Page 7