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NOTICE TO GENTLEMEN. ■; ;: DRAPERS, CLOTHIERS AND SILK MERCERS, The Oldest-established, Cheapest, and most Extensive Drapery and Clothing Emporium in the Province. . . CalliSpecial attention of Gentlemen to their Varied Assortment of CLOTHING-, HATS, and MEECEEY, purchased specially for the Holiday Season, and marked at unusually low pnces. We give below a few quotations as showing the Marvellously Low Prices which we are prepared to take during the Holiday Season :— ;.'".,,, . A Line of Sack and Morning Blue and Black Cloth Coats, guaranteed value for 30s, but bought under peculiar circumstances, from 8s 6d to 12s 6d. Onehunga Tweed Suits, in every make and shape, for Gents, Youths, and Boys ; also, JlnicterbocKers otthe same material, all reduced in price for the Holiday Season ; very special. A Warehouseman's Stock of Gents', Boys', and Youths'. Hard and Soft Felt Hats, the very latest fashions which have only just come to hand. We shall sell at less tnan tney cost to land. Gentlemen's Hard and Soft Felt Hats, worth 8s 6d, for 5s 6d ; do., worth 7s 6d, for 4s 6d ; do., 6s 6d, for 3s lid ; do., 5s 6d, for 2s 6d ; do,, 4s 6d, for Is lid. A few dozen of Boys' Masher Hats, right good value for 5s 6 d > we are for is lid. Gentlemen's Helmets in every variety of shape, and of choice material, all reduced in price. Straws, Leghorns, Parramattas, Panamas, Indian, in all the new shapes and styles, at marvellously low prices. Without a doubt, l-°-^ b# t-U_.i b is the best place to buy Hats of every description. Having purchased the whole of Owen and Graham's Dust Coats in China Silk and Black Alpacas, will now introduce the parcel at about half price. Trousers and Vests in endless variety, at prices that defy competition, j EXORS- OF ffpTjfOlCi , S<ena i fil* 'C'f'YtO&'f , ik "illPllrlClTiff? B <2lliKß , IFII Q WlO€f ■ anajr Tirf? ~.■._„- —— -u-i-M- uMiiLui ■iiiiMLMMUMUii ,-j- j "■ EM .n M jMiiij._..LL.L 3 . i, Ml _ 'i,m'J4n--'Jllll7B?tl»WMnffTWWl3TfflHM IB 'l I 'll'iillllil

Houses and Land. CHAS. \%T ILLIAMSON, T V HOUSE, LAND, AND FINANCIAL AGENT, j S3, QUEEN STREET (Opposite Fort-street). Bankers: National Bank of New Zealand. MONEY invested for Capitalists on first-class securities, -without charge. Five per cent, allowed on deposits until invested. MONEY TO LEND in largo or small sums. KENTS and INTEREST Collected. ESTATES MANAGED for Absentees. HOUSES TO LET and PROPERTIES FOR SALE placed on my lists free of charge. BUILDING ALLOTMENTS for Sale at per foot:—in Bellwood, Mount Roskill, Beresiord-street, 3Ne\vuiarket, Howe-street, Shelly Beach Raid, lagar Place, North Shore, Hepburn-street, Emmettstreet, Conquest Place, Handolpli-street, Reclamation, Northcote, Onehungu I have a few Houses now on sale at remarkably low prices. To be sold by order of the mortgagee. " Full EXCHANGE.— House and 3$ acres, all tmder cultivation and planted, water frontage, for House i__oiv_ ; also, Farm in Waikato. HOUSES TO LET, in— West-street, Newton, 4-roomed House —5s weekly Mackelvie-street, Surrey Hills, 5 rooms— Cd Hereoford-street—Furnished Rooms, Bond-street, gas, 5 rooms4s t>d. , Collingwood-street, 4 rooms Russell-street, 5 rooms, 4s > Epsom, 7 rooms and one-third acre land, 13s Cd busses-street, Newton, 6 rooms Ireland-street, 5 rooms—as txl weekly Nelson-street, 6 rooms—9s weekly Lincoln-street, 5 roomsss 6d weekly North Shore, 4 rooms—ss (.id Devon-street, 5 rooms, ss, large garden Monmouth-street, 4 rooms4s weekly —« OFFICES TO LET, in Lower Queen-street, from Ss upwards. KELSON-STREET— House for sale, scullery, gas, and water. Price, only £450. HENDERSON—I2 miles from Auckland, fronting Great North Road, and adjacent to railway station; just surveyed into lots from 2 to 2S acres ; eminently suitable for fruit and poultry farms ; water frontage, lovely views, charming villa, sites. Very ' , easy terms to suit purchasers, ITO LET—Small Farm on Lake Road, Takapuna; also, excellent Farm at Waiheke of 360 acres, with two Orchards, two Houses, sea frontage, at £40 yearly. Fishing and shooting. DTAHUHU — House and S acres for sale on Tamaki River ; deep water frontage, 1 acre orchard. MOUNT Five-roomed House for Sa?e, with Stable, Buggyhouse, and two acres, garden, &c, near Station. CLAKEMONT-STKEET— eight-roomed House for Sale ; bathroom, stable, concrete paths, gas, water, and large allotment— PRATT-STREET — Five-roomed House lor Sale (new), city water. Price, £2Stf PENROSE—New House and seven acres volcanic soil for Sale, divided into three paddocks. Price £475. VILLA RESIDENCE for Sale near Upper Queenstreet; gas and water" range. —£255. NEWMARKET— Splendid Allotment, neat Rail way Station— Fine view. F. G. EWIXGTO.N.] [CHAS. BAKER. WIKGTON & T> AKE R, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, Coombes' arcade. Queen-street, Auckland (Established 23 years). Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturdays 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Having resided in Auckland over twenty-six years, during which time Mr. Ewington has been twenty-three years in the Estate Agency business, lie is able to render valuable assistance "to persons wishing to buy, sell, let, or take property, or to borrow or lend money. FOR SALE. CHOICE PROPERTY FOR SALE, owing to failing health of the proprietor— Charming Property next to St. ban's Church, Mount Roskill Road, comprising about 3 acres of Land, clear of stones, and laid out in gardens and paddocks. The House commands a beautiful view, and comprises T rooms. It is nearly new, and was built by Mr. Julian, under the supervision of Mr. A. P. Wilson, Architect, who designed it in the newest English style to afford the greatest comfort and convenience. There are suitable stables and out-offices. This is one of the most picturesque little properties out of Auckland, and will be sold a bargain. If required, the Furniture, which is nearly new, could be taken at a valuation. This is a rare opportunity for a young couple about to marry to acquire a really delightful home at a moderate figure. FOR SALE —A Bargain—House of 6 rooms and a bath room, with coach-house, stable, and allotment 99 by 136 feet, corner of Milais-street and Murdoch Road. Price, £550 cash. LARGE HOUSE in Park Avenue, with S rooms and many conveniences, has a lease of 50 years to run—£sso. tN JERVOIS ROAD, PONSONBY, we have a gcod Residence for sale for £550. FOR SALE, for £2700— Gentleman's Residence of 12 rooms, with 16 acres of Laud, situated at Remuera. VERY CHEAP ALLOTMENTS at Avondale for sale. ; FOR SALE, for £210—A .comfortable Freehold 4roomed Cottage in Stewju-t-street, Mount Eden. TO SPECULATORS- About 3A acres of volcanic Land, corner of Eden Vale and Wynyard Roads, for sale. %\'E have for sale—Some good Land, close to the Henderson Railway Station, at a low price per acre. OR £300—We can sell Two Freehold Houses in Grey-street. ; 10 ACRES of Good Land at Panmure for sale— £350. SPECIAL BARGAINS. A BARGAIN.—To be sold—About J-acre of volcanic Land in Ewington Avenue, close to Valley Road, Mount Eden, and House of 7 rooms, exclusive of kitchen and pantry; gas is laid on, there is provision for about 5000 gallons of water, and the Mount Eden water pipes are now laying in front of the door ready to be laid down. There is a stable, cow-shed, buggy-shed, wash-house, with copper set in bricks, also, a large detached bathroom, and concrete cistern for garden use. The grounds are tastefully laid out and planted. It -would cost anyone £725 to do these things. If sold at once, £575 will be accepted. 60 ACRES of the best Land in Waitakerei East, well-timbered, and good soil. £30. IN COTELE, EDEN TERRACE—A large and ■well-built Family Residence for sale. FOR .SALE, at Epsom— acres of Land, £150 per acre. FOR SALE—A lovely House in Park Avenue. BUBSTANTIALLY-BUILT 6-roomed Houses on New North Road (cheap). 11 ACRES in grass, well-watered and subdivided ; also, House and Stables. Freehold for £450. Good title. This is a chance seldom met with. 68 ACRES at Paparata, with House and Outbuildings, lor sale for £250. TO LET. COTTAGES TO LET, PARNELL—Rent low. TO LET—A New Shop and Dwelling, Symonds- ' street, in good position. Rent, 10s per week. ; TO —An eight-roomed House, corner of York ! and Upper Queen-streets. Kent, 12s per week. ■TO LET— nice six-roomed House on the New North Road. Rent, 10s per week. TO LET—A five-roomed House in Lower Union street. Rent, 6s per week. TO LET— five-roomed House, Graham-street. Rent, OS per week. TO LET—A Shop, Freeman's Bay. Rent, 7s per week. TO LET—A four-roomed House, Hepburn-street. Rent, 5s per week. TO —Offices in Coombes , Arcade; rent very low. ITO LET—Four-roomed Cottages Lome-street, from 3s 6d per week. TO LET—A six-roomed House, Chapel-street. Rent, 10s per week. •TO LET—A six-roomed House and Bakery, Colling-wood-street, Ponsonby. Rent, 7s per week. TO LET—A large Shop, corner of Cook and Hob-son-streets. Rent low: TO LET —Two Shops, Jervois Road, Ponsonby. TO BE LET in Commerce-street—One of the largest and best Cellars in the City. PARTNERSHIPS. !AY ANTED— Partner in a payable AYood-turning Business. £400 required. ■WANTED —A Partner in a payable Nursery and Gardening Business. Capital required, £500. . . MONEY TO LEND. MONEY TO LEND, at e per cent., if the freehold security is ample. PHONEY TO LEND, at 6 per cent, on city freeholds with fair margin. "El OR SALE OR LEASE, I -—■' THE GROVE" (LATE WARREN'S), ONEHUNGA. ftesidence of Twelve Rooms, with about six acres efLand. ■■ Fine Orchard, with Orange and Lemon Trees, in • full bearing. Mr. Roberts, adjoining, will show the property. ■: ; V,:.■■-■. I - ' ■■■'■■ Also, HOUSES IN GREEN LANE, ELLERSLIE, , ••■■ 1 And Mount Roskill Districts. ' MONEY TO LEND AT LOW INTEREST. ■ Apply ; : HENRY BYRON, -:■ ■■' ■■ ' ' ' : Agent*. 11, Victoria Arcade, Auckland,

Houses and Land. W. S. COCHRANE.] [jAS. DACRE, I SAMUEL /COCHRANE & qON, GENERAL AUCTIONEERS, APPRAISERS, LAND AND COMMISSION AGENTS QUEEN-STREET (Next Union Bank), Established 1559. VALUATIONS MADE O# LAND, BUILDINGS, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, &C. SALES AND PURCHASES OF ALL KINDS EFFECTED AND NEGOTIATED CONSIGNMENTS OF ALL KINDS PROMPTLY DISPOSED OF. MONEY TO LEND ON FREEHOLD SECURITY AT CURRENT RATES. FARM, AVONDALE. FOR SALE—Small Farm of 4} acres good Land, well fenced and cultivated. Price low; terms easy. OS! SHOP AND DWELLING, MOUNT EDEN. New Shop and Dwelling, on Main Road ; good business corner. 321 "OESIDENCE, SURREY HILLS. FOR SALE—Comfortable Residence, 7 rooms, bathroom, outhouses, nice garden. 40 feet frontage, close to Richmond Road. Terms easy. (314) -gTIREEHOLD CITY PROPERTIES. FOR SALE— Shop, and 6 Brick Dwellinghouses, recently erected, situated corner Wyndham and Chapel-streets. 214 FOR SALE—Six Houses of 5 and 6 JD rooms each, nearly new ; have very large area of land, situate in Grey-street; are always well let. 215 ISLAND, 8000 ACRES. FOR SALE —An Island, situate in a capital position ; contains SOOO acres. Price, £1100. (555 CJ M A L L FARMS. k3 BIRKENHEAD. FOR SALE— Small Farms, containing about 10 acres each good Land, admirably suited for fruit or strawberry growing, front main road. Terms very easy. QHOPS, KARANGAHAPE ROAD. FOR SALE—Two first-class New Brick Shops in best business part of Karangahape Road. A tirstclass investment. Must veiy much increase in value. "DTOUSES, COLLEGE ROAD FOR SALE —Four good Houses in commanding situation in College Road. A good return on money invested. "DESIDENCE, AVONDALE. A comfortable well-built Residence of 5 rooms, with outbuildings, situate on the main road, about 2 acres of first-rate Land. There is a good orchard of 250 trees in full bearing. Price very low. im A R M AT WAIUKU, FOR Improved Farm of 249 acres good Land, all ploughable; SO acres in grass; wire fenced, well sheltered, good orchard; G-rooiued House and outbuildings ; fronts the river, and has good wharf; steamer passes five times weekly. (CSI) TmARM, LAKE TAKAPUNA. FOR SALE—Valuable Improved Farm of 35 acres, on the main road, close to the Lake; good House, and a splendid orchard, all well-grown trees in full bearing. (625) SAMUEL COCHRANE & SON, QUEEN-STREET. W. & J. f rateßj HOUSE AND LAND AGENTS, 97, QUEEN-STREET. RENTS AND INTEREST COLLECTED. LOANS AND MORTGAGES NEGOTIATED. MONEY LENT ON GOOD SECURITIES. FOR SALE. PAPATOITOI—Nice little Farm of 15 acres of firstclass Land, in grass and crops, with new 7-rooined House and Outbuildings. Price low. ORAKEI ROAD, REMUERA— very Nice Houses of 0 and 7 rooms, with 1J and 2* acres of Land ; will be sold cheap, KARANGAHAPE ROAD—Two good brick and stone Shops (two-storied), paying good returns for capital invested. MANUKAU ROAD, PARNELL — 8-roomed twostoried House ; gas, water, bath, and range. This is a bargnin. Price, £050. POKENO HILL— and convenient Farm of 140 acres of volcanic Land; half in grass and balance in bush (creamery on the farm); Housa and all necessary outbuildings. Will bo sold cheap. * POKENO HILL— Farm of over 300 acres, nearly all in grass. This 13 a good place, and all volcanic soil. Large House and Outbuildings. ST. STEPHEN'S ROAD, PARNELL —S-roomed House, and 1 acre Land. This is a beautiful property and will be sold reasonable. MARAETAI POINT— acres good Land, with large frontage to harbour. Will be sold cheap. TAKAPUNA (short distance from the Lake)—s7J acres good open Land. Low price. VINCENT-STREET-Large Allotment and Cottage. Price, £500. b HOTEL in the country, doing good trade. WE have for sale, Houses in the City and Suburbs, suitable to all classes, at very reasonable prices. FARMS in the Waikato, Pukekohe Pokeno, Bombay, Whangarei, and all parts of the Provincial District. Particulars on application. TO LET. MANUKAU ROAD, PARNELL— House, bath, washouse, gas and water. Rent 13s 6d. OWEN'S ROAD, MOUNT EDEN — 8-roomod House and large Allotment. Rent, £40 per year. PARNELL—Two well-furnished Houses of 8 and 9 rooms ; every comfort and convenience. Rent low to good tenants. ST. STEPHEN'S ROAD, PARNELL— House ; gas, water, bath, and range 20s. CHERTSEY-STREET, PARNELL—2 Cottages, Gs and 10s. ELLERSLIE—B-roomed House, large orchard, and 10 acres Land. This is a nice place. To a good tenant low rent will be taken. OLIPHANT-STREET— roomed Cottage and large Allotment. MOUNT EDEN—4 rooms, Gs. FORT-STREET— Convenient Offices at low rents. LARGE STORE in Fort-street. Rent low. I C H A N D. FOR SALE--2600 ACRES RICH LAND IN HIKUTAIA, THAMES VALLEY. Large proportion in good Grass, with growing crops of Maize, Turnips, and Potatoes, well watered and fenced. It is bounded, north by Hjkutaia River; west by Main Coach Road; east by Auriferous Country, containing the famous Marototo Gold and Silver Mine; and south by native land. Situated only 12 miles from Thames by a good road, and with water communication on to the land. This property forms a very DESIRABLE ESTATE, either as a Home or as an Investment. For particulars of sale apply to ADAM LAYBOURN & CO., AUCKLAND."-

Boots and Shoes. I COMPLETE EEVOLUTION IN THE BOOT TEADE Introduction of an entirely New System of Manufacture. The present Entire Stock. to tie cleared at once. GARRETT BROS, having made arrangements for the introduction of an entirely new Plant of Perfect 'Fitting and Finishing Machinery, will offer tho whole of the Present Stock at COST PRICES, for POSITIVELY A FEW WEEKS ONLY. Come and inspect the windows for quality of goods and prices. Thousands of Lines to select from. s. d. a. d. Children's Laco Boots, reduced to .. .. 0!> Indies' Button Boots, reduced to _. ..9 6 Children's Elastic Side Boots, reduced to ... 1 (> Men's Bluchers, reduced to *, „ w 411 Children's Shoes, reduced to 111 Men's Bluchers, reduced to .. ... ..6 0 Children's Shoes, reduced to .. .. — 2 (i Men's Shoes, reduced to 511 Children's Elastic Sides, reduced to .. v 2 0 Men's Shoes, 0s ed, 8s od, and 10s Od. Children's Tan Shoes, reduced to .. - '2 0 Men's Iland-nmdo Water Tights, reduced to 9 0 Children's Oxford Shoes, reduced to .. „ 3 C Men's Selected Leather Water Tights, reLadies' Walking Shoes, reduced to .. .. 4 0 iluced to ! .. .. 10 6 Ladies' Walkiug Shoes, reduced to .. .. 411 Men's Elastic Sides, reduced to 7 6 Ladies' Walking Shoes, reduced to .. .. 15 0 Men's Elastic Sides, reduced to 8s 0d and 10s Cd. Ladies' very superior Walking Shoes, 7s Cd, Men's Balmorals, reduced to 9 0 Ss Cd, and 10s «d. Men's Balmorals, reduced to lOsOd and 12a Od. Ladies' Prunella Elastic Sides, reduced to .. 4 0 Boys' Elastic Sides, reduced to .. .. 4 0 Ladies' Prunella Lace Boots, reduced to .. 0 0 Boys' Laced Boots, roducod to 4 6 Ladies' Kid Elastic Sides, reduced to.. .. 5 (> Boys' Heavy-nailed Boots, reduced to.. .. 6 0 Ladies' Kid Elastic Sides, reduced to.. .. 7 0 j Girls' School Boots, reduced to 311 Ladies' Kid Elastic Sides, Ss od, 0s Cd, and Ladies' Slippers, reduced to Oil lOsOd. Ladies" Leather Slippers!, reduced to .. .. 211 Ladies' Lace Boots, reduced to 711 Ladies' Best Prunella Slippers, reduced to .. 311 Ladies Button Boots, 10s od, 11s Cd, 12s Od, Ladles' Houao Boot--, reduced to .. .. 3 6 and 15s Od. Ladies' Evening Shoes, reduced to ... .. 3 0 German, French, English, and Colonial Goods in endless varieties of Styles and Prices. Come early: the goods are already selling quickly. WAKEFIELD-STREET, AUCKLAND, AND KARANGAHAPE ROAD, NEWTON. THIS IS A GEMJINE SALE. Dress and Fashion. " You Vagabond! Would you steal a man's hat when you can buy one so cheap at FOWLDS ?" FACTS WORTH KNOWING: JTOWLDS GIVES THE BEST VALUE IN HATS. fTOWLDS HAS THE NICEST STOCK OF TIES. JTOWLDS GIVES BEST VALUE IN CLOTHING. , ■ — JTOWLDS HAS THE SPICIEST STOCK OF SHIRTS. JTOWLDS IS THE SAILOR'S FRIEND. VICTORIA ARCADE. 7 J ARE THE distinguishing POINTS OF OUR celebrated MADE to MEASURE AT 555, 60s, 655, 70s, 755, 80s. APPLICATIONS FROM OUR COUNTRY FRIENDS FOR MEASUREMENT INSTRUCTIONS AND PATTERNS PROMPTLY RESPONDED TO. ALL MATERIAL SHRUNK, AND EVERY DETAIL OF WORKMANSHIP , . ' GUARANTEED. BOYS' & YOUTHS' SUITS MADE TO MEASURE. Send height of figure for working out estimate of price. ALL SPECIAL ORDERS FORWARDED BY PARCEL POST FREE OF CHARGE. A SPLENDID SELECTION OF NEW ZEALAND TWEEDS, FROM 2 s 6 D PER YARD. ADDRESS: lIALLENSTEIN BEOS. & CO, NEW ZEALAND CLOTHING FACTORY 158 & 160. QUEEN-STREET, AUCKLAND. '

Dress and Fashion. LARGER PREMISES ! LARGER PREMISES ! NEW PREMISES ! A. EI. FENXOWS Large New Premises, Nos. 252 and 254, Queen-street (next to his old place), are now open with an Immense Stock of Drapery and Clothing of every description. ■ CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE TOWN FOE DEAPEEY AND CLOTHING, as the appended price list will snow. DRESS GOODS. Quilts, coloured, 3s Gd, 5s lid, and 6s Cd Ladies' Silk Dolmans, 19s Cd to 27a 6d, a great New Stuffs in Beiges, Light and Dark Checks and Q" 1 . 1 * 3 - wl i'' e ' ?•* lld -, 7a nd - Os od > and 12s cd _ bargain Stripes 5s lid doz Tickings, 4ri, 6id, and Is . Beaded Visites, 4s lid to 15s 6d, wero 15s 6d to 70a New Carmelites, in Light aud "Dark Greys, and PMow Tick (woven round), Iβ 3d Wool Pelisses, and Hat to match, 7s lid. Wool Fawns lie 9d, 14s 0d and 17a doz Lace Curtains, por pair, 2s (kl, 2s lid, 4s lid, Cslid, Pelisses, 4s lid Summer Tweeds, Small Checks, 10a 0d tho doz. , and 7s nA < bound and scolloped edges Merino Pelisses, 5s lid to 14s Cd. Merino Cloaks, Summer Sorges, all colours, 8s 6d and 0s 6d doz Toi^ t , Covers, White MarceUa, Bd, 10d, Is 3d, and Is 5s lid to 10s 6d Jersey Cloths, 9s 6d tho doz M > coloured Tapestry, 2s lid Ribbons, Laces, Beaded Trimmings, and a host of Nuns' Veiling all colours Light or Dark from 10s Hollands, 4Jd, 5Jd, CJd, and best 8d per yard other articles too numerous to mention 0d the doz > Flannels, Welsh, Bd, IOJd, Is, Is 2d, Is 4d, and Is Cd Special Line of Black .Silk Jackets and Dolmans, Best Quality Coloured Cashmeres and Merinoes, _. the yard _~,„. OJ . . „ handsomely triinined, from 12s 0d double width 2s (kl tho yard Flannels, New Zealanu, Hid Is 3d, and la 4d the A Large Stock of Umbrellas, good qualities, from Ditto Striped 2s y arfl 8s Ocl to 7s lld Black Cashmeres and Morinoes, doublo width, all Flannels, Shetland heavy makes, Is 4d the yard ■ wool Is 3d is fid 1r lid 2i4ri o, fid and 2s Flannels, German, for underwear, 7dand 8d •"AcaftiiastuiK X. lidl per vard New Zealand Tweeds, all Wool, 2s 6d, and 2s lid White or Black Reels, 200 yards, all numbers, Is Canvas Cloths all thn K«w <?hifln« Tα iiil Am Tweeds for Boys' Wear, Is 8d the dozen Plain Check Lten-w tolnatch 10s ed doz Shirtings, Cotton, s*d, 6Jd, and 7d Green Tie Knitting Cotton, Is 9d per lb Back Italic Clothe Od' Shirtings, Union, Aid, and is Mendings, assorted dozens, with 12 needles, 10d shades, 2s lid the Shirtings, All Woofls Bα??,, 3d and Is 4d And every-other article in Haberdashery that is y ar rt Cretonnes, best makes, new T iattorns, OJkl, 7Jd, BJd, required. Light Shades In Batins, good quality, is 6d yard Carets 1 Tapostry Is 9d MEN'S, BOYS', AND YOUTHS' WASHING DRESSES. All Woo'l Kidderminster Carpets, 2s 3d yard wide CLOTHIN G. Prints, 000 New Patterns, 3d, 4d, 4id, sd, 5Jd, 6d, Towols, Honeycomb, sd, 6d, 9d, Is, and Is 2d Mnn'R fill si?ps 17s I'd "iq M RH «4,M.7*d .and 8d tti.yard '/' ' ' ' white aud unbleached, 9Jd, Is, la M ° %£[ Jfew Zealand 6d ' Cashmorottes, all Now Patterns, 7s and 7s 6d the Is4d, and Is Cd Men , s xwood Trousers and Vests, 6s lid, Ba6d, 10s _. . do f» ~, ~.. AT _.. ... Towels, Bath, 23 8d and 2s Cd Cd, lls 9d, 12s 9d, 13s lid, and best New ZeaStriped Flannelettes, all the Now Patterns, 4Jd Russia Crash ICs lld _, .3" iir ' 1 , _~, _.„ , sla5 la ? e r,' ls, I fi C i d i, i !? d T, l ! Od ,o, , Men's Tweed Trousers, Cs 9d, Gs lid, 7s 6d, 7s lid, Plain and Printed Dnllottes, Cd per yard Body Linen, 5Jd 6Jd, 7Jd, and BJd and 8s lid Fancy Sorata Cloths, 16 patterns, lOjd por yard Silecia, Slate, 3d, and Black, White, and Slate, 4d Y oU ths' Suits 14s 9d, 17s lid, 25s ed and best 30a Plain and Fancy Sateens, 7d to Is 2d per yard ~ v w t , „,„. . Youths' Tweed Trousers, 5s 3d and 5s 6d Plain and Fancy Ginghams, 4kl to ls 2d Linen Drills, unbleached, for boys wear, 6Jd; Stripe, youths' Mole Trousers 5s 3d Check Combination Prints all colours 5d to 0d lid ~~™ :ilel »'s and Boys' Moles! 4s lid, 5s 6d, and 6s Cd Light ami dark Oalateas sd, Cd, o}d, 7Jd, and 0d FANCY GOODS. Boys' Trouser Suits, from 14s 9d to 255, all prices Liyht .shades in.Fedora Stripes for Evening Dresses, Dress Buttons, IUI shades, 2d, 3d, and 4d, per Boys' Knicker Suits, all sizes, 6s lid to 14s od, for 40 Inches wide, /id the yard dozen the best New Zealand Tweed hmbioidered Costumes, in Boxes, not made up, ill Ladies Hosiery, all sorts and prices, from Cd to 2s Sd Men's Working Sliirts, own nuke, all sizfis, Is 6d, "hue, Cream, Pink, and Blue, from lls 6d to Children's Hosiery, all sorts and prices, from 0d to 2s 3d, 2s lid, and 3s 3d M.v n nTmm m Men's Wool Shirts, own make, 3s 3d, 3s lid, 43 6d, MANCHESTER GOODS. Ladies Taffotta, and Silk Glovoa, lid to ls 0d and 4s lid White Calicoes, heavy makos, 3s 3d, 8s Od, 8s lid, Ladies coreets, 1 aid. 2s od, 2s lid, 3s lid, 4s 6d, 4s Men's Flannel Shirts, 2s lid, 3s Od, and Ss Ud, lar^o and 4s lid the doz lid, 5e 3d, 5s Od, 5s lid. Os 6d, and 7s lid sizes White Calicoes, light makos, 2s lid, 3a od, and 4s Ladles Umbrellas, ls lid 2s 6d, 3s ed, 4s od, 53 lid Men's Lambswool, Merino, and Cotton Under0d the dozen and Oβ 0d shirts and Pants, at very low prices by the halfUnbloached Calicoes, 2s Sd, 2s 6d, 2a lid, Sβ lid and Ladles β-button Kid Gloves, 2s Od, 2s lid, and Ss 0d dozen 4s tho dozen Ladies 4-button Kid Gloves, best 2s lid Men's LLr.en Collars, 4d, Cd, and Sd White Sheetings, 72 inch, 10$ d :80 inch, ls jGO inch, Ladles 4- button Kid Gloves, evening shades, Is 3d. Men's Braces, Od, 10d, ls, and ls 0d Is 3d per pair, Special Line Mou's Hats, soft, ls lid, 2s od, 3s Od, and 3s lid White Sheetings, Finlay's, 72inch, ls 2d ;80 Inch ls Ladies underclothing, &c, a Splendid Stock Men's Hats, hard, 2s lid, 3s od, 3s lid, and 4s lid 4d ;fW inch, 1h 0d Ladies Jeraeys, all colours, 8s lid, 4s lid, 5a 6d, and Boys' aud Youths' Hard and Soft Hats, Is od, ls od, Unbleached Sheetings, double width, lid and ls Id 7s lid ls lid, and 2s 0d Tablo Damask, white, 2 yards wide, 28 0d and 29 lid Ladies NighWressos, la lid, 2s 6d, 29 lid, and Ss Men's Socks, 10d, ls, ls 2d, and ls 6d, in Merino or tho yard lid Wool Table Damask, unbleached, 2 yards wldo, ls 4d and Ladles ChomLses, la Sd, Is lid, 2a Od, and 2s lid Men's Cotton Socks, od, Sd, 10d, and Is ls 6d the yard Ladies' Knickers, Iβ Od, 2s Od, 2s lid, and 8s 0d Men's White Shirts, 2s lid, 3s od, 4s lid I with Blankets, per pair, 7s od, fia lid, and lls o<l Ostrich Feathers, ls lid, 2s od, and 4s lid collars, 5s 0d Blankets, per pair, large size, heavy makes, 15s lid, Ostrich Tips, lid and ls lid A Job Line of Men's White Handkerchiefs, at 6d and 19s Od Ladies' Masher Jackets, all new shades, for Summer each Blankets, per pair. New Zealand, 24s Od wear, 8s Od, 10s Gd, 14s, to 24s ed, most beautiful And every other article jusfc as cheap in proporLarge Bush Rugs, 7s lid each goods tlon. NOTE.—Country parcels well packed, and delivered to boat or etation free of charge. Patterns forwarded by post free of charge ou application. Country Customees please forward Postal Notes with order to A. E. FENTON, DRAPER ATO CLOTHIER, 252 AND 254, QUEEN-STREET (NEARLY OPPOSITE THE MARKET).

______ __.TJ__ _&,___ y -*-. , W r 3 BRINGS The greab advance in the prices of her products will no doubt remunerate handeomoly the cultivators of her soil, giving a well-merited reward to their industry and perseverance. But it is no less a fact, that the DIRECT IMPORTING COMPANY CONTINUE TO SUPPLY THEIR GOODS AT THE OLD LIST PRICES, thereby enabling their Customers and the Public to purchase large parcels (under tho old tariff) for very little money. A VISIT TO OUR ESTABLISHMENT WILL CONVINCE THE MOST SCEPTICAL OP THE ADVANTAGES OF PURCHASING DIRECT FROM THE D. I. C, WHO UNDERTAKE TO SUPPLY THEIR COUNTRY ORDERS ON THE SAME EQUAL TERMS, PAYING CARRIAGE BY RAIL OR BOAT TO THE NEAREST DEPOT. 'XMAS MILLINERY IN GREAT VARIETY, At the D.1.C., Canada Buildings, Queen-street. - ; DRESS GOODS IN PRINTS, CAMBRICS, GINGHAMS, CASHMERES, &c. DRESS FABRICS OF ALL STYLES, PATTERNS, AND COLOURS, &c, At the D.1.C., Canada Buildings, Queen-street, GLOVES AND FANCY GOODS, At the D.1.C., at Wholesale Prices. BOYS CLOTHING - IN KNICKER AND LONG TROUSER SUITS (SPECIALLY CHEAP), ■".,".-. At the D.1.C., Canada Buildings. MEN'S CLOTHING, IN COLONIAL TWEEDS AND HEAVY NAVY SERGE. < Purohasors in this Department Save 20 per Cent, at the D.I.C. SHIRTS, SCARFS, AND TIES, IN GREAT VARIETY, VERY CHEAP. BUY ONLY AT THE D.I.C. LACES AND RIBBONS. JOB LINES AT HALF-PRICE AT THE D.1.C., CANADA BUILDINGS. ONE _____ WILL CONVINCE THE PUBLIC OF THE ADVANTAGE OF PURCHASJCNG ONLY FROM THE ' J DIRECT IMPORTING CO,, Q UEEN' S TRB E T. T ■

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9254, 7 January 1889, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9254, 7 January 1889, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9254, 7 January 1889, Page 2