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Dress and Fashion. ; i PROCLAMATION! r-p-pq np ■ I «■ unl ■! —I— * ii IMPORTANT TO LADIES. HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, in the exercise "of that economy for which she is so justly celebrated, having failed to contribute the THREE GUINEAS BOUNTY to those Ladies in this part of the Empire whom Providence has blessed with Triplets, and even in the Old Country she has lately been giving only Two Guineas, GEORGE FOWLDS hereby gives notice to all Ladies in the City or Province of Auckland that if they show their devotion to this grand and promising colony by presenting their husbands with that number at once, lie will have great pleasure in presenting them with FOWLD'S BOUNTY OF THREE GUINEAS —the old price—with a special premium of a suit each for three boys, and will further show his appreciation of their efforts for the country's good, by continuing to clothe the Boys all through life at least Twenty per Cent. Cheaper than any other House in New Zealand. ADVANCE AUCKLAND. Cod Save the Queen, and the Queen will SXve i<he M6Ney. GEORGE "FOWLDS, I OUTFITTER AND CLOTHIER, VICTORIA ARCADE, AUCKLAND. DRAPERY AND CLOTHING. LARGER PREMISES ! LARGER PREMISES! NEW PREMISES ! A. E. FENTON'S Large New Premises, Nos. 252 and 254, Queen-street (next to his old place), are now open with an Immense Stock of Drapery and Clothing of every description. CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE TOWN FOR DRAPERY AND CLOTHING, as the appended price list will show. DRESS GOODS. Quilts, coloured, 3s Cd, 5s lid, and 6.56 d I Ladies' Silk Dolmans, 19s 6d to 27s od, a great New Stuffs in Beiges, Light and Dark Checks and Quilts, white, 3s lid, "s lid, 9s Cd, and 12s Cd ! bargain . ~,. ~, 1C ln Ki<. Stripes 5.s lid doz lickings, 4d, (iid, and Is • Beaded \ l.sites, 4s lid to los6d, were 15s 6(1 to 70s New Carmelites, in Li-ht and Dark Greys, and Pillow; Tick, (Woven round) Is 3d j Wo °' Pelisses, ~,( 1 Ilat to match, 7s lid. Wool Fawns, lis 9d, 14s6d, and 17sdoz. Laco Curtains, per pair, 2s fid. 'is lid, 4s lid, 6slid, I Pelisses, 4s lid Summer Tweeds, Small Checks, 10 0d the doz. and 7s lid, nonnd and scolloped edges ' Merino Pelisses, 5s lid to 14s 6d. Merino Cloaks, Summer forges, all colours, 8s 6d and 9s Od doz Toilet Covers, Idle Alarcella. Sd, lOd, Is 3d, and Is 5s lid to 10s 6d . , . , . Jersey Cloths 9s 6d the doz „ M ; floured 1 apes try, 2.s lid I Ribbons, Laces, Beaded Trimmings, and a host of Nuns' Veiling, all colours, Lislit or Dark, from 10s Hollands, 41d, sjd, 6Jd, mid best Sd per yard | other articles too numerous to mention (3d the doz Flannels, Welsh, Bd, lUjd, Is, Is 2d, Is 4d, and Is 6d j Special lane of Black Silk Jackets and Dolmans, Best Quality Coloured Cashmeres arid Merinoes, the yard handsomely trimmed, from 12s . tid .... , double width 2s tid the yard Flannels, >ow Zealand, llid Is 3d, and Is 4d the , A Large took of Umbrellas, good qualities, from Ditto Striped, 2s yard ! lis Gd to 7s lid Black Cashmeres and Merinoes, double width, all Flannels, Shetland, heavy makes, is 4d the yard HABERDASHERY wool is 'id is fid is 11,1 "s 4d >>< 6d and 'N *launels, German, for underwit r, 7d and Sd .... , 'fz u V , . - lid per yard' ' ' ' ' New Zealand Tweeds, all Wool, 2s Od, and 2s lid j White or Black Reels, '-00 yards, all nuinbcis. Is Canvas Cloths, all the New Shades, 7s lid doz Tweeds for Boys' Wear, Is 3d rv™!, 1 -, f - _ rntfnrv is Orl nor ih Plain and Check t.lairas to match Ills (Id doz Shirtings, Cotton, f>}d, Oid, and 7(1 r.reen lie Knitting Cotton, Is 9d per In Embossed Black Italian Cloths 9d' Shirtings, Union, 9jd, l"l?d, and is Mendings, assorted dozens, with 12 needles, lfld _ Striped and Plain Plushes, ail shades, 2s lid the Shirtings, All Wool Is 2d, is 3d, and is 4d And every other article in Haberdashery that is vard Cretonnes, best makes, new patterns, C-d, 7kl, Sjd, requirod. Light Shades in Satins, good quality, Is Gd yard Camels! Tape's try is 0(1 " " MEN'S, BOYS', AND YOUTHS' WASHING DRESSES. All Wool Kidderminster Carpets, 2s 3d yard wiilo ' CLOTHING. WASHING DRESSES. All Wool Kidderminster Carpets, 2s 3d yard wide OLOIHIW (j. Prints, 500 New Patterns, 3d, 4d, 4Jd, sd, sjd, Cd, Towels, Honeycomb, sd, (id, 9d, is, and Is 2d Men's Suits all sizes 17s lid 21s 24s 6d °5s 6d Gjd, 7d, 7id, and Sd the yard Towels, Turkish, whito and unbleached, 9Jd, Is, Is ' sWhd, and hes. New Zealand"Tweed, 355" ' Cashmerettes. all .New Patterns, ,a and <s bd tho 2d, Is 4d and Is fid Men's Tweed Trousers and Vests, 6s lid, Bs6d, 10s dozen Towels, Bath, -.s 3d and _s Gd fid, lis ad, 12s 9d, 13s lid, and best New ZeaStriped Ilannelettes, all th • New Patterns, 4Jd Russia Crash j, ulc j I(is w .yard i„■ ,i n „ ~, , T?) a K.°i 3 i',,nn l i S i C w'-i a ,"' l - 1 li ! 9(1 ,ci . Men's Tweed Trousers, 6s 9d, 6s lid, 7s 6d, 7s lid, ! Plain and Printed Drillettes, (.1 p»i- yard Body Linen, 5Jd fajd,/id, and S}d and Ss lid i £ an . c - v rata Cloth 15 patten, . 'id per yard Silecia, Slate, 3d, fuid'Black, White, and Slate, 4d Youths' suits,' Od, 17s lid, 25s Gd and best 30s , Pain and fancy Sateens, 7d ro • -..r yard .. andOd ~ ~. , . i Youths' Tweed Trousers, 5s 3d and 5s Gd ' Plain and 1- a.icy OinKhams, 4vd to is 2d Lmoi Drills, unbleached, for boys'wear, 5Jd; Stripe, ; Youths' Molo Trousers, 5s 3d ; Check Combination Prints all colours Sd to lid ' Men's and Boys' Moles, 4s lid, 5s Cd, and Gs 6.1 Light and dark ( .id, od, bid, 'Id, and Jd FA]\CY GOODS. , Hoys' l'rouser Suits, from 14s 9d to 255, all prices in leiji.ra.Mnpes for Evening Dresses, Dress Buttons, all shades, 2d, 3d, and 4d, per ! Boys' Knicker Suits, all sizes, (is lid to 14s 9d, for Clinches wide, , Jil the >aid . dozen | the best New Zealand Tweed Embroidered Costumes, in Boxes, not made up, in Indies Hosiery, all sorts and prices, from Gd to 2s 9d Men's Working Shirts, own nuke, all sizes, Is 6d, White, Cream, 1 ink, and Blue, from lis fad to Children's Hosiery, all sorts and prices, from Gd to 2s 3d, 2s lid, aud 3s 3d if i \y/i-rr ,, D nAnT \D 2s ! Men Wool Shirts, own make, 8s 3d, 3s lid, 4s 6d, CHESTER GOODS. Ladies TafFetta, and Silk Gloves, lid to Is Gd j and 4s lid White Calicoes, heavy makes, 3s 3d, 3s 6d, 3s lid, Ladies corsets, Is lid, 2s Gd, 2s lid, 3s lid, 4s Gd, 4s I Men's Flannel Shirts, 2s lid, 3s 6d, and 3s lid, large and 4s lid the doz lid, 5s 3d, 5s fid, 5s lid, Gs Gd, and 7s lid I sizes White Calicoes, light makes, 2s lid, 3s 6d, and 4s Ladies Umbrellas, Is lid, 2s sd, 3s bd, 4s Gd, Os lld I Men's Lambswool, Morino, and Cotton Under--6d the dozen and Gs Gd | shirts and Pants, at very low prices by the halfUnbleached Calicoes, 2s 3d, 2s Gd, 2s lid, 3s lid and Ladies (i-button Kid Gloves, 2s fid, 2s lid, and 3s 9d i dozen 4s the dozen Ladies 4-hutton Kid Gloves, best 2s lid ' Men's Linen Collars, 4d, 6d, and Sd White Sheetings, 72 inch, IOJd :SO inch, Is ;90 inch, Ladies 4- button Kid Gloves, evening shades, Is 3d. Men's Braces, 9d, tod, Is, and Is (id Is 3d per pair, Special Lino i Men's Ilats, soft, Is lid, 2s 6d, 3s Gd, and 3s 11(1 White Sheetings, Finlay's, 72incli, Is 2d ;SO inch Is Ladies Underclothing, &<■., a Splendid Stock j Men's Hats, hard, 2s lid, 3s Gd, 3s lid, and 4s lid 4d ; 90 inch, Is Gd Ladies Jerseys, all colours, 3s lid, Is lid, 5s Gd, and j Boys' and Youths' Hard and Soft Hats, Is 6d, Is Od, Unbleached Sheetings, double width, lid and Is Id 7s lid Is lid, and 2s Gd Table Damask, white, 2 yards wide, 2s ed and 2s lid Ladies Nightdresses, Is lid, 2s Gd, 2s lid, and 3s j Men's Socks, lOd, Is, is 2d, and is 6d, in Merino or the yard lid Wool Table Damask, unbleached, 2 yards wide, Is 4d and Ladies Chemises, Is 3d, Is lid, 2s fid, and is lid Men's Cotton Socks, Od, Sd, lOd, and Is Is fid the yard Ladies' Knickers, Is Od, 2s Gd, 2s lid, ami 3s (id ; Men's Whit« Sliirto, 2s lid, 3b 6d, is lid! with Blankots, per pair, 7s Gd, 9s lid, and lis 9(1 Ostrich Feathers, Is lid, 2s Gd, and 4s lit! collars, 5s Od Blankets, per pair, large size, heavy makes, 10s lid, Ostrich Tips, lid and Is lid i A Job Line of Men's White Handkerchiefs, at Gd and 19s Gd Ladies' Masher Jackets, all new shades, for Summer . each Blankets, per pair, New Zealand, 24s 6d wear, 8s ed, lOsOd, lis, to 24s Od, most beautiful i And every other article just as cheap in proporLarge Bush Rugs, 7s lid each goods I tion. MOTE.— Country parcels well packed, and delivered to boat or station free of charge. Patterns forwarded by post free of charge on application. Country Customess please forward Postal Notes with order to A. E. FENTOK", DRAPER AND CLOTHIER, 252 AND 254, QUEEN-STREET (NEARLY OPPOSITE THE MARKET).


SCHWEITZER'S Anti-Dyspeptic Cocoa or Chocolate Powder. GUARANTEED PURE SOLUBLE COCOA. Consisting solely of the Finest Cocoa Beans, with the excess of fat extracted. The FACULTY pronounce it "The most nutritious, perfectly digestible Beverage, and Invaluable for Invalids and Young Children. Made instantaneously with Boiling Water. Palatable without Milk. A teaapoonful to a Breakfast cup, costing less than One Halfpenny. Retailed in .-Jib, Alb and lib tins at Is, Is lid, and 3s Sd. COCOATINA is the best COCOA for EXPORT to INDIA and the COLONIES W. JHItLI L V PS & SON, mUCKER'S "OAKING T>OWDER CHANTS Importers " ,p 'W'orhaSnS ScHrn," A Ask your J> Grocer i for it. BSIKSJMS1KSJMS u ?? b ' s mUCKER'S uckb ' s Pla'e, i? 0 * 1, Crown, Ornamental, and Photographic , -==— amilies J. should J. Una It. o'rrs to'size,'and ! FTP TTAMILY TjIAMILY carefully packed. ; JL' Bushmen JL should I* use it. 149 AND lsi, QUEEN-STREET. | AKING ' T>AKING t>AKING : ~ " ~ ———— | JL? Miners JD Gum- J) diggers, I N^Sw I Serefina fc nt f d f P AI }? 1 "POWDER T>OWDER "POWDER in Urnationtd ,'axen t°and 1 Everybody! should 3? melt. c\cilaro7^arle«'on app n it. T U , CKE "R ING T> OWDER cation. s • r JL Once tried JL? always JL used

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9219, 23 November 1888, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9219, 23 November 1888, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9219, 23 November 1888, Page 2