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Article image

Houses and Land. . Houses and Land. • Houses and Land, j ironmongery. Dress and Fashion. ___ Money. ______ TjIREEHOLD T AND AND "gl STATE riHAS. T\T ILLIAMSON, SAMUEL VAILE.] I JOHN DOUGLAS. | land^SS^ AGENCY, KOUSE LAND ASJ) FINANCIAL AGENT( BANKERS. BANKOF NEW SOUTH WALES. TH Q C TUT HRR T N (V (j() SPRING AND SUMMER, SCALE OF REDUCED CORNER QUEEN-STREET* VULCAN LANE, V A & DOUGLAS, 1. Ot D. IVIUiVIVXII «/ UV. « J _ " " Under the management of "* Li/ V JL? rr T TiTTrn-pTk\ Repayments extend- Per Week RepayablT' S. C. ANDERSON &W. G. PHILLIPSON. Bankers; National Bank of New Zealand. ROUSE, LAND, & ESTATE AGENTS, (LIMI-TLD), 0 HATT P TTT" 1 If ingoTei " ~SS —Ji!^ WE UNDERTAKE THE SALE OR PURCHASE MONEY invested for Capitalists on first-class, SHORTLAND-STREET TT AT> , S7S7' A "DT7I Ti/f"IT l T? C* TT A "NTTft l\/l 1 I H SkT i A lIIt Hln V 1 y- ear - •• 20 0* i_t n d „" sssffjsas!a*wiar»-" r """ m * ._ , I ABSENTEES, & OTHERS, COL- ESTATES MANAGED for Absentees. LAND BkOKEKS UNDER THE LAND IRANSFER _-__»BE__BS__--. TTITTri -rT-rom t»t-i™-itttt-ta 16 3 LECTION OF INTEREST, HOUSES To LET .inc. PROPERTIES FOR ACT, XIAVJCj J U I IILCLIVJiID, nilnH , p>p ,„.„,,. I T~~— _ RENTS Ac Ac SALE placed on my list* tree of charge. eu-nuv vmnTORS OP RE ESTATE ' And other Periods to suit Borrowers RENTS, Ac, At. RUILDINU ALLOTMENTS for sale at per SU CRN \ ALUATORS 01' REAL l-.SlAir.,. The Board has power in cases of Bickn« , . _._,._,, f .„,„ m( „„i „-_ foot:—ui Hell wood, .Mount Roskill, Beresiord-street, Xurestors of capital in the purchase of every doscrip- jfiffsr TPV QTTTPQ nnDTP T i Trrm-rn i ~T T. rvmrr-D T>T7rn?T\jrp AT)T)TTT»TC' Want of Employment to SUSPEND PA YMi'vL M CHEAP FARM of TSO aeresof excellent land, fine Newmarket, llowo-street, Shelly lieaei. tload, tkm of KrechoUl and Leasehold Properties. Mf? LX SHIPS DOEIC, KAIKOUEA, AND OTHR EECENT AKKIVALb, Borrowers share in the Profits ' IrJM^TS,. dry rich loam, well Milled tor sheep mrm, all suo- | Ligar Place, North Shore, Hcpoiirnstreel, Emmelt- , ~.,,„,.,, „ M„ r ti»ai.« of Freehold fffl/ B __llPV part OB wiini i.< up ™r »r,„ tWially fenced and subdivided, pretty new house | _£„_, umquest i»Wce, liandolpti-strect, Reclama- Investor of Uipital.» Mortgage of lie-hold MMf , Wi jsi_\ A"R(TFT J RkPAII MvW VANCE MAY of 5 rooms, with verandah, orchard, and garden, a tkllli Northcou,, Onehunga. 1 toperties. SEP W||ll STO_- -V-DUU-. BE R PAL AT ANY TIME. INTEREST large portion laid down in excellent grass, situated FOR EXCHANGE.—Now House and 3* acres, all Managers of Estates, either large or small, for jfjPji___ mmill _Jfo\_f_V ' CEASES ON THE PORTION REPAID l in first-class posit only li miles from the station, , uiuter cultivation and planted, water frontage, for Residents and Absentees. mg/fflaßteßt.. ____JBiBlKi|l|llraBBW!ll Vbu. f% /~\ A CiT~)Ci A T\TT\ ir* I X TXd A Member who has obtained an advanr. ,- and having main south roan ottered at I ii ouse0use in town ; also, Farm in Waikato. ~ ,„..„.,.,, , lf business connected with the ad- Mtt Vl Jl 1 I'A \H X A VII t~i A I ,W\ liberty to sell his property at any tune a,„,' S at the very c.ieap rate of £3 per acre, thus is one ol SEVERAL HOUSES „, City am, Suburbs For ** < ..f Val Estate fll^^^^^^VJ^K^Hl 11\ *&-^^'W AIM/ DAJUIIjO off his mortgage or may (if L "dSiresf seU^ I SV',\ r fn n^V\ii lC ].Rv vices,-Loire I and Sal" °". ***** payments, or will exchange lor attended to with the mo.t minute aire mMMW^^^'^^^^^M'' SI property subject to the mortgage to the Society ' °^t h ;d IU m 1 >'—-panic, and exact promptitude. > -* V , 0 /"7\ CORNER OF QUEEN-STREET AND VUI!c A . •-n h:UbOUl ; price only £"«, ten., l -OV bC "OVSES -— IMPR 0V E D LAND S. 7k tT7 Til f\ f\ (V I O JOHN BANCROFT I,, Newton, .roomed House -U _ well watered , fl 10s ) JV#O V\ fXf/f/ lILJ * ~^l r^rp l ?ilw-lv n Surrey Hills, 5 rooms-ssCd o, S acres,i;ear l^rce,goodLami- £ lperar MlmHl W PIWSMBI "~~ * V/ « A UCKLAND PERMANENT CO The soil is al, a hue dry piouKhah.e ,:,,, o, ex- ir' i:: H : lr o ~ 3 40 acres good Land, Matakohe, £2 per acre g feSrMF t socl^t" ve £UILDIKG AKD KVfiiT cellcnt nualiiy. The price is exceaiingiy cneap, , I;l , Kv . u .s U -ct, o rooms. oalconv-Ts ~ , , , Mjl „,„ n . „,«„ f , r W I9C9 M MllmdNßK Hz M MENT SOCIETY. oulyitUH.. w«. Ru.scll.streei... rooms,-is ' 240 acres Rood Unci, Maungat, £200 for lot M IpIRhShV/ II Ofwcb-147, Queen-street. MATAKANA—*O acres of rich alluvial Land, tine Kpsom, 7 rooms aim one-third acre land, 13stid „ , , , .. v .... ,„„,„ ■ ,i„ r) „„ ! , V, J£v §M\ TvrvTirtntTm i ITT\ 1 T\nr»A 1 DTTT"M/N PiTI I r4/"\"Vr LOANS granted upon approved securities nf v,. frontage to a large stream. Price only V. per Newton. ~ iooms-4, M acres La rontvng hangarei Harbour £1 fM 1 PPTrSENT A NT) A PPR OAPiH TN (i SEASON hold or Leasehold Properties in sums Steffi acre, I'his section is luaily ai I excede u ..ami [.via.ui-.t.eet, .. „,oms-6sod weekly ~«„.„. , (IIU I T and 10s ner acre 'Mlw 1 ilJuUjCjl> I All 1/ 2111 ilUiiUlllll \JT KJJjAOV/11. principal and interest being repayable in &S?' would nuke a most utoiraole home ioi an >elsi , ... . [1( , ( ,. _ „ 10 oms-iis weeKly 1-0 acres, Kaiwaka, good Laud, 10s per acre. H mentsat the following REDUCED RATES for CHCMCi- SECTION of most valuable Land, ffi!" w! 4 ro^s-tsU^" acres good Land, fronting harbour, Hlj^^ payment of each £100 borrowed =- acres Flat £100, 1948 ' j^^S! 11 Pf) OCVOF II C l\l pC 1/APIFTV AMD (IHPAPMFRR Repayments extending- per Week . Total amount its choice position, niusi focouieve.v lu.ii.le ami _ ..,,-., -jmi acres good Umd, Opotiki, i.l per ace. 19W) f^j?~ t -' 1 f I'' ,'_"- * T _ --* _ _r._rr 111 I IT UliL. A I>L LLC IV UL , VHft IL lI,M IV U XJil LH l IVLOO °*" | | Repayable, at the vei-v clieap price it ,- oitered an eir.y appli- oi'TTCKS TO LllT, in Lower Queen-street, from Ss 50 acres, Waiotahi. Hk»o »■','.''.■'/ '^---- v -"S;^feZ : ' ~~ ' ; I -ation wiiibe ne/ce>s.u> to -ecnie u,e aoove. at upwards. 1•- ,ti» -oNVct utcn.snicttroni!» 66S acres good gnizmg Land near Lichfield, £2 per 'lj Ti; _:::-- r ' M n THESE IMMENSE SHIPMENTS CDIEECT FPOM THE LEADING . VOOT . *«; d - ~^~T" the Freehold LandAgemj, Coiner ol yueen->lreei * tA.SON-STnUET-ti-roomcd House for sale, scul- acre. 1877 V-■> ' J £*j -" ~- - ~ - < »- i XJ_l^ .-~ ormrnArrwa irmmTri vmo a-m-t> I >ear " " 20 0 1040|J and Vulcan Lane. ' * 193 lei v. . a... and water. Price, onlv JCiM. IGO acres Laud,suitable for Dairying, Mauku, £210s .' -■ . ■ . . . " [■ BRITISH AND CONTINENTAL MERCHANTS AND 2 years .. _ 10 10 los 6 8 FUli IMMEDLATE SAI.K-Fine Crazing 1 arm of u KNDi-.i:>v)N -r_ mile.- „ on, .uio.l '.ml. fronting i per acre. IS7S -_ _M- " ' * T MANTTFACTTTRTNG FIRMS') WILL BE 3 years _ _ OH 7 113 15 0 BIS acres, all well sheltered, substantially tenced, l!rea .Noun Rmo, ana adjacent to raa« ay station; £00 acres good Laud, Whangamarino, £2 lbs per =— —a»BBS« SS -»■ ' I^^ -a fibm « years " " SH I m «8 and finely watered, suuauo m -no ot the oest )Us t surveyed into lots iroin .' to 25* acres; emi- | acre. ISS6. FOUND UNSURPASSED. « years .. « OS9 136 is 9 districts South of Aucklana. ami wiitiin easy di>- nently suitable lor fruit ami poultry farms: water 103 acres Bush Land, Raglan, £15s per acre. litttf. 1 _. . ■■ » » .i/'NTTrBVin I ilT> C< . ,„^ rs " •■ nil Wl3 9 tance of cattle marKets and railway station by iroiuage, lovely views, ciianning villa sites. Very eo »ore« Uml, part, bush, Waiwera, 10s per acre. ] I y I"i A h hlyL) X L JiiJtvJo* . lo>ears .. .. 06 3 162 16 3 good roads. Tuis farm is all nrst-cUss land, aim easy terms to suit purchasers. „,.,., , ~,.,,,.. -i .„ ~, VJ.Vori VAXXI.I. X - And in the sa.™« proportion for smaller nr I^~T> fft!BSf , s'Srri u » ,WKre ; wra SiT Now Landine, a Shipment of CHAFFOUTTfIRS, sizes for THE LATEST NOVELTIES AND EXTRAORDINABy JO hn batger, secretary WANTED, a -iood Sheep farm irom ;*V to 1000 with two orcnard-, :wo Houses, sea frontage, at 00 acres, Lucius Creek, near mam road, 15s per J-'"" -.-h*»v**w o , ui j_ ill . «arv. acres, grassi/d ami watered, and s-curely fenceil. £40 yearly. iTshing and shooting. acre. 2000 JQaild. and DOWer. T _ .T TT T, _ - r . TT _,_ k , r t-t-t. i nmTTnTm ~—' — ~~ Price must be cheap loiiMKi- a . { uicK*ile. OTAHLHU-Four-roomed House and 3 acres for 200 acres good Land Katikati. par acre. VMS r VALUE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. rTIHE NEW ZEALAND LOAN AND FOR IMPERATIVE SALE- Suourban sec- sale on Tamaki River; deep water Homage, lucre 40 acres Hush Land, Pukeaiua, .Uperaeie. ts.o ■ mcirnuxr KaNK * ion, IS* ixcres of excellent l.ami. close to r.psoin orchard. 183 acr»s rich swamp Laud partly drained and -■- UiabULiM iJAJMv, district; Land fenced and in grass, i'his cm-ice MOUNT ALBERT— Fire-roomed House for Sa!e, 2047 acres fenced, £-'per acre. second q 1«» Tfcl> TT T Q fts- ALL GOODS MASKED TN PLAIN FIGURES HIGH-STREET lot is odareu and is only about naif its late „ith Stable, ciuggynouse, and two acres, garden, I 2047 acres half rate, balance second (lUiUity, feil,iiJJ TT TQ — R Q.gU A UAIIN iIUUJiIiO. Two doors from Office, formerly occupied by City vaiTe! eay S;Ue ' aadlS ° Ul> ;UKUt " al: US m 1 * CI*\REMONT-srREET-Neweight.roomedHou 7i4 acres SiS, pSSo, £1 per acre. ©JulLrfJJ FOP CASH Two doora from Offices formerly occupied by Citj WAIKOMITI.-W acres, all mixed bush, only one for sale: oathroom, stable, eoiiorete patas gas, ff*", Ql T\«i]] n « ~* n A «/%1/%/ifnrt« Council), mile trot,, the Railway station. Pnce. i3W. water, and large allotmenl-iiooo. CO acres good Land. South, par 1> 111 Hand Sced Drills > SmP*ie row ' agOOCI seleotion - no second PEICES " "NO DISCOUNT. CHOICE SFIH-KHAN >.•< i iu.v or «' acres, well PRATT-STRIiET - F,ve-roomed House tor sale grass, *.) per acre. . ~,*,-, \v,. it- 'to > O I\V CJIiOUINJJ rTXIUIjO. T M nVT?V TV QTTXfO An fenced and in grass; splemua villa site; easy dis- lm; w) city water Price, i2So 1400 acres good Land, Mahurangi, close to \\ark- LENDb MOISEI IN bUMS OP tance from Auckland, and otiered exceptionally PENROSE—New House and seven acres volcanic worth, £1 per acre. -o» cheap. Price, only iIW. M ,il lor divided into three paddocks. For full particulars apply to \aico. A"VTX\ .... _ — „-, —■, -«-_.« , £5 TO £1000, 'ligiiiiiii :ig|:~~ the WEXFORD turnip and SM|TH & C AUGHEY, FP-«—i-lion for easy transit to ma. fi et; uistamv. atKiut s K t-Splendiu Allotment, near Kail X -, "■% /T A IST 4T\~f T\ FiDTT T On Pianos without removal SO miles south-east of Aucklauo. Price, .m.y x.i way Station—£l4s. Fine view. SHELLY BEACH ROAD - First-class Family , >fi A \jT\9 ■1 " J WlinT 17Q AT 1? A \TT\ Tl IITT T V DD A PP'Rfi On Deposit of Deeds 2s tki per acre. To men ot capital this would be - lAvelmic 9 rooms, bathroom, scullery, etc., etc.; atxj.jj.l vivjjx/ JL>r VVJ±(Jljliifc»AljJt!j AJND li A ih KO, On Freehold an excellent investment, having an immense the whole built in brick, and completely finished. . ... . r>OJ On Leasehold future value. , v __ __ _ ITP vTT c Rent, £0? per annum. _. n A 1\ ew Maciime. will sow a ffreat variety 01 feeeas. otteen street and ttapanoahape road I£!i£^ J i «„„„„•»„ FOR POSITIVE SALE— A tine Farm of 325 acres, T> T T| 0 * * U fc>, LUOOD HOUSE MOUNT EDEN— rooms, * ' & J UU JOIN'SI-IA-IMt.A AiNJJ Ji-fl_LXii.l\ \jrA.tLii_r AiU/AA/. On Personal Security excellent land: situated in first-class position, JL\ O JL/» JLJo -L/ •iiillery otc. etc.; numerous outbuildings, 2 acres Queen-STREET— Tklephone 339. On Mortgages only one and a-half mile, trom ttie Railway- Land Rent. 20s per week. KaBANQAHAPE TELEPHONE 348. On Promissory JVotes a nv ,Pr.,^-v stadon, and haviug mam road . rentage, all suo- LAND AGENT AND SURVEYOR, FO UT-STUEET -The Warehouse or Factory now BTT T PT A ISTTI^"R» ■HABANaAHAPE awajj oi&. " On Life Policies, Or on any security, MantiaUy fenced itnd subdivide,,; pretty well- LAND AG EM 1 ftVheJcSupallon of Messrs. ... A. Pond and Co. T>JT J fi JO PT , A ISTTTTTR S " m Q ,., TKSET ACCKIASD , VIt,rORIA-STREET--Shopsf,oin7sodto,,sper U 5 1 1 JCiXiO. Repayable Weekly, Monthly, or Quarterly. partly Lud down in :h S ra *. ..mi p.»r:ly urnle: ' l t ''' rt . B ~„, L^^a^^ - arsoY^ suitable for ercc BILLING 9 S CORN PLANTERS. i« i tmsi& WW9PI iWAWwliyil«pß Bills Discounted Dail v. either sheep or cat: >. ■ . £-> clieap, leuuced Next M, Upton s, WELLESLI-.Y-STREKT-Shop opposite the Opera BIIjIjIjS lx fe l JUXXXI 1 .ft life. I»|K 1f «J Wi| Hf All Letters and Interviews strictly Confidential. R vr.;S\ p^™ DRILLS. i | S llf 1® M SHOa "^ D - a ™E E T. AUCKLAND (OPPOSITE E\S e^e f €;i;a€SS K HirS l P^ s ™ ms; *" hh °™ ;i,,CTe A selection of New Force Feed Drills to hand, including the |i | i 1,111 ■!! II H Stt coums!e!t™™ to anyone requiring an tarm, T^'[ r J';^ NG . v _ ono of Uu , pn , u = o , t Villas in the ELLERSLIE-House. 0 good rooms; stable, wash- CHAMPION DKILL. 11 M WgM ■inm-m y li:iU 0I T On one of the prcnUe.sTVslamlf'nf' the harbour. ««. RD« «» Hr" 9 SMT"O» "^ FOR SALE, at once, cheap 1 anil of about -JSO ..f-*'- ...... .., lovelv ohntltion 1"- Residence ol 11 rooms furnUhcd or unfurnished, S f~ |\B A J\/| L, B I—' Z\ I |\I I o.a o-rv^^ ki^^ cIMMIVICL rMiiMlo. £1 ° T0 £ooo ° !rS r €£S£S?S li: - r "— Enamel Paints in small tins, a preat variety of colours, suit- gaUgaMSafliW rSR-iTpERATIVE SALE,, cheap Farm f%X «U-L,l • or. C * h ™- U ™'; ' able for home decorations. tuenu.tlowestcarrentrate, JS rLw x^Lo l^i I 'i l o^'t,-? l otit!ou!;d: o !^7?;,^^v!lii!ab ;i ; BEACH road. Devonport-House. s rooms, fur- Anyone can use them; require no experience. * LIhJS & , Sh,»n-jitvtr MOUNT' AiJIERT-Clu^e or- NORTH SHORE, near Victoria Wharf-Houses 5 TJpaSSed for Decorating Brackets, VaSeS, Flower Pots and II T T IUftAT TiFTrTrn OTTTTO Advances made on Furniture without removal, and s^iss^^' m * i^^''M^^^3Sjii rooI „ , acre ground , 5s " I stands,Ac,&c. )~$ ALL-WOOL 1WMI) uLllo ■•««--»«-—- only £3 per acre. This is an opportunity seldom great sacnhce-iS-5. nor week OtddlUS, c\C., <XC. IHjL II U U JLi 1 IllJlji/ UUIIU met" with, and a chance for an industrious man to rtTVHUHU—New Cottage 1 rooms, 3 acres garden, jdiS-^ secure a good farm at an exceedingly low price. o'ichard; good bathing, boating, and fishing, 12s STATNS VARNISHES V AINT CLE ANER &C . Wf\ TVTT? A CTTT) LOANS GRANTED UPON LIFE POLICIES, mncnr , , ~,,..„,._.„ ,-;.», LAiktjiliK fAlaMfe. per week." OIAIINO, V EWN lOXIJKk., ± .AUM UULm>UIV, tt,U, IOMLAbURL, LEGACIES AND INTERESTS UNDER WILLS. To^ KAURI FOUEST-000 acres of grannd Kauri Numerous other Houses and Shops. 11l Small bottles. 1 /gff iSflijl 3 - ' aU V nect n PCKEKOHE- Three Farms at VAILeTdchIgLAS. . \ flip| IHSWA 50S ' 5 756 d, 6756 d. BILLS DISCOUNTED AT CURRENT RATES. position -'3 mile- -outn ol ~and, on the Maui from i 4 His per acre upwards. _ Land and Estate Agents, Shortland-street. \\ ffifflrafiH;'™ \UwA m\'' "; i>«sSSt« Lutfi Ro?id, ana W.tmn nah-a-miie of the Rail. ONEHUNUA - A good Dairy K.inn ol; 100 __ __—_———— ' ~ m i? C! "fa/I" /T. 1? T) TIV £- f\ \\ fe»l IfillwlMiM THE PICK OF THE ESTABLISHMENT, LOANS UPON DEPOSIT OF DEEDS, REPAYway Station ; large stream oi water on lara.e acres ; U-rooined Hou.e, Ac; lor sale or lease, mi. , v K0 I A i 11 S I RICI, about 4 n«lc» $Z fe. M U it/ JLV 11l & <LvlJ. M'ifl ! ft i,!'.: I', MENT BY EASY INSTALMENTS, Close to cattle market. Onered a bargain. Price cheap. J. iron, the town-.CI acres of good Land. -*- » ,w " -*-»-*- TT I*,,"', Vfttt'M W ! 'hi < I fflTOi* INCLUDING wn«^,^^. £1000, Terms to sail purcnasers. MANCRFAVA-f. really good I-arn>._ close to the £-jo a-Vaile and Douglas, Land Agents. (LIMITED), WiM l?i' ! ' J "" v*- 'WH foß'AßftOLl'l'E sALb-Fme sheep Farm, IGOO nation; well worth the inspection ot every buyer. ___--_.------- v ""-7,. ,.i„ f,„. „ j*M PL i 1 , S'fiS I'nni; nnnrr fiinnin mii'nnnn All communications and interviews held strictly acres, largely improve*! and cultivated, has a WAIRUA SOUTii-fir.>t-cUu-s improved .farm, i- M PI.LNDII) 1 ROI. LK I> , SUltubl lot a QTPFTTT ATTPT-TTANn WW& mM II ,fMI VI7IIV RFvT V U)lll V CuntidentiaL ! ••id-omevv'cil finished House arid ail necessiuy roomed Villa. Only *:: per acre; a -onnee. k3> large Grazing Station or .or general farming. {J JljliiiM "01 tlCjiii 1, AUUIVJLAiMJ. 1 Mi&Hckj' 1 : 'fe« /CilM f LII I Dljol iMUiiLtl IIILLIJO. OU-; buildings, over u» acres ot nrst-cias., alluvial BUCKLAND-A really choice ra;ni, adjoining the This really grand property contains Hoe acres, all * Pi M«Mivil WliUl U llUI ' " IIIUUUW, l-<nd all hi rich pasture, leticeci ana suoiLvided. station. Price low, and terms easy. fenced and subdivided ; hVM acres are , mma _ r Km* S 1 '''.Iv'.'iM \W»EM £• J FORMS GRATIS, The house -~w',!, a gentle mound, commanu- WAiKATO-Severalgood Farms at a great sacrifice, freehold, and the remainder leasehold a>«ut.2noi, ================== " fe| M.: iJ r,'!© "/S 6 °-. ing an extensive' and farming sea view. the acres of good grass, 400 .teres o, oust,, renia.noer Saddlery. W» : I' fA '"W t.ropertv is stunned vritu pretty clumps of busn. rough feed. Dwelling-house of 0 rooms, with ___ , " " J -~ WMffiKll and his" a clear, winding stream tiowing through ~.__, ..... ci'B>n»»)C numerous outbuilding... The whole is well watered, T=~-\ ffi Ifllfc'WsMK^ilJ it to the sea. Good orchard. Fine insK.-n, con- CBTI A>D HBlKlih. ha- an ocean and harbour irontage, and abounds . lpv -jr- -y- FT tiUl' -ATT?AT'Ci /QUEENSLAND MORTGAGE, LOAN, vUting ■■: sand and snells. This is one of the varied and beautiful scenery. It is to be sold a A fl\ S \ | j ' I ] \i Hfffl j WBl MENS \c£ cheapest and most valuable estates in the market. MOUNT EDEN - 2 new S-ioomed Villas, on barga.n. and is admirably adapted tor a. gentleman VA 18388 |-< ¥ A k! llW*l AND Price, only SOs per acre. choice sites; offered a great sacrifice at *3M) each, of taste and means.-\ailo and Douglas, Land .AlJk|lllliljll I %. Ml II fiNH IT T TTT AA T mT\ATTn TI tv « CHEAP FARM-236 acres, all rich, alluvial land, .-,ale imperative, owner leaving. Agents. 2iio_ ll JT-* \J J_J JLJ JLJ XV X ■ _ A 1 111 Will AIT 11/ AA T TD A VVI) V mostly in rough grass, well watered, leueeu am. FU NSONBV-4 splendid Villas, sea from ige, grand „. T ... Tn fppntr „ii v =: ~-tedi — \ Bill Br%fH A "IVII II I Ml I APli A DISCOUNi 1 BANKING COMPANY, subdivided, situated in most convenient pos.tH,,, view, orchards iii full bearing. TXT AIK AlO ce tra 11 ?■ ,™«? Si finwH ' C- 7 , ' JT I{j|f »ffl ALL \»UUL lllUUlJlillU, to township and railway station, and easy dis- ~f,™ Pf w-,. . _v ew Villa of 9 room? on a ▼▼ choice little harm of 10, acres all fenced, llinirP S 0 t?ri7 nil /IT J Hil MM« ' Wnce tro'm Auckland; House aim garden. iMco, M 2}^, oi 5 ■ subdivided, and in good grass; all level land,well (_ (10106 ijLieullOiO U/ | jj| |« ,_, , ciTTT>T-. DARBY-STREET, OFF QUEEN-STREET only £730. This is a hue opportunity tor an in- grand site , a bargain watered. Good Dwelling-house of 7 rooms, large r^/^7-^r^7•7~^r , fft 1 M'S TO MEASURE * *' * U ™ dus'trious man to secure crst-class laud at a veiy PONSONBY-2 o-roomed \ illas on large lots. £&0 barn , , ta i.s, fowlhouses, Ac. Price, £3 6s per T A IT) TH \ \A DI HS 111 HI IV JJiQAOUiIU, ,„_,„ cheap rate. a lit! each, only £M» cash. acre.-Vaile and Douglas, Land Agents. 2233 JUSI U1 Is *-> >J -Tl IS US . A l|f!|||| Iffl'l AUCKLAND. FOR IMMEDIATE SALE—ISOO acres, -With tine NEWMARKET—SeveraI Houses, at from £150 to -——— —; ——-— ~ — ~r r, n „, " ____—— TaT Will $llWis 12s fid I 1 Re; fid frontage to the uatia river, and nw.r the Wait & each; very easy terms. mO INVESTORS.—Mount Eden— Three } ®»k \ *-* W\M M%m US, 10b OU. kato, only M miles irom Auckland; land, well MOUNT EDEN-2 new Villas (cost £625 and £475). X Cottages, all nicely flnishc d; corner Allot- TT J' ftf nnnlnnl-i QQD T\TTOm Sill MB suited for sheep or cattle and mostly tenced by otfered a sacrilice for £400 and -250. meat SO by 100. This property » * nn S"g in a JlUlltlllii, UL66PieClldSt3, DUST II II \i§'S THE PICK OF THE ESTABLISHMENT, Price, exceptionally cheap, only 4.1 p.-r MoINT DEN - New (louse on large lot of renta ot £.12 per annum. Price, A.t00.-Vaile and &5 J . I , T , AATft I 1! | '■ |:j & ifli. ooiaoiiwaiiuau, HEAD OFFICE: BRISBANE e NGATWHIRIVU.LEY_For«aIe a'hrtt- choice volcanic soil. £115. »^l^J^i^£ , 'ii -TTT? 1 ,; 011/1 C| np l. QorlfllpC APRONS. I*l l!|i INCLUDING cla£ Farm ii7o JiS "wwUy iteh DEVONPORT-2 large Lots and new Villas. £325 TpkEVONPORT (near the Victoria Wharf) dllU CLUOK tOciUUiUd JT . *s~ WjM |M alluvial land, laigely improved, and laid do'wn m and £150; a genuine sacrifice. BB —Building Site 310 by 103 feet. Price. £2 . ',B]B_ '■'"itffl *i™,t *xn/,m ~" good grass and crops, well watered, and sheltered, a VIEW ROAD-S0 feet b; 140. r,-roomed House. por foot. Terms easy.- and Douglas, Land -,« (4v(ifl|, V flTieiV. j& PI UnQT/IMT 1 - !;i«l I'FDY DTCT i HRI 1? TWFFIIC large part tencea and suoaiv.aea, ,<ood house and Only £2Su, about haf* it, value. Agents. ___ __ ___ 2 1 3 A_ 1U lL al TailOLJ kLHU&IUNt, iLilll KIM MllllLj 1 HLEjUu. AGENCIES : .UCKLAND. SYDNEY, AND outouildmgs. Tins ex -eUent grazing larm is VICTORIA AVESL'M! Iwt b> Mr. new house -. x y V{^\HW^ZS^n^novUmr-voOim: 4TZ-- nnirr AA/n UA M n LLIUI/UU lilUUl/U, U______»_•, ___»*-, SS^^ I JSS^^ rttt|W ""'«?" c^r " ec - ler »'SOod ? ardcr. Cheap. J "IUIORT ; Supcnoi SOLID 5/?/fF, AND HAND 20s MELBOURNE. OTAHUHU—For sale at once, a choice little Farm alio and Douglas, Land Agents. 221, *_»WL.I-»/ *s. jt-J!/ DAHQ QATPf-IP/ FTP ~ ' of 52 acres, situated in most convenient position, __ __ ._,„, _. " „, . •_.„„_, „r aOO fMICiIivPI >fe»_ tfAUO, ILtltLO, t/U. __, __ « ~ —^— land all fenced and cultivated, good house and RFfiT\E3« Pl_ffilimßfi T\TATAKANA - Choice Farm of 400 lllOr\C.U, - lOaf CLOSED ON SATTT"RDAYS garden. This nice little home is ottered very l*ll»ixlfi»» i j_yj_ aoreSj 30l ) acres fenced, 120 in grass; House AA/Nrjq % m. EfeSs/ V7l> OA X U AID. cheap, and on reasonable terms. C 52 HOTEL—The Freehold of a large and woll-estab- of « rooms and farm buildings, Price, £800.—\aiie «WW __*»_» r . rvn _ r > 1 1 MTr A I ... MONEY advanced from £5 and upwards to any ONEUHERO—A choice Block of Land, 132_ acres, lished Hotel, doing a good grade, with 8 acres of and Douglas, Land Agents. — 1 WGtuSSI l-'l Ik I iV/l A |\| Ir" ill IX __»____-___________. .m——^~^^^ mm^m — m — m^_^____m amount required to suit the borrower, upon chiefly volcanic soil, studded witn line clumps 01 land ; only £0.%. /xnnn I'PI7I\T PAR \1 nf r .78 -teres TZT <_h_ ■ V " / '* * [Vl * * * l-r,v/ * — " ■■■ - . = PERSONAL, FREEHOLD, LEASEHOLD, or any purin and other uativ., hush, nortu-easteru as- GENERAL STORE—The Freehold, Stock, ami 6 JJ. WUI JO hrt _,iiv rjv. rviu >, •' . ~ w , Mpdirnl I'ANGIBLE SECURITY, repayable iu any sum as pect. Price, cheap, only JOs per acre; terms, one- Goodwill of a General Store or, the Coast for less SJT a large.proportion o i hie 1» ™ . . „ , , « . , I JXieCUCaL may be arranged, either WEEKLY, MONTHLY, or quarter cash, balance at 5 cent, fort,, years. tlian the value of the Stock—£4so. acres of uiixed busti, ami i atre_ o. o i»•"«. ■ Tflnnic RaCketS ReSlriUlg 811(1 Repaired, ' QUARTERLY instalments, at lowest current rates. WAIRANGI VALLEY-lCOacres of good l.nd, 10 K sale, on very easy terms. ttrst-class Shops for all good land with large run atljmnirig, ieillllS lldOKcli) fltJbllUllg dUU llCpdllCUi WW|glf«llßMM|The Physician's Cure ADVANCES MADE OS FURNITURE WITH XTAIRANGI VALLEY-150 acres of good Land. 10 sale, on very easy terms. The Physician's Cure ou? ail'kinS" MeW acres bush, partly ienced and subdivided orchard i y a Douglas, Land and Estate Agents, A . . • All r ,. J , B9IW §£ » «! SSjli for GtouVßlteumatio DISE, including BOND WARRANTS, &c. hU T « .FT sjAlancLstreet. __5_ SptCXOl Value «» All Klilds of 11 | ||J | Jffl SA] M B and* Gravel: the BILLS DISCOUNTED at Current Rates no 3 *" •■•""*• riITRITRP.AX FARM of 10 acres rich A -v-v » -i->v -m ~W ~H—N /-V fH „.„. M 4 l f f J '% ■¥. ~ M. -TlimZL.: safest and most (rentle Interviews and communications will be utli FOR IMMEDIATE SALE-A snug little Island, HOUSES TO LET-Remuera, 8 rooms, " 0 , • Mount Si all in cultivation, 5 acres in grass, and A Hi V TT A I) l\ I C C V Medicine for Infants, strictly confidential. situated invoice pos only .me mile Eden, 8 rooms, xa, ; « rooms, ss; rooms, 9s; balance in crop, with large fowl run securely %rS I—l #1 V< I\l H The Universal Itemoay tor Acidity of the Stomach Children, Delicate Fe- Office Hours: From ten till Aveo clock. „" 1 , m,s\«lf :, in .ht, Hm, n Ouebuiiga, 13 rooms, 20s; Mount Roskill,» rooms, fenced; good House of « rooms and outbuildings; HI O IA §' . 1 .1 Headache, Heartburn, Indigestion, Sonr Eructations males, and the Sickft ,i ,V w,„,, „ ?n« lili .l Hn« rirh drv 15s; Uppe'r Queen-street, 5 rooms, B.s;Ponsonby, ~11 in first-rate order; within one mile of way XJL XJL II XI JLJ N-/ KJ m * Billons a <*■««*■• ""usuuhs, ness of Pregnancy. " i,« f* ™i is an' ; Jul"Luf Vice iCaii 5 rooms, 8s; Kingsland, 0 rooms, Ss ; Eden Ter- station, and about six from Auckland. Price £050; ■*""*■ -*■ ■*- -*■ * Bilious Affections. ness or rmsuwicy. -m r-nxrm AV ™mff s JnlvV- tin, an 1 ilouguabk. 1 nee, a bargain race , 6 room s, ss ; Archhill,« rooms, 7s. terms as arranged-Vaile and Douglas, Land and — „, , WL ]%/TONEYLENT ONPROMISSOBX TO \IFPCH \NTS WAP! HOUSFMIN AND SHOPS TO LET-Shortlana-street, 20s; Karanga- Estate Agents, .shortland-street. -'154 = ■ " .T 10 8 MpfffWr? Vl NOTES, HOUSES, FURNITURE, AC. haPeli ° adlls3 - SALE, exceptionally low price Dreßß and raßhion. ? FLUID ffl A|| R 1 SRSSI Pi bills discountefTßaily. WANTED FOR CLIENTS. -*? T7 ««. ~ 1 L , AKMIP-. ■ , IJr_A__JAl ft, I JH MORTGAGES NEGOTIATED r/.R EASE -Six AcieTof Orchard situated onlv WANTED FOR CLIENTS. in grass, with House of six rooms, dairy, stable, \TfkJ II UI SslasMßa ™ iß °- J Sold ov ~, Druggist.- ..... atoreaeepcrs. JOHN W. HA.RDIE, J, ?,viT-sixAcix-s'of Orchard situated onlv , ~, -. in grass, with House of six rooms, dairy, stable, 1/ /| f II Ll , / Sold bv a.. Druggist, ,„u storekeepers. JOHN W. HARDIE, ™rTr T KISSSSSSa V AiiUi2i. - N.B. ASK FOR t>'NNE F o MAGNESIA. land, commission, and estate age.L SS^rfJ_? i w 3_^'___? r^_Sil __ Tn -_ D ** A<a,W ' " _„_,, KEMPTHORNE. PROSSER, A CO., Auckland and Dunedin ; a™.™, ifg^—--rORSALE-A very desirable and convenient 1- arm s&r£'«,?a» r cl mnce for some one with smal 1 capita»-~ v "•«"' d ? OTbTi _j _g___ & CO., Auckland. £50 TO £5000. -Money to lend, m of 75 Acres, all subdivided, and nearly all laid WANTED, MARINE VILLA.S-sevcial cash buyers Douglas, Land and Estate Agents, Shorthand- H. fl B V U B > C&OxJ' sums as above at lowest current rate. down in fine grass ; comfortable house of Ave require Houses, of from „to 8 rooms, near the strett. -_-_±_ J W* & ® _» ' ~~ ~ v » '"• S. Cochrane, Cochrane's Mart, 185. Cjneen-st-St«St^ V nr t rS Want ED^pffls i-siveral clients desire to WANTED to Exchange for small Farm . e5. -& *» — ---■- 16/ITONFY TO LEND in large or small Lease really good Farms, or Orchards, with pur- W | "PTMIQU ASK ]W sums I. current ra -C? Williamson the surrounding district. Price only £550. GA chasing clauses. of Auckland—A convenient Property, situated in HB ll £?■ BSI Hl^MiJWWi^lMMi^ig^jliaWlMM L? IA >tB3 On street r ioo Acatf Dwelling, and also Cottage 0 4 /' r °°»^ v a " I" l f ''"' ' P I 1 OJOLffl IWI S! ®jFISS« ifißl fil 11 IN !'• rul Ik /JTOKFV TO T FKD at a moderate rate t© strangers x AiuwAAj M O ¥]„SS£ a L\ri b- •■ si, ic.i-.i..-..-it fine,- .■... it -rent i : i ~,-r a u.iu.i. hand and Estate Agents, Shortland-street. 2010 « rt ,«mn attii HiaWgattK l Solicitors, shortland-street. ,«t™ .rv , S" n er are the distinguishing points of OUR __ I _, tta «« i " ZZ. t», T onby to I END .-a iS^r 1 r sSsSSSS fully soUcited to call aad inspect my list of proper- VV r a!« fenced ; ir.O »--'»«--' «|r« celebrated in Blue i akM «.*.ta M . M Money to snmVof and upexcellent Cottage of live, rooms witii verandah; tles - hush. House h rooms with outbuildings, lute, UJjIJUIWVn.iiJW in mue -u. acruoa mo *.* wards, at a very low interest—Apply to .Mr. »■ land all securely fenced; partly laid down in £4 ■ itl'""-^' LaSiidEstate Aimilts /§ /ft mS^MWM Iki.I H Aitken, Shortland-street. frwtage to d tbo y Great Souili°Road, and near the No charge whatsoever for advice or advertising. ShortUuid-street. 2104 ilk 8 Bill O'Tfll /I I l» Mil 1/ fs*? C|NF«iT AHII P.HFAPEST -» «-nVT?v Tn TVMT> at, current rates of Railway Station. Fine healthy situation, ana -J Q, Q * ACRE Of Good Arable Land, |\| I 1/1/ HI AI I A l\l 1 I 4 ' MIT PI SuflllßiNß MSt most pleasant prospect. Ottered exceptionally M 8 e £s>-fl- all olou-diable and well watered; A-M JI_J If M #Jft J JTI. &JJ JR. JL JB $ a jf*+ /*7% MEAT-FLAVOUKINb -£-▼-*- ""eresc Tamm FY ***** " / °} STOCK FOR SOUPS _^S^ 1 volcanic soil; House and other buildings. This --* AGENTS, andEsUteKtt 8 A E?N «« *S rf-M -»"T Xmi // MADE DISHES AND SAUCES. ~7TZZTti property is situated near Mauku, and is ottered a 8 NEW Zealand Insurance BUILDINGS, and Estate Agents, tuna street. tut l/TT| TTTTp Til Mi G T T«n %v // „ m . _ T\ /TONE YTO LEND on Mortgage « great bargain. Price, only £3au. terms very QUEEN-STREET, AUCKLAND. XTTATERSIDB FARM, 953 acres; 300 1 \£\i I*? i I 0 J 111 1 Vif Invaluable as an Efficient i>i. First Class Freehold Securities, easy- Al,d r.AVKi-us- Rank ok Vfw Zfalavd YV acres grass, 500 acres bush. House of 5 qßb W W ■&-W-fl __fl J - Jg — , ■«■ ■»■ P s^*7 * Tonic in all cases of w COIjEM aN, Solicitor, CAMDRIDGE.-Choicc Estate, 250 acres, all first- intere^ * and Debu Coliectd? rooms, with outhouses. To he sold at the low price * «-«-*—■«»— J >*--* Weakness fwiildings. Qu____f^__ class laud; largely improved and cultivated; Estates Manaced for Absentees of lis per acre, on very easy terms, as the owner __ _,__, _,___._, . ri , A *' Keeps good in all Climates mmmm^. --— _« -- _«_«___ -^ situated in excellent position, adjoinintf the Town C ese&d has to \eave on account of fll-health.-Vaile and MADE TO MEASURE AT * g) - - and for any length Of — - "" ~. Jielt; beautiful residence and homestead, utli Money to Lend on First-class Security Douglas, Land and Estate Agents, Shortlano-streot. aiauu aw uujawu*. «» Tofcstaa of all Stareleep*M ana Dealers. time. The Stud. ______ every convenience, this is indeed a gentleman s J ■» 2190 ■_.•». r)A w r-i rv WK n OAo. -,-.,, — ~ Irrra Sit^rttittrul m^^^ „ FOKS I-w WII . superior Family dwelling, OOS, t)OS, ODS ? /US, /OS, bUS. LIEBIG'S EXTRACT OF MEAT Co., Limited, Fenchurcb Avenue, London, England. T^SVSi become of great value as the tow., extends, and ALLOTMENT, Collmgwood-street (near Wellington- J5 containing 11 rooms, bath-room, and offices, 7 7 . « — " «Er>f**«fW # tArvoPERIN , -will be an excellent investment. Prmcipals only cSeb allotment, with 4-roomed Cottage. the whole handsomely furnishedand fitted through- PLICATIONS FROM OUR COUNTRY FRIENDS FOR „ r , im „ lT , , m -U A a — DIGESTION ; — " mm, ftuli M S/ft/? U ft«^ Stai' B K^fiTfKSSSISI£ : ; AITO CORNER ALLOIMENI, with large garden; very out; a ,_ to roof . waßh . ho use, servant's room, PLICATIONS PROM OUR COUNTRY FRIENDS FOR MEASURE-ML.JT -_r-, AS v nlftES TI ON JJUGHES' AND BILLINGSGATE 1 ; BlSffiSfficD house, with large garden; very INSTRUCTIONS AND PATTERNS PROMPTLY RESPONDED TO EA S * JH? T H UGHES veStS WDERS AND L^SIEiBILLIN GS^E J 3 I R " SSS? Sseasy f ALL MATERIAL SHRUNK DETAIL OT WORKMANSHIP CRAWFORD'S H ave afforded almost gJ^S^B^^^^*^ RIVER-For Sale at once- Clover range, Land and Estate Agents! 21,0 Al-L MATERIAL SHRUNK, OF WORKMANSHIP RHUBARB, AND ° £ Bering the last H yeai. fVATKATn RTVFR—For Sale at once- Clover FAMILY RESIDENCE ot eleven looms, range, ? riTTATJAWTVPn CHAMOMILLi, i\MUxsArirs, a.ANX» HTT ITVOSGATE is a dark bay horse,'«'".„ S Fain, contahiiuS all fenced, and mostly well, and tanks: large Allotment; North Shore; „* -| ACRES) about 3600 acres of GUARANTEED. * DANDELION PILLS. TELEPHONE 278. about 16 hands 1 inch with plejg hi grass; greater part level land. Ottered a - T lowprice. _ f ., 0;.,,., rr ir „ pt p nnmnl „. ,_,„ 'OtSrA'U' fine Forest Land, mostly Totara „--_„--, „„„,,«» mn of bone and substance. He was oreu oy wrf positive bargain, only £< 10s per acre. Terms to NEW COIIA&E, btUurt-street, 1 onsonby , small 0l sliperior n.iality, the remainder open Fern Land. T)AV7O? Or "VATTrTiTTCH CMTTTmO I\T A T\T7 fTIA 1\T"I? A OTTT>T? SAFE AND RELIABLE REMEDY FOB TTTTnTTTcCj rwPVTTQT W. Walters, Esq., of Papakura.J»bde on m suit purchasers. m po ?.hAni?o Parl-Hn-,,1 ~,„„ ,:„ o i l „i,i This is a valuable block for a cattle run, as the Kl) Y & X \)\ IMS' S 8 II VS ill AI) lil I(IVIViAn IJ ll Ji(. INDIGESTION HUGHES, CHEMIST, he proved himself the fastest mder of buuaj e TUAKAU.-Compact little .arm, 100 acres, with TWO COTTAGES, Park Road large Freehold whole of iUs well WiUeld| and there fa a good deal JJXJ X° U; lUUill ° OUIiU lIJIIJJJJ IV IU.UAUUIIU, OUFEN STREET 'needing is undeniably good ton hu Ami* « ttW comfortable House and good Outbuilings; land all . A Mw,f Family Residence in Grafton Road of rough feed upon it. Price, £9250; terms as Send height of figure for working out estimate of price. Indigestion, Heartburn, sensation of fulness aftet ai a, huc e. . has the celebrated rraducerb v turf; on b« fenced and subdivided ; garden and orchard. LhAti tn^,Af„-ln ,ffta?rc Ax • agreed. - Vaile and Douglas, Land and Estate ° h 1_ meals ™stivene»B, Bitter Taste in the Mouth, with : present time, telling .so wel lon .^S^wortb, _,J'«»,yery cheap, only _AOO. A 145 containing ten rooms, large garden, stable. Ac, Agents, Shortland-street. 1464-2189 Fimed Tongue and Unpleasant Breath, Irregular ______ «„-__«_-.„, -,«««■ sire's side he has Dainty Ariel, by W^» PRINCESS PLAIN -Kirst-class Grazing Farm of low ground rent Titiranri —— ALL SPECIAL ORDERS FORWARDED BY PARCEL POST FREE OF CHARGE. Craving In Food, and an All Gone," feeling in the THE SUFFERERS' BOON. while Fanny is by the colebratet' w shoulJ ! "r"H^ais? s S; 303T A S^ ri^ a skiing D SaS&SS t he french hospital = jr^ssafiagg'-aw 7^|sras^«,r"« ,, " t,ta, s _tf_Sßft ,^"- »-* ' A splendid selection of EBeEsSOT' actomp, °" !d ** * h^«anSgo^s P^bUeso LUCAS CREEK, for Sale-Lot 70, containing-124 i'arnell, with J.'reehold Allotment, large frontage, pormum if U is rich alluvial level, land extreme depression oi spin valuable pamphlet, "NATURE'S flat out of well-bred mares. Mrps _ winni „g 32! band Cottage, Kyber Pass Road, near New- NC_E %= ' « . W ZEALAND TWEEDS, -SffifflfflSAC "^.V«POKENO BILL, for Sale atom-., a.. . . • ~ SIIOF and Cottage, Kyber Pass Road, near New- -,-,-MTrv pirsmrvrr t ■ r> .IJBJJ ? ▼ JL' JL ¥¥ JLuJLLiJLr Kl7e) aom e derangement of the Liver or Stomach, and ' h ', t Yn m,,-rv Price hv Post sealed. Is Sd, N.Z. Terms— Single Mares, £4, Grooms tee, »■ by ■VOlcamc SOll. This (arm hai himm i..„n i» , terms U> intend nc settlers. Atanway OMuun. rtue, uiuu. Apply to vaiieanu AT)I)R ES S ' .... -,i i i , .. fl ft-"! 11 oUa UJb VvLiAKrVli, O £>*i. rri.j-iijci Billincsgate will travel as follows. . _ a . Irontage, and is only "i idfeaf.'te sating mtendint Douglas, Land and Estate Agents, Shortland-street. . A. VUKiU ZQ . Indigestion one pill may be taken directly |J is warranted to cure all Discharges from the M SJSw». Monday nigbts-Rogers' Farm, wj offered an absolute bargain £ i"!S -ZI r, r, o, rT. 7Z 7t n„ lirTTrXl — gu7 ttt at T Twr Ol rTVrVTTVT T-»T>AC< n /n/-. after Breakfast and Dinner as a mild apsnent, Urinary Organs, in either sex, acquired or const,- 'iWdays - Bbs( „T"«J«ta; JfaSrdfl» : nnereu an oatgam. Fact, only uuou. TJI ORSAL E. -A Beautifully-Situated ANGAREI DISTRICT— We hav« 11 A T .EN RTETN T»T. OS fa CO two or three piUs at bedtime When reqUired - ttSSS. Grtvel and Pains in the Back. Guaranteed g ire Wednesdays-West Taniaki. Savor* of Also several other Farms in the Buckland f-uke -t? Property, within five minutes'walk of the W^^^^,;^ I nro n?rties fc tn7Jll?ri?t S? -UilJjJjJ]ji> JlliXll DXiUO. OO Ul/ij free from Mercury. Sold in boxe> 4s. 6d. each by _ Avondftle ; remainder of the week at the u f Stfr** 4 ""™ _n,ssSr__H_sr_sft_s_K: new Zealand clothing factory, I ""SSSEBBftSSSg&JSB"**- ——»■ „._«_„ DMO «S"« hM^ "® a "*' j3^,^w.,„_, £ .,]« J6B & 160> QUEEN . STBEET] AUCKLAND I »" SS^^SiSfg l - Lu ' *-_S-BT-*

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9218, 22 November 1888, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9218, 22 November 1888, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9218, 22 November 1888, Page 2