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RODNEY. A meeting of this Council was held at the office, Warkworth, on Saturday, October 13. Present : All the councillors ; Mr. Browne in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. Promises.—'The chairman informed the Council that the Assistant Surveyor-General, Mr. Percy Smith, had promised to send a surveyor to lay off the road up the Takiri Valley, which was very important for the opening up of the Crown lands there. The Minister for Public Works, Mr. Mitchelson, promised to do his utmost to get us £1500 for the road between Warkworth and Wellsford, and he, the chairman, thought in all fairness we should have got this amount for this important special work, but tho Government have allocated the grant on the basis of mileage, and we are only to receive £1000. There was also a small grant of £85 available, being the unexpended balance of former votes. Mr. Angove moved, " That the thanks of this Council bo given to the chairman for his persistent efforts in his endeavours to procure from the Government our share of the money voted for roads and works north of Auckland." Seconded by Mr. Grant and carried. The chairman, in acknowledging the vote of thanks, said he hoped to see the time when our roads would be so perfected that a vehicle could be run right through from one end of the county to the other. Finance Committee's Report.—" Chairman of Rodney County Council: Sir, —We have examined the accounts, and find them correct.— A. Gubb, Chairman Finance Committee." The treasurer's balance-sheet was read and adopted. Questions.—-The following questions were then put:—Mr. Gubb: By whose authority was an application made to the Government for a loan of £1000 to pay off the bank overdraft Answer: The late chairman, in April, ISB7. Mr. Grant: What steps are proposed to be taken with regrrd to Mr. Elliott's dismissal as sheep inspector? A very strong feeling of sympathy for Mr. Elliott existed throughout, the county, and the dismissal of such an efficient officer would be a serious loss. The Chairman thought a great wrong had been done Mr. Elliott. He had discussed the matter with several flock-owners, who thought that it was the duty of the Council to use its influence to obtain an investigation. A telegram from Mr. W. P. Moat, M.H.R., received later in the day, informed the Council that the Government refuse to reconsider either Elliott's dismissal or Bayley's appointment. Mr. Moor called attention to the serious damage done to Matakana wharf, and asked if the Council intended to charge the costs to the parties who committed it? Mr. Angove asked if all rate defaulters had been summonsed ? Answer : Most of them have been taken to court, and judgment obtained. In the ease of Johnson, with respect to -whom complaint had been made, the Council exonerated the clerk from blame, as he had sent the notice to the address given, and had not been notified of the alteration. Mr. Greenwood asked what the Council intended to do with regard to the local option poll recently taken at Omaha? The correspondence on this subject was road from Mr. Greeuwood, chairman of the Omaha Licensing Committee, from the Minister of Justice, and from Mr. Moat. The returns from the presiding officer were laid on the table, and it was decided that the Council had no power to interfere in the matter. Deputations. — Mr. Charles Thomson (chairman), and Messrs. J. M. King and Holmes McKenny, members of the Upper Mahurangi Road Board, together with Mr. Melville, waited on the Council, to ask that the Hepburn Creek Road bo handed over to the Board, the settlers having no other outlet but the river, and the Board was anxious to do what it could to complete the road between Hepburn's Creek and Mr. Wilson's. Mr. King asked that all plans and documents relating to this road be handed over to the Board. He believed the settlers themselves would do a portion of the work without cost to the Board. Messrs. Cooper, Snook, and Clements waited on the Council, asking that the traffic by-law may be suspended for the remainder of the month, as the roads were now hard and good. Mr. Snooks said hauling over the roads now would do good, as it would break down the lumps. Sir. Moor asked the deputation that, in the event of the Council suspending tho by-law, would they be willing to cut a ditch on the upper side of the road at the few soft places, and let the water off. This they agreed to. Mr. C. W. Greenwood (chairman of the Matakana East Road Board) and Mr. Wallace asked that a bridle track be made along the foreshore to the Sandspit, It was an important road between the two ports, and much used. At present they could only use the leach when the tide was out. and it was very muddy and inconvenient. The deputations then withdrew, and the Council went into committee. Mr. Gubb moved, That the request of the deputation, asking the Council to suspend the traffic bylaws, be complied with in terms of their request." Seconded by the chairman and carried. Mr. Angove moved, " That all documents in possession of the Council relating to the Hepburn Creek Road bo handed over to the Road Board." Seconded by Mr. Moore and carried. Mr. Gubb moved, " That £10 be voted as soon as the Council is in funds towards mailing a bridle track towards the Sandspit." Seconded by Sir. Angove. Messrs. Moor and Snell pleaded that the money be voted at once, and not left till some future time, seeing that an important road has no legal outlet for the want of this necessary work. The resolution was ]nit and carried, all voting for it excepting Messrs. Moore and Snell. Omaiia-Pakiri Road.—A petition from twenty-two settlers asked that, before proceeding with the road between Omaha and Pakiri, the Council would ascertain the practicability of getting an equally good grade road at a considerable less expense by deviating from the present surveyed line. Mr. Eyre moved, " That the consideration of the petition from Omaha be deferred." Seconded by Mr. Snell and carried. £1000 Grant. — Warkworth - Tofuni Rivhk. —A letter from the Minister for Public Works, dated the 27th September, informed the Council that out of the vote of last session for the road, Warkworth to Kawakawa, 11000 had been allocated to Rodney. The agreement accompanying it bound the Council to expend at least £600 of it between Warkworth and Wellsford. Mr. Gubb moved, "That the chairman be authorised to sign agreement re Warkworth-Kawakawa road grant of £1000." Seconded by Mr. Moor and carried. Native Lands Rates.Mr. Moor moved, " That in order to complv with the requirements of the Crown and Native Lands Rating Acts Repeal Act, 18SS, clause 7, the following amounts be expended :—£s, Hoteo; £5. Matakana ; £5, Omaha ; £5. Puhoi. Seconded by Mr. Greenwood and carried. Fisheries. —Mr. Fisher's Fisheries Bill was laid on the table, and the consideration of it deferred. Port Albert - Mangawai Road.—Mr. Moor moved, "That a committee be appointed, consisting of the chairman, Messrs. Eyre, Grant, and Gubb, to inspect the two lines of road in question, and to report on the same at the next meeting of the Council." Seconded by M Snell and carried. • Don Registration.— from Sir, Fitzgerald, that numbers of unregistered dogs, owned by Maoris, are at large on his property at Okahukura, to the serious loss and damage of his sheep, and asking the Council to treat all alike, and see that Maori dogs as well as Europeans' are registered. Mr. Gi!bl) moved, "That the Inspector of Police be asked to instruct Constable Inger to assist the collector of dog tax at Whare- , hiiie, in compelling the Maoris to register their dogs." Seconded by Mr. Angove an ' carried. Hospital and Charitable Institutions Rate.—The following legal opinion was read : —"The Hospital and Charitable Institutions Act, 1885, was passed at a time when the Council had powers of rating under the old Counties Acts as to general rates, identical with the powers it now has under the Counties Act, 1880, which repealed the said old Counties Act, The Legislature, in passing the Hospital and Charitable Institutions Act, ISSS, cast upon the Council new responsibilities and burdens, and by such Act (which we shall hereafter term the special Act), gave to the Council new powers and authorities in order to enable it to carrv out its intentions and to bear the said burdens. The Counties Act, 188(5, which consolidates the old Counties j Acts (and which we shall hereafter term the general Act), was passed subsequently to the ; special Act. We are of opinion that the j special Act was passed for a special object, - and .to meet a special case, and although it does not appear to be wholly and exclusively ; special to any one district, yet wo feel sure ; that it is sufficiently special in its nature ; as not to be abrogated by implication. It has a policy of its own, and when , the Legislature gave the powers of rating 1 to the Council this special Act was unheard of, and its policy unknown legally. I And if we look at the Counties Act, j ]88fi, we can find nothing showing that the j Legislature intended that the special Act ! should be affected in any way, or that the Legislature had turned its attention to the special Act, or that the general Act was intended to embrace the special cases or ; objects comprised in the special Act; nor ; does there seem to be anything in the nature of the general Act making it unlikely that an exception was intended as regards the special Act. The Acts are silent as to the one in any manner being a part of the other, and the doctrine of abrogation by implication aione remains to be met. \\ e are of opinion that it does not apply, in the face of the facts, for it is a wholesome maxim of law that a, subsequent general law does not i

abrogate a prior special law. Without regard to the manner in which this Jth of Id rate has been struck, we are of opinion that the Council had power to strike and levy a rate for the purposes of meeting a demand for the amount of its contribution as above, and to do bo wholly apart from its powers of rating under the general Act, and whether or not the limit given by the general Act had been reached or not—Dignan and Armstrong, solicitors. Auckland, 31st July, 18SS." worth - Wellsford Road.—Mr. Eyre moved, " That the offer of Mr. Russell to clear out all water-tables, culverts, and remove all loose earth and slips, also to cut and remove all rubbish likely to endanger the bridge by fire between Gatnercole's and the bridge beyond the new deviation, be accepted." Seconded by Mr. Moor and carried. £85 Grant.—Mr. Angove moved, "That the £85 voted by the Government be spent on metalling the road between Waiwera and Puhoi." Seconded by Mr. Scholium. For the motion, 3: Messrs. Angove, Scholium, andSnell; against, 6: the Chairman, Messrs. Eyre, Greenwood, Grant, Gubb, and Moor. The Chairman moved, " That the £85 grant be allocated as follows :—£3o to the West Coast road to its junction with the main road north at Te Han a River, Messrs. Gubb (chairman), Grant, and Eyre to be a committee to expend the same ; £27 10s to the main road between Warkworth and Waiwera, Messrs. Angove (chairman of the committee), Moor, and Scholium to be a committee to expend the same ; £27 10s to the East Coast Road, Warkworth to Mangawai, the Chairman of the Council and Messrs. Greenwood and Snell to be a committee." Seconded by Mr. Eyre. For the motion, 5 : the Chairman, Messrs. Eyre, Grant, Greenwood, and Gubb; against, 4 : Messrs, Angove, Moor, Scholium, and Snell. £1000 Grant. — The Chairman moved, " That Messrs. Angove, Moor, Gubb, Grant, and the mover be a committee to carry out the expenditure of the £1000 grant, three to form a quorum." Seconded oy Mr. Grant and carried. Puhoi-Komokoriki Road. — Mr. Moor moved, " That the chairman make inquiries re the grant of £440 voted for the PuhoiKomokoriki Road, urging the authorities to proceed with the work forthwith, or place the amount at the disposal of this Council." Seconded by Mr. Scholium and carried. Furze Nuisance. — Mr. Gubb moved, "That the Counoil take the necessary steps to compel owners of property to eradicate all furze and briars from off the County roads fronting their properties." Seconded by Mr. Greenwood and carried. Correspondence.— correspondence read was from the Colonial Secretary, the Marine Department, Hobson, Otamatea, and Bay of Islands County Councils, Messrs. W. B. Farrand, W. Greenwood, W. P. Moat, M.H.R., Mrs. Moßrierty, Mrs. McKay, Mr. R. Phillips, and Mr. Sanderson. The business concludffld at hi.lf-paat seven.—[Own Correspondent, October 15.]

WHAKATANE. A meeting of the Whakatane County Council was held at Opotiki on the Bth October. Present : Messrs. J. B. Gow (chairman), E. P. Dumergue, A. Parkinson, Isaac Walker, F. P. Drury, and Dr. Reid. SPECIAL MEETING. The Chairman explained that the object of the meeting was to receive and adopt the annual balance-sheet. The Treasurer then read the balance-sheet, statement of assets and liabilities, and statement of reserves and real property for the year ending March 31, 1888, certified as correct by the AuditorGeneral. The position of the public pound was discussed with regard to its being profitable or otherwise; also the item shown in the balance-sheet as paid away for salaries, amounting to £80. The clerk explained that this sum was created by the fact that the poundkeeper did not draw his salary for the first year nor until the beginning of this year, when he drew the full twelve months, and had since been paid quarterly ; thus, two years'salaries had been paid him during the year just completed. Dr. Reid proposed. Mr. Gow seconded, "That the balance-sheet and statement of assets and liabilities as read be adopted and confirmed." Carried. The chairman then formally signed the sheets, and the meeting closed. ORDINARY MEETING. The minutes of the last monthly meeting were read and confirmed. Replies to last month's correspondence were read, discussed, and approved. Payment of Rates.—Mr. A. Parkinson asked for information as to what powers the Council had to compel payment of rates by the owner of a property where a previous occupant had failed to pay, and against whom a judgment had already been obtained by the Council ? The Chairman quoted some cases in point, proving that the landlord was liable in any case where the occupant failed to pay his rates. Mr. F. P. Drurv proposed, " That all rates not paid before the Ist January be sued for without notice." Not seconded. Native Rates. — A letter was received from the Treasury Department advising the Council that £41 8s fid had been remitted to the bank in payment of rates for native lands for the year 18SG-7. Balance-sheet.—Letter received from the Auditor - General, enclosing balance - sheet duly audited, and requesting a copy to be returned when published. A letter was received from the Secretary of the Treasury, requiring triplicate conies of the balancesheets ot the Council, Town Board, and Opotiki and Whakatane Road Boards to be sent in at once. Telephone.Letter received from Dr. C. Lemon, Inspector of Telegraphs, stating that the small population at or near Ohiwa does not warrant the outlay involved in the erection of a telephone line to that place. Wharf at Oiiiwa.—A letter was received from the Secretary of the Marine Department stating that before the Council can be authorised to erect a wharf and store at Ohiwa, and charge fees, a plan of the proposed buildings, also a plan of the sections of the river in the vicinity, with soundings, must be prepared and submitted to the Department for approval. Correspondence.—A letter was received from Mr. William Kelly, M.H.R.,explaining his reasons for not immediately replying 1 - to the Council's letters to him while at Wellington, also mentioning what sums had been placed upon the Estimates during the session for public works in the Whakatane County. A letter was received from the chairman of the hakatane Road Board stating that it is proposed to metal a portion of the Valley Road with the allocation funds when received. Tenders.—A letter was received from Mr. S. Crapp, enclosing the following tenders for repairing the Opotiki-Waiotahi and Ohiwa Road :— (1) James Hamilton, £84; (2) W. McCauley,£3o; (3) an unsigned tender for £63. Dr. Reid proposed, Mr. Gow seconded, " That Mr. SlcCauley's tender be accepted." Carried. Mr. Drury proposed, Mr. Dumergueconded, " That the balance of allocation due to the Whakatane Road Board for last year be paid over." Carried. Assistance from Slr. Kelly, M.H.R., Etc.—Resolved, " That a letter be written to Sir. Kelly, quoting the Council's letter re assisting the member for Bruce County Council to effect an amendment to the Hospital and Charitable Aids Act, so as to admit of each county administering its own charities; alsc, re two miles of road from Ohope Beach to Whakatane Road, and re the erection of a wharf and grain store at Ohiwa, and asking his assistance in each of these movements." Dr. Reid proposed, Mr. Drury seconded, "That Sir. Crapp be asked to prepare plans, in accordance with the instructions received from the Marine Department, for a wharf and store at Ohiwa, and furnish the Council with a rough estimate of tho probable cost of the work." Carried. Miscellaneous.—The treasurer presented the balance-sheets for the half-year ending September 31,1888, which were read over and approved. Mr. Drury reported a large hole at the Matata end of the Whakatane Bridge. Resolved, "That a letter be written to the Whakatane Road Board asking them to have this damage made good at once, and that the cost, when ascertained, be charged to tile Omatoroa Riding allocation account." Resolved, " That a telegram be sent to Mr. W. Kelly urging him to impress upon the Government the importance of increasing the subsidy for the overland mail contract sufficiently to induce the supply of a coach service between Tauranga and Opotiki." Accounts.The following accounts were received and passed for payment:—R. C. Finch, stationery, &c., £1 6sfid : Wilsons and Horton, £1 10s 6d ; S. Bates, advertising, £2 17s. The meeting closed with a vote of thanks to the chairman.—[Own Correspondent.]

OTAMATEA. A meeting of the Council was held on the 10th October. Present: Messrs. Isbister (chairman), Ariell, Birt, Bond, Colbeck, Fitness, and Jackman. Resolved, "That the minutes of last meeting be adopted." OMPENSATION.—Mr. Wilson, of Paparoa, having received the compensation from Hobson Uounty for the land taken for road, sent in the deed of conveyance for approval by the Council. It was resolved, "That the county seal be attached thereto." The plans of new line of road in Matakohe were received from the Hobson County. Subsidy.— clerk stated that the subsidy on rates due to Whakapirau Riding was being paid. Dangerous Bridges.—The bridge near Cummer's was reported to be dangerous, and it was resolved, "That the chairn n be requested to make arrangements with Mr. Barlow to draw up specifications for the erection of a new bridge at Glimmer's, the

i bridge to be raised about six feet higher than ! the present one ; tenders to be called as soon as the specifications are ready, and to be considered at the next meeting. The chairman was also requested to ask the Messrs. Gummers if they would temporarily repair the broken plank in the bridge. Resolved, " That Mr. Barlow be requested to inspect the Black Bridge, near Griffen's, and report upon the best means of making it secure. Assistance Sought.—Resolved, " That the chairman be instructed to ascertain from Mr. Barlow upon what terms he will lay off work for this Council." Road to Mangawai Wharf.—A letter was received from Messrs. Hesketh and Richmond, on behalf of Mr. Dingwall, agreeing to give the land to make the road leading to Mangawai Wharf a chain and a-half wide. Resolved, " That Mr. Hannah be employed to make out a plan of the road, as also of the road to be closed, and that Messrs. Hesketh and Richmond prepare the transfer." Application to OrEN Road.—An application was received from Mr. IN utsford_ to have about twelve chains of road line chopped between sections 206 and 209 in Mareretu. There being no liability, the application was refused. Whangarei County.—A letter was received from the Whangarei County Council promising to forward rates and subsidy after the meeting of Council on September 28. Plans of Roads.—The plans of roads in Whakapirau Riding having been received, it was resolved, " That they be mounted on cloth." Paparoa Grants.— information having been received from Hobson County re the Paparoa grants, Mr. Isbister stated that, owing to a press of business, the Hobson County chairman had been unable to go into the matter, but promised to do so this month. Tokatoka Roads.The plans of the proposed new road in Tokatoka having been received from Mr. Hoakins, it was resolved, " That Mr. Fitness be empowered to treat with the owners of land relative to compensation." Mr. Birt stated that the agreement to give land in Mareretu for road deviation was not yet signed. Petition of Council.—A circular was received from the clerk to the House of Representatives informing the Council that their petition had been referred by the committee to the Government for consideration. Road Deviation. —A letter was received from the county solicitors stating that the deed of conveyance of land given by Mrs. McMaster for road deviation was being prepared. _ Grants for Roads. —No further information had been received from Mr. Thompson, M.H.R., re grants for roads in Mareretu. A Log Adrift.—Mr. Fitness reported that the log lying at the Tokatoka Wharf had been oast adrift. No Information.—Mr. Bond reported that no further information had been received concerning the proposed work on road, Kaiwaka to Oneriri. Mr. Isbister reported that nothing further had been done in relation to Mr. Geddes' claim for compensation. Non-payment of Rates.—A letter was received from the Property Tax Commissioner promising to give what assistance he could in regard to the properties the owners of which have been summoned for non-pay-ment of rates. Tokatoka Wharf Shed.—Mr. Fitness stated that no complaints had been lodged concerning the erection of the shed at Tokatoka Wharf. Application for Trees.—Mr. Ariell reported that nothing further had been done concorning Mr. Dodd's application for trees. Mr. Hardie's Road Line.—Mr. Isbister stated that he had not yet spoken to Mr. Hardie about the road line through his property. Reports on Works.—Mr. Ariell reported that the work he was authorised to get done on the road between Cooksev's Bridge and Hardie's was not yet arranged for. He also reported that the work oil the road from Skelton's gate, for which tenders had been accepted, was in progress; but that he considered the tender of Mr. J. Trounson (£3 10s) for repairs to additional half-chain of pathway at Pahi was too high ; consequently the work had not been let. Resolved, " That Mr. Ariell be authorised to let the work, if he can get it done at a reasonable rate." Repairs to Roads.—Mr. Judd's application for repairs to road was further deferred. Mr. Bond reported that the repairs to culverts on road at Mangawai Gorge had been done for the sum of £1. The Tram Line.—Mr. Kendall, of Coates and Kendall, waited upon the Council, and suggested that, according to the terms of their agreement to dedicate the tram line as a public road within twelve months, it might be a question whether they could remove the rails, sleepers, &c., as agreed upon, after it became a public road. It was resolved, " That the words in clause 1 of the agreement;, ' That we dedicate within twelve months from the date hereof,' be altered to, ' That we dedicate within five years from the date hereof.'" An Offer for Trees.—A letter was received from Messrs. Coates and Kendall offering £25, or 9d per hundred feet, for all kauri trees standing on the road line intersecting sections 104 and 105, Kaiwaka. It was decided not to sell the timber under Is per hundred feet in the round, which price Mr. Kendall, on behalf of Iris firm, agreed to give. The clerk was instructed to engage Mr. Hannah to survey the portion of new road beyond the tram line. Closing Road.—Mr. Healey made application to the Council to know if the new road now being surveyed through part of the Paparoa Homestead would be accepted and the closing of the old road sanctioned, as there was some opposition by settlers to this being done. It was resolved, " That the matter be deferred for further information." Tenders.— The following tenders for works in the several ridings were received and considered —In Tokatoka Riding, road formation and culverts: P. C. Connor and Burgess (contract No. 1) £40 (contract No. 2), £13; John Dodd, £54 Bs, £.15 17s; Hone Parone and Piri Noho, £46, £14 10s; T. B. Rogers, £50, £25; H. Flower and G. Rogers, £32 4s, £12; W. Clark and H. Brown, £29, £9. Resolved, " That the tenders of Messrs. Clark and Brown for the two contracts be accepted, and that the chairman, in conjunction with Mr. Fitness, be requested to supervise the work." In Matakohe Riding, metalling, &c., road at wharf: J. Hardie, £36 Is ; W. Blow, £3 14s 6d (per chain); E. F. Cooksey, £24 10s. Metalling and cutting at Ovens Hill: J. Hardie, £45 10s; W. Blow. £4 Is (per chain). Resolved, "That E. F. Cooksey's tender, at £24 10s, for forming and metalling road at wharf, and W. Blow's, at £4 Is per chain, for cutting and metalling at Ovens' Hill be accepted." In VVairau Riding: Contract No. 1, forming and metalling road at Smith's corner; contract No. 2, side cutting, Howard's deviation: contract No. 3, formation and metalling, Great North Road. Contract No. 1: John Rogers, £58; F. Hammings, £88. Contrast No. 2: John Causer, £15; John Mould, £17 10s; William Taylor, £24; W. Glovn and W. Rowsell, £16 10s ; R. J. Howard, £12. Contract No. 3: George Greenway, £76 10s ; John Causer, £69 9s 6d ; W. Gloyn, £87 ; W. Flower, £66. Resolved, " That the following tenders be accepted :— Contract No. I, John Rogers, at £58; contract No. 2, R. J. Howard, £12; contract No. 3, W. Flower, at £66; and that Mr. Howard be appointed inspector of works over contracts 1 and 3 and the clerk over contract No. 2." In Mareretu Riding: A petition from a number of settlers in this riding having been received protesting against the carrying out of the proposed work for which tenders had been called, it was resolved, after considerable discussion, not to accept any tender, but to defer the matter until next meeting, so that the opinion of the ratepayers in the district might be obtained. In Paparoa Riding, forming and metalling portion of road between the Wesleyan Chapel and the schoolhouse : O. C. Hames, £34 14s; W. R. Brown, £32; John Dodd, £29 ss; Henry Hudspith, £23; Wright and Harvev, £19 10s; H. Barton, £19 10s. Resolved, "That H. Barton's tender, at £19 10s, be accepted." Homestead Road : As it was considered that a better grade could be got for a portion of this road through Mr. Goodall's property, the tenders for contracts Nos. 1, 2, and 3 were not considered. Mr. William Sykes' tender for £6 9s 5d being the only one for contract No. 4, was accepted, but his tender for contract No. 5, being considered too high, was declined. Mr. Ariell was requested to call for fresh tenders for contracts Nos, 1, 2, 3, 5, to be considered at the next meeting. In future it was agreed that no tenders will be considered by the Council uniess accompanied by a deposit equal to 5 per cent, of the amount of the tender. Explanation.—A letter was received from Mr. Howard giving the number of days he spent in repairs to Great North Road, and, being present, explained the nature of the work done; and the said explanation was considered to be satisfactory. Proposed Purchase.—Mr. Ariell reported that Mr. Palmer was not willing to purchase the section next to his property "unless he got the portion between the road and the river. Resolved, "That Mr. Palmer be asked to send in his offer in writing; that not less than 10s an acre be accepted ; and, should he agree to give this price, that the Council be secured a right to get metal out of the river at any time." The Council a Harbour Board.— letter was received from the Marine Department asking for intormation before vesting the control of the wharves in the Council. Resolved, " That application be made to have this Council constituted a Harbour Board." Dog Tax Defaulters.—Resolved, " That all informations against dog tax defaulters be placed in the hands of Constable Inger." i Council Office.—After considerable dis- , cussion concerning the building of a county |

office, it was resolved, "That Mr. Davies' offer to place a convenient room in his houw at the disposal of the Council for an office-, rent free, be accepted, and that the clerk b« instructed to have the necessary fittings put up ; also that a price list of fire-proof safea be procured.." Statute Labour.—A letter was received from Mr. Rowsell nraying that ratepayers who desired it might be able to work out) their rates on the roads. He was informed that this could not be done, but that ratepayers had the same chance as others in competing for all road work, and. if any advantage was going, they got it. Account foe Deeds.—An account for £2 2s was received from Mr. Thorne, solicitor, for drawing up deeds of conveyance of land by order of the late Paparoa Road Board. It was resolved, " That, as these deeds were not completed, and cannot be found, the account be not paid." Taking Land.— letter was received from the county solicitors enclosing an agreement between Mr. Luther Hames and the Council for land taken for Valley Road, Paparoa. Resolved, " That Mr. Hames be paid £10, being the first instalment of £30 to be paid him for compensation for land taken for the said road; also, that £6 be paid to Mr. Dodd, being the sum agreed upon for land given by him for the same road. Change of Resolved, " That £50 be debited from the general fund of the Paparoa Riding, and placed to the credit of the Great North Road account." Rates on Native Lands.— circular was received from the Property Tax Department concerning works on roads before the rates on native lands would be paid. Medical Attendance.— application was received from John Sykes, agumdigger, to have an account amounting to £3 3s paid for medical attendance. Resolved, " That it; be refused." Application foe Road Repairs.— application was received from Mr. Angus Stewart, of Hakaru, for repairs to road past his property. Mr. Bond stated that a part of this road was worn into deep holes by the water, and was impassable for a dray. It was resolved, "That Messrs. Bowmar and Bond be authorised to get the repairs executed, cost not to exceed £5." Grant to Great North Roap.— telegram was received from Mr. Moat, M.H.R., intimating that £550 had been allocated to this county out of the grant to the Great North Road. Unexpended Balance.—A telegram was received from the secretary to the Public Works Department to the effect that £85 of a former grant was available for expenditure on the main road. Inspector Elliott.—A copy of a resolution passed at a meeting of sheep-owners held in Mauneaturoto concerning the dismissal of Mr. Elliott from the position of sheep inspector for the Marsden district was received and considered. Resolved, "That the chairman write to the Hon. the Minister of Lands in terms favourable to Mr. Elliott, and strongly urging his reinstatement to office." Short Payment.—A letter was received from Mr. Blow forwarding a certificate from the Hobson County engineer of the length of the new line of raid in Matakohe. As Mr. Blow had been paid short of this measurement for clearing the road, it was resolved, That he be paid the difference due him, viz., 9s 2d." Pukekaroro Road. An application was received from Mr. A. Stewart, Pukekaroro, for repairs to 20 chains of road past his property. Resolved, "That his application be deferred, and that he be informed that on no account must he remove his fence and place it upon the road without further reference to the Council." Consideration Deferred.—A letter was received from Mrs. Margaret and Malcolm Stewart referring to the road line in Kaiwaka. on which the tram line is being placed, and consideration of it was deferred. Accounts. —amounting to £12 8s 2d were passed and ordered to be paid. New Fisheries Act.—A copy of the proposed new Fssheries Act was received from the Marine Department, with a request that it might be considered and reported upon. A Judgment Debt.—Mr. Bond brought forward for consideration the case of Mr. Logue, against whom a judgement had been obtained for non-payment of rates. The clerk stated that the rate notice had been posted to Mr. Logue to the address furniished by the Property Tax Department, and the letter had been returned with an intimation that he could not be found. Resolved, "That as Mr. Logue had not furnished the Council with his change of residence, no relief could be afforded him. Power to Act.—Resolved, "That should the chairman be satisfied that Mr. Barlow's charges are reasonable, he be authorised to ask him to prepare specifications for coating with burnt clay fifty chains more or less of the Pahi-Maungaturoto road." The next meeting of Council will be held on Wednesday, the 28th of November.—[Own Correspondent, October 13.]

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9188, 18 October 1888, Page 3

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COUNTY COUNCIL MEETINGS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9188, 18 October 1888, Page 3

COUNTY COUNCIL MEETINGS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9188, 18 October 1888, Page 3