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Dress and Fashion. CONTINUATION OF THE SALE OP W. G. ALLEN'S AT THE VICTORIA ARCADE, FORT-STREET. GEORGE FOWLDS Desires to inform his friends and the public generally that he will continue the sale of the above Stock for a few weeks longer. THE WHOLE OF THE STOCK HAS NOW BEEN MARKED DOWN TO PRICES WHICH WILL ENSURE A SPEEDY CLEARANCE. WHERE EVERYTHING IS BEING SOLD AT OE ABOUT WHOLESALE COST IT "WOULD BE USELESS TO ENUMERATE PRICES. THE G-OODS COMPRISE:— Men's Clothing Merino Shirts I Umbrellas, Tweeds Youths' Clothing . Crimean and Working Shirts ! Military Uniforms Boys' Clothing " Drawers, Hosiery Gold and Silver Lace Little Boy's Clothing Blankets, Bugs Military Braids Hats, Caps, Collars, Ties Brief Bags Crowns, Badges Dress Shirts. Oxford Shirts Portmanteaux &c, &c. French Cambric Shirts Tailors' Trimmings and Flannel Unders Linings CALL AT ONCE. BARGAINS IMMENSE. Q-lEI OZR,Ci-:E3 FOWLDS. — ._ iwwi ■ H ■.HI-μ ■■ .i ■ ■ "* M " lM^ g!!!,lg!!y '^ Sewing Machines. Medicalrn TT r rf-PATTTTATr" A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. Hγ ItHNIINp BEECHISi PILLS 111 jLJ \A jLJ X 1 Kj 1-I 1 L-> Are universally admitted to be worth a Guinea ————————— \ A jj ox f or Bilious and Nervous Disorders such 1 as wind and pain in tlio stomach, sick headache WW- £S| SI SS EISffiIiIHSJHRI MHa I $M|?J!BBiaSIHS9 K itUUness - lulncss.ind swelling after meals, dizziness ill ili J. il lisilVl F' 1/1/ J 111 11" !VI H I ' M I ly ("J aiMplFlotchMon'tlie'akin.'iUetnrbed eleep, frightful figgc jg |iS£glG|l MM fl H ■Hβ n ffilfllSiSira Hgy gjfi C 3 dreams, and .ill nervous and trembling sensations, BBNt M "a""*" » ■'■ ""' ■■*■ ■■ ■ ■■■ mH einiiiß w all m ■ mat &c "I'ho tirst dosu will give relief in twenty minutes. : Every sutferer is earnestly invited to try one box A m M i i - . „ ■ii i „, ■-- jof those Fills, and they will be acknowledged to be r\ C "T* M I f\j € J I WORTH a GUINEA a BOX. —*-■*— ViMi«q ml II h>l V»i/ —I— m. j For Females of all ages these Pills are invaluable, as I a few doses of them carry off all humours, ____________ I and brills about all that is reauired. No female should be without them. There is no medicine to be found equal to IJKECHAM'S PILLS EAT TT 11 Li ' J. 1 a.! j. ITT tt>i i TIP! for removing any obstruction or irregularity of the . IVI. Hallett IS not Surprised that W. J. .beaie SllOUld feel system. If taken according to the directions given ■),■!• i ill ,1 ttt ~ . with each box they will soon restore females of all annoyed at losing such a valuable agency as the VVertheim ages to sound ami r.-.oust iwaitu. This has been c< •" ■> r 1 • • ii i l Tiii 1 proved bv thousand- who have tried them, and fceWlllg Machine IS, as he has nOW to place a little knOWn . Found the benents which ensured by their use. ■» . i • 1 f> j l i v -, •. i For a weak scomac.i, impaired digestion, and all .Machine before the public On its own merits. disorders of the liver, they act like and a , ,l . • i TT l i-'ii l i- ,1 i r> few doses will be found to work wonders on the 111 tillS mornings HERALD lie Still advertises the Sale Of most important organs inthe human machine They. Uγ ,i • ,-, . -ATI- T l iiii <ii i iii strengthen the whole muscular system; restore the VVertheim bewiner, Machines. 1 have no doubt he will be able i long-Fostcomplexion, bring back the keen edge of , -i -ii ' appetite, and arouse into action, with the ROSE BUD CO SUpply SeCOnCl-hand. OneS. Of liealtii, the whole physical energy of the human \ V "• 1 ,i 1 v , i , iii i-m tit TT n i / c /-i frame. These are "FACTS" testified continually by x WISH the pilbllC tO Understand that hi. M. Hallett & CO. members ofall classes of society; and oneof the best ,i i a j.l • i a j it i r>,iv,i guarantees to the nervous and debilitated is, are the only Authorised Agents and Importers for the North bkkcham/s pills have the larger «aio of any T l 1 f' i•■ r\ • \"\i i • C\ • \ r i • ill , patent medicine in the world. Island of the Genuine Werthemi Sewino , Machines, and their Prepared 1 only, ami sold wholesale and Retail, r> i ■ j T r> i i -a ,r c , • 1 i by the Proprietor, Thomas lieechiiin, St. Helens, first shipment, direct from the Manufacturers, arrived yesterday Lancashire, England, m Boxes is ijd and is ad by the SS. Wairarapa, which Will be followed by regular COn- 'soid by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers signnients, and their premises will be opened to carry on the y?a- ti Fu'ii directions are given with each box above Agency on the deferred payment system, and for cash, for ,r-iocKLE'S pills which a liberal discount will be allowed. v/ free from mercury .N.B.—CAUTION.— See you get a Wertheim Machine and /cockle's pills, FOB LmR not an imitation. None are genuine without Hugo Wertheim's V — LIV3R. not an imitation. iNone are genuine without Hugo Wertheims —— Name and Trade Mark. ' ' qockle'S pills, /COCKLE'S PILLS, SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS FOR THE L_ for lnpioes-ios. NORTH ISLAND : cockle's pills, ft \y FOR HEARTBURN. E. M. HALLETT & CO. cr™™^*—. COCKLE'S PILLS, Fancy Goods. . Gunsmiths. for acidity. " ' .ixi APPrk /COCKLE'S PILLS, K E L S E Y ■ S, to °'% LE , ml — ' »- * ii COCKLE'S PILLS, A, iJis (Bsulhncv s /f, \j in use eighty-eight years. OPPOSITE THE TOWN CLOCK, <h TUr . n , ([DllinD nc .._,,. ?cai Aim THE GOVERNOR OF NEW ZEALAND. In Boxes at Is. ljd, is 9d, 4s fld, IW, and 22», DIPECT lAIPORTEPS OF FANCY ■ **<& r ALL Medicink Vesdoks throughout the I Wilinm I A lovely Bath and Toilet-Water Have just opened up their New Shipment of 1 : will be. obtained by "^£/L_J W. H. HAZARD, ' GTJNMAKEE, J&M [ & \ **( TTAZARD'S QHOOTING r\ ALLERY | k^V"* ? 4_^S*_^^ RACQUETS, NETS, POLES, BALLS, to 116, QUEEN-STREET gS ! (LATELY OCCUPIED BY MR. WOOLLAMS, Rives it a moat delicious odour, and BEAU- ——— TimifrfivTaTi TIFIES the COMPLEXION in a most extraluiJ2___ ; ' ordinary way. Should be in every Bathroom (TRTOKETWA'R'E W - H - HAZARD beg to announce that he has *"* Be , dro p T , u he h ff n/ . ali "f'^u \jJXL\jX\.EjL WilXlJZi. loa .sed the above centrally situated premises, and Chenmt, and Perfumers throughout the World. having wade very considerable alterations and in" Sole M w nU M^. re ?n and l %? entoT provements, especially in the Gallery, which has ' H. AIALK, Ulm, °'- I been entirely pulled down and rebuilt, solicits the vvmu -, v. , vijkstspatronage of the public. iiUUI.w.VLK A(jhM»: JET, SILVER, & GOLD JEWELLERY. Prizes for Rifle and Revolver Shooting will be SEEGNER, LANGGUTH, & CO., offered, of which due notice will be given by adver- r»i-|.-KV STHh'KT tisement. The Prizes will be on view in the shop quht >-biKhi,J. JAPANFSF TFA TRAY S ? window. * — - ~" AxvAxo would also notify that he has removed his Booksellers and Stationers. Gun business to the same address. The manufac- . —— (GREAT ASSORTMENT). I turing and repairing branch is carried on in Klliott- -»— T , T O N & 4~A O stroet, (next Hoffman'i! Warehouse) where firearms I I I / may be tested daily. V/ v^ ! JAPANESE BASKETS, CHINA, . muff uRKS, FIREWORKS, from James Pain & Sons, the celebrated London Pyrotechnists. A s. a. Rftnv7Pff α-kto ,vn riTomc' very large supply of these received before new tariff Prospectors' Pocket-book, 0. A. Goyder, ■BKAJJSZEb, FANb, AND CURIOS came in force, thus saving 23 per cent. No advance I-'.C.S 10 in prices will be made. Simple Tests for Minerals, J. Campbell, M.A. 2 6 f'TTfCVT? 4T T V Assaying Lead, Cupper, Silver, Gold, and t.Li\i,KALLSi. XTA7Apn r-r,x ~ Mercury, JJo.lonnaiin and K«rl .. .. 15 0 ,-d c • tl, HAZARD . C 'MAKER Assavers" Manual, Walil and Karl .. .. 10 0 ALPTTUCS PTTR«P<S P.Af'« TTAVC (By Special Appointment to His Excellency the Practical Assaying. J. Mitchell, F.C.S. ..400 JfUKbEb, BAGb, iAr\b, Governor of New /ouland), Metallurgy of Silver, Gold, and Mercury in 116, QUEEN..STIIKKT (just below Durham-street) this United States. Vol. 1., Silver, T. &C. &C, &C. Telephone No. 331. Egleston, LL.D .. ..45 0 '' '' ' ■'" . Mines and Minerals, a Cuide for the AustraP_, _. _ " lian Miner, Cox and Itatte 0 6 HOTOGRAPHIC. Roasting Oold and silver Ores, Kestcl.. ..21 0 - Elements of Metallurgy, a Practical Treatise, 14 J. A Phillip-* and 11. IJauerinan .. .. 40 0 THEIR CHRISTMAS CARDS - u «i> Chemistry of the UolilHokU, J.G. Black, M.A. 10 6 lflm OmUblMAb LAKUb g g ?r. r /fy£mWfMffi : Handbook of Now Zealand Minos, W. J. M. q ft 'ill arrive later on, consequently will embrace the q«g , f f[fa2M§MMi M B Manual"of l Mineralogy and Lithblogy," J. D. LATEST DESIGNS. 3 3 H fed[ '"I "i ik W X § Boscr'ipttve Mineralogy, ll.'Bauermani 7 0 2 5 rt 1 !' P " d Systematic Mineral.>y, H. Baiiorman, F.G.S. 7 0 3 (2 g tiE_aik W W&fflffißtißßll > W > Study of Rocks, K. Kntley, F.U.S 5 0 S O » %*! p*" -3 ** V. Practical Hlowpipo Assaying, Attwood ..15 0 § O m ! 3 t> Metals and their Application, C. R. Alder CIIARLIES KELSEY & CO., M § Mi ' ElecKeposiuSn, a Prac'ticaf Treatise. A! * n ij-jyFfjyjy \Vi 111 . • ..150 m ... Text-book of Geology, A. t/iekie .. .. 30 0 OPPOSITE THE TOWN CLOCK. Have in Stock-The best brands of Dry Plates, «*.,•■»»-* of ?eoli«y. A. tiiekie .. .- 12 0 Chemicals, and every requisite for the practice of A'lvanced lext-book of Geology, l>. Page .. 8 0 Photography. V Engineering Geology, W.H. Penning .. -• *" —— Thomas's Pall Mall Plates (new make) are the Oology for All, J. L. Loblery .. ... _ 3 0 ' — ~ — ■^«_m_________——— —_—i Quickest and Cheapest in the market. THJG SUFFERERS' "ROOT* A i)ark 1100 1 • 01 " s « J0 f Tourists anil the latest UPTON & CO. T REMEDY PhßtwM, g *S3& free ° charge. iT ,. s V', lUlll ? : '-"> "fNEHVOUSDEBIUTV, ZT~7L TTOk^E-POVVER GAS FNPT\TP £10,000 GIVEN AWAY TO 16 BUYERS OF A bottle OF BREADALBANE (J I",' - N IKKASL-HK."l,ya French Doctor, wliich make room for increased power. Ibis Engine has WHISKY. '<■ -illy Tv,.,th its weight in DIAMONDS to those been kept in th« Hi-.hauj Orrii-e as a " reserve " Shipped by Alex. Kerj-uson & Co., Glasgow. *l> « 'in to marry. p|i by Post sealed is Sd N.Z. power, and very little used, lo be sold cheap, with ! Particulars from all Wine Merchants, Storekeepers, 7tJ i' s i Address Parisian Agency Co., P.O. ttox J all pipes, appliance*, watttj tanks, etc. —Apply Hotel-keepers, and Spirit Dealers. Wholesale 'w. s i l «;ey. " I herald Office. ' Ageuts-Castendyke and l-'ocke, Wellington, N.Z.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9186, 16 October 1888, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9186, 16 October 1888, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9186, 16 October 1888, Page 3