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,High Water at Auckland— a.m. ; 8.46 p.m. „ „—l2.s a.m. Sun.— 5.40 a.m.; sets, 6.10 p.m. MOON.—First quarter, 12th, 7.0 p.m. ARRIVALS. Alameda, R.M.s.s., H. G. Morse, from Sydney. Passengers : Messrs. W. J. Weaver, Percival, H. McMurdy, J. H. Witheford, J. Dunn, T. J. Jackson, C. Midler, J. Wright, Colonel Tompson, Mrs. Lowry, maid, and 2 children, Mr. Laurence, wife and child, Mrs. Aickin and child, and 92 in transit.—-Union S.S. Co., agents. Australia, s.s., 293, Kemp, from Wellington and East Coast ports. Passengers :— Messrs. A. H. Wallis and Woods, Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell, Mrs, Williams and child, Mrs. Talbot and child, Mrs. Highley, Miss Ireland. —Union S.S. Co., agents. Clansman, s.s., 336, Farquhar, from Tanranga. Passengers :— Messrs. Pope, Testy, Newman, Constable Whelan, and two prisoners.—Northern S.S. Co., agents. lona, s.s. 159, Amodeo, from Mercury Bay. .•-Northern S.S. Co!, agents. CLEARED OUTWARDS. Nemesis, s.s., 1392. Dough ton, for Melbourne. Passengers: Mr. Fordyce and family (6). Miss "Hooker, Messrs. W. Seal, R. Logan, J. Bell, P. Tarry, Highley, Mullen, S. Graydon, P. Coyle.—Stone Brothers, agents. Clairmont, barque. 7.v, Leuthwaite, for Wellington. Passengers : Mrs. Leuthwaite and child.—Stone Brothers, agents. Lutterworth, barque. SS7, Streater, for Portland. Oreyon.— T. and S. Morrin and Co. (Limited), agents. DEPARTURES. Nemesis, s.s., for Melbourne. Clairmoijt, barque, for Wellington. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. jLOXnnv : Waifcangi, ship, loading. Zealandia, ship, sailed August 3. NEW YOKK : Rebecca Crowell, barquentine, sailed June 30. Mary A. Greenwood, barque, sailed July CAN FRANCISCO : Mariposa, R.M.s.s., sailed September 27. RIO JANEIRO : Monica, barque, sailed May 2. KIMBERLEY : Clansman, brigantine, sailed August 3. tVTTKLTOX : Maud Graham, schooner, sailed Sept. 25. JIRISRANE : Gleaner, brigantine. sailed Sept. 26. KICK : Daisy, schooner, to sail September 27. TONGA : Made, schooner, early. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. (LONDON : Piako, snip, via South, early Crusadf.r, ship, to sail October 6. PORTSMOUTH : Diamond, H.M. p., early. PAN FRAN CISCO : Alameda, R.M.s.s., to-day. EYDNKY •. Mai.iposa, R.M.s.s., about October 14. _ORTL.*.NI> (OREGON) : Lutterworth, barque, to-day. HELr.orKNi:: I.iebecca, barque, to load. (TAHITI, etc.: Richmond, s.s., about October S. KOUMEA : Christine, schooner, early.

UNION S.S. CO.S MOVEMENTS. To-day. — Rotorua arrives at Onehunga; Manapouri arrives from South during the evening; Alameda leaves for Honolulu and San Francisco at 2 p.m. Tuesday.—Rotorua leaves Onelmnga at 21.30 a.m. : Australia leaves for East Coast at 6 p.m.: Manapouxi leaves for Russell at 5 p.m. Wednesday. — Manapouri arrives from Russell. Thursday.— arrives at Onehunga at S a.m. : Arawata arrives from Wellington ; .Manapouri leaves for South at noon. Saturday.—Wanaka leaves Onehunga if mail arrived. _ Scnday.—Mariposa arrives from San Francisco, and leaves for Sydney; Arawata. leaves for Fiji.

NORTHERN S.S. CO. : MOVEMENTS. To-day. — Gairloch leaves for New Plymouth at I p.m. : Douglas leaves for Opotiki, and the lona for Mercury Bay and Tauranga at 5 p.m.. and Clansman for Russell at 7 p.m. ; Wellington arrives from Whangarei. Tuesday.—Wellington having to be docked will not leave for Whangarei; Rowena leaves for Hokianga at 1 p.m. Wednesday.—Gairloch arrives from Waitara. Thursday.— leaves for Great Barrier at S a.m.; Gairloch leaves for New Plymouth at 1 p.m. Friday.Clansman arrives from Russell early, and leaves for Taxiranga at 7 p.m. ; lona leaves for Mercury Bay at 7 p.m., and Wellington for Whangarei at 8 p.m. Saturday.—lona arrives from Mercury Bay, and Gairloch from Waitara. Sunday.—Clansman arrives from Tauranga early.

VESSELS IS HARBOUR. [This list does nut include coasters.] H.M. s. Diamond, in stream. Crusader, ship, at Railway Wharf. Piako, ship, in stream. Wa.iroa, ship, at Queen-street Wharf. Lutterworth, barque, in stream. Rebecca, barque, at No. 2 Jetty. Johann Brodersen, barque, in stream. Stavanger, barque, in Calliope Dock. Silver Cloud, barquentine, at Hobson-street Wharf. Camille, brigantine, at Queen-street Wharf. Torea, schooner, in stream. Christine, schooner, in stream. Magellan Cloud, schooner, in stream.

IMPORTS. Per s.s. Australia:—3oo sheep, 700 sacks bonedust, 27 empty acid cases, 7 empty casks, 31 hides, 9 bags tapioca, 2 quartercasks wine, 3 cases walnuts, 50 boxes soap, and sundries.

EXPORTS. Per s.s. Nemesis, for Melbourne :—BOO,OOO -feet of sawn timber

Inwards Coastwise.—Rose, cutter, from the Barrier, with firewood ; Fanny, cutter, from Whangapoua, with timber; Christina, schooner, from Bay of Islands, with coal; Lark, Cutter, from Waiheke, with firewood ; Paku, cutter, from Whangaparoa.with timber ; Jane, cutter, from Mahurangi, with 800 bushels lime. Outwards Coastwise. —Waitemata, scow, for Kennedy's Bay, in ballast; Mariner, schooner, for Whangarei, in ballast; Mary Ann, cutter, for Whanc;arei, in ballast Kauri, scow, for Thames, in ballast. At an early hour on Saturday morning the fillip Wairoa was towed in alongside the Queen-street Wharf, and berthed in the position at the second western tee recently occupied by the barque Clairmont. Preparations for discharging were at once made, and during the forenoon the hatches were lifted and bulk broken, the cargo showing up in excellent order and condition. The barque Clairmont was towed down to ihe powder ground on Saturday morning by jhe p.s. Osprey, and took in from the lighter 31 which they had been stored since her •rrival the shipments of dynamite, etc., for Wellington, which had formed part of her original cargo. About 10 o'clock yesterday morning sail was bent, and the Clairmont proceeded to Wellington to put out the oalance of her cargo. When discharged she rill probably go to Picton to take in wool for London. At an early hour yesterday morning the Northern S.S. Co.'s Clansman arrived from J'auranga with a few passengers and the following cargo:—2 horses, 6 sacks wheat, 6 :acks fungus, a quantity of fruit, butter, and dries. For Melbourne direct, the s.s. Nemesis took her departure on Saturday afternoon with about a dozen passengers and a full lading of kauri, amounting to about 800,000 feet. The yacht Akarana also comprised a portion of her freight, and occupied a secure position on deck, being carefully boxed in with timber, and securely lashed to prevent ber shifting About 7 o'clock yesterday morning the Union S.S. Co.'s Australia arrived from her fortnightly trip to Wellington and East Coast ports with passengers and cargo as detailed above. Of the trip up the coast Mr. Bendall, the purser, supplies the following particulars :—Left Wellington on the 2nd instant at 4 p.m., and arrived at Napier on the 3rd at 3.30 p.m. ; leaving again at midnight and reaching Gisborne at 10 a.m. on the 4th ; pushed on again at 3 p.m., and caihd at Tologa. Bay, Tokomaru, Waipiro, Tuparoa, Awanu.i, and Hick's Bay, and arrived at Tauranga on the 6th at 1 p.m. She left three hours later, and arrived in Auckland on the 7th as above. Fine weather was experienced from Wellington as far as the East Cape, but from thence strong N.W. winds prevailed till arrival. On Saturday forenoon the barque Lutterworth hauled out from the Queen-street "Wharf, and took up a position in the stream •opposite the Railway Wharf in readiness to sail. Captain Screater expects to get away during this morning for Portland, Oregon, where his vessel is fixed to load up with wool for London. The steamer Fiona is expected to arrive shortly from Fiji with a cargo of raw sugar for the Colonial Sugar Refining Company.

At the No. 2 .jetty the barque Rebecca is busily engaged in discharging her cargo of wheat from Lyttelton. The brigantine Camille, at the Queen-street Wharf, has almost completed unloading her similar freight. ______


The out-going mail steamer Alameda arrived last night from Sydney en route for San Francisco with the colonial mails for Europe and America. She brought 16 passengers for Auckland, and has on board 92 in transit from Australia to San Francisco. The steamer rounded the North Head shortly before 9 p.m., and was abreast of the Queenstreet Wharf half an hour later, but owing to the darkness of the night great caution had to be exercised in berthing her, and it was a quarter to eleven before she was safely moored alongside of the tee. To Mr. J. b. Sutton, the purser, we are indebted for Sydney riles and the following memoranda of the passage across :—The Alameda left Sydney on the 3rd inst., discharging the pilot at 5.5 p.m., and experienced strong northerly and then SAW winds with heavy rain squalls and rough seas, accompanied by thunder, lightning, and hail. At 4.50 a.m. on the l>th she passed one of the Union S.S. Co.'s steamers steering west (the Mararoa bound for Sydney), and yesterday morning about eleven another steamer going in the same direction was also seen, (This would likely be the s.s. Nemesis.) The Auckland pilot was picked up at 8.45 p.m.. and the vessel arrived as above, having occupied 4 days 3 hours on the passage. The Alameda is to take in about 500 tons of coal at Auckland and a quantity of sundries, and is fixed to sail for ban Francisco to-day at 2 p.m.


Messrs. C. I*. James and Co., shin and timber brokers, report as follows for the past four week'- : Since our last issue which went forward on the 10th September, only a limited amount of timber-chartering has been done, due to the scarcity of suitable tonnage, the supply falling a long way short of satisfying the demand : this is attributable to the Newcastle miners' strike having completely disorganised the intercolonial trade, as also to the renewed vitality in shipping throughout the world having absorbed all the recently unemployed tonnage. As a consequence of the strike there are no quotations for coal freights, so that tonnage for timber charters lias mainly to be sought from Australia: owners, therefore, look for increased rates of freight—vessels having to come across in ballast. The attempts at conciliation between masters and men in Newcastle are at last likely to bear fruit, when we may look for increased activity in chartering. Timber.—The fixtures are-.—For Melbourne : Stanley, Parnell, Peerless, and Grasmere, from Kaipara; Nemesis, s.s., from Auckland: and the Camille, from Thames. For Sydney: Waitemata and Zodiac, from Kaipara: and Lady Mabel, from Mercury Bay. For Queensland: The Darcy Pratt and Magellan Cloud, to Brisbane; and Frank Guy, to Townsville. We quote rates as follow: —Balk : Kaipara to Melbourne, 4s 6d to ss: Sydney. 3s (Id. Sawn : East Coast to Sydney, 2s 6d ; Melbourne, 3s 3d to 3s 9d ; Brisbane, 3s 9d to 4s ; Rockhampton, 4s 6d ; Townsville, 5s 6d; West Coast to Dunedin, sawn, 3s 6d. Coal. — The only arrival from Newcastle has been the Lady Mabel, consigned to ourselves, and the Jessie; the latter was despatched with her original cargo to Melbourne shortly after her arrival. The strike has proved a harvest for our local collieries, large demands having been made on all, while all available small craft have found constant employment locally with Kamo and Bay of Islands coal, besides local demands, the Kamo Company have supplied the barque Mercury with 550 tons, despatched by us to Albany, as well as the s.s. Nemesis, and the barque Belle Isle was despatched from Auckland with a mixed cargo direct to Fiji, on the 2nd instant. From Greymouth, the s.s. Herald brought a full cargo, while the schooners Sarah Pile and Waireka, for Tonga and Manukau, have been loaded to our order. Produce.— Arrivals have been Glencairn, Orpheus, and Rebecca, from Lyttelton, ami Camille, from Dunedin. Kates had advanced to 13s per ton, but are again weaker. The schooner Louie, for Townsville, and Orpheus, for Brisbane, have been despatched from Auckland with produce. We are open for handy sized tonnage for Queensland at 30s per ton. Sales. We have to report another addition to Auckland owned shipping, we having sold the iron barque Presto, formerly owned in Sydney.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9179, 8 October 1888, Page 4

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9179, 8 October 1888, Page 4

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9179, 8 October 1888, Page 4