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Dress and Fashion. — . SPRING AND SUMMER, 1888-89. PRICE LIST FROM i M SB. tSF" 3BES XQST W O IKT, DRAPER AND CLOTHIER, 250, QUEEN-STREET, NEXT TO TUTTLE'S, PHOTOGRAPHERS. ' ________ * CHEAPEST HOUSE IN TOWN FOE DRAPERY AND CLOTHING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION - ' 1 DRESS GOODS. New Stuffs »i Beiges, Light and Dark Checks and Stripes, 5s lid dozen New Carmelites, in Light and DarK Greys and Fawns, lis 9d, 14s 6d, and 17s the dozen Summer Tweeds, small Checks, 10s 6d the dozen ; Summer Serges, all colours, 8s 6d and 9s 6d the dozen Jersey Cloths, 9s Gd the dozen ; Nun's Veilings, all colours, Lignfc or Dark, from 10s 6d the dozen Best Quality Coloured Cashmeres and Merinoes, double width, 2s 6d the yard , Black Cashmeres and Merinoes, double width, all wool, Is 3d, Is 9d, Is lid, 2s 4d, 2s 6d, and 2s lid, pet yard Canvas Cloths, all the New Shades, 7s lid the dozen ; Plain and Check Llamas, to match, 10s 6d the dozen Plain and Embossed Black Italian Cloths, 9d ; Striped and Plain Plushes, all shades, 2s lid the yard Light Shades in Satins, good quality, Is 6d the yard. WASHING DRESSES. Prints, 500 new Patterns, 3d, 4d, 4id, sd, sid, 6d, 64, 7d, 7id, and Bd, the yard Cashmercttes, all new patterns, 7s~and 7s 6(1, the dozen ; Striped Flannelettes, all the new patterns Plain and Printed Drillottes, 6d per yard ; Fancy Sorata Cloths, 15 patterns, 10£ per yard Plain and Fancy Sateens, 7d to Is 2d per yard ; Plain and Fancy Ginghams, 4£d to Is 2d Check Combination Prints, all colours, 5d to 9d ; Light and Dark Galateas, sd, 6d, 6£d, 7Jd, and 9d Light Shades in Fedora Stripes, for evening dresses, 40 inches wide, 7Jd the yard Embroidered Costumes, in boxes, not made up, in White, Cream, Pink, and Blue, from lis 6d to 2os. MANCHESTER GOODS. White Calicoes, heavy makes, 3s 3d, 3s 6d, 3s lid, and 4s lid the dozen White Calicoes, Light makes, 2s lid, 3s 6d, and 4s 6d the dozen Unbleached Calicoes, 2s 3d, 2s 6d. 2s lid, 3s lid, and 4s the dozen White Sheetings, 72 in, IOJd, 80 inch Is, 90in, Is 3d, Finlay's 72in Is 2d, 80in Is 4d, 90i« Is 6d , Unbleached Sheetings, double width, lid and Is Id ; Table Damask, white, 2 yards wide, 2s 6d and 2s lid the yard Table Damask, unbleached, 2 yards wide, Is 4d and is 6d the yard ; Blankets, per pair, 7s 6d, 9s lid, and lis 9d | Blankets, per pair, large size, heavy make, 16s lid and 19s 6d ; Blankets, per pair, New Zealand, 24s 6d ! Large Bush Rugs, 7s lid each ; Quilts, coloured, 3s 6d, 5s lid, and 6b 6d ; Quilts, white, 3s lid, 7b lid, 9s 6d, and 12s Od Tickings, 4d, 6Ad, and Is ; Pillow Tick, (woven round), Is 3d Lace Curtains, per pair, 2s 6d, 2s lid, is lid, 6s lid, and 7s lid, bound and scalloped edge 3 Toilet Covers, White Marcella, Sd, lOd, Is 3d, and Is 9d, coloured Tapestry, 2s lid Hollands, 4kl, skl. 6M, and best Sd per yard ; Flannels, Welsh, Sd, IOAd, Is, Is 2d, Is 4d, and Is 6d the yard Flannels, New Zealand, lHd, Is 3d, and Is 4d the yard ; Flannels, Shetland, heavy makes, Is 4d Flannels, German, for under wear, 7d and Sd ; Shirtings, Cotton, sid, 6|d, and 7d ; Shirtings, Union, 9id, llJjd, and 13 Shirtings, all wool, Is 2d, Is 3d, and Is 4d ; Cretonnes, best makes, new pattern, 7sd, Bkl, IOAd, and Is Carpets, Tapestry, Is 9d ; All Wool Kidderminster Carpets, 2s 3d yard wide Towels, Honeycomb, sd, lid, 9d, Is, and Is 2d ; Turkish, white and unbleached, 9id, Is, Is 2d, Is 4d, and Is 6d ; Bath, 2s 3d and 2s 6d Russia Crash, Diapers, Is, Is 6d, and Is 9d; Body Linen, 7id ; Silecia, Slate, 3d, and Black, White, and Slate, 4d, and 6d Linen Drills, unbleached, for Boys' wear, 5Ad FANCY GOODS. Press Buttons, all shades, 2d, 3d, and 4d per dozen ; Ladies' Hosiery, all sorts and prices, from 6d to 2s 9d Children's Hosiery, all sorts and prices, from 6d to 2s ; Ladies' Taffeta and Silk Gloves, lid to Is Gd Ladies' Corsets. Is lid, 2s 6d, 2s lid, 3s lid, 4s 6d, 4s lid, us 3d, 5s 6d, 5s lid, 6s 6d, and 7s lid Ladies' Umbrellas, Is lid, 2s Cd, 3s Gd, 4s 6d, 5s lid, and 6s Gd ; Ladies' 6 Button Kid Gloves, 2s 6d, 2s lid, and 3a 9d Ladies' 4 Button Kid Gloves, best 2s lid ; 4 Button Kid Gloves, evening shades, Is 3d per pair, Special Lino Ladies' Underclothing, &c., a Splendid Stock ; Ladies' Jerseys, all colours, 3s lid, 4s lid, 5s 6d, and 7s lid Ladies' Nightdresses, Is lid, 2s Gd, 2s lid & 3s lid ; Chemises, Is 3d, Is lid, 2s 6d & 2s lid ; Knickers, Is 6d, 2s 6d, 2s lid & 3s Gd Ostrich Feathers, Is lid, 2s 6d, and 4s lid ; Tips, lid, and Is lid Ladies' Masher Jackets, all new shades, for summer wear, 8s Gd, 10s 6d, 14s, to 24s Gd, most beautiful goods. Ladies' Silk Dolmans, 19s Gd to 27s 6d, a great bargain ; Beaded Visites, -is lid to 15s 6d, were 15s 6d to 70s Wool Pelisses, and Hat to match, 7s lid ; Wool Pelisses, 4s lid ; Merino Pelisses, 5s lid to 14s Gd ; Merino Cloaks, 5s lid to 10s 6d Ribbons, Laces, Beaded Trimmings, and a host of other articles too numerous to mention. HABERDASHERY. White or Black Reels, 200 yards, all numbers, Is the dozen ; Green Tie Knitting Cotton Is 9d per pound. Mendings, assorted dozens, with 12 needles, for lOd ; And every other article in Haberdashery that is requirocl. MEN'S, BOYS', AND~YOUTHS' CLOTHING. Men's Suits, all sizes, 17s lid, 21s, 24s 6d, 25s Gd, 32s 6d, and best New Zealand Tweed, 35a Men's Tweed Trousers and Vests, 6s lid, Ss 6d, 10s Gd. lis 9d, 12s 9d, 13s lid, and beet New Zealand, Ifis lid Men's Tweed Trousers, lis 9d, 6s lid, 7s Gd, 7s lid, and 8s lid ; Youths' Suits, 14s 9d, 17s lid, 25s (Id, and best 303 Youth's Tweed Trousers, os 3d, and 5s 6d ; Mole Trousers. Os 3d ; Men's and Boy's Moles, 4s lid, 5s Gd, and 6* Gd Boys' Trouser Suits, from 14s i)d, to 255, all prices • Boys' Knickor Suits, all sizes, 6s lid to 14s 9d, for the host N.Z, Tweed Men's Working Shirts, own make, all sizes, Is Gd, 2s 3d, 2s lid, and 3s 3d ; Wool Shirts, own make, 3s 3d, 3s Id, 4s Gd, and 4s lid Men's Flannel Shirts, 2s lid, 3s 6d, and 3s lid, large sizes ; Lambswool, Merino, and Cotton Undershirts, and Pants, at very low prices by the half dozen Men's Linen Collars, Id, 6d, and 8d : Braces, 9d, lOd, Is, and Is 6d ; Hats, soft, Is lid, 2s 6d, 3s Cd, and 3s lid Men's Hats, hard, '2s lid, 3s 6d, 3s lid, 4s lid, with collars 5s 6d ; A Job line of Men's white Handkerchiefs, at 6d each And every other article just as cheap in proportion. Countrv parcels well packed ami delivered to boat or station free of charge. Patterns forwarded by post, free of charge on application. Country customers please forward Postal Notes with orders to A. K. IT,NTON, Draper and Clothier, 250, Queen-street, next Tuttle's, Photographer.

"A'AE 00'. MOSGIEL TWEEDS MOSGIEL HOSIERY AND Y A R N S MOSGIEL FLANNELS AND BLANKETS MOSGIEL RUGS AND PLAIDS Always receive the HIGHEST AWARDS FOR EXCELLENCE. THE MOSGIEL WOOLLEN'S are made from PURE WOOLS by competent hands and tho best obtainable machinery. The Public are requested not to accept Imitations, but to insist upon getting the genuine Mosgiel articles. The Trade supplied through all the Wholesale Warehousemen, or at the Company's Warehouse, High-street, Dunedin. Sporting. 4. If is (E&alletttg 4%. * THE GOVERNOR OF NEW ZEALAND. * W. H. AZAE D, GUNMAKER, JJAZARD'S QALLERY , AND AMERICAN BOWLING ALLEY, 116, QUEEN-STREET (LATELY OCCUPIED BY MR. WOOLLAMS, TOBACCONIST). W. H. HAZARD begs to announce that he has leased the above centrally situated premises, and having made very considerable alterations and improvements, especially in the Gallery, which has I been entirely pulled down and rebuilt, solicits the I patronage of the public. Prizes (or Rifle and Revolver Shooting will be offered, of which due notice will be given by advertisement. Tho Prizes will be on view in the shop window. W.H.H. would also notify that he has removed his Gun business to the same address. The manufacturing and repairing branch is carried on in Elliottstreet, (next Hoffman's Warehouse) where firearms may be tested daily. FIREWORKS, FIREWORKS, from James Pain it Sons, the celebrated London Pyrotechnists. A very large supply of these received before new tariff came in force, thus saving 23 per cent. No advance in prices will be made. W. H. HAZARD, Gunmaker (By Special Appointment to His Excellency the Governor of New Zealand), 11C, QUEEN-STREET (just below I)urham-3treet) Telephone No. 331. Tea. {REGISTERED TRADE MARK.] rjl 0W E R rjy EA, FROM INDIA, CHINA, AND CEYLON, UNSURPASSED FOR STRENGTH & FLAVOUR. gHERA & £JO., AUCKLAND, SOLE WHOLESALE AGENTS FOR NEW ZEALAND

[N THE MATTER OF W. Of. ALLEN, CLOTHIER, OF VICTORIA ARCADE, AUCKLAND, A BANKRUPT. THE CASH TENDER OF GEO. FOWLDS :n the above estate has been accepted by the official ASSIGNEE IN BANKRUPTCY AT A DISCOUNT OF 40 PER CENT OFF WHOLESALE COST PRICE. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. )NE MONTH'S IMPERATIVE SALE OF THE STOCK OF THE SAID BANKRUPT, IN THE PREMISES, VICTORIA ARCADE, CORNER QUEEN AND FORT-STREETS, AUCKLAND, SALE COMMENCES THIS DAY. THE GOODS Comprise Vlen's Clothing Blankets, Rugs Souths' Clothing Brief Bags Boys' Clothing Portmanteaus Little Boy's Clothing Umbrellas, Tweeds Etatcy Caps, Collars, Ties Tailors' _ Trimmings and Dress Shirts, Oxford Shirts Linings French Cambric Shirts Military Uniforms flannel Unders Gold and Silver Lace Merino Shirts Militaiy Braids Crimean and "Working Shirts Crowns, Badges Drawers, Hosiery & c '> c * THE WHOLE STOCK MUST BE CLEARED IN A MONTH, AT ANY SACRIFICE. 3* NO ADEQUATE IDEA OF PRICES IN AN ADVERTISEMENT. 3ALL AT ONCE. BARGAINS IMMENSE. GEORGE FOWLDS. 51ASKEIS. BLANKETS. SPECIAL QUOTATIONS TO CLEAR BALANCE. -4 ALL WOOL .« .« — ... ... ... 12s 6d per Pair 4 EXTRA QUALITY « 14s 6 d per Pair BALANCE OF WINTER HATS ALL AT ONE SHILLING. J. G. BROWN & CO., KAUAI?"AHAPE road.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9172, 29 September 1888, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9172, 29 September 1888, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9172, 29 September 1888, Page 2