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Medical. ) Jj|| v /A / S \ \ ry.f<!£ k W-V \ W .... L* * 4 I W\~hj~ 4$ ' """i I 'y*' //If I \ M ii A\ 7 >7 .' infantile Loveliness No mother wlio lores ber children, who takes When alt months old, the left ilftßdor our little pride in their beauty, purity and health, and in grandchild began to swell, and had every appearbestowing upon them a child's greatest inherit- anco of a large boil. Wo poulticed It, bu't all to no auce, — a skin without blemish, and a body nour- purpose. About fire months after, it became a (shed by pure blood, — should fail to make trial of running sore. Boon other sores formed. He then the Ccticura Remedies. hod two of them on each hand, and as his blood Cuticuka, the great skin enre, and COTICfRA became more and more impure, it took less time Soap, an exquisite skin beautilier, prepared from for them to break out. A sore came on the chin, it, externally, aud Cuticuka Resolvent, the new beneath the under lip, which was very offensive, blood purifier, internally, are a positive cure for Bio head was one solid scab, discharging a great every form of skin and blood disease, from pimples deal. This was his condition at twenty-two month* to scrofula, from infancy to age. old, when I undertook the cars of him, his mother having died when he was a little more than a year Have been in the drug and medicine business- old> of CODBumpt ion (scrofula of course). lie could twenty-five years. Have been selling your Coti- wa , k a UtU but cou)d CQt , f fao feU dowD> CUKA Remedies since they came West. They lead ftnd c(m)d n£)t mOV(j wh[ . , fl bef]) haTi nQ all others in their line. We could not write nor ÜBe of hi , hands . x immediately commenced could you print all we have heard said in favor of wUh Cdtkura Remeiues> ÜBiDg all frcely . the Cutjcura Remedies. One year ago tbo Cut.- 0m eorQ after aDOlher healed( a bony matter CUBA and Soap cured a little girl in our house of forming , n each Que of the9o flvc de oncfl the worst sore head we ever saw, and the Rssolv- t befo ,. e heal which wo(jl(i fina „ E.nt and Clticura are now curing a young gentle- 10080 #nd wfiro ukcn out; theQ .. ~ faoal loose and were taken out; then they would heal man of a sore leg, while the physicians are trying onc o{ theße forraationß x pro . to have it amputated. It will save his leg and After takiug a dozen and a balr boltleß he perhaps his lite. 00 much cannot be said in wag letel curedf and is n at lhe age of <lx 1 f was completely cured, and is now, at the age of elx favor of Ccticura Remedies. yC ars, a strong and healthy child. . years, a strong and healthy child. S. B. bMllll .v BRO., Covington, Ky. Mr 3 jj, g< Sold by all chemists in New Zealand. Price: 612 E.Clay St., Bioomington, 111. CuTicnu. 50 ets. ; Soap, 25 cts.; Resolvent, $1. £51- Send to Messrs. R. Towns t Co., Sydney, Prepared by the Potter Drug a.nd Chemical C 0.,; f or "How to Cure Skin Diseases," 64 pages, 50 notion. U.S.A. : illustrations, and 100 testimonialseft PV ! C Skin, scalp and hair preserved aud beau- ! njSJSPLES, blackheads, red, rough, chapped and SMS u titled by the trie of Cuticuka Soap. jSi 111 oily skiu prevented by Cuticura Soap.

NO HOUSEHOLD Should ever bo without Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. During more than forty years this medicine has proven a speedy cure for Colds, Coughs, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Influenza, Asthma, Bronchial affections, aud all PULMONARY COMPLAINTS. By its use weak lungs are strengthened, the voice becomes more powerful and flexible, and the insidious approaches of Consumption are counteracted. In cases of Whooping Cough, Croup, and other ailments of the like nature, to which children are peculiarly liable, prompt relief may be obtained by means of this invaluable remedy. Parents should always have the Pectoral at baud, thus guarding The Little Ones against serious illness which may result through lack of this precaution. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is of great strength ami curative power, a few drops only being; needed for each dose. It is, therefore, an Economical Medicine. Full directions accompany cach bottle PItEPAR Kl> KY Dr. J. C. AVER & CO,, Lowe!!, Mass., U. S. A. Sold by Druggists and Medicine Vendors. ASTOM DINGCURES! j CONSUMPTION. BRONCHITIS, ! ASTHMA, COUGHS, COLDS, And all Lung and Throat Affections iclieved at once, and quick! cured by MELEUCA, THE PHYSICIANS' ONLY HOPE! THE PATIENTS' "SHEET ANCHOR!" The tir?t dose removes all oppression, loosens the ! phlegm, and cuts short at Mice Hie most painful, troublesome, and long-standing Cough, Lung, or . Throat trouble. Remarkable testimony from Public J Speakers, Teachers, Singers, Ministers, Consump- j tive, Asthmatic and other cases, testifying to the j great superiority of MELEUCA to all other remedies | INNUMERABLE LIVES HAVE j BEEN SPARED By its timelv use. Be sure and ask for 2/6 MELEUCA 2/6 RHEUMATISM. j DR. PARKER'S ! PULVIS RHEUM ATICON. QUICK RELIEF AND PERMANENT CURE. .ASTOUNDING TESTIMONY. 3s 6d per bottle ; :is 9d by post. Sole Agent; ; S. GIL B E R T, ! CHEMIST, QUEEN-STREET. j GSRNSe BUNIONS! iff All sufferers from I : either Corns or 1 . Bunions should I : Little § i Little | ■Shay give case 1 C'liring 1 in. a few 1 Price Is lid per Tjoz, of all Chemists. I i AGENCY —- fi lit iIAMIIJOX SO.. MffillEAO; EM. i £) R. $ PEER'S Private Dispensary, established in Wellington, for the scientific and speedy cure of chronic, nervous and special diseases. Ihe expert Specialist I)r. Sneer is a regular graduated physician, educated itHarvard College, U.S. He has devoted a.lifetime to, and is acknowledged to he the most expert physician . in his specialty in the United States. Young Men and Middle-aged Men who suffer from Nervous and Physical Debility, Loss of Energy and Memory, Eruptions 011 the Face, Mental Depression, Kidney and Bladder Troubles, .fee., Ac., will do well to consult Dr. Speer. Hospital experience. Having been physician in one of the leading Hospitals of the U.S. enables him to treat all private trouble with excellent results. He wishes it distinctly understood that lie does not claim to perform impossibilities, or to have a miraculous power. He claims only to be a skilled and successful physician thoroughly informed in his specialty—Chronic Diseases of Men and Women. All applying to him will receive his honest opinion of their complaints. No experimenting, lie will guarantee a positive euro in every case he undertakes, or forfeit £200. Consultation in office 01 bv letter, free. , . , . "Charges moderate. Examination and advice free. Call or address : Dr. H. J. Speer, Wellington, N.Z. Office hours: Nine to twelve, one to four, six to eight p.m. . , , N. 15.—A1l medicines necessary for a complete cure can be sent secure from observation on receipt of symptoms. Dr. Speer is th« only gazetted medical man 111 New Zealand who advertises as a Specialist.— continuation see Gazette, January 2L 1880.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9172, 29 September 1888, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9172, 29 September 1888, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9172, 29 September 1888, Page 3