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"~~ Boots and Shoes. ' ■ f Medical- "~* THE ~~ ~" A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. SENSATION- bejechaSs pills ill'"" I '**]!! Are universally OF THE YEAR jrfSMdK l^Tol^l f Box for Bilious and ——————— SQO/ \lfi\ Nervous Disorders i\i/f Y*, \ such as Wind and GARRETT BROS. fe|!!« ■»»■. /«r/ Dizziness and HAVE DECIDED TO V&s. /£] SSingeol VvlN——--Vwif Heat, Lost, of ApREDUCE 7 it! OF Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations, &o. The first dose will give relief in twenty minutes. nr~> C< C2? TT /^"Ij 1 C2 ~TT* , /" > * Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one J3 \_) \_) JL lOJ JIJL KJJjJKJ) ■*■* X \~J . box of these Pills and they will i.e acknowledged to be FROM WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For female." of all eges these Pills are invaluable, as a few doses of them carry off nil jpfc 11 iu mi jm jov W"% mm S"""" IV Im m humours, and bring about all that is required. nn I I 1 Jfl 1 L»' &«■ L*/ I " •—i i\l 1 No female should be without them. There is no /I 1 I 1/ «jll I »■ V/l I\l I Medicine to be found equal to Beecham's Pills ■ ■ ■■■■■ » mm ■ m ■ a for removing any obstruction or irregularity of ___.„.>, „„„,- ■*-* the system. Jf 'taken according to the direcT?nT? TWO MONTHS ONT/Y tiohs given with each box, they will soon restore £\JJX A >> yj UlKJiy X XiCJ V/X> XJ X. females of all ages to sound and robust health. This has been proved by thousands who havo tried them, and found tho benefits which are M ensured bv their use. &&SIT& SttS magic, and a few doses will bo found to work _„. —_ __ - „ _. .-.._._ _. _ _ _ wonders on the most important organs in the w— * j». human machine. They strengthen the whole v _ __ -.__ __ _________ muscular system, restore the long lost comI > |-P I l , 1-1 ] 1 I {"""i I •~~~ plexion, bring back the Veen edge of appetite, JL JLV-'-S- 7 -I— .1 i-t->— J _i_ " am j arouse into action with the rosebud of s. a*. health the whole physical energy of the human Men's Bluchers, Own Make „..„-. reduced to .„ 3 « frame. These are Facts testified continually Men's Bluchers Own Make .. .. — - reduced to .. 411 In members o all classes of society and one of Men's Bluchers' (selected leather"), Own Make ... .. reduced to „ (ill the best guarantees to the Nervous and DebiliMen's Walking Shoes, Own Make.. .. .. _ reduced to .. 411 tated is, BKKCHAM'S PILLS low the Largest Men's Elastic "Boots, Own Make ... — .. .. reduced to .. till Sale of any Patent Medicine in the World. Men's Elastic Boots, Own Make .«...- reduced to ... 711 Roorhflnl'<li MflglC CoU£*h Pills Men's Balmorals, Own Make .. .. ... .. reduced to .. S 6 .Beecnam S. iviugiu vuugu srnm. Men's Calf Balmorals, Own Make -.'—-. reduced to _ It) 6 As a remedy lor Coughs in general, Asthma, Men's Watertight*, Own Make .. .. .. ... reduced to .. S « Bronehial Affections, Hoarseness, Shortness of Me:>'s Watertights (selected leather). Own Make .. _ reduced to ... 911 Breath, Tightness and Oppression of the Chest, Men's Leather Elastic Slippers, Own Make — — reduced to .. 3 6 Wheeling, &c, these rills stand unrivalled. Ladies' Leather Elastic Slipper* Own Make ... -. reduced to .. 2 6 They are the best ever offered to the public and Ladies' Calf Elastic Sides, Own Make .. _ ... reduced to .. 7 11 ill speedily remove that cense of oppression Ladies' Calf Laced, Own Make .. _ .- — reduced to .. 7 6 and difficulty of breathing, which nightly details'Strom: Laced. Own Make .. — — reduced to ... .3 11 prive the patient of rest. Let any person give Girls' Strong Laced, Own Make .. - .. ... reduced to ... • 411 BEECHAM'S COUGH PILLS a trial, and the Boys' Strong Nailed Boot*, Own Make .. ~ ... reduced to .. 4ti most violent Cough will in a short time be Bins' Strong Nailed Boots, Own Make .. .. — reduced to .. 411 removed. Boys' and Girls' Leather. Elastic Sides, Own Make .. reducedto .. 4 3 Prepared onlv, and sold Wholesale and Retail, Ladies House Boots, Own Make red ueflMo ... -ll by the Proprietor, Thomaeßeecham, St. Helens, Ladies How Boots Own Make .. -• " - iS"SS to " 3 6 Lancashire, England, in boxes Is. l|d. and Ladies' Kid Elastic Sides, Own Make .. ... . reduced to .. 5 b „ s M a > ■ Ladies' Evening Shoes, Own Make .. _. - reduced *» " 2 6 Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Prunella slippers. Own Make „„.... .rertueert to .. i b Dealers everywhere Prunella Boots, Own Make - reducedto „ 4X« ' N.8.-Full'dirceticms are given with each box. Children s Boots, Own Make „ .. .. .. irom .. Ufa ° Evening Shoes, First Quality Walking Boots and Shoes, in Glove, Glace, and Calf Kids by French, English npv 1> d P "R R Pi ' 8 and German Makers, in endless varieties. |_/ . >0 rZTT _„ _,„.„ „„ .- . „.,» Private Disoensarv, established in Wellington, for WE KEEP THE LARGEST STOCK IN NEW ZEALAND. th" scientific and speedy cure of chronic, nervous — and special diseases. The expert Specialist Dr. v-%i a Tr-v-m--k-w-irr«m t»t» /\mxT-nT» rsi Sneer is a regular graduated physician, educated at GARRETT BROTHERS, Harvard College, He devoted a lifetime to, \j"r.t3LJLLXVJLLi JL JL JL>JL\;\_/ X XX-IL/Xl;OlJ and is acknowledged to he the most expert physician in, his specialty in the United States. Young Men \KEFIELD-STREET. AUCKLAND, and KARANGAHAPE ROAD, NEWTON and Middle-aged Men who suffer from Nervous and Physical Debility, Loss of Energy and Memory, _ _ , „ , , , , 0 , .« • , ~ ~ Eruptions on the Face, Mental Depression, Kidney SS" Country Orders, accompanied by Cash, will receive prompt attention. and Bladder Troubles, Ac, &c. will do well to con- *■■ *— ' suit Dr. Speer. Hospital experience. Having been ■p.--— /irtnJj, physician in one of the leading Hospitals of tho U.S. Xtllioy VTUOUb. enables him to treat all private trouble with excel- —- —— ' —— lent results. He wishes it distinctly understood that lie does not claim to perforin impossibilities, or to C-s— ■ TT" T~\ IT\ mrN /~H XT If A "IT* have a miraculous power. He claims only to he a , F. K & If/l'S Cll M A l-S 9 skilled and successful physician thoroughly informed (, 32 * JOl. ±t Hi JL KJ \J JLJL JJJL XV. XV. i„ his specialty-Chronic Diseases of Men and Women. All applying to him will receive his honest opinion of their complaints. No experimenting. IMPORTER OF TI FANCY GOODS. £^^^&^ w «sa&CT,aS Office hours: Nine to twelve, one to four, six to JLjrf^^«^^a?T7 N.B.— medicines necessary for a complete ire I can ,ie Sl!nt secure from observation on receipt of ,» w'^\. \ I'U /// /'%k Dr. Speer is the only gazetted medical man in jjA jjr/gk\ \\ mVL 11/ I New Zealand who advertises as a Specialist.For I »v *p%J\ v ram// ' confirmation see Gazette, January 21, 1886. \£ W \ir / I A Crown of Gold or a coronet of pearls is the privilege of few to have, but any "**'- Ll — ** " one can rejoice in a glorious head of hair , Alarms. AU Sizes. Plush and Leather. —Nature's own diade:.n and title to dignity THE LARGEST, MOST ASSORTED, AND CHEAPEST SHOP OF -by Mrs. s. A. Allen's World's FANCY GOODS IN AUCKLAND. * - M» 9 TOO LADIES" HAND BASKETS, OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, 25% UNDER COST. Sterling Silver and. Gold Jewellery, at reduced rates. V • JAPAN CHINA CUBIOB. HctivßSS tOTQT 10S, QUEEN-STEEET, AUCKLAND. IS PERFECTION! -— ■ For restoring Gray, White, or Faded Manures, &c Hair to its youthful Colour, Gloss, ■ , . • — a nd Beauty. It renews its life, SEE OCR REVISED CATALOGUES. irES ;S^4dfT^h^iSr ASK'FOR ,q K/IKN VJ » Dressing. Its perfume rich and rare. ASK Jb UK > Q \\/1 ** \r* Qr*J * most r-c7\H to MERCHANTS SELL THEM. «_. fc&JC~£* LIBERAL DISCOUNTS. » Vestfieid Chemical Works, Ist July, 1888. .._„.,, pTT T " " = ===== (cockles riLL F raOM MERCURY Saddlery.* _ £OCKLE<S PILLS " CANVAS COVERS, v c^^S For Horses turned out in the winter months, * QOCKLE'S j> > FOR inl)lG estion during day or night. % COCKLE'S PU.LS, WOOLLEN AND JUTE STABLE A ¥llk. riOCKLLS PiLbb, UEARTBURN WOOLLEN AND JUTE STABLE A ~~—~ K.TJG-S. QOCKLES I>ILL bRgICK HEADACHEHORSE CLOTHING. V* game bags C ockle ' s p "^ r ~^A Cn , IT v. REDUCED GAITERS. C OO ' I '^^ ll^!^^!!^^^^. PRICES. .CO WATERPROOF qockle^gJM^^^j^ ' *X RIDING & DRIVING APRONS l^r;*!^-!2:^ Nf* HORSE CLIPPERS. TflOXH M ACHE * GLADSTONE AND BRIEF BISP. -..Sf?™"^--^. m. Ulife?! H FH Extraction. Nighto \ , PORTMANTEAUX. gE|fU" MSRVINF O REPAIRS A SPECIALTY. '«-"""" """ 1 " THE TRADE SUPPLIED. EASY DIGESTION. 165, QUEEN-STREET, AUCKLAND. C hamomilTehuba S rb, and =r - = ~~ ~"~ DANDELION PILLS. Furred Tongue and Unpleasant Breath, Irregular Cravini? for Food, and an "All Gone," feeling in the FISH ffTIISH! TJIISH, Stomach; r Flatulence, Nervousness, Headache, i r- JO Giddiness, Drowsiness during tho day, but especially _____ afler Di,,nur > wa,nt of enor Cy> accompanied with NOTICE OF REMOVAL extreme depression of spirit*. F- WILLIAMS begs lo announce that he has IHK^l'ffilla'J- -ft fi Bfil'> t tWm Any one or more of these Liver or Stomach, F. WILLIAMS begs to announce that 08 Has Wsßr&i H H f §!•■-;BOH some derangement of the Liver or Stomach, and win.,., Ed from his old shop to new and commodious gggS'Cj' lifl6pm r =': jOUPRH- .-«ffl relief should he sought for at once. Nothing will !■'':ii -• at the corner of Queen and Quay-streets fSsSWi BSSi^H- "*? *W3t .rive more speedy and certain relief than J-Urel.e v.ill be prepared to supply daily tish and mßh% R|fl|t=iJ-"-* ?_ IE EKIH M L,„„,m™™iMmiTri' niniRARB AN,> Fish in any quantity at lowest rates, to E|JUIMR&#. s */§||ffi |B fB DANDELION pilS ! ■''■ -ii Fish specially kept and obtainable at all H^iimMß'B^ff'^llJ^^Vfl W&m For Indigestion, orfe pill may be taken directly r; ' ; - H.t new shop in Quay-street, a few doors from Si' |?g g 1 |«l« 'SIPSkS * after )«a kfast and linnet daily ;as a mild apsrient, B fc «*ral shop. _ !■■ liH I'ffl two or three pills at bedtime when required. FISH, OYSTER, AND POULTRY DEALER, L\v V'lV, 4lk PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST, MEDICAL QUEEN-STREET WHARF. P»' fci Ui£i __kmi HALL, NEWTON, AUCKLAND " — [REGISTERED TRADE MARK.} R T E N N E N T, -■ " ___ « - . . \_J Legally-qualified and Registered Practitioner C m OWE R" HP E A, (32 years' medical experience, in addition to general V I J- practice), TREATS ALL PRIVATE DISEASES -- -*■ VroM (both sexes). The only Practitioner in Auckland /SBES-*- ~~—- ™ 0M Who CURES PERMANENTLY THE WORST _^^^^_^^__^_^_______WLW T-\riiTA CHINA, AND CEYLON, CASES of Nervous Debility, Physical Weakness, 4-1,1 TTvsTTRiTi wVn FOR STRENGTH & FLAVOUB. Exhausted Vitality, Youthful Abuses, Excesses, and tea^TTritCTißi>K UNSURPASSED 'w jllljl JX " r ■ 1J " uv thelike. DISEASES OF MEN, however induced, R_, *, J~vr\ and no matter how inveterate, speedily, thoroughly, RAZORS! RAZORS! RAZORS! XJ_TH* HERA & (]?•! ami permanently _ cured.-Call or •ddWM-'DB. JLV YY ij \J TKNNKNT, opposite the Opera House, Auckland. „ CHEAP AND GOOD CUTLERY, . AUCKLAND, -_"_-. _ nr , (A . V T -i. TJ..UIJ D tin THOMAS SAMUEL, SOLE -myTATRIMONY. - Just Published in >, iust rW/Sffi kind, of WHOLESALE AGENT'S FOR NEW ZEALAND. i^ EN^ a^^^ wARE.-Fo rks , spoon., TRIES' VISITING CARD^SOSup, r ffi y, it i-°? ncl^ w « -fa^^^Xi^OlinDa. above Selling at Very Low Prices. i£ SrS«3i ?*•'A V ey Ad fe Son IHOiLAS SAMUEL, 162, Qdken-SIBKSI, Liierai.d Works, Wyndharn street, the above may Ageijcy, f.O. Box .66, Sydaey.-PJeaa© mention (Opposite Arthur's Mart. ) be obtained within two Hours ii necessary. 1 this paper.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9141, 24 August 1888, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9141, 24 August 1888, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9141, 24 August 1888, Page 3