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New Zealand Herald Office, Thursday evening. The Customs duties to-day amounted to £560 7s 9d. Apart from Island orders, which have given some activity to wholesalers, the trade position is unchanged, and a steadily dwindling demand is reported. Inland and East Coast trade is exceedingly flat. Northern business is quite prostrated on account of the dulness of the gum market.

We are glad to learn that the' new Kauri Timber Company are pressed for execution of export orders, so in a little while this is likely to give a more encouraging tone to business. The echo of " nothing doing " from all parts of the compass is certainly not calculated to inspire laith, notwithstanding all our belief in the futurities of the CoromandelTe Aroha hills. The height of absurdity has been reached by a Southern publishing firm, who, for statistical reasons, have sent circulars to traders to fill up with their assets and liabilities for publication. The value of such statistics can be reaclilv understood. In a very uneventful week, perhaps the most noteworthy matter to traders is the phenomenal rush for the first receipts of the •'Derby" tobacco. The " Columbia*" brand is nearly as great a favourite, not an ounce being obtainable, with heaps of buyers. All other tobacco may generally be said to be accepted as makeshifts, except in the case of low grades 16s, 225, and 265, wanted for the Island trade. Second grade bulk whiskies are exceedingly scarce. An improved demand has been met with in geneva, probably due to arrival of the Richmond. An increasing scarcity of yellow sugars has been experienced. In kerosene low testis practically sold out of the market. Australian advices indicate that the present extreme pric« o»«jd»* tmuch longer maintained. i,„vi„ r„„ The mail advices are chiefly remarkable for the verv stiff position of tb* <re -ht rates. The scarcity of tonnage to *™ world a carrying requirements is>- natui ; al rebound to th! stoppage of w< din s «f ™ { y a ft \ w yff 8 a „ The i--> ses nave not been replaced by nw .Ziips, while the demand for tonnage has overlapped the supply. We attach extract from the San Franci<u» Trade Review of the 12th July re fruits and salmon markets: —" The run of salmon on the Columbia is light, and since June Ist the pack has fallen below that to even date in 1887. The demand continues good and prices are firm. Reports received from the Naaa and Skeena rivers and other points in British Columbia are to the effect that salmon are running freely, and a foil pack by all the canneries is assured. Salmon have commenced to run in Frazer River in small numbers. Since the overland freight question is settled, canned fruits have been active at full rates. The crop of apricots is disappointing growers all over the State delivering less than was anticipated. Prices are very firm, with an upward tendency. Other fruits are in good supply, but the demand keeps prices up. In the House of Representatives the duty on raisins was reduced from 2 cents to lfc cents per lb. The common belief is that the Tariff Bill will not pass the Senate, and that all the tariff tinkering of this session of Congress will amount to nothing." The Americans have discovered a new reason for an advance in salmon, as they say the Indian tribes are now in hostile attitude to the fishermen. America is, we all know, a wonderful country. What with frost in the tobacco districts, a failure of the apple crop, a corner in sausage skins, the Indian raids on fishermen, with short run of fish in most of the rivers, it should be a paradise for speculators. In such a variety of made dishes, it is impossible to discriminate between the genuine and the concoctions. Maize : Wet weather still keeps the market very bare, and the few small parcels to hand are soft, and require great care to prevent them getting heated. Price 2s 4d for parcels, ex wharf.

Wheat: Southern, 3s 6d to 3s 7d ; local, 3s 2d to 3s 3d. Fowl wheat: Good whole, 3s. seconds and frosted, 2s 9d. Oats : Milling, 2s 8d; short feed, 2s 6d. Potatoes : Oamaru (nominal), 955; Canterbury, 80s; local, 70s. Flour : The rise in the price of wheat points to an advance, and we hear of some Southern mills asking an advance of se. In the local produce markets considerable changes have taken place during the past week. The price of eggs has gone down to 6d per dozen wholesale, and 8d per dozen retail. Butter is coming in now very plentifully, the price of the best dairy butter having gone down to Is per lb. wholesale, and Is 3d per lb. retail. The price of "Anchor" brand has advanced to Is 6d •■ per lb. wholesale, so that settlers have the contrast presented to them of private dairy butter sinking in price, while the price of the factory-made article advances.

KAURI GUM MARKET. This market is steadier. Supplies for the twenty-three days of August are about 520 tons. We quote Fair ordinary, 27s to 295; best ordinary, 30s ; and East Coast, 43s to 44a.

LIVE STOCK & PRODUCE MARKETS. auckland. „ Messrs. Hunter and Nolan's Weekly Report--Horse feed, grain, seeds, etc,: Prices for oats are hardening, but other grain and feed are without alteration. We quote: Feed oats, 2s 0d per 1 - -.v.,,1; maize, 2s !id; bran, £3 10s per ton; chafi, ; to £2 10s per ton; carrots, 25s to 30s per ion. Horses: But a limited number have been brought forward; purchasers were forthcoming for anything of a decent stamp at slightly advanced values. Bather less than, an average number were submitted by auction at the Durham yards on Friday; bidding was slow but most of the lots wore cleared We quote: Hacks, at from £6 to £11; light harness horse", from £6.10s to £12 17s 6d. The special sale held at Mr. Pilkington s, East Tamaki, was very successful: Unbroken horses sold for at from £10 to £15 10s; broken, from £S to £14 15s; farm waggon, £23; reaper and binder, £18 10s; Wallace doable-furrow plough, £10 Wool hides, and skins: Rather less than usual were pitched at the Durham yards on Tucsday. We quote: Heavy ox hides, from Sjd to 4Jd per lb; medium, 3d to 3Jd : cow, *2Jd to 3ld ; calf skins, 4d to 4jd per lb ; pelts. Is to is 10*1 each; woolled skins, 3s 5d to 4s lOd each. Cattle : But few stores have been brought, most of the breeders holding back for the September fair. Dairy cows and fat stock have been brought forward in increased numbers without much alteration in value. There was a fair muster of dairy and fat stock at the Newmarket yards on Tuesday. Prices on the whole were much the same as on the previous week, but there was a good deal of fluctuation. Some averages of steers were :£4 6s 3d, £5 17s £0 ss, £0 17s lid, £6 19s, £7 5s ; cows, £3, £3 10s, £4 7s 3d, £4 10s. Sheep: Rather a short number were yarded at Newmarket on Tuesday, and for one lot reserves could not bo reached, consequently below an average number were disposed of. We quote : Wethers, from 12s 6d to 17s ; ewes, lis to 13s Oil ; lambs, to lis 3d. Pigs : Very few yarded. There remained an unsatisfied enquiry for good store pigs ; also good porkers. MR. ALFRED BUCKLAND'S Weekly Report.— During the past week, fodder has varied in price with condition and quality from Is 3d to 2s the cwt ; chaff from £2 5s to £2 15s the ton ; maize, 2s 3d to 2s "d ; short oats, 2s to 2s 4d ; Tartars, 2s Od the bushel; Auckland potatoes, £2 15s to £3 ss; bonedust, £6 10s ; carrots, 25s the ton. On Friday, August 17th, horse slock wore sold in greater numbers than usual, and at improved values, also a spring cart horse and harness, a farm waggon, £20. On Tuesday hides and skins were pitched in increasing quantity, and good prices obtained for them. Some choice heavy hides brought 4jd the lb, or 30s each ; good medium ox hides, 4jd to 4Jd ; cowhides, 3\d ; injured slight inferior hides, from 2d the lb and upwards; bones, £4 5s the ton; sheepskins, from 2s to 5s 3d each. At Remuera on Thursday dairy cows were dull of sale ; prices ranged from £1 12s Od to £6 ss. Store cattle in fresh condition sold well, but backward cattle were lower in price than last week. Kat cattle in less than average number, and sold irregularly. Heavy cattle were at lower values fully 10s each, but light weights were at last week's prices. Steers were ■from 14s to 18s the 1001b; a draft of 70 steers .from the West Coast averaged £6 4s. Sheep, in full numbers, were generally at lower values from Is to 2s each, a few pens of choice quality only realizing last week's values; a draft of wethers from the West Coast averaged 13s 6d, and one of mixed sexes 12s. A few early fat lambs were yarded; prices ranged from 7s Od" to 13s each. Pigs were in usual number, and in demand at satisfactory prices. Messrs. G. W. Binney and Son's Retort heavy consignments of hides and skins for their usual weekly sale. Heavy hides still in demand, but light hides are difficult of sale, owing to poor prices being advised from Australia. Extra prime heavy ox, 4jd to 4Ad ; heavy, 3Jd to 4Jd ; medium, 3£d ; heavy cow, 3kl ; light and medium, 2Jd to 2jd : calf, 4d to"4jd per lb. Sheepskins : Market firm at late' prices. Tallow, 12s 6d to 13s ; bones, 4s (id per cwt : rough fat. Id per lb. Potatoes sold from £3 10s to £4 per ton ; maize, 2s Od ; damaged, Is Od to 2s 3d per bushel. Bonedust : Melbourne, £6 10s ; Sydney, £6 per ton.

THAMES CATTLE MARKET. Messrs. Banks and c-o.'s Weekly REronT (by telegraph).—At Parawai. on Wednesday, the supply of tat cattle was about equal to the demand, and prices obtained wove in advance of those ruling for the last few weeks. Steers made from £4 2s 6d to £ti 5s each ; cows, £3 "is M to £1 2s M, or, from His to ISs per lOOlbs for steers, and about 15s for cows. The pens were well filled with fat sheep. Buyers were slow, and owners, values were hardly realised, wethers selling at 13s Cd to 14s 3d each.

AUCKLAND MARKETS. [Corrected to noon of Thursday.) GARDEN AND ORCHARD PRODUCE. Apples, case, imported 0 0 — SO Do., lb, local .. .. 0 2i— 0 i 0 3 — 06 j Lemons, doz .. ..10 — 13 13 — 19 Oranges 0 8 —0 7 10 — 13 I Do., case .. ..60 — 70 Bananas, lb .. ..01-02) 04 — 00 | Cocoa nuts, each .. .. 0 '2 — 03 Do., sack .. .. 10 0 — 0 0 Onions, cwt „ ..50 — 06 0 — 0 0 Garlic .. .. ..04 — 0 0 0 6-CO Celery, bundle .. .. 0 3 - 00 Grapes 10 — 20 00 — 21 PRESERVED AND DRIED FRUITS. Dried Prunes, lb ..0 6J— 0 7 0 8 — 0 10 Preserved Ginger ..0 7 —0 0 Shelled Nuts .. .. 0 9 — 0 10 10 — 10 Barcelona do 0 0 — 00 Brazil do 0 6-0 9 0 0 — 10 Peannts .. ..02 — 02$ 00 — 00 KAURI GUM AND FLAX. Supplies for twenty-three days of August, 520 tons. £ s. d. £ s. d. Poor Ordinary, ton .. .. 20 0 0 — 0 0 0 East Coast " 43 0 0—44 0 0 Fair Ordinary 27 0 o-29 0 0 Best Ordinary .. .. .. 30 0 0 — 0 o 0 Flax.. .. 15 0 —is 0 0 I Tow . . 5 0 0 — 000 Fungus, lb 0 0 3J— 0 0 0 Cocoanut Fibre, cut, cwt.. ..0 15 0 — 017 0 Beeswax, lb 000 — 009 FARM AND DAIRY PRODUCE. Wholesale. Retail. s. d. *. d. s. d. s. d. Butter, fresh, dairy, lb 10-00 00-16 Do , Waikato "Anchor" brand .. .. 10 — 00 00 — 19 Do., inferior salt .. .. 0 3 — 00 Milk, quart .. .. .. 0 3£— 0 4 Cheese, local, lb .. 0 4 - 0 4j 0 5-07 Do., best factory - -• 0 4t— 0 5 Eggs, dozen .. ..00 — 00 OS — 0 0 Lard, bladder, lb .. 0 6J— 0 6J 0 6 — 09 Hams and Bacon, Pro. 0 6 — 08 Do., bare .. ..0 7 J— 0 0 Cant. Bacon, new .. 0 7 — 00 0 7J— 0 S Hams 0 71— 0 8J 0 8 — 10 Jams, case 5do<: .. 25 0 —27 6 Fowls, each .. ..06 — 10 10 — 20 Ducks, do. .. .. .. , 2 0 — 30 Geese, do ... 5 0 — 70 Turkeys, do .. 6 0 — 70 j Feathers, lb .. ,16 — 19 FLOUR. £ £ Flour, Auck. roller, ton :0 0—10 5 _. Do., household .. 0 10 — 9 15 Do., Southern, roller 9 0 —10 0 Do., Southern, stone 8 10 — 8 15 I Bran 3 10 — 4 0 I Sharps 4 10 — 00 ; Cabin Bread .. .. 15 0 — 00 Oatmeal 25s .. .. 9 15—10 0 i Oatmeal 7s .. ..12 0 —12 IB ! Pearl Barley .. .. 20 0—22 0 I Patent Porridge Meal, 71b bags .. ..0 0 —15 0 HAY AND CORN. Per cwt. 0 j Hay, ton .. ..30 — 40 50 — 60 I Lucerne, do 6 0 — 610 76 — 80 Oaten, do. .. ..30 — 40 40 — 50 ; Chaff, threshed .. 110 — 2 0 0 — 00 Oaten Chaff .. .. 2 0 — 2 15 j Straw, load .. .. 0 18 — 1 10 40 — 50 • Clover, ton .. .. 50 — 00 ., „ 40 Potatoes local.. ? J" 7, „ * ° ~" p ..„„., o_. aru .. 4 15 — 0 0 ! rStatocs. Canterbury 4 0—00 s. d. s. d. Maize, bushel.. ..24 — 00 00 — 00 .Maize, bushel.. .. 2 4 — 0 fl 0 0 — 00 Barley, feed .. ..30 — 33 33-40 ! Do., malting .. .: 3 9 — 3 10 ■ Oats, feed .. ..26 — 00 26 — 29 Oats, milling .. .. 28 — 00 00 — 00 Oats, seed, Tartarian 2 3 — 2 4 2 6 — 2 9 Do., dun. Southern .. 2 7 — 0 0 0 0 — 0 0 Do., black .. ..25 — 27 00 — 00 Wheat, local . ..32 — 33 00 — 00 Wheat, Southern ..36 — 37 00 — 00 Do., fowl .. .. 29 — 30 33 — 3 6 N.Z. FLAX ROPE. Prices subject to trade terms. Rope in all sizes, ton .. .. 36 0 0 —40 0 0 Tarred Yarn, do 36 0 0 —40 0 0 Wool Tailings, do 35 0 0 —38 0 0 • MANURES. Bonodust, Sydney, ton .. .. 7 10 0 • 8 0 0 Do., inferior 6 10 0 — 7 0 0 Boneflour 8 0 0 — 8 10 0 Do., Auckland 8 0 0-000 Peruvian Guano 14 0 0—17 0 0 Coral Queen do 5 0 0-000 Long Island do., bags included 4 10 0 — 0 0 0 Superphosphate of Lime, 26 to 28 per cent 6 0 0 — 6100 Do., SO to 33 per cent 8 0 0 — 8 10 0 Ammonia Phosphate, Fison's 10 10 0 — 0 0 0 Special Potato Fertiliser „ 310 0-000 Superphosphate .. .. „ R 0 0 — 0 0 0 Freezing Company'.'jSuperpno.sphate, 32 per cent 8 0 0 — 000 Do., 25 per cent 600 — Corn Manure 800 — 000 Root Manure 8 10 0 — 0 0 0 Potato Manure 8 10 0 — 000 Bone Manure 8 0 0-000 Grass Manure 7 10 0-0 0 o N.Z.F. Co.'s quotations are subject to liberal discount. COAL AND FIREWOOD. Coal, Newcastle, ship's side, cargo, ton 16 0 — 176 Do., delivered 1 12 6 — 1 15 0 Do., yard 17 0 — 110 0 Do., Bay of Islands, yard .. 14 0 — 000 Do., delivered .... .. 18 0 — 000 Do., mine 0 13 0 — 0 0 0 Do., ship's side .. ... .. 10 0 — 000 Waikato, mine 0 8 — 000 Do., household 0 12 0 —000 Do., in Auckland 0 18 0 - 1 2 0 Kaino, loading ground, ton .. 0 12 0 -000 Taupiri, mine, steam .. .. 0 8 0 — 0 12 0 Do., yard, steam ; 0 17 6 — 0 0 0 Do., household 14 0 — 160 Whangarei, mine .. .. 0 9 6-000 Do., vard, steam 0 17 0 — 000 Do., household 120 — 130 Firewood, uncut, wharf, cargo, ton .. 070 — 076 Do., delivered 0 10 0 — 0 12 0 Do., cut 0 13 0 — 0 15 0 BUILDING MATERIALS. Boards and Scantling, 100ft .. 0 13 0 — 0 0 0 Do., best dressed 0 14 6 — 0 15 0 Do., second-class 0 7 6 — 0 10 0 Rustic weatherboards .. ... 0 10 6 — 0 14 0 Mills, cargo, best .. .. 0 11 0 — 0 0 0 Flitches ... 0 9 6 — 0 l 0 Balk .. 060 — 080 Bricks, Whau 110 0 — 200 Do., town yards, 1000 .. .. 1 15 0 — 2 0 0 Do., delivered .. .. .. 2 00 — 250 Lime bushel 010 — 016 Drain Pipes, 6in bores, 1000 •• 15 0 0 — 0 0 0 Do., 4in 6 10 0-000 Do., 3in .. .. « . 4 10 O —000 Do.,2{n 0-000 Do., 2in 2 10 0 — 0 0 0 English Slates, 1000 .. .. 10 10 —000 Socket Glazed Pipes, foot: 24 inches .... '— 060 —000 21 inches " ... .. .. 0*6-000 18 inches 0 2 3 — 00-0 15 inches .. ., .. 0 1 11 — 0 0 0 12 inches .. .. ..11 14— 0 0 0 9 inches « .. .. 00 10—000 6 inches ... .. .. I » tl— 0 0 0 4 Inches • 0 .'4—0 0 0 3 inches ... „ ...008 — 000

BUTCHERS' MEAT. j Per pound. Boasting Beef, lb.. ' _ 0 3 — 06 Boiling do. .... «. 0 1§—0 3 Mutton, hindquarter .- 0 3 — 04 D.)., forequarter .„ .. 0 — 0 2 Pork and Veal „ .... 0 3 — 06 Steaks .. .. _ ... 0 4 — 08 Mutton Chops.. . _ .. 0 3 — 04 Sausages .. .. .. 0 2 — 03 Mutton Tallow, cwt... 18 0 —21 0 — Beef and Mixed do. 15 0 —29 0 MISCELLANEOUS. Kerosene, ISO - test, duty paid 0 1 8 — 0 00 Do., 160-test 020-000 Fencing wire, No. 6, ton .. "J No. 7 .. .. J-11 10 0 —12 0 0 * " " No. 8 .. ..J Barb Fencing Wire .. ... 21 10 —22 10 0 Lime, slacked, bushel .. _. 0 10 — 000 Quick lime, in stone _ 016 — 000 New Zealand Failings, 6ft .» 0 7 6 — 0 10 0 Do., 6ft .- 0 14 0 — 0 0 0 Teatree Rails, 100 „ .. 2 10 0 — 3 10 0 Puriri Posts .. _ 600 — 700 Shingles, 1000 .. .. - 0 12 0 — 0 13 0 Hobart Failings, 5ft „ „ 0 17 0 — 1 0 0 Do., 6ft .. ., „ - 018 0-1 1 0 Hobart Rails .* .. ... 4 0 0 — 4 10 0 STOCK AND MINING ASSOCIATION. Auckland, August 23, 1888. Company. Business. Closing Prices. Buyers. Sellers. Banks : & s d £ s d New Zealand .. — — 10 12 6 National .... — — 1 16 6 Colonial .. ... — 2 4 0 — Insurance: New Zealand ... — 4 10 — South British .. — 2 7 0 — Standard .. .. — 0 14 6 — Union .. — 15 6 — Miscellaneous : N.Z.L. & Mercantile — .4 0 0 — National Mortgage — — 0 11 3 Auckland Gas, old — 10 12 6 — N.Z.I And Mortgage — — 0 19 6 Mining : Cambria .. „ — 0600 6 6 Saxon .. .. — 036039 Old Caledonian .. — —050 Manukau .. „ — 0200 2 2 Crown .. .. — 0 3 9' 0 4 0 A. Saunders, C. Alexander, S. Vickers, J. F. Clarke, R. Frater, J. M. Lennox, D. B. McDonald, D. G. MacDonnell, Aitken Carrick, 11. Spratt, Francis Hull, James Reid, R. G. Macky. Joseph Newman, Chairman. MESSRS. VICKERS AND HCXl/s WEEKLY STOCK AND SHARE LIST AND INVESTOR'S GUIDE. £- I of or- i 00N00Q0O I i 00to ..Pi.5 ; ~ 15 *" v;Mat.OiO»Ot« I OBMOU5 I I oo t-t-1,-1 ,-, I mWi- CO i I ■£> . ig 'SOSS00O«SO3"'9a 00 Sii w*■'°** rt H *"°21° ®*~""'°° "* I I ao r5 W ti(OHlN«»WHOOHOMHM Of* ■Kg* «ooooooooooc5sooeoo C K00©0OCOin0»<N.y<»«>OOO,y ■S'S qOMNMNNOOOHOOHOMOHO ■» £ oc 000 000 00 c 0000 o o o 3 * c£ -J. 0000000000 yOKJ; U". OOOO O O .H 5-1 iCHOHOM < Q | *""* " itHH CD >■ o (m >o © « w -1 -a © *#■ © -* o* *-~ © « 5M ri I* C: -.* OlOOHO t"t— 4> C qn lISHasJ.! ioxSoS I I «o ? J .-.* ' •-? y?-S >.-'a a ' y>" o~o" .-."-•.* • ' irfo" ;£ -ft £- gl 00 OC CI -5 r-. r-t r-. r-i^H 3 illlllililliliilis rt 55S3553ESOHM hS^So c-T-i' ::::::::::: :» 1 5 c g s> * III 6 . IP . § re <» w> , , . p . fc& . ! §£.*!§*«»»<>§ : ■! C 9 S - - » c = 3 " - -~ 5 i _• -* .c q rt i i- 1 N* s.?-"' bat £"*•=£* .«0 Jgs o-tcS S 5 ~ S = «^--=^T3-s C .S ~ C'-'- l 5 g3,Jw c^ c3 G'y>CG V< ~ — = K rt^J^ J"— 5 * ~ ~ "E - ,5'§ c '■'* Esi ■ i ° S'S-IS - i-'g " SiNaNN I .M.x s , v ;-SSe ,asft k 3 kb , * u g cs =. 3jq 5 * o « « I _ sV. •-. X x y. pa^Hftg£Sr." Auckland, August 22, IS*,*. *ExdiT. CALL AND DIVIDEND LIST. c.U-LS. ii s. d. Due. Askham-Molloy Gold & Silver Extraction Company ..009 — Sept. 15

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9141, 24 August 1888, Page 4

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COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9141, 24 August 1888, Page 4

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9141, 24 August 1888, Page 4