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Houses and Land. JIREEHOLD JjAND AND Jg STATE AGENCY, CORNER QUEEN-STREET & M LOAN LANE, Under the management of J. C. ANDERSON & W. G. PHILLIPSON. WE UNDERTAKE THE SALE OR PURCHASE OF PROPERTIES, INVESTMENT OF MONEY ON FREEHOLD SECURITY, MANAGEMENTOF ESTATES FOR TRUSTEES, * ABSENTEES, & others, colLECTION OF INTEREST, RENTS, &c., Ac. FOR SALE—-A splendid little Farm, containing 100 acres, all improved, fenced, subdivided, and laiddown ill tine grass ; excellent '.'-roomed Honse, and all necessary outbuildings, situated in tirst-class position, 23 miles south of Auckland, on the Main Eolith Road, and within lialf-a-mile of the Railway Station ; large stream of water on the farm; Close to cattle market. Ottered a bargain. Price, onlv £1000, Terms to suit purcnasers. FOR "ABSOLUTE SALE—Fine Sheep Farm, 1600 acres, largely improved and cultivated, has a handsome, well finished House and all necessary outbuildings, over 600 acres of first-class alluvial land, all in rich pasture, fenced and subdivided. The house stands oil a gentle mound, commandin; an extensive and cnainiing sea view. The property is studded with pretty clumps of bush, and has a clear, winding stream flowing through it to the sea. Good orchard. Fine beach, nr.sisting of sand and shells. This is one of the cheapest and most valuable estates in the market. Price, onlv 30s pt r acre. Al. s CHEAP FARM —230 acres, all rich, alluvial land, mostly in rough grass, well watered, fenced_and subdivided, situated in most convenient position to township and railway station, and easy distance from Auckland ; House and garden. Price, onlv tToO. This is a tine opportunity for an industrious man to secure first -class land at a very cheap rate. . A '' H ' FOR IMMEDIATE SALE—ISOO acres, with tine frontage to the Opuatia river, and near the ,iikato. only 54 miles from Auckland; land, well suit for sheep or cattle, and mostly fenced by water. Price, exceptionally cheap, only i 1 per acre. AlO2 MAVNGATAWHIRI VALLEYFor sale, a tirstclass Farm, containing 1170 acres, mostly rich alluvial land, laigely improved, and laid down in good grass and crops, well watered, and sheltered, a larce part fenced and subdivided, good house and . outbuildings. This excellent grazing farm is ottered at the very low price of .£$ per acre ; terms to suit the purchaser. 815 OTAHI'HU—For sale at once, a choice little Farm of 52 acres, situated in most convenient position, land all fenced and cultivated, good house and garden. This nice little home is ottered very cheap, and on reasonable terms. 052 ONEWIIEKO —A choice Block of Land, le_> acres, chiefly volcanic soil, studded with tine clumps of purin" and other native bush, north eastern aspect. Price, cheap, only SOs per acre ; terms, onequarter cash, balance at 5 per cent, for ten years. P124 TV A 1 RANG I VALLEY—ISO acres of good Land. 10 acres bush, partly fenced and. subdivided, orchard and garden, small house. ihice, only £260. litis is one of the cheapest properties in the market. 1V53 FOR IMMEDIATE SAI.E-A snug little Island, situated m choice position, Wing only one mile from the Railway Mation. contains 021 acres of good land, and is" ell suited for a sheep farm or orchard growing, as the soil is a tine rich dry loam, and is all ploughable. Price, a bargain onlv £750. i^' l TO U1 HANTS. WAREHOUSEMEN. A.N D OTHERS—The owner of a hue Large allotment, in the heart of the ■:ity. is prepared to erect a building thereon, suitcvt to the requirements of any of tue above, raid to lease on favourable terms foi'anv number of ears. 1 1 FOR LEASE—six Acres of Orchard, situated only a short distance from the North shore, on the mam road ; good well of water; is well suited u-r a market garden , rent only £20 per annum. 103 CKLAD— 00 Acres of good Land, all fenced and subdivided ; good house of seven iwns, and all necessary outbuildings ; good i.a:ucu and orchard, in "full bearing; 20 acres of bush, remainder nearly all in gctl grass. The property is bounded or. one side by a fine deep clear stream, situated only out half a mile from the static Price is now'reduced to the lowest, being only io per acre. This is indeed a bargain. liloC FUR SALE—A very desirable and convenient 1 arm vi 75 Acres, all subdivided, and neatly all l.»id down in tine yr«.-s ; comfortable house of rive rooms, all well'finished, with verandah on three sides; situated only one mile from the railway station, and has a charming and extensive view of the surrounding district. Price only £55u. t,A FOR LEASE (with right of purchase)—l-arm of 100 Acres, with five-ruomed house, orchard, and carden ; situated within five miles of Hamilton railway station. Price only : terms. tliO c.vsh. balance at 6 per cent. ; rent, *.24 per annum leiase for three years. nil FOR POSITIVE SALE, a great bargain—A most desirable seven-roomed Rouse and nine acres of first-class Land, situated m the suburbs of Auckland. This choice little property is ottered at the very reduced price i ; is.*. 1 , to etlect .i .-peedy sale. This is an opjvrtumtv seldom met with m '.tie market. MIRANDA.—Fine farm of Si*j acres of excellent Land: 150 acres in grass ; sea trentage ; good Dwelling-house, and store doing a t,-.:r trade. Price for the * hole, including store and Farm, X— il*j. Al. 4 FuR IMMEDIATE .-ALE—A Fine Farm of -o acres ; most conveniently situated, and having an excellent cottage of five rooms with verandah; land all securely fenced; partly laid down in grass and pa.tly under the pu.ugu. The land has mintage to the Great south lu,\d. and near the Railway station. Fine healthy situation, ant most pieas.tnt prospect, Ohcred exceptionally cheap, only £4 1 .'s. per acre. _ K FOR SALE—Choice Little Farm; SO acres of rich volcanic soil: House and other buildings. This proper:;, is situate.l near Mnutu, and is offered a cireat bargain. I'nce, only x-. i ru.- very easy. a 17,1 RAMA RAMA.—Convenient Little Farm, liO : acres ; partly improved and about 40 acres in grass , i''use ana Outbuildings. Price, £5 per acre. A 175 Cheap Cottage and Large Allotment, situated in south-street, Newton. Pr.ce, only £200 cdn remain on the property at 7 per cent. ,\ 177 CAMBRIDGE.—Choice Estate, 250 acres, all firstclass land ; largely improved .an x cultivated; situated m excellent position, adjobiing the Town Beit ; beautiful residence and homestead, with every convenience. dais is indeed a gentleman's home offered at a most moderate pace, ami on advantageous terms. This valuable estate must Lecoiae -A great value as the town extends, and ill be an excellent in- estmeut. Principals only dealt with. al7O REM e ERA.—For absolute sale: Pretty 6-roomed House, with every convenience ; J-acre abutment planted with fruit trees This property lias extensive view of me surroutiding district, Price, only £,X*j. Alii WAlivAlO RIVER.—For sale at once: Clover Farm containing 200 acres, ail fenced, and mostly in grass ; greater part level land. Offered a positive bargain, onij £4 los per acre. Terms to a nil purchasers. ri'AKAl.—Compact little farm, 100 acres, with comfortable House and good Outbuiiings ; land ill fenced and subdivided ; garden and orchard. Price very cheap, only £i>oo. Al4j PRINCESS PLAIN. — First-class Grazing Farm of o'.w acres rich productive grass land, well watered, and finely shelteied, and substantially fenced, and most conveniently situated. Offered at the veryreduced price of £7 lus per acre. Boi FoR ABSOLUTE SALE—A very cheap Farm, containing about lib acres of excellent land, tine dry rich loam, suitable for sheep; 250 acres level, remainder undulating, all well tenced, new house of 5 rooms and verandah, dairy and stable. Price, exceedingly cheap, only £2 los per acre. a CAS CREEK, for Sale—Lot 70, containing 42j acres, with frontage to the creek ; main road trasses the hand. Price, only £- 10s per acre, AlO5 POKENO HILL, for Sale at onceA most desirable Farm, with snug well-built Residence ; excellent garden and orchard in full bearing; land all lenced and subdivided into convenient paddocks ; well watered in the driest season ; first-class volcanic soil. This farm has main South Road frontage, and is only iLi. miles from the station ; ofiered an absolute bargain. Price, only £luso. Bit). WAIKOMITI.—Two Lots of 5} acres each, with ■J, acres of Orchard ; small House Price, iiiiuO each. al5O FoR SALE.—Country Hotel, situated in a centra position ; doing an excellent and increasing trade Price and terms easy. bjo FOR IMPERATIVE SALE—Farm of 70 acres very choice land, situated close to Bombay, well fenced and in luxuriant grass. This is the making of a nice home for an industrious man, and a tine dairy farm. Price only £Z>6o. Alj-j " WAIKATO — River side. 167 acres, with fine frontage to the river. Price onlv £1 per acre. Alii FOR IMMEDIATE SALE—Choice Dairy Farm. 107 acres of first-class grazing land ; situated in good position to Main South Road, and in the centre of a rapidly rising district; easy distance from Auckland. Price exceedingly cheap. All AIR AN GI STATION.—SO Acres of Land, only a short distance from the Railway Station ; land all ploughable, and quite easily cultivated. Price only £75. AltW MANGA — Lots 4 and 6, 250 acres, all open land. Price, only 10s per acre. a 144 TUAKAU—Compact little F'arm, over 100 Acres, situated about one and a-half miles from the station. This farm is offered for positive sale, and will be sold a bargain. A 145 TO LEASE OR 12 EARS — acres with frontage to Waikato River. Rent, only £2 10s per annum. Al4O PUKEKOHE.—Fine little Farm of 153 Acres, nearly all cultivated, fenced, subdivided, and in good grass, excellent new House. Price exceedingly cheap. This farm is in first-class position, being within only five minutes' walk from railway station. CS ' FOR ABSOLUTE SALE—A First-class Farm, containing 512 acres, all rich, deep, and very productive soil ; the land is mostly in tine grass ; securely and substantially fenced. This hue property is well watered by clear streams, finely sheltered, beautiful clumps of puriri and other native bush, situa'ted at an easy distance from Auckland, and in choice position to Main South Road, railway, and Cattle Markets. Price very cheap for such tine land; terms to suit purchasers. Witti FOR IMMEDIATE SALE —A choice Suburban Property, four-roomed Cottage, and ten acres of good Land, all fenced and in grass, finely sheltered and watered by a good stream flowing through the property, situated in excellent position to Auckland, and near Onehunga. Price, a great bargain, only £550; terms to suit purchasers. 8191 GRAFTON ROAD.—Excellent seven-roomed House in first-class order; large allotment; 07 feet frontage. Price, £iOO. Terms, one-third cash. M AUNG ATA \V II ]RI VALLEY.—A very valuable Farm, containing ISO acres of rich alluvial Land good House and other buildings. Land largely improved, and offered for the sum of £5 per acre". AllS WAIKATO.— sale, a fine section of good Land, containing 250 acres, all fenced and partly improved, situated only a short distance from railway station. Price, only £2 10s per acre, II CHOICE SUBURBAN LOT. —31 acres of fine Grass Land, all well fenced and subdivided, close by the Epsom district. This fine section is offered a bargain, price being exceptionally low for such valuable property. M Also several other Farms in the Buckland, Pukekohe, and Maungatawhiri districts, which are offered at most reasonable prices, with easy terms to suit purchasers. Call at the above Freehold Land Agency aud get full particulars *

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9124, 4 August 1888, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9124, 4 August 1888, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9124, 4 August 1888, Page 2