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HIGH WATER at Anckland—B.3o a.m.; 8.47 p.m. „ „ Manukau—l2.lo a.m.; 12.27 p.m. Sun.—Rises, 7.15 a.m.; sets, 4.45 p.m. MOON.—Last quarter, July 1, 8.38 p.m.


Wellington, s.s., 279, Stephenson, from Whangarei. Passengers: Messrs. Loram, Robinson, Walmsell, Lennett, Smith, Mack, McKenzie, Mowbray, Nelson, Sutherland, Thompson, McKenzie, McPhee, McKenzie, Martin, McKenzie, Redshaw, Elliott, Whitelaw, McKinnon, Lightfoot, Hanna, Black, Smith and boy, McLeod, Longdill, McDonald (2), McLeod, Ellis, Gates, Henry, Smith, Hodgson, Mr. and Mrs. McKay, Masters Harrison (2), Mesdames Loram, Rogers, Taylor, Misses Biatle, McLeod (3), Neal, and seven in the steerage.—Northern S.S. Co., agents. Staffa, s.s., 79, Hopkins, from Opotiki.— Northern S.S. Co., agents. Southern Cross, 149, mission schooner, J. Bongard, from Norfolk Island. Passengers : Dr. and Mrs. Medcalf, Mrs. Darmen, Misses Brothers, Nobbs, and Dorinen.— J. Tilly, agent.

CLEARED OUTWARDS. Clansman, s.u., 356, Farquhar, for Russell and the North.—Northern S.S. Co., agents. Stormbird, s.s., '217, Chambers, for Whangarei, Russell, and the North.—Jubilee S.S. Co., agents. lona, s.s., 159, Amodeo, for Mercury Bay. —Northern S.S. Co., agents. Staffa, s.s., 79, Hopkins, for Opotiki.— Northern S.S. Co., agents.

DEPARTURES. Clansman, s.s., for Russell and North. Stormbird, s.s., for Whangarci, Russell, and North. lona, s.s., for Mercury Bay and Tauranga. Staffa, s.s., for Opotiki. Darcv Pratt, brigantino. for Mercury Bay. Gazelle, brigantino, for Lisbon.

EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Lo>-DON: Coptic, s.s., sailed June 16. Selembria, s.s., to sail early. Bayley, s.s., sailed June 13. Balmoral Castle, s.s., to sail in June* Killoehan, ship, sailed April 13. Deva, barque, sailed April 2S. Piako, ship, sailed May 5. Luttcrworth, ship, via Port Chalmers, to sail May 5. Clairmont, barque, sailed June 10. Wairoa, ship, loading. Crusader, Siliip, loading. {TEW YORK : Albert Russell, barque, via Wellington, sailed April 11. Rebecca Crowcll, barquentine, to clear June 25. BAN FRAycisco : Mariposa, R.M. s.s., about July 21. 6TDNEY : Alameda, R.M. E.S., about July 16. SAN* FRANCISCO :

Alameda, R.M. s.s., to-day. NEWCASTLE : Linda Weber, brigantine, sailed June 19. ' Oamaru, brigantine, sailed June 21. ISLANDS : Richmond, s.s.. about July 1. Julia Fryce, schooner, early. QISBORNE : Gisborne, schooner, sailed June 4.


ITEW YOF.K : Essox, barque, early. ISLAND.';:

Daisy, schooner, early. STDN3JY : i" ' • *$ essie, barquentine, via Mangonui, early. lAITNXESTOX : Cabarfeidh, barque, via Kaipara, early. GIS BORNE : Waiapu, schooner, June 2S.

UNION S.S. CO.'S MOVEMENTS. This Day.—The Rotomahana arrives from South; the Australia leaves for East Coast ports at 6 p.m. Wednesday.—The Rotomahana leaves for Sydney at 5 p.m.; the Tarawera arrives from Sydney. Thuesday.—The Wanaka arrives at Onehunga; the Tarawera leaves for South at noou.

Friday.—The Wanaka leaves Onehunga at 1 p.m.


To-day.—The Argyle leaves for Whangarei at 8 p.m.; the Douglas leaves for Opotiki, Whakatane, and Whangamata at f> p.m. Wednesday.—The Glenelg arrives from Waitara.

Thursday.—The lona leaves for Great Barrier at S a.m.; the Glenelg leaves for New Plymouth at 1 p.m. The Argyle arrives from Whangarei. Friday.—The Clansman arrives from RusBelL and leaves for Tauranga at 7 p.m.; the Wellington leaves for Whangarei at 8. Satceda\'.— The Argyle leaves for Hokianga, at 1 p.m. The Glenelg arrives from Waitara.

Sckday—Clansman arrives from Tauranga early.

VESSELS IN HARBOUR. [Thi? list does not include coasters.) Mercia, barque, at Railway Wharf. * John Knox, barque, in stream. Essex, barque, at Railway Wharf. Cabarfeidh, barque, at Huk-:on-street Wharf. Devonport, barquentine, at Queen • street Wharf. Jessie, barqufmine, in stream. Lativ Mabel, barquentine, at Railway Wharf. Antlions, brigantine. at Breastwork. Ike, Vuka, brigantine, in stream. Eillan Donan. brigantine, at Railway Wharf. Beabird, brigantine, at Railway Wharf. Fleetwing, schooner, in stream. Torea, senooner, in stream. Sybil, schooner, in stream. Waireka, schooner, at Breastwork. Daisy, schooner, at Queen-street Wharf. Lizzie Guy, schooner, at Queen-street Wharf. Gael, schooner, at Queen-street Wharf. Waiapu, schooner, at Queen-street Wharf.

Inwards Coastwise. — Spitfire, cutter, with -A tons coal, from Whangarei; Morning Light, cutter, with 45 tons firewood, from Cabbage Bay: Mahurangi, cutter, with 30 tons firewood, from Mahurangi. Outwards Coastwise. — Four Sisters, cutter, with 8000 feet timber and 50 sheets iron, for Wade ; Mahurangi, cutter, in ballant, for Mahuranf,!. The Northern s.s. Co. Staffa arrived from Gpotiki direct early yesterday morning with passengers, and a cargo of 390 sacks maize. iShe left again for the same port in the evening. _ Early yesterday morning the brigantine Gazelle, Captain Breckwoldt, left port in tow of the tug Awhina, en route for' Lisbon, with a full cargo of copra. For Russell and Northern ports the s.s. Clansman sailed yesterday evening with a large cargo and passengers. At the Customs yesterday the brigantine Anthons was entered outwards fo; , Isormanton. She will sail iii a day or two for the Thames, where she will load up with timber for the Queensland port. _ For Mercury Bay, where she ii to ship timber for Normanton, the brigantine Darcy Pratt left at dusk yesterday, in tow of the 6.5. lona.

The Jubilee S.S. Co. Stormbird sailed yesterday evening for her weekly round trip to Whangarei, Russell, and the North, and back. Her passenger and freight lists were well filled.

After such a dearth of building as that which has been prevailing for so ionj; a time, it is pleasing to notify the arrival in port of such a clipper-built little craft as :he fore-and-aft schooner Halatoa. She comes from Messrs. Lane and Brown's yards at Whangaroa, and has been built to the order of Messrs. McArthur and Co., for the island trade. The Halatoa is well and faithfully built of the best materials, and judging by her lines should prove a speedy sailer. Her passage from Whangaroa, with 8500 feet of timber on board, occupied but 30 hours. She has been brought to this port to be measured and registered, and to receive a few finishing touches. When these necessary details nave been attended to, the Halatoa will proceedto Whangaroa and take a load of sawn timber to the islands. Early yesterday forenoon the signal station at the North Shore gave notice of the approach of the three-masted vessel, but the mission schooner Southern Cross, which was the vessel signalled, did not make the harbour till dusk. She comes last from Norfolk Island, and brings several passengers. Captain Bongard reports of the round trip as follows :—The Southern Cross left Auckland at 11 a.m. on April 2nd. and arrived at Norfolk Island on the 6th April, after a fineweather passage. A stay of six days was made, the schooner sailing on April 11th for the New Hebrides, with a party of missionaries on board. BaDks' Island, Torres' Island, Santa Cruz, and the Solomon Groups were visited. The New Hebrides were reached on April lGth, and leaving again on the 19th, the vessel anchored at Banks' Island on the 20th. Rev. Mr. Culuick was left there, and on the 21st sail was made for Torres Island. The schooner arrived there on the 22nd, and left the same day for Santa Cruz, where Mr. Forest was landed. The Solomon Islands were the next place visited, Bnd were reached on April 28. The Rev. Mr. Comins was put ashore at Ulavu, the Rev. Mr. Plant at Clarida. and Mr. CTurnbull at Ysabel Island. On May 23 the return voyage was begun, and Santa Cruz being called at on May 29 Mr. Forest was found to be unwell. He was taken on board, and on May .'JO the schooner sailed for lianks . Island, which was reached on June 4. On the iiitli the Southern Cross shaped her

course for the New Hebrides, where she arrived on June 7. 'Hie next day she left for Norfolk Island, which was reached on the 20th, and after taking on board passengers for Auckland she sailed for this port on June 21, having experienced very heavy rain during her stay. The North Gape was passed on 4ho 24th instant at 9.30 a.m., and Cane Brett was rounded at 8.30 p.m. the same day. Bream Head was abeam yesterday at 2.1 V) a.m., and Point Rodney was abreast five hours later. The wind then failed, and harbour was made at 7 p.m. The s.s. Wellington arrived from Whangarei at six o'clock yesterday evening with a large number of passengers and general cargo. Owing to the non-arrival of tho scow Lagoon, from Opotiki, with a nuantity of the gear of the wrecked steamer Clielnisford, the sale of the steamer by Mr. D. F. Evans was postponed.

PORT OF ONEHUNGA. DEPARTURES. Rotorua, s.s., Neville, for the South. — Union S.S. Co., agents. Glenelg, s.s., Norbury, for Waitara. Passengers :—Messrs. Smith, W. I). Webster, Cameron. J. W. Mann, Baskivillo, Gurhoapcr, Taylor, and 2 steerage.—A. barnes, agent. Gairloch, s.s., McArthur, for Wangamu and Wellington. Passengers : —Mr. A. Kohn, Mrs. Rawson and 2 children.—A. Barnes, agent.

EXPORTS. Per s.s. Rotorua : 40 kegs skins, 12 cases stationery, 6 sacks oysters, 8 cases bottles, 2 cases jewellery, 13 cases fruit,2l cases draper}', and 20 sundry packages. Per s.s. Glenelg : 30 boxes candles, 6 coils rope, 3 cases jam, 264 bags and 40 sacks flour, 1 sewing machine, 1 colonial oven, 54 bags sucar, and 29 packages. Per s.s. Gairloch: S case 3 boots, 3sacks seed, 1 crate crockery, 19 cases drugs, 50 nests pipes, 26 cases and 7 bales drapery. 3 sacks oysters, 5 doors, 3 bales mouldings, 9 cases machines, 2 cases plants, 5235 feet timber, 15 tons lnggage, 1 buggy, and S5 sundry packages.

The Union Co.'s s.s. Rotorua, Captain R. Neville, for the South, took her departure at 9.30 yesterday mornincr. The Northern Co.'s steamers Glenelg and Gairloch left yesterday afternoon, the former for Waitara and the latter for Wanganui and Wellington.



Juno 25.— The barque Killarney, with a cargo of 250.000 feet of sawn kauri, was towed down from the Thames River Sawmill by the s.s. Rotomahana this morning, and sailed later on for Melbourne.

WELLINGTON. June 25.—Sailed : S.s. Penguin, for Nelson and Picto'n; s.s. Wairarapa, for Melbourne via South. The ship Hermione, Captain Parker, from London, arrived to-day, after an uneventful passage of SS days. LYTTELTON. June 25.—Sailed : Invereargill, s.s., for Dunedin; Grafton, s.s., for Wellington. Passengers : Mrs. Healey and child, Messrs. Chapman, Healey, and Selmyer.

PORT CHALMERS. June 23.—The ship Westland Scotland,from London, arrived this evening, after a passage of 73 days. In entering the harbour, just by the pilot station, a heavy squall struck her. and she took ground, remaining there hard and fast. As she is on oven keel and sandy Viottom no danger is apprehended, as she was simply blown out of tae channel. She has three saloon passengers.

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Bibliographic details

New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9090, 26 June 1888, Page 4

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9090, 26 June 1888, Page 4

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9090, 26 June 1888, Page 4