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Medical. V BEFORE AND SINGE The days of Samson a luxuriant growth of hair has been symbolical of man's strength and woman's beauty. As a means of preserving this adornment o£ the person —a duty which should ba considered, by all, of the first importance—Ayer's Hair Vigor is unequalled. If, unfortunately, your hair has been neglected and allowed to lose its lustre and color, or if time has tinged it with gray, the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor will restore its youthful appearance and vitality. This admirable preparation eradicates Dandruff, cures all diseases of the scalp, strengthens weak hair, promotes a Luxuriant Growth, - and prevents baldness. It is, more- . over, an excellent dressing for the hair, rendering it pliant, soft, and glossy, and as an article of the toilet, there is nothing more essential or agreeable. Ayer's Hair Vigor is choicely perfumed, is colorless, and will not soil the whitest pocket-hand-kerchief ; its beautifying effects are lasting, and it is, therefore, the best and most economical hair-dressing in the world. PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., U. S. A. u . Sold by all Druggists and Perfumers. VITALITY. A New and Positive Cure for Nervous Exhaustion Debility, Loss of Mental and Physical Vigour Kidney, liver, and Stomach Disorders, Ac k f ATHLETES 1 8? p LAWYERS > I I LITERARY MEN ltd M 1 MINISTERS [ 3 < MINERS p Si I FOOTBALLERS J . rt And all sufferers from weakness from any cause whatever, have in this; splendid Vegetable Tonic an infallible friend and restorative. This sterling medicament has had a brilliant career, its history being the most remarkable on record. WEAK LADIES WEAK MOTHERS WEAK CHILDREN Students, teachers, competitors for rewards in the arenas of either brain or muscle, never fail to realise the almost miraculous powers IN ONE bottle op "VITALITY." It gives a zest for food, purities, enriches, and gives tone to the blood, feeds the brain, and gives firmness to the muscles. RHEUMATISM. DR. PARKER'S PULVIS RHEUMATICON. QUICK RELIEF AND PERMANENT CURE. ASTOUNDING TESTIMONY. Ss Cd per bottle: 3s 8d by post. Sole Agent: S. GILBERT, CHEMIST, QUEEN-STREET. "Mr. GEO. THOS. CONGREVE ON CONSUMPTION And its Successful Treatment, Showing that direful disease to be curable in all its stages ; with observations on ASTHMA, CHRONIC BRONCHITIS, 4c." 250,000 have been sold in England. Colonial Edition, 6d. (Id. Post Free.) Published by Rigbv, 64, King William Street, Adelaide ; G. Ro?ebtbox & Co., S3, Little Collins Street, Melbourne, and of Sydney; B. Stein, Perth, West Australia ; Upton' & Co., Auckland, and Simp«on & William*, Chrlstchurch, New Zealand; J. Walch & Sox, Hobart, Tasmania. c^i^lougi^"hoai^ekess!" The FINEST REMEDY for COUGHS, COLDS, ETC., is CONGREVE'S BALSAMIC ELIXIR, In Bottles Is. lid,, 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d. & lis. Prepared by G. T. CONGREVE, Coombe Lodge, Peckham, London, and SOLD BY ALL THE BEST MEDICINE HOUSES IN THE COLONIES. ■r— ——-—————■■■ ■ -■—■ —BBaa— M THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE. WORLD FAMED ' the great blood purifier and restorer. Has the Largest Sale of any Medicine in the World. For cleansing and clearing the blood from all Impurities, cannot bo too highly recommended. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin Diseases, and Sores of all kinds, it is a never-failing and permanent euro. It Cures Old Sores Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs Cures Blackheads, or Pimples on the Face Cures Scurvy Sores Cures Cancerous Ulcers Cures Blood and Skin Diseases Cures Glandular Swellings Clears the Blood from all Impure Matter From whatever cause arising. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitutions of either sex, the Proprietors solicit sufferers to give it a fair trial to test its value THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS FROM ALL PARTS. Sold in Bottles, 2s 9d each, and in Cases, containing six times the quantity, lis sufficient to effect a perfect cure in the great majority of longstanding cases—BY ALL CHEMISTS and PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the world. Proprietors: THE LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COUNTIES DRUG COMPANY, LINCOLN, ENGLAND. Trade Mark, "Blood Mixture.' DR. TENN EN T, Legally-qualified and Registered l>ractitionor (32 YEARS' MEDICAL EXPERIENCE), In addition to general practice, TREATS ALL PRIVATE DISEASES (both scxee). Tho only Practitioner in Auckland who CURES PERMANENTLY THE WORST CASES Of Nervous Debility, Physical Weakness, Ex. hausted Vitality, Youthful Abuses, Excesses, and the like. DISEASES OF MEN, However induced, and no matter how inveterate, SPEEDILY, THOROUGHLY, AND PERMANENTLY CURED. Call or Address— DR. TENNENT, (Opposite the Opera House, Auckland. J) . gPEE.R'S Private Dispensary, established in Wellington, for tho scientific and speedy cure of chronic, nervous and special diseases. The expert Specialist Dr. Speer is a regular graduated physician, educated at Harvard College. U.S. He has devoted a lifetime to, and is acknowledged to be the most expert physician in, his specialty in the United States. Young Men and Middle-aged Men who suffer from Nervous and Physical Debility, Loss of Energy and Memory, Eruptions on the Face, Mental Depression, Kidnoy and Bladdor Troubles, <fec, &c, will do well to consult Dr. Speer. Hospital experience.— Having been physician in one of the leading Hospitals of the U.S. enables him to treat all private trouble with excellent results. Ho wishes it distinctly understood that he does not claim to perform impossibilities, or to have a miraculous power. He claims only to be a skilled and successful physician thoroughly informed in his specialty Chronic Diseases of Men and Women. All applying to him will receive his honest opinion of their complaints. No experimenting. He will guarantee a positive cure In every case he undertakes, or forfeit £200. Consultation in office or by letter, free. Charges moderate. Examination and advice free. Call or address: Dr. H. J. Speer, Wellington, N.Z. Office hours : Nine to twelve, one to four, six to eight p.m. N.B.— medicines necessary for a complete cure can be sent secure from observation on receipt of symptoms. Dr. Speer is the only gazetted medical man In New Zealand who advertises as a Specialist.—For confirmation see Gazette, January 21,1856. -| <f» HORSE-POWER GAS ENGINE, JL \r Otto Silent, nearly new, for sale, cheap, to make room for increased power. This Engine has been kept in the Herald Office as a "reserve" power, and very little used. To be sold cheap, with ail pipes, appliances, water tanlre, etc.—Apply Herald Office.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9066, 29 May 1888, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9066, 29 May 1888, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9066, 29 May 1888, Page 2