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New Zealand Herald Office, Friday evening. The Customs receipts to-day amounted to £2383 5s 3d.


Auckland, May 25, isss.

A. Saunders, C. Alexander, S. Vickers, J. F. Clarke, R. Frater, J. M. Lennox, D. B. McDonald, D. G. MacDonnell, Aitken Carrick, R. Spratt, Francis Hull, James Reid, R. G. Macky. Joseph Newman, Chairman.


[PROM OUR OWN COKHKSI'ONDKNT.] London, April 21. The second series of wool sales commenced on the ■ sth instant, the lists having closed on the 3lßt of last month with 350,000 arrivals. The quantity available for the seriee was 308,089 bales, made up as follows :—New Zealand, 07,207; New South Wales, 92,524; Queensland, 16,201; Victoria, 103,228; South Australia, 29,001 ; Western Australia, 8971; Tasmania, 4405; and Cape of Good Hope, 46,552. Of these 54,500 bales have been forwarded direct to the manufacturing districts : 27,000 bales were held over from the preceding series, so the net quantity to be dealt with during the current sales aggregates about 341,000 bales. The buying has been fairly brisk, and the sales have progressed steadily, but with little change in values, thiUgh there has been a drop of about id per Ib in medium and inferior scoured merinos as compared with the closing rates of the first series. Good combing merino, however, in any condition, is in good demand, and is occasionally fetching advanced pi ices. Up to date 155,043 bales have been catalogued, distributed as follows :—New Zealand, O 6"40 - New South Wales, 40,501; Queensland, io'B7&' Victoria, 45,223; South Australia, 12,104 1 Western Australia, 3120; Tasmania, 2217 ; and Cape of Good Uope, 15,237. Of these, about 11,200 bales have been withdrawn. The arrivals for the third series number 102,772 bales, distributed as follows:—New Zealand, 40,496; New South Wales, 51,128; Queoiwland, 5528; Victoria, 27,298; South Australia, 12,903; Western Australia, 474.T ; Tasmania, 34.70, and Capo of Good Hope, 8142.J

The frozen meat market is in a fairly satisfactory condition. The Ashleish Brook, from Napior, with 20,905 ahoep and 6750 lambs, has sold 20,000 sheep at 3J(I to 4J<l, and 4000 lambs at Bd to 6Jd. Tho Opawa, from Napier, with 8747, has sold G7oOat 33d to 4d. The Arawa, from Wellington, with 25,712 sheep, 4053 lambs, and 357 pieces of beef, has cleared at3}d to 4Jd for the sheep, 4*d to (tyd for the lambs, and 4d to 5d for the beef. This caroo is classed as " fair." The Fifoshire from Port thaimers with 27,602 sheep and lambs, has sold 23.C00 at 3Jd to 45d and ftjd to CJd. The Tongariro, from Lyttelton, with !HWB sheep, 1035 lambs, and 593 pieces of beef has sold 7000 sheep at 3Jd to 4sd, all the lambs at id to 6|d, and all the beef at 4d to Bd. Tho cargoes tho lonic, from Wellington, the Aorangi from Lyttelton, tho Marl borough from Oamaru, and tho Mataura from Napier, have not yet been placed on the market. The Selombria broke down at Montevideo, and 12,000 carcases of mutton had to be sold at 6 cents per carcase. The following aro the importations of carcases of frozen mutton into Londow during tho tlrst three months of the last four years :—

It has to bo borne in mind that a great portion of the River Plate mutton now comes to Liverpool. Tho wheat market remains about, the same. Tho latest, quotations are :— Australian wheat, 34s (id to 86s ; Now Zealand long homed fine, 34a to 84a M ; medium, 33s to :us; short homed tine, 33s to 3."s (Hi; medium, 32s to 335. In all cases tho quotations are for 496 pounds. At the public auctions on the 12th instant only a moderate inquiry was experienced for kauri gum, out of 1713 case's offered only 740 were sold. Superior descriptions were without material chance, but all qualities below 70s per cwt. value, marked a decline of from 2s to 3s per cwt.

From the Now Zealand. Loan and Mercantile Ageugy Company's circular of tho 21st April wo extract the following :— CORN'.—Australian wheat of only fair quality has been sold at 84s Oil per 4061b5, whilst the old crop is worth about 6d per quarter more money. Now Zealand sort-s meet a fair enquiry, and prices rule rather against buyers. Flour is steady, notwithstanding heavy arrivals of American. Owing to the Baltic ports being closed hy ice up to an abnormally late period, supplies of the commoner kinds of oats have been small, and have realised rather moro money. New Zealand descriptions, however, have met a dragging sale, and though small quantities of tho finer sorts have, heen disposed of for seed purposes at full rates, parcels of any considerable slue havo proved difficult of sale, even at a material reduction in price. Barley, beans, and peas are without material change. Recently some enquiry has sprung up for cocksfoot grass, hut in order to inoet the competition of the American seed, lower rates have had to bp accepted for New Zoalond sorts. Tallow.—For the three public auctions held during the past four weeks f>347 casks wore catalogued and 4S;">4 casks sold at or immediately after the sales. Tho market has boon steady throughout. Australian mutton : Fine, '.Ms to 20s fld per cwt; medium, 24s 6d to 2.*.s 6d : common, 22s to 23s 6d. Australian beef : Fine, 23s 9d to 2-ts 6d per cwt; medium, 22s fid to 28s t'«l ; common, 20s tid to 225. Importations into London during the four weeks ended 14th instant, amounted to72oocasks.

Sheepskins.—Pending the public auctions advertised for tho 26th and 27th instant, there is no change to report in values. During the past four weeks about 200 bales have changed hands by private treaty at last sale's rates. Leather, hides, oVc— Leather : Of 22-12 sides submitted to tho hammer on tho 13th instant 1C23 found buyers. There was rather less inquiry than has recently prevailed, and although for the portion cleared values were without material change, tho tendency was to lower prices. Basils: At the publie salt's a good demand was experienced, and tho market closes firm. Salted hides :At the auctions tho demand was most inactive, and the market for all classes continues to be very dull, and the tendency is to lower prices. Copra.—At public auction on tho 23rd ultimo, 33 tons Sydney were disposed of at from £14 7s (id to £14 10s for sun-dried, and £12 lf>s pel ton for rather inferior kiln-dried. A small parcel of kilndried has since changed hands by private treaty at £1" 7s od. Cocoanut oil: The market continues quiet, and values are without alteration. KAURI GUM.—At the public auctions which took place on 12th inst. only a moderate inquiry prevailed, and of 1713 cases offered, about 740 were sold. Superior descriptions were without material change, but all qualities below 70s per cwt value marked a decline of from 2s to 3s per cwt. Business by private treaty during the past four weeks lias been of limited extent, and ronflncd to tho satisfaction of actual trade requirements. We quotp :— Fine pale, selected, £0 t<> £13 5s per cwt; clean, hard, good to Bne, chiefly amber, £4 15s to £5 Ws ; good to fine, dean, hard, scraped, 71s to 86s ; hard, three parts scraped, fair to tine, 65s to 07s; hard, half scraped, fair to tine, 53s to f>73 ; rough sorts, ordinary to good, 45s to 52s Cd ; black and brown, hard, scraped, 00s to 70s; do. do,, half to threequarter scraped, 60s to 555; do. do., coated, 40k to 455; pickings, ordinary to fine, 37s to 555; chips, low and ordinary to tine and superior, 20s to Css ; dust, low to One, pale, chippy, 12s to 375. We annex a comparative statement of stocks, landings, and deliveries to .'Ust nit., and to a corresponding (liitu in ISS7:—Stocks on 31st March, ISSS, 672 tons; 1887, isß tons. Landed durinp; January-March, 18SS, 741 tons; ISS7, -220 tons. Delivered during January-March, ISnS, 570 tons; is*", ws tons. lI KM 1 , .— New Zealand descriptions have remained fairly steady, and recently there has been an improved inquiry at tinner prices. Some 500 bales have been offered at pnblic auction, the whole of which found buyers at and ex-sale at from £2<> 10h to £2S per ton for very ordinary to good medium, and 70 Dales of tow at from £0 10s to £10 10s per ton.

Hops.—Since the date of our last issue tho market has been very quiet. Really choice description!] fairly support late values, but inferior qualities have further receded.

BUTTER.—Recent shipments per Arawa (s) and Tongariro (s) were mostly disposed of promptly, ami met a fairly tinn market. There have of late been no colonial consignments available, but a fair provincial enquiry ha* prevailed for New Zealand parcels, and quotations hero havo nominally been better maintained than havo those for primo Homo and Continental. The season is far advanced, and the maintenance of values is from day to day very doubtful, hut the consignments per lonic (s) and" Aorangi (s) (now discharging) will probably reach a market less depressed than conld havo been looked for a fortnight ago.

CHEESE.—The steady character of the market reported at the date of our last circular has been fairly well maintained, and the recent consigemonts met with a ready iiale at full rates. There is a pood inquiry for New Zealand produce, and the shipments per lonic (s) ami Aorangi (»), now being landed, will doubtless find a ready sale.


Messrs. R. W. Forbes and Son, of New York, report a-s follows, under (late april 26. KEROSENE remains without special feature at prices named at the last mail. Freights.—Vessels are not yet in good supply, small vessels being especially scarce. Agents are obtaining pood figures for their ships, and in view of the active demand for short voyages are by no means anxious for colonial business. Charters arc expected shortly for Auckland, Hobart and Brisbane, and also for Punedin, to succeed the Star of the East. Present freight rates may be quoted at: Adelaide, 20 cents; Melbourne, 17 cents; Sydney, 16 cents ; Brisbane, 22} cents ; New Zealand ports, 22$ to 24 cents. Rosin.—High grades are scarce, but ordinary qualities are in fair supply. It is stated that the crop of both rosin and turpentine is likely to lie short, and that prices are not likely to be as low a.s last year. Dried Apples continue flmi with still an upward tendency. Star Lobsters will not bo obtainable until the marketing of the fresh pack in late June or early July.


San Francisco, May 5. Flour : City extras, 4 dollars 2f> cents to 4 dollars 40 cents ; 3 dollars to 3 dollars 40 cents for superline. Wheat, declining : No. 1, 1 dollar 37J cents to 1 dollar 40 cents; No. 2, 1 dollar SO cents to 1 dollar 35 cents; lower grades, 1 dollar 12J cents to 1 dollar 25 cents; extra choice milling, 1 dollar 42J cents to 1 dollar 45 cents per cental. Barley, cnovalior, nominal browing, 1 dollar per cental. Hops, nominal, 4 cents to 6 cents per lb. Coal : foreign, steam, 12 dollars 50 cents to 13 dollars spot, and 9 dollars 75 cents to 11 dollars 25 cente to arrive. Fish: canned salmon, 1 dollar 35 cents to 1 dollar 75 cents will coverall brands. Quicksilver, 38 dollars per flask. Freights, 52s 6d from Paget Sound for Melbourne for lumber. Lumber : Rough pine, 22 dollars 50 cents ; oxtra lengths, 23 dollars 50 cents to 26 dollars 50 cents; .selected, 20 dollars 60 cents; clear, 35 dollars 50 cents; flooring, 35 dollars to 40 dollars for No. 3 and fancy, and 2!) dollars 60 cents for No. 2 ; stopping, 32 dollars 50 cents to 45 dollars; rough rodwood, 19 dollars 50 cents to 23 dollars 50 [cents ; surfaced, No. 1, 3S dollars 50 cents per 100 feet; shingles, 2 dollars 50 centH ; laths, 4 dollars to 4 dollars 50cents; pickets, 17 dollars 50 cents to 19 dollars 50 cents for rough; 2G dollars for fancy.

VESSBLS SAILED I'KOM SAN FKANCISCO. April 12.— Swedish ship Ottolina, Fernstrom, for Melbourne. April 14.— British baroque Lapwing, Bo Grushy, Newcastle, N.S.VV. ; British ship liowden, Iljigarty, Newcastle, N.S.W. April 17.—British barque Francis Fisher, Lowis, Newcastle, N.S.W. May 2.—Kosciusko, assorted cargo, for Sydney, and Wailey and Yoland, now at San Diego, load lumber for Australia, tho former taking her cargo from Puget .Sound for Melbourne at 62a od, and tho latter to sail from Eureka for Sydney—both chartered prior to arrival. May 4.—The Norwegian barque Farvel loads lumber at Kureka. for Sydney, 00s ; the Roslyn Castle takes, for Melbourne, 10,341 sacks barley, 25,000 broom handles, 27,380 lbs coffee, 255 doom, f> feet door stock, and 133,000 feet lumber, valued at 28,09.1 dols.

May 4.—The Norwegian ship Oregon loads lumber on the Sound for Melbourne, 03s 9d ; Norwegian barque G. P. Harbitz, same voyage, 665.


CHRISTCHURCH. R?May 25.—Retail prices: Fresh butter, Bil to 10d per lb: eggs. Is 9d; cheese, 4d to 7d; milk, 3d; beef, 3(1 to 8d ; mutton, 2d to Gd ; pork, 6d to 7d ; ham, 7d to 10d ; bacon, 7d to 9d. Wholesale produce prices : Wheat, prime milling, 2s 7d to 2s 0d ; medium, 2s o<1; oats, milling, is iod to is lid; bright short feed, Is 9d to Is iOd; bailey, prime malting, 4s to 4s 5d ; prime medium, 3s 0d to 3s 9d; peas, blue Prussian, 2s Od to 2s 7d per bushel; potatoes, Derwenta, £1 to £1 2s 0d ; onions, £2 to £2 15s ; butter, prime, 7d to Sd per lb ; cheese, small loaves 3J<l, other sizes 2Jd to 3d ; hams and bacon, in cloth, OAd to 7Jd per lb ; flour, firsts, £7 10s to £S 10s. Livo stock prices : Cattle, fat, 14s to 17s 0d per lOOlbs ; sheep, fat, l§d to 2}d perlb; sheep, store*, crossbred wethers, to 8s 5d ; ewes, 5a Id to 7s Id ; pics 3d to 3jd per lb. '

Company. Business. Closing Prices. Buyers, i tellers. Banks: t e d<£, a d. New Zealand .. — 12 7 ft — National .. .. — 1 16 0 — Colonial _ — — 2 4 0 INSURANCE: New Zealand .. — — | 4 1 0 South British .. — 2 0 0 — Standard ...... — 0 13 0 0 14 0 Miscellaneous: Auckland'Cia.s .. — — 11 5 0 Thames Oa-s .. — —200 N.Z.L.&M'rcantilo _ 8 19 0 — Mining : Cambria .. - 8/6, 8/7 — 0 8 9 Saxon .. '.. — — 0 3 9 Trenton .. .. — 0 2 6—. Manukau .. .. — 0 1 11 0 2 1 Crown, K'rangTi'ko — — 0 3 8 Royal Oak.. .- — — 0 2 4 Colonist _ .. — 0 4 0 —

1SS5. 1SSC. I 1SS7. 1SS8. Australia.. .. 26,836 2,364 32,366 10,102 New Zealand .. 07.53S 15S.974 128,897 209,000 Australasia .. 124,424 | 158,338 160,703 225,288 River Plate .. 61,682 01,405 83,648 25,097 Totals .. .. 176,100'. 249.743 244,3111260,385;

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9064, 26 May 1888, Page 4

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COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9064, 26 May 1888, Page 4

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9064, 26 May 1888, Page 4