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The Annual Show of this popular society was held yesterday at the usual Show Grounds, Pukekohe, and fully realised the expectations of its promoters. The weather in the morning was far from being promising; j in regard to attendance, but a strong westerly ; wind sprung up which cleared away the j threatening rain, and only a few slight showers fell during the afternoon. The Auckland and Waikato trains brought considerable contingents, and the whole of the surrounding districts were fully represented. The utmost I care had been taken in the selection of judges, and their rulings gave very general satisfaction. The Waiuku Band, under Bandmaster i Londergan, attended, and played a great j number of selections during the day in excellent style, and they did the utmost credit to their instructor, considering the fact that only nine months has elapsed since the band was formed. The committee met with a misfortune at an early hour in the morning. The big tent—in which the fruit, vegetables, and produce were to be exhibited— blown down. A temporary structure had to be erected for the butter and cheese, but all the other exhibits were displayed on the tables in the open space which the tent had covered. The attendance was, we are informed, larger than on anv previous occasion, and the exhibits were excellent, more especially in the fruit department. As an instance, we may mention that Mr. John Brown, of Puriri Park, had on exhibition 196 varieties of apples, 25 varieties of pears, 12 of plnms, and nine of outdoor grown grapes, and Mr. Mayo had 50 main varieties of pears crowded out of the exhibition. The leaping matches, more especially those in winch the ladies took part, created a good deal of interest. The shearing match was also watched closely, and the other incidents of the show kept the interest alive up to the close. HORSES. BLOOD STOCK. Judges: Messrs. A. Harris and O. C. McGee. Class Stewards : Messrs. J. Johns and J. McDonald. This class, as might have been anticipated, i was only represented in a meagre manner, , the district being essentially a farming one, ! but although there were no stallions to repre- j sent a coming generation, there were three very fair matrons on view as brood mares, ' and the two-year-old and yearlings were fairly classed, although the exhibits were few. The following is the result: — Best Brood Mare, with foal at foot or stinted. Ist prize, 21s ; special prize, given by Messrs. T. and S. Morrin; 2nd, 10s: J. Roulston's bay mare Winnie. Ist prize ; H. Wilcox, 2nd ; J. Roulston's black mare Bide-a-wee. Best Filly or Gelding, two years. Prize, 20s: J. Roulston's brown gelding Belmont, Ist prize. Best Filly or Gelding, one year. Prize, 20s: .James Flavell's s g. filly, dam Myrtle by Grip by Slanderer by 'fraducer. DRAUGHT STOCK. Judges: Messrs. J. Bainbridge and J. Wallace. Class Stewards: Messrs. W. Roulston and R. McCracken. In this class also stallions were conspicuous by their absence, but in the matter of real working horses and brood mares the show was a good one. Some of the broodmares were splendid animals, and the youngsters running at their sides showed a great deal of (juality, possessing some of the finest strains introduced to the colony, and showing muscular development in a nigh degree. The following was the result: — Best Brood Mare, foal at foot, or stinted, Ist prize, 218; 2nd, 10s: J. Phillipp's Darling No. 2, S years, by Argyle, dam Jess, by Major, in foal to Karl of Daihousie, Ist prize ; J. Phillipp's Ruby. 8 years, by Vanquisher, dam imported from Tasmania, in foal to Lord Haddo, 2nd; J. Dougall, highly commended. Best Filly or Gelding, 3 years. Prize, 20s: J. Cathcsrt, Ist prize: J. B. Mc El wain's bay gelding, by Blair Athol, dam Nelly, highly commended. Best Filly or Gelding, 2 years. Prize, 20s : J. B. Mc El wain's bay gelding, by Blair Athol, dam Jessie, Ist prize; James Harris' colt, by Young Emperor ; T. Hogan's gelding, by Melbourne. Best Filly or Gelding, 1 year. Prize, 10s: J. Dougall, Ist prize. Best Draught Foal. Prize, 10s : J. Dougall, Ist prize; J. Harris. Best Colt Foal by Young Emperor. Prize, cup presented by Mr. Morchieson : J. Dougall, Ist prize ; J. Harris. Best Filly 1 Foal by Young Emperor. Prize, cup presented by <

Mr. Murohieson : J. Dougall, lrt prize. Best Hack Foal. Prize, 10s: R. Proude, Ist prize, W. Gray, 2nd; Dr. Rowley, C. "W. Flexman FARM HORSES. In this department the show of horseflesh was all that could be desired. It was manifest that the farmers had gone in for a thorough system of improving the breed of horses, and some of the exhibits would do credit to any part of the world. Against this, however, there were some rather weedy animals. They have good traits and are serviceable, but they fell behind the classification which ought to be reached. The following are the results: — Best pair Farm Horses, mares or geldings, property 01 one owner; Ist prize, suit of clothes, given by Mr. Todd, Otanuhu; 2nd, pair of swingle-trees, given by Mr. D. Goodwin, Pukekohe: J. Dougall, Ist prize; J. Potter, 2nd; J. Comrie. Best Farm Horse, mare or gelding ; Ist prize, 20s ; 2nd, 109: Janus Potter, Ist prize; J. DougaJl, 2nd; J. Smith, Albert Walker, James Wright, R. Whitten. Bost pair Horses, Mares, or Geldings, property of one owner, to ride, drive, or plough; prize, 20s: M. B. Routley, Ist prize. Best Mare or Gelding, to ride, drive, or plough. Prize, 20s: J. Potter, Ist prize; AJlen Bent's Jumbo highly commended ;M. B. Routley. Best Light Harness Horse, Ist prize, 15s ; 2nd, 7s 6d : James Potter, Ist prize; Allen Bent's Doctor, 2nd; C. W. Flexman. Best Mare, Filly, or Gelding, suitable for coaching purposes. Special prize, £2 2s, given by Mr. L. L. Wright; 2nd prize, 10s : R. McCrackin, Ist prize ; R. Proude, 2nd ; R. Proude. Best Roadster. Ist prize, 15s; 2nd, 7s 6d. :R. McCrackin, Ist prize; W. F. Gillies, 2nd; W. H. Martin, highly commended; R. F. Webster; Allen Bent; W. Sharp, jun., Black Bess, by Hippocampus. Best Cavalry Horse. Must have been on at least six Government parades. To be entered and ridden by a trooper, and to jump hurdle 3ft. Ist prize, Military bridle, presented by Mr. R. F. Webster ; 2nd, pair stirrup irons, given by Mr. H. Dell. R. McCracKin, Ist prize; S. V. Knight, 2nd. Best Two-year-old Colt or Filly, suitable for cavalry purposes. Prize, 20s : R. Proude, Ist prize ; R. Prouue, highly commended ; T. Hogan's gelding, by Melbourne; W. McCrackin. Best Yearling, suitable for cavalry purposes. Prize, 20s: J. Faussett, Ist prize; W. F. Buckland, highly commended ; J. Harris's colt, by Hippocampus, highly commended ; J. R. McElwain, by Ariel, highly commended ; R. C. Taylor, by Bryan O'Lynne, dam by Sir Colin; E. Lisk. Best Lady's Hack, to be ridden by a lady. Ist prize, 20s; 2nd, whip given by Mr. G. F. Hill, Auckland. Best Lady Rider : Ist prize, , Lady's Bridle ; 2nd, Lady's Riding Whip; 3rd (for lady who has never won a prize), Twelve Yards of 1 Dress Material, value 15s, given by Mr. G. Smith : W. H. Martin, Ist prize; Jas. Flavell's Myrtle, 2nd; Matthew Enwright, ridden by Mrs. Greenhead ; E. W. Bartlett, ridden by Mrs. Bartlett; T. Walker, ridden by Miss Emily Walker ; S. V. Knight's Dart; S. H. Crawford, ridden by Miss Mclntyre ; James ; Finlay, ridden by Miss J. S. Finlay; M. Hickey, T. Currie. The prizes for the best Lady Riders were awarded to Miss Goodwin, 1; Mrs. Bartlett, 2 • Miss 1 Finlay, 3. Leaping Match; Ist prize, 80s; 2nd, 10s. There ! were four competitors, and after a prolonged contost, Mr. Hickey, on Bullseye, was declared the winner. 1 Shoeing Match; Roadsters to be shod before - coming on the ground. Ist prize, 15s; second, 7s 1 6d. W. J. Wilson, Pukekohe, Ist prize; R. H. Wilson, Papakura, 2nd, J. M. McFadyen, W. J. Wilson, W. J. Wilson, G. Blake, J. Carter, S. Carter. 1 Best Turned-out Member of Government Mounted , Troop Horse. To be bona fide property of exhibitor for one month prior to show ; man, horse, and ' accoutrements to be judged. Ist prize, £2 10s, 1 presented by Mr. R. Proude ; 2nd, 10s ; 3rd, Cradle, 1 presented by Mr. Cole, Auckland. R. McCrackin, south Franklin Mounted Infantry, Ist prize; R. 1 V. Knight, Waiuku Cavalry, 2nd. This was a fair victory for the South Franklin man in all depart- ! ments. CATTLE. s Judges : Messrs. F. Lawry, M.H.R., and R. Wallace. Class stewards : Messrs. W. Sharpe and ' F. L. Wright. With regard to cattle, there is little to be said further than the exhibits were of fair | quality, and dairy cows were a very special feature, but the judges were very properly of opinion that there was a fault in the classifi--1 cation. Be this as it may, the stock showed 1 good quality, equal, if not superior, to former exhibits. The following awards were made: Best Bull, any breed not classified. Ist prize, ' 20s ; 2nd, 7s Od : James Wallace (shorthorn), Ist prize. Best Bull under 2 years. Ist prize, 15s ; 2nd, 7s Cd : H. Routley, Ist prize ; James Wright, 2nd. Best Bull under 1 year. Ist prize, 10s ; 2nd, 5s : 1 W. K. Cornthwaite, Ist prize. Best Cow. Ist prize, 10s ; 2nd, ss: James Wallace, Ist prize ; A. Madill, 2nd ; H. Kearn, Rev. J. Law's Beauty, H. Routley, G.Ballard. Best Heifer under 2 years. Ist prize, 10s ; 2nd, 5s : James Wallace, Ist prize ; J. Conning, 15 months old, 2nd ; J. McShane, J. McShane, D. Goodwin, C. Moore. Best Heifer under 1 year. Ist prize, 10s; 2nd, ss. Jame? Wallace, Ist prize. Best Alderney or Jersey Bui., under 2 vears. Ist prize, 10s; 2nd, 5s : F. L. Wright's Grasshopper, by Cicero 2nd ex Gazelle 2nd, calved June 21, 1886,15t prize. Best Alderney or Jersey Bull under 1 year. Ist prize, 10s; 2nd, ss: F. L. Wright's Bondsman, by Chopsticks ex Beauty, calved April 28,1887, Ist prize ; Henry Carters' ,by Whitesocks, 2nd ; Dr. Rowley's Farmer, by Chopsticks ex Faith, calved October 4, 1887. Best Aldernev or Jersey Cow. Ist prize, cup value £2 2s, given by Mr. H. Kohn, Auckland ; 2nd, 5s : F. L. Wright's Mazurka 4th, by Whitesocks ex Martha, Ist prize; F. L.Wright's Gazelle 2nd, by Pride of Australia ex Lady Harrietta, 2nd; F. L. Wright's Moochie, by Cicero 2nd ex Mazurka 4th ; F. L. Wright's Beauty, by Pride of Australia ex Dairy Maid. Best Alderney or Jersey Heifer under 2 years : Ist prize, 10s ; 2nd, 5s : F. L. Wright's Xookinooki, by Whitesocksex Faith, calved September 12,1857,15t prize ; F. L. Wright's Christmas, by Crosspatch, calved September 15,1886, 2nd. Best Alderney or Jersey Heifer, under 1 year; Ist prize, 10s ; 2nd, 5s : F. L. Wright's Goasip, by Chopsticks ex Gazelle, 2nd, calved July Bth, ISB7,lst prize; F. L. Wright's Harvest, by Chopsticks ex Hope, calved January 26th, 1883; F. L. Wright's Milkmaid. Best Ayrshire Bull; Ist prize, 20s ; 2nd, 10s : W. Sharp, jun., Bobby Burns, Ist prize. Best Ayrshire Cow ; Ist prize, 10s; 2nd, 5s : W. Sharp, juh., Highland Mary, Ist prize. Best Ayrshire Bull, under 2 years; Ist prize, 10s; 2nd, ss: Schlaepher Bros., Ist prize. Best Fat Ox ; prize, 21s, given by Mr. Fisher, Auckland : Buckland and Shepherd, Ist prize. Best Fat Cow or Heifer ; prize, 10s, given by Mr. Hulme, Auckland : James Wallace, Ist prize; H. Routley, R. C. Taylor. Best pen of three Calves, under nine months, hand fed ; Ist prize, 10s; 2nd, 5s : W. Bayley, Ist prize ; J. Roulston, 2nd ; J. Wright. Best Fat Calf ; prize, 10s ; H. Routley, Ist prize ;J. Wright, R. C. Taylor. Best Cow on Showground, irrespective of class; special prize, teapot, value, 355, given by E. Porter and Co., Auckland : James Wallace, Ist prize; Rev. J. LaWs Beauty, F. L, Wright's Beauty (bred by Mr. T. Morrin), F. L. Wright's Moochie (bred by exhibitor), A. G. Pulleng, H. Routley, G. Ballard, J. Conning, James McShane, T. Adam's. SHEEP. Judges : Messrs. Niccol and Wills. Stewards; Messrs. J. Comrie and W. Bayley. The exhibits in sheep although numerically small were of fine quality, the longwools especially showing out with great prominence. and sheep which a year or two ago would be considered very high class indeed, had to give way to a* better and richer j quality. The awards were as follow :— Best Earn. First prize, 10s; 2nd, ss; James j Wallace, Ist prize; W. Sharp, jun., 2nd. Best Ram j Hogget. First prize 10s ; 2nd, 5s : James Wallace, i Ist prize ; James Wallace, 2nd ; John Johns. Best Ram Lamb. First prize, 7s 6d ; 2nd, ss: James Wallace, Ist prize; James Wallace, 2nd; C. T. Barriball, highly commended; John Johns. Best pen Three Ewes. First prize, 10s 6d, given bv Mr. J. Buchanan ; 2nd, 5s : James Wallace, Ist prize ; J. A. Comrie, 2nd; John Johns, W. Sharp, jun. Best pen Three Ewe Hoggets. First prize, 10s; 2nd, 5s : James Wallace, Ist prize ; C. T. Barriball, 2nd ; J. A. Comrie, highly commended ; John Johns, W. Sharp, jun. Best pen Three Ewe Lambs. Ist prize. 7s 6d ; 2nd, 5s : James Wallace, Ist prize ; C. T. Barriball, 2nd ; C. T. Barriball, commended; J. A. Comrie, John Johns. John Johns. Best Rain. Ist prize, 10s; 2nd, ss: J. Ballard, Ist prize; G. Gunson, 2nd. Best Ram Hogget. Ist prize, 10s ed. given by Messrs. Garlick and Cranwell ; 2nd, 5a : J. Ballard Ist prize. Best pen Three Ewes. Ist prize, 10s'; 2nd, 5s ; J. Ballard, Ist prize. Best pen Three Ewe Hoggets. Ist prize, 10s; 2nd, 5s : J. Ballard, Ist prue. Best pen Three Fat Ewes. Prize, 10s : Jliss Lily Cox. Ist prize; J. A. Comrie, 2nd: W. Sharp, jun.. highly commanded; James Wallace, John Johns. Shearing Match. Ist prize. 20s, given by Society ; 2nd. 10s. given by Mr. H. Routley: W. Routley, Ist prize; J. Johns. 2nd. < PIGS. Judges : Messrs. Niccol and Wills. Stewards ; Messrs. Comrie and Bayley. This was as well-represented a department as there was in the animal show, so far as quality is concerned, the Berkshires especially standing out welL The white pigs were not quite equal in quality to the black porcines, but they exhibited good growth, and appeared to be animals which would pay well for keeping. The awards are as follow : — Berkshires—Best Boar over 12 months. Ist prize 15s ; 2nd, 78 6d! 11. Jackson, Ist prize ; R. C. Tavlor, 2nd ; Schlaepher Brothers. Best Boar under i2 i months. Ist prize, 10s- 2nd, 4s: Schlaepher | Brothers, Ist prize ; W. J. McGough, 2nd. Best Sow ! over 12 months. Ist prize, 15s; 2nd, 7s 6d :T. G. j Ussher, Ist prize. Best Sow under 12 months. First prize, 10s ; 2nd, 5s : J. Golding, disqualified. I Yorkshires or other Breeds— Sow over 12 ! months. Ist prize, 15s ; 2nd, 7s 6d: H. Routley, Ist prize ;A. G. Pulleng, 2nd. Best Sow under 12 months. Ist prize, 10s; 2nd, 5s :H. Routley, Ist prize ; A. G. Pulleng, 2nd. POULTRY. Judge: Mr. Hall. Stewards: Messrs. R. Proudo and J. Brown. The judges did not have a very difficult task in this department, for although there were some really creditable exhibits, there was little or no competition in any of the classes. Black Breasted Red Game. Prize, ss: John Johns, Ist prize. Dark Brahmas: Mrs. Carr, Ist prize. Light Brahmas: R. C. Taylor, Ist prize. Golden-pencilled Hamburgs: T. Usher, Ist prize. i Golden Spangled Hamburgs : J. Fahey, Ist prize I Silver Spangled Hamburgs : J. Reynolds, Ist prize ; F. C. Thomas, four months' old. White Crested' Polish: J. Hillman, Ist prize. Silver Spangled Polish: J. Kirk, Ist prize. Houdans: W. K. Cornthwaite, Ist prize. Plymouth Rocks :N. Ross 1 Ist prize ; N. Ross. Wyandottes: A. Bluck, Ist I , prize; A. Bluck. Black Breasted Red Game I Bantams: R. C. Taylor, Ist prize. Any other i variety Game Bantams: R. C. Taylor, Ist prize ' ! Any other variety Bantams : J. Wright, Ist prize. Best Pair Aylesbury Ducks : Mrs. Ballard, sen., Ist prize. Extra exhibit— Ducks : J. Keith, Ist prize. Best Pair Rouen Ducks : J. Keith, Ist I prize. Extra exhibit—Black Ducks :R. C. Taylor, 1 disqualified. Best Pair Turkeys : Mrs. Hogan, Ist i prize. Best Pair Dressed Poultry : Mrs. Lauer, Ist < prize; G. Ballard. . PIGEONS. ' Carriers :O. Ballard, Ist prize. FantaUs : W. L. ! Beloe, Ist prize. Tumblers: W. Sharp, jun., Ist 1 prize. t DOGS. 1 Judge: Mr. Hall. Stewards: Messrs. Proude and * Brown. J The entries were unusually thin, and ex- t cept so far as regarded the sheep and cattle dogs, • there was nothing in their quality to i call for special notice, 1

S^sSS'IES Best Sheep Dog : W. Pellow w 3 epllerr l's i' } ley. Best Pointer Dog- w WatP nze ' r -fif® Jackson Best Setter Doc'- T pl'Js PHze ' H prize. Best Greyhound • W siLT* Shot' by Ivanhoe dam Victoria.fX?' jun -. W*tT r C Spaniel: W. MaxweU,"^ e^bit» dairy produce Judges; Messrs. Stevenson and «... Steward : Major Harris Ellln «hini. This was one of the strong . show. There are few districted? °, the that can compete with Pukekoh<rL e w lony butter, and the exhibits "this a re « ar 'i I were really excellent. Cheese how^" represented by a solitary specinZ er ', ff *i case of ale presented by Mr \v"v the prize was literally won without com™-.** 4 Bacon was also conspicuous bv it? T Ul0 &. and one ham stood solitary as i it,. • en <*. i the porcine breed. The foUatin! "-" ol awards : — wing are the Best 21b Fresh Butter, with salt , . Trophy, valued 30s, presented by Mr u- U }. Pr! », Auckland; 2nd, ss: T. Pollock iL* ' Ga rrctt Bayley, 2nd ; J.' Smith, Mrs jL s i >*«•: V James Wright, Mrs. J. Douglas G S, Johns, Mrs. Lauer, W. StarSes' , Ball:lr 'i, J Butter, without salt. Ist prize ' in, , } b Pre.h Bayley, Ist prize; T. Pollock, "nd • J c """V 5s : W Wright, Mrs. J. Douglas. Best o'lb' F^\ Jlni S Ist prize, 10s; 2nd, ss: W. Bavlv ™ n <7 ?««« Pollock, 2nd; J. Smith, Mrs I n i PrU6; T Cheese, not less than 151b, home'mS i. 8 *" case of Ale, given by Mr. F. Winter a»«i., ***% Ballard, Ist prize. Best Ham pi iul<1 :G Crispe, Ist prize. Champion Butter £' 081 H salt. Open only to previous prize win,?" 1 ' Agricultural Show within the colon?!?? Jti «? land. Prize, Trophy, value £2 2s • t p },' iw I*l prize; J. Smith, James Wright \v fi, ? lit 61b Fresh Butter, made by farmer's wif ny' or sweetheart. Prize butter to he "rttw Auckland Hospital by the Societv to ticket and name of winner attached ■ 1 - £2 2s, given by Mr. J. Foss, butcher iS' prize . Johns. Ist prize; T. Pollock, hieh'lv r™L a,J •J. J. Smith, Mrs. James Braithwa.te- Tq™"tendedMrs. J. Douglas, G. Ballard, w i?. right Barford, Mrs. Lauer. . Bavle Mrs! FLOWERS. Best Hand Bouquet. Prize, 12 yards *r by Messrs. Smith and Caughey i„S, ■ v en Proude, Ist prize. Best Table Boua n( .t iS <i; H. given by Mr. H. Littlewood : R. Prom!* , y"«. 5j FRUIT. ' litpri2e - Judges; Messrs. Hesketh, McDonald «• Hay. Stewards : Messrs. J. Roulsto'n i?' &t| 4 ford, G. Gunson, and R. F. Webster ' uk hfcr. This was above all the great feat,,™ t , Show ; and the display of fruit althn °> 6 hibited at a disadvantage, was ex " splendid. Tempting apples of all n^' y loaded the tables, which were to hi i tlts sheltered by the tent. Pears, peaches I and quinces in turn invited attention; , for the grapes, they were of quanti'h 1 quality equal to the desiresof the Jr fastidious. Mr. Hillmans exhibition If grapes was really magnificent; and altho J they were not for competition the i,, r" could not help but recognise their merit Best bunch Black Grapes, grown under d*.. prize, 2s6d : J. llillman (not for competition^ 3 ' prize ; J. Hill man. Best bunch Black S « '? door); prize, 2s 6d : T. Walker, Ist prize -J 1 ( e > , ottt - Best five Dessert Apples ; prize is m • V \i Drury, Ist prize; J. Collins, J. Brown ' lii 1 ! 0 Culinary Apples ; prize, 2s ed : J. Collins Ist' J McNeish. Best Dessert Apples (six varieties of each); Ist prize, ss; 2nd, 2s6d:J Collin- w prize. Best Culinary Apples (six varieties fiv'A, each) ; Ist prize, 5s ; 2nd, 2s 6d : J. Collin* lit J,, Best fire Dessert Pears; prize, 2s 6d: J. M av ; r' prize ; J. Collins, J. Brown. Best' five p:.?' Pears ; prize, 2s 6d : J. Collins, Ist prize • J. w? Best Collection of Pears (Ave of each variety, vi prize, ss; 2nd, 2s (id: J. Collins, Ist prize' J Brown (16 varieties), 2nd. Beat six Peaches ■ eh,2s 6d ; W. Vince, Ist prize ; W. L. Beloe. J affiX 1 Best six Plums ; prize, 2s 6d: W. L. Beloe istori»' W. Vince, J. Collins, J. Brown. Best six Qifi: prize, 2s 6d: J. McNeish, Ist prize; \V \w' Best six Lemons; prize, 2s 6d: W. L Be'oe " • prize; H. Crape J. Brown. Best Rock Melonprize, 2s 6d : J. Collins, Ist prize; J. Brown lfetwelve tomatoes ; prize, 2s tid : J. Collins, Ist dfat Best collection of Fruit; Ist prize, Pair OuehaEfi Tweed Trousers, given by Smith and CatirS Auckland; 2nd, 10s: J. Collins (60 plates. v prize ; J. Brown (200 plates), 2nd ; W. L. Beloe (l'm plates Apples, not for competition), J. Harris o plates Apples, not for competition), J. Mavo (not for competition) Best Collection of Preserve! Fruit and Jam ; prize, 21s, given bv Mr. J. ConineMrs. C. Shepherd, Ist prize; A. Tver, 2nd. aim! teur Classes, open to persons who do not grow (amarket. Best Ave Dessert Apples ; prize, 2s 6J - J Reynolds, Ist prize ; G. Ballard. Best five Culinary Apples; prize, 2s 6d:J. McNeish, Ist prize• 0 Ballard, J. Reynolds, A. Sharp. Best Dessert Apples, six varieties, five of each; Ist prize ss" 2nd, 2s 6d : J. Reynolds, Ist prize ; G. Ballard '2nd. 1 Best Culinary Apples, 6 varieties, five of ea<± fat prize, 5s ; 2nd, 2s 6d : R. Bangeley, Ist prize • J Reynolds, 2nd. Best six Peaches ; "prize, 2s W • c; Hollo way, Ist prize. Best six Plums; prize, is 6d '• £ Banjeley, no award. Best six Quinces; arize 2s 6d: J. McNeish, Ist prize. Best ' W''. melon; prize, 2s 6d : W. J. McGough, no award. Best Citron Melon: G. Holloway, Ist prize. VEGETABLES, SEEDS, &c. In the vegetable department also the show, which was arranged on an inner circle inside the fruit exhibits was a very fine feature, the various departments being "admirably represented, ana the specimens on show were most creditable. Rhubarb, potatoes, • turnips, marrows, onions, etc., of the most-superior quality were on view,, and well represented the productiveness of the district. We cannot afford space to refer to the various exhibits in detail. They were too numerous and varied. The following are the awards of he judges Best Six Stalks Rhubarb. Prize, 2s 6d: J. Brown, Ist prize ; J. Collins, commended. Best Two Heads Cabbage. Prize, 2s 6d: R. C. Tavlor, Ist prize; J. Collins. Best Three Carrots (Bed). Prize. 2s Cd: W. S. Beloe, Ist prize ; J. Collins, commended. Be.-: Three Turnips (White). Prize, 2s fld : G. Ballard, Ist prize ; H. Crispe, commended; J. Collins. W. Bayley, J. Golding. Best Three Turnips (Swedy Prize, 2s 6d : W. K. Cornthwaite, Ist prize; Sharp, commended ;D. 00nan, T. Adams. Bess Six Potatoes (Round). Prize, 2s 6d ; G. Bal'ird, Ist prize; J. Brown, commended. Best Sii t .tatoes (Kidnev). Prize, 2s (id: A. G. Pulleng, 18t-iize; 0. Ballard, commended ; J. Collins, J. Brown. Best Six Kuroaras. Prize, 2s 6d: J. Collins, Ist prize; J. Brown. Best Collection Potatoes, five of each variety. Ist prize, 5s ; 2nd, 2s 6d; W. B. Routlev, Ist prize; J. Brown, 19 varieties, 2nd. Best Sn Onions. Prize, 2s (3d: J. Johns, Ist prize; J. Hickey, No. 1, commended; F. L. Wright, W. K. Cornthwaite, J. Collins, J. Brown, R. t . Webster. Best Collection Onions, six each variety. Ist prize, 5s ; 2nd, 2s 6d : R. C. Taylor, Ist prize"; T. Pollock, 2nd; W. Jenkins, commended; G. Holloway. Best Pumpkin. Prize, 2s (3d ; T. Pollock, Ist prize: W. Vince, commended; A. G. Pulleng, W. Jenkins, J. Broun, J.' Johns. Best Pie Melon. Prize, 2s 6d: J. Brown, Ist prize; Mrs. Barford, W. Starnes. 3est Two Mangolds, (Long Red). Prize, 2s 6d : J. Johns, Ist prize ; T. Adams, commended ; A. G. Pulleng, G. Hollow&v, J. Golding, J. McNeish.. Best Two Mangolds (Globe). Prize, 2s (3d: J. McNeish, Ist prize ;G. Ballard. Best Bushel Witter Wheat. Ist prize, 10s 6d, given by Mr. R. Pilgrim; 2nd, 6s: A. Jladill, disqualified. Best Bushel Spring Wheat. Ist prize, 10s 6d; 2nd, ss; W. Jenkins, Ist prize; J. AComrie, 2nd ; J. Conning, W. Starnes. Best Bushel Black Oats. Prize, 5s : W. Bayley, Ist prize; W, J. McGough, commended; J. Fawsett, J. A Comrie. Best Bushel Cocksfoot. Prize, lus, give# by Mr. C. Hesketh ; J. Wright, Ist prize; »'• J. McGough, commended; B. Foy, »*. Jen Sins, J. Johns, J. Cathcart, J. Comrie, W. Baylev. Best Bushel Perennial Rye Grass. Prize. ss: JWright, Ist prize ; D. Best, commended ; W. Jenkins, B. Harris, J. Johns, J. A. Comrie, W. J. McGough. Best Bushel Italian Rye Grass. Prize. ss: Hugh Kearns, Ist prize ; J. Comrie, commended; J. Smith; W. Jenkins, J. McShane. Best Collection Farm Produce. Prize, £2 worth of any of their manures, presented by the New Zealand Frozen Meat and Storage Company: TiJby Brothers, Ist prize, G. Ballard, commended ; R. C. Taylor; J. Comrie. Best Collection Root Crops grown from Messrs. Webb and Son's seeds. Special prize, 10s Gd, gwn by Webb and Son: J. Reynolds, Ist prize. Bej. Comb Honey in lib sections, 24 sections to be soo«u. Prize, 5s : W. L. Beloe, Ist prize; J. Brown, commended ;J. Collins. Best Built (filled and lib sections Comb Honey, 24 sections to be shownPrize, 5s : W. L. Beloe, Ist prize; J. Brown, commended. Best 21b Loaf (home-made bread, niaae by farmer's wife, daugheer, or sweetheart.)-, prize, 10s; 2nd, ss: Mrs. J. Wright, Ist prize-. J. Hickey, No. 1, 2nd; Miss Ballard; • Vlr: »- Adams. IMPLEMENTS AND SADDLERY. Best Single-Furrow Plough. Prize.l* : ' Wilson, Pukekohe, Ist prize; R. H. n"' it™ kura, highly commended ; R. H. Wilson, commended; J. Carter. Best Set Two " arr SL * Prize, 10s : J. Carter, Ist prize; J-^ a I, ', Set Three Harrows. Prize, 10s: J-. Carter, prize. Best Assortment Saddlery. Pnz®- •. • Dell, Ist prize. Best 21-inch Pipe tollar. r" » 10s : H. Dell, Ist prize. Best Combined bearing and Moulding Plough. Prize, 10s: J- Carter, prize- „ COLONIAL MANUFACTURES. The following articles of colonial manufacture were placed on exhibition New Zealand Drug Company, Auckland : Dip, Bone Dust, i£c. J. Service, P Road, Auckland : Patent Egg and Fruit ri. Case. T.Parkinson; Butterscotch. T. >•» hall : Spring Carts, Ac. T. H. Wilson : turopea" Flax and Machinery for Dressing. D. " oou Trap. H. H. Smith : Ranges, Ovens, &c.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9001, 14 March 1888, Page 6

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SOUTH FRANKLIN AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9001, 14 March 1888, Page 6

SOUTH FRANKLIN AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9001, 14 March 1888, Page 6