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UNITED V. HOLLAND. This mafcoh was finished on Saturday, and reßulted in a win for the United by ten rune on the first innings. Holland only added fonr to their previous total, when Stemson "yorked" fi. Mills, and the innings dosed for 65-ten behind their opponente'number. United then went in for their eeoond innings, and ran up the good total of 138 before the laat wicket fell. MoPherson (30) and Yates (18) played firstolass cricket for their rune, especially the former. Teetro (27), and Barvie (21) both made welcome additions to the soore, but not by such good orioket as the others. Holland's fielding at times was very good, Thomas and Berry deserving speofal mention, Holland, at the call of time, bad lost three wiokets for thirteen rune. MoOormiok and Stemson bowled well for United. The day* sooring was as subjoined :—

GORDON V. AUCKLAND "A." Gordon were 32 to the bad when they started their second innings. They were all out for 107, thus leaving Auckland 76 to get. This they failed to do, only making 65, thna losing the match by 10 runs. Tne A.C.C. only batted nino men in the first innings and tea in the second, and also had only nine men in the field for the beet part of the match, while for the Gordon Williams, who had, however, already made 16, was unable to complete hii innings. The beet batting shown was the 37 by Barton, who went in first for the A.C.C, and was last out. Newton came off best in bowling, getting three wioketa for one ran.

The United v. Auckland—Senior Cup Match— will be continued on Tuesday evening next, the 17th instant, at a quarter past five o'clock. Toe match stands at present : — Ualtod. — Ist Innings, 203. Auckland O.O.flat innings : a. Morrison, t> Stemion, 6*, It. Neill, o and b MoCormlclf, 4; J. Richard., not out, 8; A. Atk'icon, not oat, 1; iei by*, 1; total for two wickets, i 9. W. K. Burioa, C. F. Reid, A. Howard, A. O'Brien, A. C. Stewart, A. K. Denes, A. M. Boale, to bat.



As was expected this match resulted in an easy victory for Owen and Graham, by 85 runs. Macky, Logan, Steen, and Co., with six wickets down for 59 rune, continued their innings, and managed to raise it by careful play to 116, 77 runs behind their opponents, just saving a follow ou by 3 runs. Owen and Graham commenced their eeoond venture, but were all soon disposed of for the small total of 53, JSewcomb being the only one to make a stand against the bowling of .Sneddon and Chatfield, whioh was well on the wicket. At half-past tire Macky, Logan, Steen, and Co. commenced their second innings, requiring 131 rang to win the match. This they were unable to pooompliah. Anderson bowling from the top end quiokly die* posed of them in leas than half an hour, taking 9 wickets for 24 runs, their total reaching 45, for which Snedden, 24, not out, played beet. The following are thoioorei:—

Owns and Graham.— Ist innlms ! X. Newcomb, b Chatfleld, 28; K. Johnson, b Ohatnald, S; 8. Baulleld, c Rogenon, b Hnedden, 12; J. S. Johnson, o Buokworth, b Reid, 74 ; A. Buriess, l> Baxter, 36 ; O. 8. Western, lbw, b Gouctte, 17 ; O. Stevens, o Hnedden, b Chittueld, 5 ; A. O. bhlphord, t> Chatfleld, 12 ; J. Q. Harper, c Uognrson, b ileid, 4 ; 0. Anderson, o Rogerson, b Reid, 0 ; H. V. Forder, not out. 0 : total, 104 2nd ianiogs : N. Newromb, c uogerson, b Snedden, 29; H. F. Harder, c and b Bnedden, 0; 8. Bunfleld, c Macky, b ChatUeld, 1; J. S. Johnson, b Chat&eld, S ; O. Hurecss, run out, 0 ; C. S. Western, c Maoky, b Sneddcn, 0; u. Stevons. run out, 9; K. Johnson, b ClMtneld, 1; A. O. Shtpherd, o Kogeroon, b Snedden, 0 ; J. Q. Harper, not out, 4; O. Anderson, b ttnedden, 0; extras, 6 : total, 63; grand total, 246 Macky, Loam, Stun, and Co.—lst Innings: Uoudiu, b Anderson, 17; O. Held, b Newcomb, 4 ; Kogtrton, b Newcomb, 7; C. Vicary, run out, 2; Cbatneld, o Newcomb, b Anderson, 12; Duckworth, b Newoomb, 7 ; J. O. Uacky, it Johnson, 26 ; J, Baxter, o Shlpberd, b Mewcomb, 12; J. HlOba, o K. Johnson, b Newcomb, 7 ; A. Snedden, b Newcomb, 17; J. Farquhar, nut out, 0; eziraa, 0: total, Hβ. 2nd innings : J. C. Macky, b Newcomb, 3 ; Vicary, o J. 8. Johnson, b Andorson, 0 ; Uogerson, lbw, b AndersJH, 4; J. Farq-ihar, b Anderson, 0; Uuokworth, b Anderson, 0; uoudie, b Anderson, 0; Baxter, b Anderson, 6 ; A. Sneddon, not out, 84 ; J. Hlbbs, b Ai.derson, 7 ; Chatfleld, b Anderson, 0 ; Q. Held, b Anderson, 0; extras 2 : total, 45; grand total, 181.

QOKDON SKOOND V. HOLLAND KUOND. This match was commenced on Saturday, and Hollands so far have the best of it. Macky, 16, was the only double figure for Gordon, and for Hollauds, Holt 26, Howe 21, Dunkley 16, all played well for their rune. The fielding on both sides waa very good. The match will be finished next Saturday. The detail* of the play were :—

Oordon.—First innlnga: Neil), c Murphy b Breaze, 6 ; Koudordine, b Kowe, I; Hogan, b Howe, 0 ; Luilc, b Breeze, 3 ; McLeod, b Howe, u; Ansenne, b Rowe, 0; Cato, b Breeae, 0 ; P. Lusk, b Kowo, 0 ; Ball, b Kowe, 6; Oorrio, not out, 8 ; Macky, b Breeze, Iβ; extras, \i ; total, 46. jtfowxiNa ANAi-vais. — Kowe, 12-3 overe, 3 maidens, Iβ runs, 0 wickets; iitoeze, 12 overs, 6 maidens, 16 runs. 4 wicU«t».

Holland.—First innings : Dunkley, c Link b Ken- I derdine, 16; i. Mills, b Ansenne, 0; c<, Holt, o Ball, b Cato, 26; Urightou, c Macky b Eenderdine. 0; liurfoot, b Keoderdino, 9; Bronze, b CVto, I!; K. Moll, li Lusk, 1; A. {tone, b Lask, 21; Sexton, c and b l.usk, 4; Murphy, b Cato, 0; J. B. Hell, not out, 5 ; extras, 4 ; total, «9. Bowling Analysis. — Aneenne, 10 overs,4 maiden*, Iβ runs, 1 wicket; Nell), 0 overs, 0 maidens, 22 runs, 0 wickets; Kenderdlne, 8 Overs, 2 maidens, 10 runs, 3 wickets; Cato, 9 overs, 1 maiden, 29 runs, 8 wickets; Lnsk, 6 overt, 2 maidens, 5 rune, 8 wickets. [BY TBLKGUAPH. —PRESS ASSOCIATION.) Wbllington, Sunday. The Cricket Cup matches were resumed yesterday, notwithstanding that a steady rain fell in the afternoon. Iα the Senior Cup the Midlands totted up 168, of whioh Gillon contributed 71, and A. Blacklook 43. The Poneke's started their second innings, being 55 to the bad. They, however, put up a total of 164, and then batted two men short. Stimson made 51. The Midland have 110 to make to win. In the Junior Cup matches the aeoond eleven of the Midlands beat the Surreys by nine wiokets, and the first eleven of the Rivals beat the eeoond eleven of the Ponekea by one innings and 40 rune.

AUCKLAND BOWUNG CLUB. Members of the club mustered in full force on Saturday afternoon when the usual practice matches were played. Subjoined are the scores :— NO. 1 Rink. W. S. Lyell J. held B. C. Roberts J. Hardla Q. JD, Valentine W. O, Mirfln J. C. Taunt (skip) „ £1 P. Oliphunt (skip) '~ )7 No. 2 BIRK. J. H. Taylor J. Lyell W. K, Payne JH. McUermott 11. Campbell W. K. Bennett W. Qoriie (skip) .. 21 J. Millar (ikip) ~ 9 No, 8 Rink. W. 8. Jones J. f&terson N. Harker J. J, Craig J. Winks „ B. fauuders J. Kirkwood (skip) .. 21 W. Tait (skip) m .. Iβ

At the conclusion of play a meeting of mem» bere was held in the clab house, Mr. John Kirkwood preiiding. The following new members were duly ballotted for and elected: ~ Bowling: Dr. Bell, Meesrs. H. D. Levin* eohn and John Lawaon. Tennis: Mr. B. Ashton.

' United.— Innings. R. J. Tales, o Berry, b O. Mills .. '» 18 J. Teatro, b B. Mills ; - 27 D. Lynch, b E. ilille - „ • • •• - * R, MoPhoreon, c Berry, b G. Mlll» « .. 80 0. Harvie, run out .- ~ — - « F. Clayton, bK. Mills .. - - ~ 8 W. Stemeon, b K. Mill* *. *• - 3 A. D. McOorralck, b E. Mills - .. — ■ 1 W. BjLrvie, c Holle, b S. Mill* .. '• ~ - 21 J. Mumford, not out « « - — I W. Hawklni, b Q. MUIl .. •• .. 8 £xtr«8 .i .. •• •• •• _JJ Total >. •• « « ' • 188 BoWLUio Analysis, Name. Oven. Mdnf). Runs, Wkta, B. Mills ,. 45 20 61 6 G. Mills ..44 Id 68 . 8 ■ Holland —Second Innings. W. Beard, c Stemson, b McOorinlck ... .. 0 K. Mills, u Stemion, u McOormieic ... « 0 H. Thotuaa, ruuom .. ... .«." — 3 G. Mills, not out .. .. .. —8 JBxtrae •• »- «.,".. .. 1 Three wickets (or „ — .. •• 18 BowtiNa Analysis.—First Innings. Name. Ov«r». Mdne. Kune. Wkte. W. Steme»n .. 17.2 6 29 6 W. Hawkins ..XI 3. 11 0 A. D. MoCormick 7 5 3 4

Gordon. -Second Innlugi. J. Ansonne, b Beala .. ., ., ... 0 N. Williams, absent .. .. „ ..14 1). Meldrum, b Heal* .. .. „ .. 7 H. 1'. KisslluK, itpd Howard, b Arnell _ -81 1,. Me drum, b Beale .. .. ,. „ 8 T. A. Mutoiby, l> Morrison *. _ ..18 H. B. Link, c and b He&lo .. .. ... 16 C. Z. Ciuyton, b Reale .. ,. „ ... 0 — Newton, b Houlo .. ... _ „, 0 J. Syke», b Morrison _ .. ., _ 7 J, W. burn, not uat .. .. 0 Extras .. ,. „ .. - 7 Total ... .. ... .. 107 Total of lit innings .» .. » ..48 Grand total .. •■ ■■ •• .. 150 Auckland- Innings. W. K. Barton, c Clayton, b D. Meidrum.. — 87 It. Noill, b l>. Meldrum.. .. .. .. -I Uer. 1. iticharij*. h I). Meldram .. .. 0 C. F. Keld, o L. Meidrum .. _ -,8 J. Arnell, c Moresby, b L. Meldram .. ... 0 A. Morrison, c Moresby, b L. Meldram .. ., Iβ A. C. Mewitrt, 1) Neotcn ,. .. „ 1 A. Uoward, b Newton „ — .. ... 0 A. Atkin.on, b Newton .. .. .. 1 A. M. Boale, not out «. .. .- .. 2 A. O'Brien, absent „ — «. ■, 0 jtxttaa ... . .. mm -.8 ToUl .. .._.... 65 Total Of first Innings - .. -.75 Grand total „ .. .. ., Ill)

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 8951, 16 January 1888, Page 6

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ATHLETIC SPORTS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 8951, 16 January 1888, Page 6

ATHLETIC SPORTS. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 8951, 16 January 1888, Page 6