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Medical. ' Ayer's Hair Vigor is Indispensable to a complete toilet. It is an agreeably p er . fumed dressing, and renders the hair soft and lustrous. It stimulates weak and thin hair to renewed growth, and restores faded or gray hair to its original color and beauty. "I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for a number of years, and it has always given mo satisfaction. It is an excellent dross* inp, prevents the hair from turning gray insures its vigorous growth, and keeps the scalp white and clean." MAItY A. JACKSON, Salem, Mass. " I had been pray for nearly ten years before commencing'the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor. Since using it my hair has been restored , to its original color, and very much increased in growth." ETHEL TROTTEK, Norfolk, Va. " Several years ago I was afflicted with . a humor in my scalp, which caused my * hair to fall out, so that I became noarlv bald. The use of Ayer's Hair Vigor cured me of tlip. humor, checked the falling out of hair, and restored it to its original healthy condition." J. B. YOUNG, Carrollton, JH. Ayer's Hair Vigor, PREPARED BY I)B. J. C. AYEE &> CO., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. COCKLE'S PILLS, ~~~ FREE FBOM MERCURY. COCKLE'S PILLS, ~~~ V/ FOR LIVER. /COCKLE'S PILLS, ~ FOR BILE. COCKLE'S PILLS, FOII INDIGESTION, PILLS, v> , FOE HEARTBURN.. COCKLE'S PILLS, \j FOB SICK HEADACHE. /COCKLE'S PILLS, V-V FOR ACIDITY. COCKLE'S PILLS, IN USE EVERYWHERE. /TIOCKLE'S PILLS, V_/ IN USE EIGHTY-FIVE TEARS. In Boxes at Is lid, 2s 9d, 4s 6d, 11s, and 225, At all Medicine Vbndoim inßonenonr the Would. •PAS? DIGESTION CRAWFORD'S CHAMOMILE, RHUBARB AND DANDELION PILLS, A SAFE AND REUAVLE RKAIKDY FOR INDIGESTION. Indigestion, Heartburn, sensation of ulnesa after meals, CostiYeness, Bluer Taste in the Mouth, with Furred Tongue and Unpleasant Breath, Irrecnl&r Craving for Food, and an •' All Gone," feeling in the Stomach ; Flatulence, Nervousness, Headache, Giddiness, Drowsiness during the d»y, bnt especially after Dinner, want of energy, accompanied with extreme depression of spirits. Any one or more of those symptoms may indicate some derangement of the Liver or i>iouuch. and relief should be sought for at once. Nothing will give mow speedy and certsin relief, than CRAWFORD'S CHAMOMILE, RHUBARB AND DANDELION PILLS For IndipeßtloD. one pill may be taken directly after Breakfast and Dinne.- daily ;ns a mild aperient, two Or three pills at bedtime when required. Sold in Boxes Is, Is 6d. 2s 6a. and bi each, by CRAWFORD, PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST, MEDICAL BALI NEWTON*. AUCKLAND. A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. SEECHAM'S PILL? Are admitted by Thousands to be worth a GciseA A Box for Biiioua and Nervous Disorders, such as wind an! pain in the stomach, Sick headache, giddiness, fullness and swelling after mesh, dizziness and drowsiness, cold chills, flushing* of heat, loss of appetite, short: ess of breath, costiveness, scarry, blotches on the skin, disturbed sleep, frightful dre*n>B, »nd all nervous and trembling s-nsations, &c The first dow will give relief in twenty minutes. This Iβ no fiction, for tuey have done it In thousands of cases. Every sufferer la earnestly invited to try one box of the» rilis, and they will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For Females of all figas these Pills are invaluable, as ft fawof thau cim off all gross humoure, open ell obstructions, and trbgabous all that Is required. So female should be without, them. There is no medicine to be found to equal ISKECHAV'S PILLS for removing any obstruction or irregularity of the eystem. If taken according to the directions given with each box they will soon store females of all agoe to sound and robait health. I For a weak stomach, Impaired digestion, and til disorders of the liver, they act like " MAOiC," and I 1 few doses will bo found to work wonder* upon the most lmportsnt organs in the human machine. They strengthen the whole muscular system ; restore the long lost complexion, brine back the keen eire ol aopetlte, and arouse into action with the ROSEBUD of health, the whole physical energy of the human frame. These are " FACTS" admitted by thousands, embracing all classes of society, and one of the beat guarantees to the nervous and debilitated Is, BEECHAM'S PllLSlbave the largest sale of any patent medicine in toe world. J) R. $P E E E'S Private Dispensary, established In Wellington, for the scientific and speedy cure of chronic nervous, anil special disease.. The expert Specialist Dr. Speer is a regular graduated phyiician, educated at Harvard College, U.S. He has devoted a lifetime to, and ia acknowledged to be the most expert ohysician iu hil specialty in the Unltel States. Young Men and Middle-aged Men who suffer from Nervi.Uß »nd Physical Debility. Los* of Energy and Memory, Eruptions on the Face, Mental Depression. Kidney and Bladder Troubles, etc., etc., will do well to consult Dr. Speer. Hospital eiperieDd.'. — Having been physician in ens of 1b.3 leading hospital of the D.B. enables him to treat all private trouble with excellent results. He wishes it distinctly understood that he dooe not claim to perform impossibilities or to have a miraculous power. He claims only to bo a skilled »nd sujessful physician, thoroughly informed in Ms specialty— Chronic I iseases tf Men and «omen. AU applying to him will receive h * honest opinion of their complaints. No experimenting. He will guarantee a positive care In every case he undertikes or forfeit €200. Consultation in office or by letter, free. Charges moderate. Examination and advice free. Call or address : Dr. H. J. Speer, Wellington, N.Z. Office hours: Nine to twelTe, onoto four, li* weight p.m. N.B.— All medicines neceßs»ry for a complete cure can be sent soenro from observation on receipt o! symptoms Dr. Speer is the only gatatted medical man in New Zealand who advertlsee as a Specialist— For confirm* iton seo Gazette, January 21, 18S6. mHB NEW ZEALAND PATENT *- MEDICINE MANUFACTURING COMPANY (LIMITED), Havlnsr pnrcba»ed the Bnsiness of Mr. H. A. 3 KITCHENS, together with aU his Patent Bights, are prepared to Supply his Universally Famed Blood Restorer. Pills, Ointments, Painkiller, and other equally Valuable Medicines. The Mercantile Department of the Company , * Boll' ness will bo conducted »t their Registered Office and Store, 24, ShortUnd-street (same building with th Phoenix Assurance Company), where all ordeii mull be addressed. The Manufacturing DepartmenJ and Medlo»t»l TUtbs will be under the management of Mr bITCIIKNS, at his Residence and Factory, Symondsstreet (at junction with Mount-street), where he can be consulted for treatment of HH . atisci, Rh«m»Ue Goat, Lumbago, Uropsy, ch. and General DebilltJ , . Liver Complaint, Indigestion, and Skin Diseases of the severest tyne. Medicated Baths can also be h»a under Mr. HITCH ENS' personal saperviiion. Certificates of cures effected ly Mr. HITCHSXS, in numerous cases where all other aid filled, are in p o * session of the Company, and can be inspected by P* * sons interested in obtaining information. 21. Shortland-itreet, Auckland, November, ISB6. MEDICAL FEES REDUCED TC ENGLISH RATES. DR. BAKEWELL Eegreta that o« Ing to the tush of pstlents in afternoons and ■ venires nsany have hid 11 wait &'°* time. He would, therefore, advise those re ciri»B . lengthy consultations, examinations of the chest, «h» to come in the morsixos from 9 to 11. Saturday afternoons and evenings will, for tll6 future, be reserred for male patients omy. Address : EOBBON-STREET (Two doors below.Cook-stre9t). Hoars for Consultation : 9 to 11, 3 to 4, 1 *° • Sunday}, 0.30 to 10.30. Fees: Casi invariably: no booklnsr. Fob Advici and Mbdicixe, 2s 6d ; Visits and MedicisßiJ»^__ i TKTOTICE OF REMOVAL. MR. T. TRAFFORD, SURGEON DENTIST, Desires to inform his Patients and Friends that " has Romove.l from Waketield-itreet to more cenu« officos, QUKKN-STRBET, over Mr. Weytel, »°°* seller, opposite Wyndhnni-etreot. Hour« from nine a.m. till five p.m. -

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 8020, 6 August 1887, Page 4 (Supplement)

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 8020, 6 August 1887, Page 4 (Supplement)

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIV, Issue 8020, 6 August 1887, Page 4 (Supplement)