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x oraoaa-* PERSONAL— Metoalfe has Removed »1) JT bis Toys to the Shop opposite in Wakefleld* street. Go and see them if yon don't buy. ■ /"lAPT. M—Have once more returned to, V' Warkwprth Hotel; never feel so well as when Tam here, everything is so nice. Come by Butler's Coach, the ride is delightful, and the scenery is beautiful. lam sura the ride will do you good. ; C CURTAINS 1 Cqrtaine ! Mrs. Wigg, late ) of Karangahape Road and McKelvle-etreet, begs to notify to her Customers, that she is now carrying; on her old-established Curtain-dresilng.Business in Grey-street, near the top. Orders per post receive immediate attention. - . TTISITING CARDS—Fifty Ivory Cards, V prlnte-i om raved Cupper-plate : Gentle. men's, 7s; (Ladles, 7* fid. —Ueeai.p Printing and Engraving Wptka, Wyndham-street. Auokland. • .■• HERK shall we go on Saturday afternorm ? We aro going with the children to the Exhibition at the Glass Blowing Works, Free. man's Bay. ' ■ • ■ ' - i DEAR SARAH,—You are a «ood wife, but very atnpM. Go again to Vlctoria.stieetj It is the last chance we have of Cheap Poots and Notice that Selling Off Bills are on the window, nnd that Dampier'a name is up in large letters; surely yon can dp that much. ■ jpEJRSONAL.—WiII those of our patrons if who left parcels, please send a idrese to Box 412 for delivery. Mrs. Gllmore has transferred the laundry work to Mount Albert, under tbe name of the Auckland Laundry (not stoam). Orders and pa-eels may be left at Henry's Registry Office, Shorthnd House, Shortland-stroet. also at the Select Regittry Office, Y.M.O.A. Bnildinßß, Albert-ttreet. Curtains cleaned and dressed. Communications by post promptly attended to. Box 412. ■ ' Lost and Found. LOST, on the road between North Shore and Walwera—A Slate-coloured Camel Hair Shawl., Reward for same at 60, Shortland-itreet, or Mi-3 Graham's, Waiwera. ' LOST, since Monday last— A Blaok He-. trlever nog, answering to name of Dash ; one upper fang broken off. The finder will be rewarded nn returning to W. Beamish A. Morrison, Secretary Fipzen Meat Company. < , A UCKLAND RACING CLUB. WANTED-A Caretaker for the EllenUe Course, Salary, £76 per annum and free house. Applications to be made by letter by MONDAY, the 20tb, at noon. WM. PERCIVAL, . : , Secretary A.B.C. 4 PPLIOANT, lately arrived, wiehee to j£\ meet with employment of any kind, good scholar ; highest references. Address, Probus, Hcbald Office. ■ A LADY having a large and comfortably, . furnished House, delightfully situated, is de< MrouK of lottine part, or would take Gentlemen as. Boarders. Position central and retired.—For address, apply H Kit alp Office. A LADY, lately from England (experienced teacher), wiihing to reside in Auckland, would be glad to give four hour*' daily tuition in English and Music, in return for comfoit«ble home, passage paid, and £15 per annum. Best references.— A.H., Koduh, Brigluwator, Nelson. AUCKLAND SERVANTS' HOME AND REGISTRY OFFICE where females can be accommodated with Board and Residence on most reasonable terms. Employers both in town and country will do well to call and give their orders. All letters and telegrams promptly attended Jemima Robertson, No. 111, viotoria-street _^__ LAW. —A Gentleman of experience seeks J a Clerkship in a Solicitor's Office. — Address Lex, BKRAI.P Office ' - TO Land Agents and Others.—Wanted to Lease, with purchasing clans*, from two to five Acres of Land, with small cottage, within four or five hallos of town ; must hn cheap. State price and terms to Artie in, Herald Office. TO MEDICAL PRACTITIONERS. The services of a Medical Practitioner are required for the South Malvern, Hororata. and Greenrlale Districts. A minimum income will be guaranteed. Kurthor information can be obtained from, and applications can be addroveed to SIR HALL, Hororata. mEMPORARY AID SOCIETY. The Temporary Aid Committee request that any persons having left off Boots (Men's or Women's) to Rive away will kin ly leave them at the Society's Office in VVjndham-street. C. D. WHITCOMBE. Secretary. ANTED Known—That Kidd & WildWANTED Known—That Kidd & Wildman have a splendid Stock of New Goods for Christmas Preaants. . WANTED — Everybody to Remember the One Shilling Parcel of Bakino Smoked . Fish to-day, at the boat. • WANTED Seen—The Christmas Bargains at Dam) ler's. 120 Views of the Weld, hound, In ; Views of London, bound, Iβ ; Mantelpiece Covering', 3s lid ; Vases, Scl dot pair to 4s 6d ; large Floral Albums, 2s lid beautiful Brooches, 2d to I* ; Carpet B*gs, 3s 3d ; large handsome Tea Trays, Is ; Knife Trays. Is— At Dampiei's. Victoria-street WANTED— Settlers and Townsfolk to know my Christmas Prices. Beet Prints, reduce) from B}d to6J<l; French Print*, 7JH, regular price 10d yd ; 4-Button Tan Ki'l 61 ,vei, it lid; do. in New shades of Brown, 33 lid, with patent clasp ; All-wool Carmelite, 3d yd; Ali-wool Fancy Dress Stuff, yd': Black Fitrured Lustre, lOdyd; All. wool Black Cashmere, Is lid yd; Kngliah Cashmeres, in Newest Colours, Iβ 6d yd; French Rep, lid and Is 2d yd; Imitation Tussore. 9:1; Real Tussore Silk, Is 6fl yd ; 70-incr. White TwiUert Sheeting, lljd yd ; Finlay's &0-lnch dr., Is (id yd; Acme Corsets, with straight busks, 3> 9d, regular price 7s 6<l per pair; Ladies' Kancy Apron?, Children's do ; Our Own Made Large Trimmed Aprons, !s each. —J. Green, 78, Victoria-street. _____________ %WT ANTED KNOWN— V? WANTED KNOWN— Al Electro-plated Table Forks and Spoons, 6s the half-dozen. - „ ~ Dessert Forks and Spoons, 4f 6d the half dozen. „ , ~ Teaspoons, 3s the half-dozen. White-handled Knivo--, fable, 3s 9d half-dozen. „ ~ „ Dessert, 3s tbe half-dozen. Breakfast Service?, 15s; Dinner Services, 255; Tea (10 pieces), 128 0i; handsomely gilt. Fire Orate Ornaments, very handsome, Is each ', Japanese Curios In great variety ; Christmas and New Year Cards, a splendid stock, and very cheap ; Breal and Butter Platters, 6d each; Knives fur ditto, 0d each. Constant Additions to the Jewellery Stock (all genuine and warrant?*!). A Novelty in Silver Brooches, with views of Auckland City and Province; Fancy Goods, Dolls, etc. The cheapest place in AucklandFor Christmas Tree requirements, a splendid stock to select from. Innumerable goods, useful and orna mental, at prices tint astonish those who inspe m ' GOODSON'S LONDON ARCADE, QrjUrN-STREKT, Opposite McAithvn'a Warehouse. Vγ A N T B DINSPECTION 09 MUNRO & MILLIGAN'S TWEEDS. WANTED KNOW That JOHN EARLE AND 00., TEA MERCHANTS, Rave opened thoie Oomrao'linui Premises at 207, Queen-street, Auckland, as offices and depot for the sale of their RUSSIAN TEA PACKING COMPANY'S PURE iILHNDED TEAS. These celebrated T AS , Have now obtained a preference over all others on . account of their - - PURITY, STRENGTH, and FL*VOUB, and HUNDitEUS.OF PEOPLE. Comprising INVALIDS, NURSES, MINISTERS, LAWYERS, And, in fact, all ranks and classes, can testify to their extraordinary beneficial effects and economical properties, many housewives allowing that One Pound of the Rusilan Company's Tea goes as far as Two Pounds of common mixture The art of Blending Tea is very imperfectly understood by the colonial tea dealers, but in the RUSSIAN COMPANY'S PURE BLKNDED TEAS The peculiar characteristic of each tea is first of all ascertained b» an unfailing scientific treatment, and the knowledge of each tea and its peculiarities thus obtained enables the skilful tea taster so to proportion the teas that tho economical and beneficial properties are tecured for the bond. As we mike To» and Tea Tastipg our sola study, we claim to be the best tea selectors in the place, and as we are the ONLY FIRM IN AUCKLAND DEALING: IN NOTHING BUT TEA, . Wo arc able to give the : TEA DRINKERS BETTER VALUE , For their money than they can get anywhere else, ■ .. ; .; TEAS ■■■■•' -■-;; ■'■ ■'■ I ' " , From . ~ ,:.. t- ,■., ' "--■' ■ INDIA, CHINA, JAPAN, CEYLON, JAVA. - , . . ... FIJI, &0., ■ .- . ~ .; ;.:: ; ; ,> Always on hind.... ,*» Sun-dried Tea from Formosa. lifted Indian Tea (free from dust), and a rare Tor. ' Teas, In Boxes, Half-chests, and Chests shipped under bond fo' export. .. ■ >»< • \ Tea samples tested and valued in arbitration.' ' ) Post Omen B x No. 200. ■ ' Agents wanted where not represented. ! JOHN EARLE AND CO., TEA MERCHANTS. , , :

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7824, 18 December 1886, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7824, 18 December 1886, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7824, 18 December 1886, Page 1