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Houses soul Land. ~. _ ; ? -j _- -_ —. >, XKT STEELE, V? • LAND AGENT, v HAMILTON, TVAIKATO. ' xss \ Land bought and sold on commission. Money In retted on carefully selected Securities. Valuation* undertaken in Waikato, Plako. and Walpa. •■ - - FOR SALE—An improved Farm of 1664 acres, In the Tamahsre district. The Cambridge Railway run; through the property, half a mile from station, and i. one mil* from the Waikato Cheese and Bacon Factory. An immediate retnrn of from nine to twelve pounds per week, can be mad* by supplying milk to the Factory, without interfering with the general work of the Farm. Con be sold In one or more lot*. Industrious families with small capital will be well treated,,both T as to price and, terms. Thar* 1* a food Dwelling-house, Outbuildings, and two small Cottages. About half In grass, and well watered. If sold In one let, price #6 per acre. .-"•■. . ■ R- IMPROVED FARM of 531 Acres, well situated on the Hamilton and Ohaupo Bead, the whole fenced, and R. nearly all in grass, within easy distance of the Ruakla Cheese Factory. Can be sold in one or two lots. - - WAITOA (within easy driving distance of the Te Aroha goldflelds)—1000 acres of partially improved Land, being the northern portion of Mr. Strange's '* property. It has a frontage to the Waltoa, Biver, which is navigable for small steamers. There are 38 several valuable hot springs on this property, which, In the hands of an enterprising man, would be a for;i« tune. The Advertiser has received great benefit from [K these springs on two occasions. Price, £8 per acre. If. 768 AOBJCB—An excellent Farm, firat-oiatt soil; three miles frontage to the Waikato River, half-mile from railway station, nearly the whole in grass, substantially fenced and sub-divided Into oonvenlentslxed paddooks ; good buildings, orchard and ornamental plantations, road only intervening between DS this property and Government school. As the bulk n » of Improvements are newly made, everything is in firstrate order. This is one of th* best beef-prodnoing ie, farms in the district. If required 200 bullocks, work- *• ing homes, and implements can be had at a valuation. Steamers pass dally, carrying produce at low rates. sd Anyone requiring a good productive farm is invited >t to inspect this one, Price and terms easy FOB SALE—a euui homo for a. working men :27 a- acres first-class Land; Cottace, stockyard, milkingh- eh*>d ; within )| mil* of the Raknhla Cheese Fao4. (orv. Good aland for accommodation paddock; ad* dttional can be leased. Price and terms easy. ly 1064 acres of Firstsolau Land, partially improved; thaTamatiare Railway Station It In the centre of the ~ property, The advertiser can recommend this as a Z' eonnd speculation) it being well adapted for catting "' up into swell farms, Price, &i 10a per sore. "• FOB BAI<E-600-acra Farm, adjotas the Town Belt, ._ Cambridge West; the whale in grass, fenced, and subdivided. This is one of too best farms In the Waikato ,t district. i - : m FOR SALE, adjoining the above, all in grass or crop, substantially fenced and sub-divided, 660 acres. ,_ Waikato Land Association have a large area, drained, „ fenced, and otherwise improved, and laid off in con- „ venient-sised Farms. The land is of the richest d*. " Boription for fattening and dairy purposes. A cheese ~_ faotory is now In full operation In a central position ' and is run by and at the risk of the Company. . Many thousand acres to choose from. To settlers i, with working families the Company will allow the M greater part of purchase money to remain on at 6 _ uer cent. ' • - P" The Auckland Agricultural. Company have bad '"' some 60,000 Acres laid off into Small Farms, which , are offered at very reasonable prices and low rate of "i interest, vis., 6 per cent. The advertiser has lately ° Inspected the greater portion of this property, and can with confidence recommend it at the price fixed npou . the various lots. "' Several large Blocks of from one to ten thousand 7* acres on favourable terms. The advertiser baa had ' twenty years'practical experience in Walkato landn, and feels competent to give sound, honest advice to intending purchasers! Ills experience is unreservedly offered to all who may favour him with their conn- ,- denoe. t " This advertisement will appear thiee times a week. » W. STEELE. ?! rtHAS, TITILLIAIISON, . HOTTBV, LARD, AJBTD financial AGENT, '*" HIQH-BT. (hub Snoim.AHD-eT., AtrOBXAJtD). ~ Bakxkmi: National Bahk o» New Zkii.amd. MONEY invested for Capitalists on flrsUclass securities, without ckaxok. Six per cent, allowed on deposits nnttl invested. , 0 RfcNTB and INXKKKST Collected. ,'f KSTATKB managed foe Absentee*. " HOUSES TO LET and PROPERTIES FOB SALE placed on my lists free of charge. as BUILDrNO ALLOTMENTS for Sato at per foot :— S! in BeUwood, Mount .Rosklll, lleresforaVstreet, New- ■ market, Howe-street, Bbellr Hosioh Road, Llgar Place, 1(1 North Shore, Hepburn-street, Bmmett-itreot, Conquest Place. Randolph-street, Reclamation, Kerthi, cote, Qrafton Road, and Onehnnga. id Tkljuhomb No., 104. ,11 WHANGAREl—Beaatifal little Farm of ie 4 acres for sale; all in the highest state of oulti- '. vatlon ; Orchard ; new Bouse of 6 large rooms ; abundance of water all the year round. Very cheap, i), ROSK ROAD—New five-roomed House; is gat and city water, fine view—£3oo. •• BLUE STONE QUARRY to Let on lease. „. HOUSE and Allotment, in centre of city, . can be leased for a term of SO years, at a low rental;' «* also, one in suburbs. GREY -STREET—Three Houses, in centre 1. of street, for sale, very cheap, in KING-STREET—New Five roomed Honee w for Sale, corner allotment, easy terms. Price, £285. " Us fid WEEKLY, with small deposit, will t j purchase New House In centre of city ; city water ,a and other conveniences. £ CLAREMONT - STREET — New eightl roomed IToneo for sale; bathroom, stable, connl crete paths, gas, water, and large allotment—£ooo. 1. EMMETT - STREET —■ Moat convenient ' : Family Residence, 8 rooms, stable eta— £800. ft COL.LJNGWOOD-STRBET — New Honee ,i for sale, 5 rooms, two verandahs—£24o. SEVEN-ROOMED HOUSE (new) for sale in Surrey Bill Estate, near Ponsonbyßoad, fitted with all conveniences; eras and city water, cupboards, etc. : wash-house; fine view. STEWART-STREET — New five-roomed House for sale in Stewart-street, Mt. Eden.—£23s. AVONDALE— Suburban Property r, for sale, nearly 300 acres freehold, with adjoining leasehold of 21 acres, all under cultivation ; comfortable Family Residence with all necessary offices; large Orchard and Garden, well-stocked with fruit trees in full bearing ; large water frontage, with north-easterly aspect. Will be sold with stock, crops, and implement*, as a going concern. PRATT-STREET—Five-roomed Houae for *" sale (new), city water. Price, £280. £210.— NEW House (five room 8) for Bale, ' near Congregational Church, Heresford-street, city water, view of harbour. Leasehold. r VILLA RESIDENCE for Bale near Upper Queen-street; gas and water; range.—£lßo. NEWMARKET—SpIendid Allotment, near Railway Station—£l76.- Fine view Q V R R E Y IT ILLS. at CHOICE LOTS FINE VIEWS. m to HEALTHY SITUATION. '* TRAM CARS PASS EVERY TEN MINUTES. $ ONE-FIFTH CASH BALANCE ANY TIME IN tv- FIVE YEARS. t- »* INSTALMENTS RECEIVED. A. BOAKDMAN, t,e Agent. '7 Musicali; TJOFFMANN AND SONS, g XX MUBIC WAREHOUSE. lo QUK EN-STREET. AUCKLAND. The Largest and I!cut Selected Stock of Musical , e Instruments of every kind in the Colony, it Sole Agents for the celebrated QRAND and TTPitIQHT PIANOS, manufactured by the world-re- _ nowned firms of ■e J. BBIMSMEAD and SONS, COLLAUD and COLa. LARD, and J. ESDAILE AND CO., London. a Manufacturers' Warranty with each Instrument. PIANOS BY ERAJID, BROADWOOD. ALLISON, * IVORY, BORD. EOKE, NKCT.MEYEK, BCFIWKCHTBN FORBTER, etc. d rnoM £30 upwards. it AMERICAN ORGANS BY MASON & HAMLIN &0,, FROM £18 UPWARDS. '• HARMONIUMS BY ALEXANDRB, BAUER, * PIRI, ETC., FROM £8 103 UPWARDS '' Any of the above supplied to responsible persons upon our Deferred Payment System *" Braes and Wocd Band Instruments, Violins, _ Guitars. Banjos, Musical Boxes, English and German ■ Concertinas, Accordoong, In great virlety. j' FITTINGS AND REPAIRS OF EVERY KIND. PIANOFORTE AND ORGAN TUNING BY THE YEAR, OR A3 REQUIRED. NEXT THEATRE ROYAL QC7MN-8TB«BT. AUCKLAND. Sporting. £ A fH«.<Bs*«lle»tq* *<p * *> THE GOVERNOR OF NEW ZEALAND. * ' W. H. HAZARD, '• :? GUNMAKEE, L lee*, QUEEN-STREET. AUCKLAND, * IMPORTER OF ARMS, AMMUNITION, SPORTING It IMPLEMENTS, OPTICAL GOODS, AND FIREWORKS.: Has on hand the largest and best assortment of Guns, . Rifles, Revolvers, Pistols, Rifle and Revolver Cart- , ridges, Sporting Implements and Fireworks to be '1 found in any establishment in the colony. The space now occupied by a large portion of the stock beta* required for manufacturing purposes, the prices of all Goods have been reduced to the very lowest • possible point in order to effect a speedy clearance. The FIREWORKS by the celebrated Pyrotechnist, James Pain, of London, hare been carefully selected id and Include assorted boxes at from 2s Cd to &i 10s. Ie Wholesale j aud Retail Price Lists, of which may be bad on Application. ,; .*, The Trade supplied at the: very lowest rates, at liberal discount allowed. Guns made to order and repairing done In the beat ttvle at reasonable nriou

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7790, 9 November 1886, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7790, 9 November 1886, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7790, 9 November 1886, Page 2