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.Sim Waxzk at Auokland-6.4 a.m.; 6.15 p.m. I *o«-JUL12tt, e.46a.m. ■*"■? IWB ■*' I .' ■*' . "' ABBIVALS. v^-t. ■;f Unl—Master, agent. 33, Subrltzlcy, from Aw»> fcuLA-Maiter, agent. • "} *i!ijSSf poUT, * /*• "' 1783 « Tk«aM Logan, from Melbourne and Southern ports. Passengers: Mtsdame. Brown, Fryer and child, Philion, Kayall and family (2), Boyle, Brown, Ivory, j*»nu and child, Minnie and family (2), Ber. « *f'£? mion and Preston, Captain Minnie, >»n<l Dr. Brown, OolgroTe, Hadfield, and Younger, Menn. Howell, Somervllle, Evans, S*V***?cokn,t Bees, Thompklns, Berry, wngttt, Heyman, ten., Comrie, Bart, Johngone, Bamoiough, Ivory (2). Armstrong, JtosOß, MoPherson, Howarth, Hall, Oswald, lozanu and 21 In the steerage. For Sydney: •Jr. »nd Mrs. Kltt and family (2), Mrs. Oox, If eum. Eam»sy, Hull, Flower, and 39 In the •wexage,—Union 8.8. Co., agents. CLEARED OUTWARDS. ~ . Ohelmiford, ■.■.. 70, J. Oowper, for Opotikl. ""■engwri: Mr. Molntyre, Mrs. Dugleaux and Wild, Mr*. Skipper, Mr. Appleton, Amy Johns troupe (s).—Sharp and Co., agents. . Franz, brigantlne, 229, J. Q. Nicholson, for Sydney tU MangonuL—M. V. Hurley, agent. ; Manapouri, ■,•., 1783, Thmu Logan, for Sydney.*" Passengers: Mn. Beid and family <2), Mesdames Whltson, W. White, Moeme, Messrs. J. Phillips, M. JErsch, Mr. and Mrs. IRempleton, and 8 in the steerage, and through , Puaeagen from Southern ports.—Union S.S. Oα, agents. „ . Cliaunnan. a.*., 331, Farquhar, for Bus»ell» r-Northem S.S. Co., agente. , lona, ■.■., 169, Amodeo, for Tauranga, via Mercury Bay and Tairua.—Northern S.S. to., •genu. DEPARTURES. Clansman, s.s., for Russell. lona. 8.5., for Tauranga. Beward, schooner, for Whangaroa. EXPECTED AKKIVALS. tONDON: Euterpe, ship, sailed August 21, vtjk Rakaia, ship, sailed September 14, WSLK H'ermione, ship, loading. •*!» TRAUCISOO: , <n ■ Alameda, B.M. a.s,, about November 12. "atRLBOtrRKg : ' Nelson, H.M.8., about November. pSSW tork : ; Mary A. Greeawood, barque, via Dnnedin and Lytteltea, tailed July 2, JTFK. OleaaidA, barque, Balled August 11, ™ Duaedin, jsqo. ! WUliaja Phillips, barque, loading. ' Ahiel Abbot, barque, loading. BOSTON: Hansa, brigantine, Bailed May 17, via Wellington, hflp. iron: . Manhegan, barque, early, ebgc. •ffAVA: Dr. Mezzger, barque, earlj, EQCK |BAMBURO : Canopus, barqu« I >early. *EOM islands: Janet Kiooll, b.«., early. Jessie Nlccol, schooner, early, TVXJX. Maile, schooner, early. Ada C. Owen, brigantlne, early. "SIDNEY: ;. Australiavß.M. s. , to-day« VSWCASTLB: Borealis, schooner, via Clarence BiW, sailer! October 4. JDTJXKDix: ; Frederick Bassil, barque, early, WPBS Afma, schooner, early. I Sea Vt'aif, early. ■ISWBLTOK : Mar.d Orahaai, schooner, sailed Nov. 6. !. Willie McLaren, barque, sailed October 29. ' Zior, schooner, sailed November 5. '^noctßu: ] Fleetwiiifr, schooner, early. : FROJEOTSD DEPAKTURES, -Francisco : Australia, E.EdLs.B., November 9. .tanrsoM: Alutor, barque, loading. Waitangi, ship, loading- ■ Merope, barque, to load. 2onr toes : ■ Nettie, brigantiae, loading. Mary A. Greenwood, barque, early, ifiIXIMIT : Alameda, 8.M.8.8., about November 12. William Turner, barque, loading. } UNION S.S. COMPANY'S MOVBMBNTS. To-day. — The Hawea arrives at Onebosra !*t 7 a.m., from Southern ports, and leaves again iat 8 a.m. The mail steamer Australia arrires .from Sydney, and leaves for Honolulu and San Francisco at 2 p.m. The Tβ Anau arrives from Sydney. The Manapourl leaves for Sydney, via Bussell, at 5 p.m. , Wednesday.—The Southern Cross leaves for i East Ooa&t ports at 6 p.m. , Thurs-iiay.— Tβ Anau Is to leave for i fiouthavß ports and Melbourne at noon. Saturday.— Kotorua arrives at Onehnnga at 9 a.m., and leaves again at 10 a.m. if mail arrives. The Alameda arrives from San Francleco, and leaves for Sydney. Sunday.—The Axawata leaves for Fiji, via Sossell, at 5 p.m. i HOBTHKKN B.S. COMPANY'S MOVEMENTS. , To-day. — The Wellington leaves on an ex.enrsioa trip to ILiwan, Glenelg for Walwera, and Argyle for St.Heliers, at 10 a.m. The Wel- - ! Ungten leases for Whangarei at 10 p.m. . Wednesday.—The Macgregor arrives at Onebsaga from Waitara. ? : Thursday.— lona arrives from Mercury ;Bay, and leaves for Great Barrier at 8 a.m. /IThe Wellington arrives from Whangarei about 'Mldnlg'at The Staffa leaves Onehunga for ■Baßlar i at 3 p.m. '■ Friday.— Clansman arrives from Buuell e*t 6 ajn. and leaves for Tauranga at 7 p.m. £Ehe lona leaves for Mercury Bay and WelliuzS*<W. for Whangarei at 7 p.m. •Saturday.—The lona arrives from Mercury JBfcy. • Sunday.— Clansman arrives from Tan.naga«arly. VESSELS IN HARBOUR. This list does not include coasters. St&UCBBS.— at Railway Wharf: Bhus. — WaiUngi, in iitream: Soukar. ! H»ko, Queen-street Wharf. BA-BQUK».-Nioo3'a.RaUwayWharf; Merope, •WUJJam Turner, Helen Denny, in stream; lAlastor, Queen-street Wharf. JJbigastihes. — Nettie, Maria Virginia, at ißodlway Wharf; Look Out, La stream: ScHOOHHBS.—OIive, in stream; Silver Cloud Sugar Co. a Wharf Neptune, at Qneen-Htreet '^ivnan.

IMPOBTB. Per B.S. Manapouxi, from Melbourne and Southern .--From Melbourne: 3 eases ■ewing machines, 2 qr.-oaeks wine, 15 bin alsaomds, 10 pieces timber, 50 cases cordials. 20 gae stoves, 40 orates dried fruit, 84 packages Rom Hobart: 270 cases fruit, 105 bags ground f»rk; JS From Blnff: 5 cases bacon. From aJtonedin : 8 cases oil, 4 boxes tobacco, 16 bags *ugar, 4 bales paper, 10 hhds. ale, 52 cases pager, 9 packages ranges, 60 sacks oatmeaL 51 pieces 10 ™^ 104 Phages sundries. From iiyttelton : 815 sacks potatoes, 860 sacks wheat, -» caiet nails, 5 sacks twine, 82 cases tea, 15 ■£***" drugs, 10 cases cheese, 78 packages. Vrom Wellington -. 13 cases blacking, 20 casei 'S^? ie 4 34 padiage.. From Gisborne: 200 eneep, 7 piga. Tl«£ nsK % ' : ™ ae ***" tackle.-D. Jsntt, Queen-si.reet. rer TrogMiro : 1 tank cocoa (Fry's), 20 cases Oocoa, 8. W «es chocolates.-T. H. Hall and 00. _, EXPORTS, *« Sydney: 29 bales JjW.etal, 12 kegs nafi/ 4 boxes *w£ee, eundne. and carge from a^uthern , IKwabds Coastwise.-Janet, cutter from with 800 bushels l£eT 'pak? wrtjtor, from Tairua, with 25,000 feet■ flmoe} , *gata, barge, from Kerikeri, with §8 l o ' Waipu, barge, from Tairua, with 25,000 fit OorwAapa COAfITWiSB.-Jantt, cutter, for Whangarei; Paku, cutter, for Tairua 'Nellie SOTtter, for Wangapoua NorabTbe'rge, tr Jhangaroa; Waitemata, barge, for Whaigapa' ? att £' 1 b * rge ' foiPort Charles; WaipoTbWe' lorTairua; Olive, barge, for Tairua/ **'' «J^ o .l:"f3 ai l?« hM been undergoing re, pairs at Dunedin. Amongst the work don wai the icrapiag, cleaning, and painting of th vessel, and her shaft has been rehashed and four new blades have been fitted to b«prop e n er lorttelton for thi* port on the sth Inst with a Cargo ooMUting of 300 sacks oats, 12 case! "ft B < J 1 «»<* hid light 8, and ■SKta kk uatilthe 30th September. On the waTa hßh" y ga T e, ee * With ""»<> there drive ihtf\ Jh* nlag «*."hich threatened to SHSfSSi , oTer the Btern w " »« o '*ed

the barometer was 28.80. The upper topsail iwu blown away just before the vessel hove to on the 22nd nit. : A number of gentlemen interested in shipping were preaent at Lloyd's to inspect a recording anemometer and preuore goage invented by Mr. Gordon, of 9 Peroy square, King's cross. Inform the instrument is similar to an ordinary timepiece, and it indicates en a dial, and at the same time records on a ohart the force of wind currents. It was olaimed for the instrument that by Us aid a captain might determine whether a storm was increasing or decreasing, and the exact time when variations took plaoe. By a valuable contrivance the instrument could be placed in a cabin or elsewhere, and a connected tube carried to a point of exposure, the current of air through the tube sufficing to move the indicator. Statements by sea captains were read by Mr. Gordon, showing that the anemometer had worked satisfactorily during trips from London to Dundee, and from Folkestone to Boulogne. Professor Stuart, M.P., had written that he thought the instrument likely to be exceedingly useful. At the inspection it was admitted that the anemometer would be invaluable on sailing vessels and on steamships, when, for the latter, a table of allowances for headway had been drawn np, inasmuch as it would indicate the exact pressure of wind upon a ship. It waa also agreed that it would be desirable to have the record kept at Lloyd's of variations during a voyage. An opinion was further expressed that the Instrument would be most useful in ventilfttlngshaf tsof mines. The s.B. Clansman, for Bussell and Northern ports, and the lona, for Mercury Bay, Tairua and Tauranga, both left last evening with pas« sengers and cargo. Messrs. "Trier and Co., of London, are continuing their struggle against the "freight ring" with a fair amount of success, in carrying cargo to Australian ports, but according to a circular which they have issued to shippers they do not meet with the support which they desire. Messrs. Tyser begin by stating that they have again made up the reserve fund to the original amount of £10,000. They then point out that they have attained the object with which they started the "Merchants' Line" more than a year ago, namely, to relieve shippers of the control which the ring had so long exer« cued over them. With the objeot of obtaining more support, therefore, they Intend during the next 12 months to adopt the polioy of carrying average shipments at nominal rafasj from time to time for their supporters generally, or as an alternative to carry at nominal rates large quantities of particular classes of goods for one house only in each trade, which they will select, having due regard to their supporters. It is also their intention to send out canvassers to the colonies, in order to explain the unjust action of the ring, and to offer to ship the goods of colonial firms by the Merchants , Line. The first step in the new phase of the straggle is the announcement of Messrs. Tyser that they will take freight, from merchants who have hitherto supported them, at 5s per ton to either Melbourne or Sydney. The steamship Tongariro throughout yesterday was busily engaged In landing the Auckland portion of her cargo. Owing to to-day being a publk holiday, the departure of the steamer for Southern ports has been postponed until 2 p.m. on Thursday next. From here the Tonfciariro is to take some 200 tone of cargo for London.

The s.s. Chelmsford U to leave for Opotiki this evening at 7 o'clock. To-day she is to run an excursion trip round the harbour and its vicinity.

The attention of fishermen is called to the close aoanon for mulkt, whioh for the future will be during the months of December, January, and February in eaoh year. Fishermen can obtain copies of the regulations on application at the Customhouse.

To-day being the anniversary of the Prince of Wales' Birthday, no business will l:« transacted at H.M. Customs.

The schooner Medara, from Northern ports, arrived yesterday, with a cargo of 615 sleepers. The schooner Olive is to go on an excursion trip round the harbour to-day, with a private party on board.

.*The Union Co.'g s.s. Uanapoori came iuto harbour from Melbourne and southern porti yesterday morning, at 3 o'clock, with cargo and passengers. Captain Logan reports that the Manapourl left Melbourne on the 27th ultimo, arriving at Hobart on the 29th: reached Bluff on the Ist, calling at the usual ooaetal ports, taking her departure from Gis> borne for Auckland on the 7th inutant, at 8 aim., arriving as above. Experienced fine weather throughout the pauage< Yesterday the Manapourl cleared outwards again, and this evening she is to leave for Sydney. The barque Dootor Mezser, of 726 ton*, wan loading at latest advices as Pecalongan, Batavia, with raw sugare for this port. Her charter is at 17s 6d per ton. The sohooner, Lizzie Guy sailed on Saturday last for Lyttelton, with 75,000 feet timber. The barques lladura and Sea Nymph were both loading for Sydney. PORT OF ONEHUNGA. AKRTVALS. Oreti, 8.5., Robertson, from Wanganul. Passengers: Mesdames Ross,Pearce, Eirkwood, Misses Boss, Pearoe, Hughes, Messrs. Atkinson, Wiscey, and Kirkwood.— J. W. Waller, agent. DEPARTURES. Oreti, a.1., Robertson, for Hokianga. Passengers : Mesdames Freer. Ogilvie, 3aahman and three children, Messrs. Ogilvie, Condon (2), White, McLeod, Anson, Lee, Kavanagh, and Dawes.— J. W. Waller, agent. Macgregor, s.s., McAxthur. for Waitara. Passengers ; Messrs. Gordon, Backet, O'Brien, Butterworth, Korr, and 4 steerage,—A. Barnes, agent. IMPORTS. Per s.i. Oreti; 249 sheep, 30 horses, 10 tons sundries. EXPORTS. Per a>B. Oreti : 298 bags flour, 3 casks beef, 8 bags oats, 2 sacks maize, 17 bags salt, 61 bags sngar, 14 bolts, 9 £ chests tea, 24 bolts, 6 casks ale, 10 tons luggage, 1 boat, 22 packages Ironwork, and 195 packages sundries. The Oreti arrived, from Wanganui at 10 p.m. on Sunday with stock and passengers. She left at 6 o'clock last night for Hokianga, with a general cargo and passengers as above. The Northern Co.'s s.s. Macgregor left for Waitara yesterday evening, with 77 bags manure, 25 bozea tin, 9 grindstones, 40 coils biirbed wire, 20 oases kerosene, 30 oases fruit, SO ingots kin, 21 pigs lead, 1450 feet timber, 20 bags sugar, 3 trunks boots, 2 cases tobacco, 70 sundry packages, and passengers as above. The b.s. Hawea is due in the Manukau from Southern ports to-day with the outward American and English mails, and she i> to leave again Immediately after arrival for Southern ports. The following is a list of the passengers booked by her :* Misses Goldwater, Leighton, Mesdames Spragg, Goldwater, Messrs. Maunsell, Jacobs, Frome, Rev. Mr. Dunn, and eight in the steerage. STRANDING OP THE S.S. WAIHI. Blenheim, Monday.—The Waihl grounded on the Wairau bar on Saturday morning. Being unable to get off the Moa was sent for from Wellington with the necessary gear. It is ezpooted that the Waihi will float again with thifl afternoon's tide without sustaining injury.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7790, 9 November 1886, Page 4

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7790, 9 November 1886, Page 4

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7790, 9 November 1886, Page 4