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1 , Medical. ' " DR. SPEEDS ~ rei- M 2 s ss octagqjj , »ndßn *!!' D ° nedil l. established %' ? p P°«»t« Z I and . Speedy Ours of Chronic w the ci«ntifl* 1 Special Diseases. The Expert Bnecl«^^r^ u, . »m Wft ??? nlar Graduated Physicist '.J* 1 - Bn,? • Hazard College, U.S. He has 53 6d , a «»T »; 3 and is acknowledged to be the most » 1 llf,t U*e t? 1 ft n m«^ cUU3 !, « the United SU&* V h,,l «S and Middle-aged Men who suffer fr™!!'*. oll| ie 11«!! • Physical Debility, Loss N >"ou, ,'2 Eruptions on the Face, Mental fSL IBf| Mimli? and Bladder Troubles, Sc., Ac. williio Wa,lon ' Kld n ,J Dr. Speer. Hospital kxperlonr* • T?" to conmu Physician in one of the leading Hospluu^' oß C : enables him to treat all private trnnM 01 "i» n q , lent results. He wishes Wlth 3* . he does not claim to perform impouihiHi? o ' l tll *t have miraculous power, he claims only u K. 61 ' «to and successful Physician, thoroughly ?J£ ** 4 'WllS 1 specialty. Chronic Diseases of Men and w® 64 ltl $ . applying to him will receive hi, h™ omen - AU of their complaints. No experiments 8 " °P'»b» guarantee a positive cure in every bE!?* > Mil or forfeit £200. Consultation in office, or"^ t Free umce i or by [ Charges Moderate. Examination and a* , • Call or Address: Dr. H. J, Spg,. * M> OCTAGON CHAMBERS, ow » Bu i„. Opposite Town Hall, " DUNEDIN. , Office Honrs: 9to 12,1 to 4,6 to s „ , NB.—All medicines necessary for . Pni ?'®' can be sent secure from observation S pletc car, symptoms. on 00 receipt ,J ;The best cough mixture CHILDREN IS E F OE J CRAWFORD'S PECTORAL BALSAM [1 SAFE, SURE, AND EFFECTUat , T BARELY FAILS TO GIVE RELIEF r» 6 MOST DISTRESSING CASES OF W Ta ® ; COUGHS, COLDS, INFLUEN7A , HOARSENESS, CROUP, ' . AND ALL DISORDERS OF THE cnipo, f LUNGS. CHEST iJtD This is one of the best preparations ever v„ 1 Children, being entirely free from Land™* , ' of pbia, or other powerful narcotics, it m.J *?' r ministered with confidence and safetv tn ihl I child 7 0 "»youa g eit ' It is pleasant and easy to take, and may he „i 1 any time, and as often as the Cough is trouble! *' The many Testimonials received by the Pr„ I 113, re induced him to make the value of the p . more widely known. 9 Fe «ona ( Sold in Bottles, Is 6d, 2s 6d, and Is 6d each, CRAWFORD, ' PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST, MEDICAL ni>. I __ N fIVTON, AUCKLAND HAli 2 { TdIe?SONB: 413. J . i MR. CRAWFORD RECEIVES ADVERTIKEud'wtv* , until half-past eight each evening to? i S next morning's Hehald. 11 [ WONDERFUL MEDICINE, \ BEECHAM'S PILLS , Are admitted by Thousands to be worth a fin™,. , °? for Bilious and Nervous Disorders, snrli .H } , and pain in the stomach, sick headache r fullness and swelling after meals, dizziness L ]""' , siness, cola chills, flushings of heat, loss of amw?.*" - shortness of breath, costiveness. scurvr MomP 1 ' J the skin, disturbed sleep, frightful a i nervous and trembling sensations, Ilk Th« 4ll ! will give relief in twenty minutes. This i. nnXtl 014 t for they have done it in thousands of £1 $"' j sufferer is earnestly invited to try one hnrnfjl™ ; Pills, and they will be acknowledged to be of titM WORTH A GUINEA A BOX l . For Females of all ages these Pills «« „ 1n .., ». , a few of them carry off all gross hum™. b!e ' M obstructions, and bring about all that is reaulrn^"^ 1 female should be without them. Th«rXZt i , N ° , to be found to equal BEECHAM'S p'ILS ,°' d,clnß ing any obstruction or Irregul&ritv 0 the stil.™""™ taken according to the directions given wkh". 1 box they will soon restore females of all ares to smS and robust health. 25 10 80Un(1 For a weak stomach, Impaired digestion, and ... disorders of the liver, they act like "MAGIC" and few doses will be found to work wonders upon thi most important organs In the human machine Th™ strengthen the whole muscular sjstem, restore lh. long-lost complexion, bring back the keen edte of appetite, and arouse into action with the KOSERnn of health, the whale physical energy of the human frame. These are ' FACTS " admitted by thousand? embracing all classes of society, and one of the best guarantees to the nervo us and debiliated is Bin. CHAM'S PILLs have thelargest sale of any 5 medicine in the world Questions answered i> j i Ask the most Eminent Pkysicias <»f an« school, what is the best thing In the world for allaying all irritation of the nerves, and curtail forms of nervous complaints, giving natural, childliks refreshing sleep always ? And the" will tell you unhesitatingly " Some fjrm of Hops 1!!! CHAPTER I. Ask any or all of the most eminent physiditi • " What is the only remedy that can be relied is to cure all diseases of the kldnejtfttnd urinary orrmBright'a disease, diabetes, retention, or Inability ti retain urine, and ail the diseases and allwMs peculiar to Women"— And they will tell yon explicitly and emphatically '•Buchit ! 1 ! Ask the same physicians _ " What is the most reliable and surest cure for ail liver diseases or dyspepsia, constipation, ln4\ge«ion biliousness, malaria, fever, ague, .Sc.," and they will tell you MANDRAKE I OR Dandilion ill! Hence, when these remedies are . combined with | others equally valuable. And compounded into Hop Bitters, such a wonder' ful and mysterious curative power is developed, which is so varied in its operations that no disease or ill health can possibly exist or resist Its power, and ret it is Harmless for the most frail woman, weakest invalid, or smallest child to use. CHAPTER I. "Patients" Almost dead or nearly dying." For years, and given up by physicians, of Brljht'j and other kidney diseases, liver complaints, sewre couehs, called consumption, have been cared. Wombs gone nearly crazy ! ! M 1 From agony of neuralgia, nervousness, wakefulness and various diseases peculiar to women. People drawn out of shape from excruciating pup of rheumatism, inflammatory andchronio, or sufferlai from scrofula. Erysipelas! Saltrheum, blood poisoning, dyspepsia, indigestion, and la fact, a most all diseases frail Nature is hair to Have been cured by Hop Bitters, proof of which MB be found in every neighbourhood In the known world PROSECUTE THE SWINDLERS ! 1 If when you call for American Hop Bitters (we green twig of Hops on the white label and Dr Sonle's name blown in the bottle), the vendor hands out anything but American flop Bitters, refuse it, and shun that vendor as you would a viper : and If he has takstt your money for anything else, indict him for the fraud and sue him for damages for the swindle, and we will pay you liberally for the conviction. COCKLE'S PILLS, " FREE FROM MERCURY. COCKLE'S PILLS, ~ FOR LIVER COCKLE'S PILLS, FOR BILK. COCKLE'S PILLS, FOR INDIGESTION. COCKLE'S PILLS, FOR HEARTBURN. COCKLE'S PILLS, FOR SICK HEADACHE. COCKLE'S PILLS, ■ FOR ACIDITY OCKLE'S PILLS, V / IN VSE everywhere. COCKLE'S PILLS, IN USE EIGHTY-FIVE YEABS In Boxes at Is ljd, 2s 9d, 4s fld, Us, and 225, Of all Medicine Vindors throughout th* ' World. _ Oil and Colour men. PA P E RHANGINGQ afjbbhangingm W. PHILLIPPS & SON Hare received, ex lata arrival!, 185 P aok Containing 55 500 R OLLS 0F pAPERHANOLfOS. Consisting of New Patterns, for Drawing, Dinlnx. Bedrooms, and Hall and Staircase, suitable for the mansion or cottage. BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS, AND BEST TAIU* EVER OFFERED IN PAPERHANGINOS. 916 P ACKAGBS SCRIMS AND HESSIANS.' PLATE AND SHEET GLASS. WHITE LEAD OILS, TURPS, VARNISHES, *?.' I AND ALL TRADE SUNDRIES. yy pHILLIPPS ft os ok *vr> 07. OnKffK.a'mnwf. FAUSODONOPTIC SPECTACLES AND EYEGLASSES The new Pausodonoptio Spectacles (slgnlffl*? the Eye soothed or relieved from pain) combine aany special advantages for the relief of weak or iufi ,Dl vision, and are highly recommended as a valuable assistance to the sight, and as a preservative to tne eyes. The peculiar construction of the frames enbales a person using the Spectacles or Eyeglasses, to look over them for distant objects, while for «* din S or close objects the lessee are placed close to and weu under the eyes, giving an amount of ease and comfori to the wearer for all pur oses, absolutely unattainsw*by any of the ordlnar forms of Spectacles. ioa agreeable tint of the Glasses employed gives a soowing effect to the eyes whet reading or writing, suoa»« lng the glare of gas, lamp or candle light, and neutralising the fatiguing strain on the eyes so commoiuj experienced by the wearers of glasses. , At the request ot several customers, J. HOWDEN, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, QUEXN-ST., has Imported a teleoUon of (he above, and Invito inspection.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7772, 19 October 1886, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7772, 19 October 1886, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7772, 19 October 1886, Page 6