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I Medical. ! Or the successful treatment of Chronic and Special Diseases accord-- ? iug' to the Laws of Nature and the Philosophy of Common Sense. A Revolution in the Practice of Medicine. - The latest discoveries in the Art of Healing, THE HIGHLY POPULAR & CELEBRATED SPECIALIST, ECLECTOPATHIST', &C. Professor of Natural Science and author of the following works The Prin ciples and Practice of Medical Botany The Rationalistic andl Eclectic.Treatment of Disease? Shadows. &c., has established the NEW ZEALAND ECLECTIC MEDICAL INSTITUTE for the EfFectua. and Permanent Cure ot al forms ot Chronic ana Complicated Complaints, Nervous Affections and Special Diseases. Nervous Debility (in all its phases). Fits. Effects of Indiscretion Physical DeCS»f» Lost Manhood Spermatorrhoea, Impediments to Marriage, Scrofulous Humours, Eruptions, Incapacity for Study or Business, Cold Extremities, Female Complaints: Liver, Heart, Kidney and Lung Affections, and Diseases which have hitherto been thought incurable, are now yielding rapidly to his treatment, as thousands of grateful patients are willing to testify. '■ ( j■ Who are old before their time, enfeebled in their power, weakened in their enc.-gt, debilitated in their health, misanthropical or hypochondriacal in their mind, amhitinniess in life, and who have . become broken/downEin •* constitution ' fhrour°i excesses, abuses, or indiscretions, - SIGNOR RENAUD'S treatment Darticularlv recommends itself. Avoiding as it does the use of Mineral Drugs ant! Poisons it embraces the latest discoveries and benefits {conferred lon humanity by tho rapid rtrides of Scientific Progress. SUCCESS CERTAIN IN ALL CASES ) pnWFin c NrF * A R9DI lITF R SUFFERERS : CAN ! BE^TREATED UNDERTAKEN. j UNNULNUt . fIDoU I t };EQUALLY.WSI.L AT A.Q^TANCE. Note the} Address : The New Zealand Eclectic Medical Institute ' 42'SHORTLAND STREET, AUCKLAND. V O BOX. 239.

P OLLOWAI'S PILLS. luru*irr oj" the Blood.—Tin lets the Mood b« kept la a pure state the constitution must be weakened »ad disease supervene. Theso wonderful Hills possess the power of r*u;uviug or neutrilizinj all contumina- i Wun» of the blood and system generally. They quietly, I but c»rtsinlv, overcome all obstructions tending to produce ill "health, and institute rejulur notion to orff«ns that are faulty from iiritation or debility. The i d\ipo(.Uc, weak, and nervous may rely on these Pills as their best friend and comforter, as they act upon the main springs of life, and thus save thousands from l % premature grave. Complaints or Women* an» Children'.—The very mild and painless action of those invaluable Pills re» commends them to every household as a remedy for the first departure from "health. Any mother, nurse, or young person guided bv tlui directions which *ocoiiii>any each box of lijlloway's Pills has at once available means of chocking disease, purifying the blood, and expelling from the system all humours. They aro Indeed, at all ages, the feinalo'i tried fri«B«l. T * „ Disorders or the Liver with Flatulency an*i< | Isdiocstion.— Loss of appetite and flatulency are I usually th« forerunners of stomachic disease. Thes- | famous Pills exerci»e the most salutary power on ill j affections of the liver, and all irregularities »f the ; stomach and bewels • they restore a healthy function | to every intornal orf:an, overcome all obstructions and : cast cut all ia-.;uriUes. Weak Srt»:«oni.— Impaired riacsnos-.—The wisest cannot oni merate one tithe of the distressing | tvusptows ar'.s;..,; from euiecblcd digestion, all of j which may fee rSld'ly dispelled by these admirable Hills as they -ri',e the s:on ccli liver, and every other organ of difjstic J to that healthy toi.o which fully enables then; to louvjit ail food and drink to the nourishment of the Body—hence these Pills are the pure.l str«ap , 'h*Eeri, and the safes*, restorative in j nervousness, wastinjf, and chronic debility I Ceruns. Cold*. In fli'h.vza .»nd sork Throats.— i For ourinf diseases of the throat, chest, and lunjc, these PiUs have established fov themselves a pre- ! emlnentlv world-wide fame, as they purify the blood ! and regulate 1U etrnalatlon Couihs, oommen colds, i Influenaa, bronehltts. a«thi».a, pleurisy, lutlauimiUoij I of tho iusga anti ev»u eonsiimpUon in itr early stages j are euccoaiiiuily treated irill. this Eiedleius, parti--ularlv If Hoiloway'a Ointment bj well rubbed upoll the ohMt and taca nigh! and mcmlei. ! flolloway s Pills are the osst remedy kaowa is the world for tie fallowii-2 diseases A,ju« ,'>ut ;Stese and Gravel Asthma !r«adache 'Po;ondary SympCiIiGUS Com- |I»di«estion ' turns plaints 'Liver complaints Tic-itoloureux Blotches en the Lumbago Ulcers S^[ a ! Piles jYeuoreal Affec Bowel complaints Hhcumatisiu i ticas Debility [Retention of Worms of at L'ruprv 1 i'rfna i T „ Wi ' ld " , ! Female Irrezu Scrofula or King's Weakness, froa I Evil , whatevercause fevers of all kinds Sore Ihrsats - hc , tic. The Pills and ointment are sold at Professor Hollowa y'a Establishment, 73, ."'ow OTTord strcet London, alto isv nearly every respooiaule Vendor of Medicine throughout the civilised worl 1.13 Boxesaad i'otf at Is lid, *i. «d, ii «U. lis, it». and 3Ss .«ach. Each Pot scd Box of the Genuine iiodicine.) bears the Ilritish Government Stamp, with the words. " Holloway s Fills and Ointnaeul, London," engraved thereon. . , , On the label is tk# address, 7S, New Oxfordstreet, London, where clone they are manufa-.-t'ired ta. Ceware of -II campounds styled Hniionay'i puis and Ointment with a " New Yotit" label. ' _ .Booksellers and Stationers Jgl D W A R D A Y T E BOOKSELLEr, STATIONER, KTC. HAVING RE-CO VIM ED BUSINESS IN" HIS OLD PREMISES (Opposite National Ilank, Quccn-sticct), RESPECTFULLY SOLICITS A SHARE OF THE i CUSTOM OF HIS OLD FRIENDS AND TFI K CKNERAL PUBLIC, J And assures them that ne fffort on his part shail be wanting to satisfy them. | E. W. has a number of Bound Serials (old \ I dates) and slightly-damaged Books, in j j different branchen of Literature, | which he will offer at ! VERY LOW P ICES : i to effect a Sale. ! A SUPPLY OF M ACM I I.LAN'S GLOBE READERS JUST OPENED UP. j IN STATIONERY HE WILL KEEP FULL j SUPPLIES OF F.VERY KIND. i Ho has now a very Cheap-1 ine of Envelopes, Ac , 1 from lis per 1000 upwards, and Ruled Note ; Paper from 9tl per Packct. ! i: W. requests that orders for rcpu'ar supplies of ' Magazines (in monthly pa: or volumes) may be for- \ waroed at once. j w. E, M K AK s ; fKsTAEI.ISHKIi ISSOI. Wishes to call the attention of tli>- Public to his car - i folected stock of ( ; BOOKS, MUSIC, AND STATIONERY, i , • ; ui:gs and Duets .Sacred S ;n;-s. Dances, Piano Solus, ; i ar.d i 'u-t'. ; Victoria, Chappell's, ''av,, Mohawk, Christy, i Coloni .1 and other Musk-.i! MHgnzi.-i.s. , I Instruction hooks an i Music for I'iano, .Singing, Vio- | | iin, Flute, > one. tin... .Mnlodcon, A-.c. ROOKS lOR 1.1 UK A ll'' s. PRKShN'IS, AND ! . jio.'.ik rkadim;. ' Hooks by Dickens. Scott, Mrs Wood, T.ytton, Miss j Kra Idon and other Writ-r.i. i Family Bibles, 1 'ommon Prayers, Church Services, j j Hymns (A. ar.d M.), Weslcyan, New Presbyterian, j S nkey. and other Hymn Books. ' PHOT."i AND FCUAP ALBUMS, SCRAPS. I Birthday B .ok« and ' ards, SunOnv-school Cards, j Weeding ' 'ards, Co:.(lob nee Cards. ' j Account and Po.ket Rooks. COMMERCIAL AND FANCY S i ATIONKRY. | Young Ladies' Journal, English, American, and | Australian Pipers aud New Books received every , i jMail. I ■ W. E. M bars , ! roller. Stationer, and Mnsicsellcr, VJ'6. yneen-a;reot, Auckland. I Between Savings llank and l-:dson' New Buildings r * * . HAVE THE PLEASURE TO ADVISE OUR FRIENDS THAT WE ■ Have received A FULL SUPPLY . Of ; M A'C MILL AN 1 READERS. ! ALSO, NELSON'S DRAWING BOOKS, ! TWO SHILLINGS PC it DOZEN. ) ; UPTON & CO., BOOKSELLERS,

LOCKYER'S SULPHUR HAIR RESTORER. THE BEST, THE SAFK.ST, THE CHEAPEST. Restores th« colour to trey hair. Instantly stops the hair from fading. Occasionally used, grejrness is impossible. Removes scurf, and embeUis. oa the hair. Largs Bottles, Is 6d. Sold everywhere. Made in London PEPPER'S TARAXACUM AND PODOPHYLLUM. THE SAFEST BILIOUS MEDICINE. A FLUID LIVER MEDICINE, WITHOUT MER CURY. Is now used and rejularly proscribed by many physicians instead of blue pill and calomel for the curs of dyspepsia, biliousness, and all symptoms of congestion of thn liver, which ara generally pain beneath the shoulders, headache, drowsiness, no appetite, furred tongue, disagreeable taste in the morning, giddiness, disturbance of the stomach and feeling of general depression. Hottles, 2s 9J and Is Cd. Sold by all Chemists, nstst on having Pepper's gULPHOLINE I 0 N. THE CURE FOR SKIN DISEASES. In a few days Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches entirley fade away 1 Beautifully fragrant, perfectly harmless. Cures old-standing suiu diseases. It removes every kind of eruption, spot, or blemish, and render, tho skin clear, smooth, supple, and healthy. Sulpholine Lotion is sold by Chemists. Bottles 2s 9d. .Made only by J. PEPPER & Co., London. PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON TONIC. HEALTH, STRENGTH, ENERGY. Great bodily strength, great nerve strength, great mental strenrth, great digestive strength follows the uio of PEPPER'S Oi'IMNE AND IKON TONIC, which promotes appetite and restores robust health. Bottles, 32 dosos. Sold by Chemists everywhere. lnsi.-t on having Pepper'* Tonic, it is made only at Bedford Laboratory, London. Public Companies. mHE PERPETUAL TRUSTEES' ESTATE AND AGENCY COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND (LIMITED) HAVE FOR SALE: A BLOCK of 3SUS Acres, within -l miles of Helens ville Railway Station ; undulating ridges ; open land of good quality ; portion rich swamp. Trice, 16s p*.. acre. A BLOCK of about 10,000 acres fine Pastoral Land with 6 mllei sea frontage, near Giaborno ; about onehalf tine open land; takes surface-sowing easily ; remainder light bush, easily cleared. Price, 20s poi acre. A PASTORAL PROPERTY, area 1247 acres; easy access by water; very desirable. Price, £5000. SEVERAL very flno Agricultural Farms, highly improved. Full particulars on application to the Company. MONEY TO LEND, on good Freehold Security at. lowest current rates of interest, in sums of £100 to £0000. <■ fkici : Corn Exch'.nge Buildings (next O. W. Kinney and Sora), Fort str«et. €1 ANTON INS Li RA N(' K OFFICE \j (LIMITED), Established IS3O, HEAD OFFICE, HONGKONG. J Subscribed Capital £">OO.OOO I Paid-up Capital £100,000 I Insurances accepted at lowest current rates on : Hulls of vessels. Freights, or Advances, and Mer- ' eh.iodise of everr i|..«criiitinn to and from all ports in ' iho World. SPECIAL ADVAN TAGE I ! to contribuI lors of business, whether shareholders or not. ' particulars of which can be obtained on application , to HENDERSON & MACFARLANE, Agents, corner of Fort and Commerce streets, Auckj land. I mHE NKW ALAND MUTUAL j X CREDITORS' ASSOCIATION. Patrons — I VcsiU's. V.', Arthur & Co. I Messrs. L. D. Nathan A Co. t For the protection of tradesmen against Fraud, i Dishonesty, and Bad Debts, the Collection o! | Accounts, Rents, etc., at a low scale of commission. ] Insure against Bad Debts. ! Private inquiries carofully made. j I.arf.e and influential list of subscribers. Prospectus on application at the office, No. 8 Mercantile Chambers, Queen-street. I W. S. PULFORD, ! Manager. T A. ASHTON, Secretary. UNITED FIRE AND MARINE IN BURANCE COMPANY. j The undersigned is prepared to offer special induce | ments to insurers. I RISKS taken at LOWER RATES than heratofori | and LOSSES PAID PROMPTLY, i ART. HEATHER, I Agent. j 1 i ( wer Ounen-strnet. jpi REE g TORES FORT-STREET FREE STORE;. The undersigned is prepared to STORE FREE GOODS, AT LOW RATES. Stor® Dry and Rat Proof. FRANK O. FORWOOD. Sclierff's Buildings, Fort-street. V. H. WELLS,] [J. H. WELLS I Deyonport. 1 IV ELLS' BROTHERS v? i CARTERS' CONTRACTORS. j N.B.— Builders libsra'ly dealt with. Orders left at Lllcwall Bros., Post-ollico. ' Yard: Opposite Devonpoit flail.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7651, 31 May 1886, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7651, 31 May 1886, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7651, 31 May 1886, Page 3