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Inew Zealand UrKAT.D (VliCB. Saturday afternoon. The Customs duties to day were I'M 3i id. The duties collected at the Customs for tho week ending May 29 were as follow;) : — Duties _ X 1,4 1 i! 10 Keer clutr .. .. .. .. 'J' ; ' Is O Light dues .. .. .. !'• '.I 0 Forms and fees .. .. ... i> 1 C Port charges (Or.chunga) .. it 11 »! Other roecipU [>0110 iM.T'JO 0 10 LONDON' COMMERCIAL NEWS. Writing on April '11. our London correspondent says;—Tho froz-ju iue\t tr*(l> reuiiini much ss it was, with the exception that if ar.ythiai: prices have a downward tendency. Hut this is frequently the easo with the meat market on the wee's pieccdlnj Master. New Zealand la:nb, however, i; tntlr.uos steady, with- tit much chaiisiu. The i'nirei, from Napier, with li O.'.s sheep. lambi, am. "-.-I pica, s of beef, has cleared htr sheep -it ■> ! t 1 *' i. her laintij at tijd to 7;vl. and her href at ad to .V 1. 'the Mar.from OAtuaru with ! 1.000 si;,«.-1•, has c'e.irel •sOlX) lit ;*d i to 5, ! 't'no T.ernu's .'.ir,- > w n clas'eil good, he.l the .MirU>oroo„h'.t c e..uu.i under tha hualiu; of only fiir. 'I'llj Katkottra'i cargo 11 1 :,.Vj2 f.lip. 1 »7 Unto.-', 'Jill pieces of beef is fteseribnl a-. go->O. Nearly all tho sheep war- -are I at od to ;>• i, 1030 lambs have been sold at ri; 1 to 7i 1. and toe whole of the beef at *> t to oi l "nt of th. Kidersli'i's I'crt (.'halntor* e '.ir,:o of "2J,l;'>.'i s iee]> and ol '.i lambs, all " good." I'J.Ooo sheep i ave been sol I ~t 0.l to ! ,<I, and 2joo lambs a', (iI i 10 71. I'll.' li i. ii:. 'vo n Na;oor. with lrf.Oti.'i sheep, 1 i'J:'. ,ambs, and :.:l pieces of bee', has sold reel sheep .-t.'.ii t ) ii. 10 .1 larnln at r.i'j t.) 7d, and nearly all the beef at od to .'.J, 10. i;iri;o is .-epoit-rl -troocl." The i' .nt 'rbniy. from 'I'imir'i, with t'JJ'_ »h»e(i and '200 1 tub.', " pari tins iti factory," ha<o;ily s oil 'JOOsh-ep .it 6,1 to ;'.j I, iind none of the, lambs. I'll- Arana, fr in Webi;.,;.-,,!, with ! :: - ij .uieep. •>:: Uto'js, acd "_7j pieces o! l> if, " fair." Inn sold 1500 sheep at 6,1 to !.■] !, and SCO lamb' at "d t i 7J.1. tl.j I'objrarlro's Lyttjltoa carrots not yet on the market. The second series of wool falcs which c m'.mrn.'ed on 6ti.rch. were brought to i c i;i.:!iisi(in la t Tilesday. I he ip! intili.-s c it ib £ : ■,! v/.-rc 2 ->,-21 ij.i'ei. of which 3* 'ioj camj from N'.v /. ; ,lan i, .> , 1 7 r.-.v,, New South W.,b". 12,;. i;« :r .a va e'i ■.!. .: i. 1 !l! 'run Victoria. at.til iron .S u'o .vu-tr.ilia, 7- from Western Australia, Ic'i'j itom 'i.uui i.'ii.i, 2.1,141 from the Cape. Our dates from London are 1 > th') i lad April. V.'cm '.ho N'vW Zjilao 1 L >.in and V ...o'.:.' A .i •clit.on Company's circular of that, date wu lake t: c tdlonrW. mil. —Tin seemd soci of a t io<, wi:;.:'.i cominoneoit i n tee 2.ird M ire'a " to p. i., . <-■ ■:: - elusion ou the 20'. iustaut. .. .. r i::: in.,. .. :;.t • I :> i-ittiutfs. The quantities catilo,;il : I w-t.o z. •• 22! bali> i. ahowiiij,' a daily aver i,- • or 1 i, : ;;; i.a'.es s;.i'ini 'I ft» bi1.5.% th.rinj; the err. spoieli:);; smu.-.s hi l»jj. .turins; the iuter/al which .ipsa 1 between t.. • 0 ie of the tint ami tiij opem.i,' of the stci.nd serial mictions, so far fr.iui there beiiig any re.Mvery 111 the woollen train either in int., cjaniry .-.o' oil t,.-i Continent, the unusually prolonged winter, c c.pie 1 wita the uncertainty ivi.h re»jje..i tot t i l . t, r nr. ilcaiestic jio'.itical arf.-nis, alfordt.l ' iKi'.aijln ev.dencH that the ion,' i..\p cti'd i i■p-oveni :i;t had not yet been secure.l. At the op-nihi; taere wai a fair aii.;;iilince of Inuw arid loreuvi buyers v.'.th steady competition from all save ihe I'.-cnc'i M-etio:;. I'htir abstention was, never, null « siilhc.iMit to establish a decline on those me.ino and r.. si ned growths f jr wbich tile are usually p.i|;er conipet:ti)i.i iiafor-i toe end < ft ,c tirst wjilt, liii.i :.hri'»/a»;e i.i v.tluej became iio'r :.i.-ii! mari.eil, and e*te«iie 1 itself to all woo!.'-. ■ -xe-pi th) cusist lorisi.f ' 'leeee and iamb.*' (rej from lailll an t web ;,'r.c.V!i. i i,■ - almost t-iitun absence ot Americm "id' for lichl conditioned b i oisy rjer.u.i wools, which were ;;c> iby : on -jilt after the last mi;—; f. i -xpi.rl t. tin United .St..'e-, had a n.iwt pi- joOici-o . lie' !ti depressing very markedly the level of i» ue-. tin 1 I'licb iijfht f,baity <ie .eiiptioos v/hteh e.rl;er in ;be i e. ,i h . 1 • hcip.-ii lo ; general ncliiie. V\ iiile l. <-a.00.t Lin<! .hat at the clo c th* r-j was any ruijV iy !.oo the not al fall, during the last fortnight of the .0r.,:.., tiierj watt not only a greater .steadiness in to: but miniated lompeti.i. e.nioti,;-t I'lunco operators 1 iiaO was displayed oy them at tire to». era! iot:..i'l n did net v.ari buyer.i i,,vvsM..i; beyond th or iinu)':ili..te ret; noils, t:.ev ,i ,i :uiiily realised lint mjrlno wools rca bet a Pont .v.: - . lit y lower tii-n halt been witness- 1 foi m my e.'.r.\ .in I thai in default o.' prompt u.tiou il.ey oo(*t.t 0.. i reciuOed irom c:i sueh tavoirra'oie loni'. '.hroighollt the rem.iinO'.r ot the yen. iney were .is.'.isted ill arriving at. tiii.s conclusion l-y tee linoaie I .to t'rat the third series vj mi l not ro:unioncc limit iij'.h June, with a limitation of .2. 0.000 n.i e.s of fresh arrtva.s, thus affording an ime.val i.l eijjhl »e.;tt, to which to work oil their porchi:i-s. '['nose considerations i .ntriuutid to opto;; jrcatei freedom of competition towards lie i; o! the sales, unaccompanied, howi:.''-r, «r already s'.a'.c I, by Ally recovery in price:-, whicn, in- certain descriptions, coutr.oite i as lubows with I'd ruary closing rates : — V, a:,..ed anil scoured merino l id to 2d pel lb ilecltll' gieny eombinr; merino Id to Iji per In dccliue. i;i«a.'-y c and fuiiby liKriuo mI to Id per Ib decline, crossbreos (fine ami medium, .n any coudiiioi.) Id pur lb decline, ~r sv'so is (coarse, i-i any ct.iKlition. liar to Jd per Ib dcciiuo. limbs' lue.lno or cros-breds (well-grown and tin-} un, li iiifod, lamb-' merino (f .ulty> jo to Id per lb decline. Willi the exception of the want of American coinpeti'io.i and the cooK-.iptrnt eicupLiotrit iieciine ill ivmi.s suited to their leiplii'emeiils, 111-: salient f 'atui'e.s of the sec i .d are very similar to those ■ ; the tirst » lies, as M..t iorih ;u our issue of l-' 12. 1 ins resit has U'sn dlHippointinc alike t> bilrcrs and r.ebers. The, lormcr have iacKed thu co.'indeoei) whieii is rutpiisit.. i ill cond'iclirig their op ratto.n.'i, wide the titiei were by no means inclined to r..a!i ie freely under ti.u b lie: that the lonst-w.slied for appreciation in value mint, at 110 distant, date, lie secured. As to when tin.; uvouraolb reaction may be nunifei'.eit, much will dopenii on the political situation, not. on:/ at line, but abroad, bjcominn in .re ass.l red ; > n favourable harvest proapacti at tho leadint,- ipnin producinn centres ot Kuropn and America ; una on a deveUipm> nt of the trine revival, of which t'lere are at length soilio siipis, in the United States. P.ices lor . N i^w ) Zealand at- jpvdii below : —iScottiod iimriuo, Hiipurlor, per lu, Is aid to Is od. .Soured merino, average, pi r ib. la to is 21 d. Scoured merino, inferior, per lb, hid to lid Washed merino, average, per ib, Is to Ja Ad. Vv'inlicd merino, inferior, per lb. Did lo lid. '.reasy merino, superior, pel' II), lot to LJ to. Oreasy merino, average, pur lb, 7d to 7J '. iire*s/ merino, inferior, 61 I to Bid. Scoured crossbred, line, pur lb, Is Id 11 is 4d. Scoured crossbred, coarse, per lb. lud to la Id. washed crossbred, liny, per lb. Is to Is .'id. '.'/ashed cros.ihr.-.d, coarse, lud to Is Ujd. <2reasy crossbred, line, Si i to lOd. Greasy treasured, coarse, yd to Sid. Con:;.—During the put .fortnight En glish wheat has been in comparatively short aupoly, and thoiisfii prices in London have not improved, tile provincial maraots have byen somewhat lirnier. Millers' wants, however, continue to he largely supplied Irom this source, and imported descriptions have been dull of Mile at about lite rates. Kuportsas 10 the appearance of the young wheat plant in tills country are on the whole satisfactory, as, while it is somewhat baclcwaid lor the time of the year, its appearance ii staled to be healthy, l'ha accounts thus lar to hand relative to the crowing crops in the Lnited States are also, generally speaking, favourable. To-day's quotations, ex granary for Now Zealand are as follow : — Wheat: Lnng-btriied, fine, .'Us to o&s per 49ijlb, medium His to 225, inferior .'ills lid to .'lis ; short-berried, line, 3'2'j tid to .'l4s, medium ols (id to at's (id, inferior 30s to lils. Fiour: Patent li-ts Cd to 25s 6d per liiOib gross, line "20s to'22s. Barley: No. "2 '2£s to 30s per 4431k>. Oats: Heavy 30s Cd to 31s (id per imperial qr., ordinary '27s to -2SS. lfuane: No. 1 3-ls to 368 «d per iiOilb, No. I 32s (id to 31s. Peas : Average Mi to 36s per 6U4lb, wrinkle (nom.) 30s to 60s. Tai.lsw. —For the two public auctions held since the date of our last circular, 42uD casks Australian and New Zealand were catalogued, anil 3337 sold nailer the hammer, A fair pit portion of the bought-

in quantity was uold by private treaty, thus further indie itlng a tnarUod improvement in tho general damned as compared with that recently prevailing. The principal Inquiry has emanated from the foreign section of the trade, medium and common description-; being freely purchased for Russian accountHomo buyers, on tie other hand, have remained inactive, and their purchases liavo been conducted on but'n moderate scale. Although there has boon a distinct incroaso in competition, theic has beon uocorres ponding improvement in values. On the contrary, these have further receded to tho oxtont of, say, quite fid per cwt from tho level reported a fortnight ago. Telegraphic advices from Australia state that the export thenco during last month was 19J0 casks, as against 24i;0 oisks shipped in March, 1885. We quote 1— I'. V.C. 33:1 (id per cwt. Australasian mutton, fine, 23s (id to 24s 0.1 per cwt. Australasian mutton, medium, 22s to 22s (id per cwt. Auttralasian beef, hue, '2'2s to 2? (id per cwt. Australasian beef, medium, 20s lid to 21a (id p. cwt. The estimated stool* in warehouse is 20,160 casks, of which 05 are Eiisian. Lkatukii. limns, Ac—At tho public auctions, which tool: place on the oth instant, 2213 sides were brought forward and 1810 sides wero disposed of. There ws.t a fair demand for all descriptions, dressing sides excepted, at about late rates. The markot closes stiiKor at. our quotations, viz.:—Fair to good sides, heavy 11; to ISJIb average. 9J«I to lljd per lb. Fair to rood dices, light, !)a to 11 lb average, !)Jd to lid per lb. Fair to good sides, extra heavy. It j; lo 211b average, 1i.1,.1 („-> lojti per lb fair to good sides, seconds, 13 4 ' to 17 Jib average, bid to 9}d per lb. Us ni —At the public sales held on oth instant SD.T.Vs skins wore offered, but only 30,628 wore sold under the hammer. The demand was almost entirely conllned to fresh parcels, which chauged hands at fully recent values. All other descriptions, however, were again exceedingly difficult of sale, and for the portion disposed of a further doclino was accepted, In tho fac.i of tho present heavy stocks the market closes weak and without any signs of improvement. We quote: But strained skins, averaging CJ to ISJIb per dozen. Sid to 120 par lb. Seconds, 7to SOJlb per Ban, 5A Ito 7J.5 por lb. Unstrained, 7iJ to 211b per dozen, 4.1,1 to 7}. l per lb, C'oi'iiA.—At me public anciions on lGtb instant 664 bags were ollered, but in tiie absence of demand they were withdrawn. Since the sale, however, the whole have been dispose i ol by private treaty at about our last quotations. "We quote: Sydney sun-dried £14 1"S to £14 1.-.s por ton, kiln-dried £13 to £13 6s per ton. Singapore £16 to £15 10s per ton. M'rw M p.—The market sinco our last circular has been steady, and a fair demand has prevailed for .Manila and sisal, but New Zealand descriptions arc still very slow (f pale. During the last lew days, however, there lias been raiher mora inquiry for the latter. Vie quite .Superior soft, bright hemp, £•:■! to £26 per ton. Hood quality and well cleaned. £22 to £23 per ton. .Medium, fair to good, £10 los lo £20 per toil. Common, coarse anil strawy, £17 10". to £10 per ton. Kauri Ohm —At tho public auctions which were held on the 20;h instant, Sm'« cases were catalogued anil 228 cases were disposed of under tho hammer. Buyers exhibited littlo disposition to operate, but for tho port'on sold steady prices worn obtainod. Common and rough qualities below the value of 40s ruled raiher higher m cousoquenco of tho scarcity of Manila copal. We quote t— Fine pale, selected, £0 lis to £8 os per csvt. Clean, bard, good to lint), chiefly amber, £1 los to £5 per cwt. Hood to line, clean, hard, scraped, £3 Hi to 6s por cwt. Hard, half to thrni) parts sera] ed, £2 to £3 '.Is pur cwt. Rough s iris, ordinary to good, £1 14s lo £1 16s lid per cwt. Illai'k and brown hard, scraped. No. 1, tine to super! rr, £2 15s to £2 10s per cwt. Black and brown hard, .-hi. fly scraped, No. 1, £2 Is to £2 8s per cwt. J'ickitK's, dinarv to tine. .€1 6s to £1 73 (id per cwt. Chips, low and ordinary to fine and superior, 7s to £3 4s per cwt. I'list, low "to fine, pale, chippy, 4s to £1. I'rorn Mossra. lloherts and Company's London lJcview of the 22: id April we take the following Kauri is in improved request, and last auctions jaw a slight advance ill soino instancos, but supplies generally sold at .steady rates. The iollu.ving are »ome of the prices obtained Fine clean paie amber scraped .soi l at. 'J.VI to IOJs. a few lot - at £ii Ss to iS 6s : good bright bold clean-scraped 74s to >ss, good middling (chtOlv three-quarter to weli-scraned) 61s to 71s, mi.idling half-scraped to threc-quai -r scraped •lis ti 60s, low and ordinary rough-coated 34s to 43», pickings 253 (id to 27s 0 i, brown (good) 66s to 575, middling rough 12s 0.1 to 4?.5. ordinary ciuilery 41s to 43s (id. chips (line) 675, middling, dull, and mixed 34s to oils, ordinary dark 17s to 31s, dust (middling) Kb-, low dark 6s (id per cwt. 'I'l e import of kauri gum during March ouly reached 32 tons, against 228 1111 in thu month previous; during the same time last year, however, the import was only two tons. Honey.—The but sale of New Zealand reported was of 31 casks a , 27s per cwt. NKW YORK. Our exchanges are to the 20.11 April, from Messrs. It. W. Forties and Slu'j Circular of that date we take the following Kxi'H.iNor. remains about as hut advices. The 111 iritei is steady, with a fair domain! for good bankor* and c bills. Kititosh.vp;.— The market has been without special or noteworthy features I'rico has remained about aj hut ip'oted. with a Might advance of I cent, about the mutiilo of the month. This was quickly followed by an equal decline. s > that to-day's quotations are about the fame as those of four weeks ago. Nav ii. ("hikes. — llosin : An expected addition to the supply of K. G. leads to bojio of lower prices In these glades. Turpentine has fluctuated between 66 cent and 115 cent, per gallon, and closes at the latter figures. SfNoiuK-'. —Labour troubles liava >en causing milch miens nt'ss and uncertainty till over the country. Many l.iatiuiai ttirors a.e shut down owing to striken, and mr.r, are 111:.lib. to make contracts with any confidence as to time of delivery, tiling threatened with similar trouble. The siiiir operators ill all the chief reriiiciii's here struck a week ago, and since then deliveries of this staple have been greatly interrupted, and with some refineries have totally cjssnil. This accounts for the h.'avv a -.c" in price. Of course a ieltitmunt of the diilicnll.i would bs followed by an immediate and heavy decline, but at present the end ic 'itis as far off as ever, our market continues to show signs ( f improvement. liuaiuoss in general sarins to be m a more healthy state, and all trades are fouling much encouraged. SAN Fit AN'CIS JO, Illy 8. Wh.'at: No. 1 .'.ripping I dollar 332 cants to 1 dollar 36 Csiils. Flour 4 dollars to 4 dollars 26 cent por bur. 1 fir i.x:i.i, an I 3 dollar to 3 dollar 'in cents for superilop. Carb-v t lirewing. 1 dollar 42j cults to 1 dol. hi' 52$ cent?. II ops. 6 to 7 cents per lb. coal: Sydney. ■i doliaiti 511 coals' per 1011. Quicksilver, 34 dollars ptr i'.i.a. fiuiber: llou.-b pil.e 12 dollars to 16 dollars per \1 , n\'.ra lengths !7 d >:l.irs and 1-. dol bus. seemed 21 <11 i.irf: clea- 26 dollars, fl Hiring 22 dollars 60 cents to 3'. dollar*, stepping .".5 dollvr... ionli redwood 14 1. ;..:i t > 1-. d.'d.rvs. surfa'ed 30 do.l irs, .shingles 2 loK.ii::. lati.s 3 dollar:! 25 cents to 3 dollars 76 cunts, , b k.-ts 1 1 Urn to lo dollars for lough an« 26 dollars for Unity. Freight): T.i Cork, with wheat, 231 0.1. CALL AND DIVIDEND LIST. o.M.i.ii. - £ 0. (1. Dat«. :»!i! C.tlo In liati O.M. Co. ..010 — May 31 S.'/j. .u.'ar Co .. .. ..5 0 0 — Juno IS, N L.iu.l .M.;rlgigc Co. .. 7p. c. — Now

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7651, 31 May 1886, Page 4

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COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7651, 31 May 1886, Page 4

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7651, 31 May 1886, Page 4