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Dress and Fashion. , WILLIAM RATTRAY'S NOVELTIES FOR AUTUMN & WINTER SEASONS. MANTLES. FOR THI3 DEPARTMENT THERE 13 AN ENDLESS VARIETY OP SHAPES, STYLES, AND MATERIALS. JERSEY JACKETS.-A argo Shipment of these Goods, handsomely braided or trimmed plush " from 123 Cd COLOURED CLOTH ACKETS, in Ballenburg and other leading shapes, in Bondo, Frieze. Knotted and Curl Cloth, Trimmed, Plais, and Boselle Plush, Astrakan. &c., from 16s 6d DOLMAN MANTLES in new Curl Cloth. te, Tripod, Astrakan. Deep Far, Plush, &c. Some decided n SHORT MANTLES in rich Plush in Seal and Gold Erown, and other now shades very dressy and stylish. T ONG COAT-SHAPED MANTLES in Silk and Plush, OtUmsn and Fur, Silk and Bossollo Velvet, eitr long.and vory re*3onablo in price. ft LARdK ASSORTMENT of Mantles in new Cloths, Tweed., &c; Fancy Tweed DolmanetUs, from 143 6d. T ADIBS UISTER3 In Dolman and now Coat Snaps; all new and reliable materials ana stylos, and marvellously cheap. /CHILDREN'S MANTLES AND ULSTERS in pretty, stylish, and useful shapes; all marked at CITY WHOLESALE PRICES FOE PROMPT NET CASH, . tar MANTLES TO ORDER AT STRICTLY MODERATE CHARGES. PERTFEC' IN FIT AND STYLE. V 17 "R S : llftlb REAL SEALSKIN MANTLES, Long Coat f^N§l|r Shapes, trimmed with real Skunk Fur; purchased a job; perfect bargains at the prices. J^^?^^^^ FUR. LINED CLOAKS AND DOL- • '> MANS Beaver, Fitch, Squirrel, Kalua; all made very llcht in weight to anit the climate. P^^^^^^ l^^^^ FDR CAPES AND DOI.MANETTEi \^^^o^^^o^^^ in real Sable, Skunk, Beaver, Chinchilla, Marmot, feCr"* ' ''>'• ' r -Ts&3t Bear, lUccooo, American Opposum, ftc. W^^^^^aß\ • <-. ''Tμ FUR MUFFS in real Sable, Sealskin,* MkS~J' -~" 9^^^l| Chinchilla, Bearer, &c, W^^^^^^^^^^^-'-FUR TRIMMINGS ; A choice selection ftj^^^^^^^^l, „ all width! tad makes. . WHOLESALE PRICES FOR PROMPT NET cash. COSTUMES. WILLIAM RATTRAY desires to direct special attention to Ms new Stock of Costumes, suitable for Promenade, Reception, (Men Parties, Evening Wear, &c, all in the newest styles and materials at WHOLESALE PRICES FOE, PROMPT NET CASH. WILLIAM RATTRAY, 17S, ISO, IS2, QUEEN-STREET. Medical. Or the successful treatment of Chronic and Special Diseases according to the Laws of Nature and the Philosophy of Common. Sense. A Revolution in the Fractice of Medicine* The latest discoveries in the Art of Healing. THE HIGHLY POPULAR & CELEBRATED SPECIALIST, ECLECTOPATHIST, &c. Professor of Natural Science and author of the following works:—The Principles and Practice of Medical Botany The Rationalistic and Eclectic Treatment of Disease? Shadows, &c, has established the NEW ZEALAND ECLECTIC MEDICAL INSTITUTE for the Effectua. and Permanent Cure of all forms of Chronic ana Complicated Complaints, Nervous Affections and Special Diseases. ~-— - , I nil ,WM»IJ««.H. Wlllll Mill 11 II II Ml II 111 I ItllJl l_| iI I lII J 111 I . T ' "'..L'''^^ Nervous Debility (in all its phases). Fits, Effects of Indiscretion, Physical Decay, Lost Manhood Spermatorrhoea, Impediments to Marriage, Scrofulous Humours, Eruptions, Incapacity tor Study or Business, Cold Extremities, Female Complaints ; Liver, Heart, Kidney and Lung Affections, and Diseases which have hitherto been thought incurable, are now yielding rapidly to his treatment, as thousands of grateful patients are willing to testify. Who are old before their time, enfeebled in their power, weakened in their energy, debilitated in their health, misanthropical or hypochondriacal .their mind, ambitionless in life, and , who • have * become broken/down fin constitution through excesses, abuses, or indiscretions, • SIGNOR.£RENAUD'S • treatment particularly recommends itself, t Avoiding as it does the use of Mineral Drugs and Poisons, it embraces the latest discoveries and benefits [conferred ion,humanity ■—- by the rapid strides of, Scientific Progress. success certain IN all CASES ) pnfJFmFwrF^R^niTfTFi^ 3UFFERERS ' C - AH " i B£,fTREATED UNDERTAKEN. < bUNNUtINUtADbULUU:.}* equally .WEL.L AT A^SJANCE/. -V ■ 1 ._...,. —«, ■■■ " "•' Note Address : • "•..,.,• The Zealand;EclecticMedical Inat|twte 42'SHORTLAND STREET, AUG&^y^^p,,C V P. O. BOX. 239» *■"'•"•■- DR. SPEER'S PRIVATE DISPENSARY, OPPOSITE THE WA.VERLEY HOTEL PALMFKSTON BUILDINGS, FOOT OF QUEEN-STREET, AUCKLAND. Established, for the Scientific and Speedy Cure of CHRONIC, NERVOUS & SPECIAL DISEASES, THE EXPERT SPECIALIST, DR. SPEER, la a Regular Graduated Physician, educated at Harvard College, U.S. Ho liai dovotcd a lifetime to, and i« acknowledged to be the most expert Physician in his specUHy in the Waited States. YOUNG MEN AND MIDDLES-AGED MEN Who suffer from >ervoux and Physical Debility, Los* of Energy ami Memory. Eruptions on the Face, Mental Dcpreision, Kidney and Bladder Trembles. Sic, *0.. will do well to consult Dr. Specr. HOSPITAL EXPERIENCE. Having been Physician in one of the leading Hospitals of the U.S., enables me to treat all private troubles With excellent results. I wish it distinctly understood that Ido not claim to perform impossibilities or to have miraculous power; I claim only to be a skilled and uucceasm physician, thoroughly informed in my specialty: CHRONIC DISEASES OF MEN AND WOMEN. All applying to me will receive my honest opinion of their complaints. No eiperiraentinc. I will cusrantoo , • positive cure in every c<se I undertake, or otteit £200. Consultation in Otllca or by Letter Fpkk CHARGES MODERATE. EXAMINATION AMD ADVICE, £1. Call, or Address: DE. H. J S?EER, WESTMINSTER CHAMBERS, LAMBTON QUAY, WELLINGTON. Ofllce Hours: 9to 12,1 to 4, 6to 8 p.m.; Sundays, 10 to 12. "BTIEMALE PlLLS—Certain and prompt. "gTTEMALES suffering from Stomach and _■_ They entirely prevent pain, headache, &c. .JO Head Troubles have a Genuine friend in Mrs UeetimpiiiaUi say : " They are a treasure." "Brought Dr. Stuart's Afkiuent and Livm>. Pills. Hilious new life unto me. "Have not been so well lor ness, Indigestion, GostiTeness, Wind and Spasms years. Now I know what freedom from pain and Sick Headache, P»ln and Fullness after eaiine woakneao is." " They aro truly the fomale'n friend." speedily relieved. One box has cured all these Mrs. Dr. Stuart's Calendar (or female) Pills, troubles of years' standing. They prevent a host, of 2sod. Sold everywhere. maladies peculiar to the sex. Ia V 3at lsCd. Sold everywheie. NEW ZEALAND DRUG CO., KEW ZEALAND DRUd CO. Agents. • • /geiltSt

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7650, 29 May 1886, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7650, 29 May 1886, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7650, 29 May 1886, Page 2