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TAKAPUNA JOCKEY CLUB'S WINTER MEETING. ' TnE weather yesterday proved moat attractive, and the result was that there was a much larger concourse than could under ordinary circumstances have been expected at the Winter meeting of the Takapuna Jockey Club, more especially as there were numerous attractions in other directions. There were seven races on the programme, and there were good fields, close contests, several surprises, and one of the finest finishes in the steeplechase which has been seen for a long time. The totalisator was well patronised, but the betting in the paddock was very limited. There was only one protest during the day, and that was disallowed, but there was, we regret to say, One somewhat serious accident to youug Skerving, the rider of Wat Tyler in the Novel Race, He was thrown against a post and sustained a fracture of the hip-bone, besides which his arm was severely lacerated, He was convoyed to the Masonic Hotel in charge of Dr. Kenny, and is now progressing as favourably as can be expected. Mr. W. A. Kenton was absent from his post as judge during the early part of the meeting, he being then in charge of the Devonport Navals at the volunteer parade, but his place was supplied by Mr. W. W. Robinson for the first two races. During the rest of the afternoon Mr. Fenton was himself in charge, and performed his duties satisfactorily. Mr. McGee officiated as starter, and wielded the flag with great care and success. Mr. Pitts, as clerk of the scales, and Mr. Mays, as clerk of the course, also devoted themselves to their respective duties, anil the other stewards lent all the assistance in their power to promote the success of the gathering, Mr. Wynyard, the secretary, heing especially painstaking in the carrying out of the many duties of liia office. The Devonport Band was in attendance, and played numerous musical selections, and a posse of constables, in charge of Seniorsergeant Pratt, rendered good assistance in preserving order on the course. I The following are the results of the I races : — Selling Rack, of 30aovs ; over six flights of | hurdles. The winner to be sold immediately after the race for IDOsovs. If entered to be sold for 75*ovs, allowed 71b; if for 55sovs, 141b ; if for 40aovs, 211b; if for 25sovs, 2SIb } if to be the property of the club, to carry i)it; 3yrs, to carry list 101b; 4yrs, 12st 51b ; syrs, Gyrs, and aged, 12at 71b, One and a-half miles. Mr. B. Thompson's b g Tim, 9st (J. Morris) 1 Messrs. Halstead's b g Minuet, lOst 111b (Munn) « ... ... ... ... 2 Mr. J. Leonard's b g Falcoo (list 41b (J. Kae) t Mr. J. Robinson's ch g Tinman, lOst 41b (Hadfield)..* .... ... ... ... + St. David (10st 111b), Actress (10at 91b), and Te Whetuniarama (lOst 41b) also ran. Kowdy, Coma, and Manaia were scratched, thus leaving seven to compete out of ten entered. Falcon was the first to the front, with Minuet second, aud they held the lead for some time, but in the final round Tim came to the front, and won easily by four lengths from Minuet; Tinman coming up with great power at the finish overhauled Kae on Falcon at the post, and made a dead heat tor third place. There was £-159 slaked on the totalisator, £149 on the winner, and the dividend was £2 15s. The winner wan auctioned after the sale by Mr. C'arr (Tonks and Carr), and bought in by the owner for £25. Selling Rack of 30«ovs. The winner to be sold immediately after the race for lOOsovs. If entered, to bo sold for SOsovs allowed 71bs, and 7lbs for every lOsovs under. Weight for age. One mile aud a quarter. Mr. B. Thompson's br g Yuba Bill, s»t 121b8, 21bs over (Stone) ... ... 1 Mr. A. McNiccol's bg Manaia, sst 121bs (Harewood) ... 2 Mr. O'Neill's br g Wat Tyler, 6at 41bs (Meara) ... .„ 3 Kalo, Larrikin, Tupaki, Robin Hood, Bragela, Avant, Flageolet, and Rosewood also started, leaving a fine field of eleven to contest the stakes. Wat Tyler was rather fractious at the post, but Mr. McGee at length got them in line, and let them off to a good start. Kalo, with that perversity which seems inherent to him, refused to budge from the post, notwithstanding all Alec Sutherland's persuasive powers. Yuba Bill came up with the leaders on the last round, and finished a length in front of Manaia, but these two whether for fun or through ignorance, raced round again, the others pulling up, and the result was the same, and the second run was scored for Mr. Thompson. .Not, however, without a protest, for in weighing in Yuba's rider was found to carry 6st sJlb, whereas the clerk of the scales averred that he weighed out with only 6st 2lb, and Mr. Duder lodged a protest. The stewards at once considered it, and finally disallowed it, believing apparently that the clerk of the scales had made an error in weighing tho jockey out. There was £659 on the totalizator, £175 on the winner, and the dividend was £3 lis. The winner was bought in by the owner for £15. Handicap Hurdles of 45aovs; second horse to receive ssova out of stakes. Over seven flights of hurdles. Mr W. Robertson's blkg Rowdy, 9it 31b (Fergus) 1 Mr. W. Russell's br g Rob Roy, 9st (Laing) .. 2 Mr. B. Thompson's b g Tim, 9st 101b (J. Morris) .. 3 Quilp (10* it 61b), Gazelle (lOst 31b), Minuet (9st 101b), and Tinman (9st 91b), also ran. Snider and Zula Bill were scratched. Rob Roy was brought to the front at an early stage of the race, and made all the running up to the final hurdle, where he struck rather heavily, affording Rowdy a chance to pass him in the straight and win by three lengths, Tim making a fair third. Gazelle, when running well, fell on tho hurdle in the straight on the second round, but was not hurt. There was £772 on the totalisator, £72 on the winner, and the dividend was £9 14s. Bibthday Handicap of SOsovs ; second horse to receive lOsovs out of stakes. One and a half miles. Mr. W. T. Raymond's br m Clogs, Sat 21bs (Hiukie) 1 Mr. D. McKinnon's blk h Castashore, Gat 51bs (Kidd) 2 Mr. J. Kean's ch g Victory, 7st lOlbs (A. Byers) _ ... 3 Mystery (Sat 81bs), Friendship (Sat 4lbs), Wapiti (7st 101b), Snake (7st 101b), The Cat (fiat 101b), Yuba Bill (t»3t 101b), and Barney (fiat) also ran. Kalo was scratched. The betting was 3 to 1 against Clogs, Victory, and Wapiti, 5 to 1 Mystery, and 8 to 10 to 1 the others. A good start was effected, and there was an excellent race, the horses changing position frequently ; Victory for some time seemed to h#je the best of it, but had to retire towards tiie finish, when Clogs came a raoer, aud cutting down the leaders, won by a length in front of Castashore, Victory only securing third place. There was £905 on the totalisator, £135 on the winner, and the dividend was £0. Novel Race of 25sovs. The winner to bo sold immediately after the race, and the whole of the proceeds to go to tho club ; lowest weight, Bst 71b. One mile. Mr. J. Lennard'a b m Capella, Sat 71b (Lenuard) 1 Mr. O'Brien's br g Como, Bst 71b (Hickie) 2 Mr. J. Mellon's b g Tupaki, Sat 71b (Pearson) ... 3 Little Wonder, Jack, and Wat Tyler, also ran. Capella was brought to the front at the start, and was never headed, although Como succeeded in making a close race up to the straight, where he fell away, and Capella won easily by three lengths, two lungtha separating Como and Tupaki. In this race Wat Tyler fell at the turn to the straight, and the rider (SkerviDg) was thrown heavily against a poit, fracturing his hip-bone and lacerating his arm. Dr. George G. Kenny was present, and at once went to the lad's assistance. He had him removed to the Masonic Hotel, Devon port, whee he attended to the injuries of the patient, and left him in as comfortable a state as could be expected. The winning horse was sold to Captain Cromarty for £23. There were £592 on the totalisator, £84 on the winner, and the dividend waff £6 6s. Handicap Steeplechase of 80sovs; second horse to receive lOsovs out of stakes. About three miles. Colonel Fraser's ch g Quilp, 10at 121b (J. Rae) 1 Colonel Fraeer'a br g Whalebone, lOst 21b (Hadfield)..... „ _ — m- 2

Mr. W. Robertson's blk q Rowdy, 9at 71b

(Fergus) .... 3 Gazelle (lOafc 71b), Julia Ann (9sfc 12lb), Huntsman (9sfc 71b), and Carbine (9st'7lb) also ran. This was a brilliant race from •tart to finish. Gazelle and Rowdy were the first to the front, and Carbine soon showed that lie was out of place, notwithstanding his grand breeding. At the back of the flat course Julia Ana went to the front, and Quilp ran into second place, Gazelle soon afterwards taking third position, and mostly in this order they went round the high land at the baok of the grandstand to the water jump, which Julia was first to clear, followed by Quilp, Whalebone, and Rowdy in close order, the others some distance behind. On the flat Julia and Quilp took a long lead, and Carbine was hopelessly in the rear. There were several changes at the back of the grandstand, and on the second turn Quilp led Julia Ann over the water, with Rowdy third. Positions were little changed round the flat, except that Whalebone, by clever jumping, improved his position; aud rising the hill for the last round Rowdy took the lead, with Whalebone second, Julia Ann and Quilp close together, and it then became evident that the fiuish rested between those. Julia Ann was racing tho game, consistent mare which she always does, and any mistake would be in her favour, but no mistakes were made, and Quilp, making the pace at the back of the grandstand, led over the water and on to the straight for the last time, followed by Rowdy, Whalebone, and Julia Ann, in the order named. Round the flat the pace was telling. Whalebone made a gallant finish, but could not collar Quilp in the straight, and the latter woo a brilliant race by threequarters of a length on the post, Rowdy finishing a game third a length and a' half behind. The betting at the post was 3to 1 against Whalebone, 5 to 1 Gazelle and Rowdy, 6 to 1 Julia Ann and Huntsman, 8 to 1 Quilp, and 15 to 1 Carbine. There was £842 on the totalisator. £139 on the winner, and the dividend was £5 9s, Victoria Handicap of 40sovs ; second horse to receive ssovs out of stakes. One mile. Mr. W. T. Raymond's br m Clogs, 7st 101b (Pearson) ... ... ... ... ... 1 Mr. J. Hedger'a b h Wapiti, 7st 121b (J. Thorpe) 2 Mr. J. Lyme's blk h Kalo, 6at 7lb, and 16ll> over (Durston) ... ... ... 3 Mr. E. Kelly's Octopus, 6*t 101b (Kidd), also ran. Mystery, Friendship, The Cat, Victory, Yuba Bill, and Flageolet were scratched. Kalo jumped to the front, and made all tho running lor about three-quarters of a mile, when he succumbed, and on the turn to the straight Clogs took the inside running, and won by a length from Wapiti, Kalo only succeeding in finishing third. This race brought the meeting to a close in good tune, and all the visitors were able to leave the course by daylight. [BY TELE'JRAPH. — PRESS association.] WANGANUI STEEPLECHASE MEETING. Wanoanci, Monday. Tho Waneanui Jockey Club's Steeplechase meeting took place to-day. The following were the results :— Maiden Steeplechase of 75aovs. Pathfinder ... ... ... — 1 Orient — ... 2 Patent Safety - 3 All got away to a fair start, Pathfinder negotiating the hurdle first, Patent Safety second, aud Orient third. This position lasted until the first round. At the double in front of the stand, Mamiago and Potts fell. The rider got off' all right. Going over the water Patont; Safety led, but on reaching the cricket ground, Pathfinder passed the others, and won hard held. Time. 4min. Totalisator, £339 ; dividend, £8 138. ITack Steeplechase of loaov. Wild Boy — 1 Waitangi .... ... ... ... •- 2 Touchand-Go - -- 3 Mo description is required of this race, as Wild Boy and Waitangi raced away from the field. Wild Boy winuing easily. Time, 2min. 24iseo. Totalisator, £309, dividend £3 3s. Wanganui Handicap Steeplechase o* 200aovfl. Guy Fawkes, list _ ... .- ~ 1 Skylark, lOst ... .- . - Erebus, 12st 71b ... .« 3 The Druid (list 71b), Patent Safety (lOst), Auctioneer (lOst), Ballseye (lOrft) also ran. Skylark and Erebus were the first to show to the front, and led past the stand, Guy Fawkes holding a good position, and running strong at the stone wall. The Druid baulked, and put himself completely out of it at the back of the course. Skylark still led. Edgecumbe then took Guy Fawkes to the front, and won with a bit in hand. Time, 2min 24i'aoc. Totalisator, 605; dividend, £2 10s. Handicap Hack Steeplechase of 25sova. Wild Boy ._ ... 1 Touch-and-Go ... ... ... ... 2 Kangaroo .... ... ... ... -~ 3 Time, 3min 4aeo. Totalisator, £342; dividend, £2 Ba. Grandstand HANDICAP of GOaovs. Skylark ... ... ... ... 1 Onepu ... - 2 Erebus ... ... .~ 3 Time, 4min 7sec. Totalisator, £33S ; dividend, £3 2s. Consolation Handicap Steeplechase of 30sovs. Auctioneer - — 1 Allegro - 2 Totalisator, £122 ; dividend, £1 17s 6d. DUNEDIN RACES. Dunedin, Monday. The second day of the D.J.C. Birthday meeting was favoured with glorious weather. Tho attendance was very fair* During tho day a carriage on the Ocean Beach line ran off tho rails, cut up a number of sleepers, and injured the platform, causing a delay in tho running of the train". No one was injured. The following are tho results :— Handicap Hurdle Race of 80sovs ; second horse 15aovs from stakes. About two miles. Mr. D. Hobb's b h Borderman, list 51b (Wazengart) 1 Mr. Greener's ch g Trapper, lOst 51b (G. Cotton) .„ 2 Mr. J. Stephenson's b g Peter Flat, Sat 71b (Boyle) .... ... ... ._ Moody (lOsfc 51b), May Boy (9at 51b) also ran. Peter Flat and Trapper led at the start, followed by Borderman two lengths away. At the mile and half, Borderman, who was the favourite, went up to the leading pair, and Peter Flat fell back. Shortly afterwards the favourite took the lead and won easily by a dozen lengths from Trapper, with Peter -Flat third, the other two never being prominent. ' Time, 4tnin IGsec. Dividends :£1 15s and £2 0s 6d. Birthday Handicap of 150aovs, with sweepstakes of 3sovs each added. Second horse 20sovs from the stakes, One mile and a quarter. Mr. A. Hathome'a ch f Spade Guinea, 7st (Huxtable) 1 Mr. G. G. Stead's Marion, Oat (Rudings) 2 Mr. M. and C. Hobba' Jack, Bst (Loughlin) .... ... ... 3 Hermitage (7st 8lba), Don Jose (7st 31bs), also ran. Marion was a decided favourite at 3 to 2, Spade Guinea being 2 to 1. Hermitage got away with the lead, Spade Guinea and Don Jose being next. Rounding the turn past the stand Spade Guinea took the lead, and Hermitage, Marion, Jack, and Don Jose, were all in line. At the half-mile Marion improved her position slightly, but Spade Guinea entered the straight with a clear lead, and won by two lengths, with Something in hand. Rudinga on Marion took her from an inside running to outside, to get dear, and she could only get second, coming too late. Jack was a good third, with Hermitaga and Don Jose close up. Time, 2mjn 2|deec. Dividends : £2 19s and £214 a. Novel Race Handicap of SOaovs, One mile. Mr. A, Drake's bl o Revolver, by Muakefc —Kryoina, 7st 121b (White) ... ... 1 Mr. J. Rivers' be Cheap Jack, Gat 101b (Myers) ... 2 Mr. Sherwin's b g Mokaraka, Bst 81b (Stratford) 3 Cathedral (Bsfc 111b), Ironsides (7st 71b), Dutchman (6a6 13lb), Shamrock (6at 101b), Princeis Alice (6st 51b), also ran. This was a good race between the leading three. A hundred yards from homo Cheap Jack got in front of Revolver, but White, though hampered, managed to touch up the latter and landed him a winner by a nose, Mokaraka a good third, and Ironsides fourth. Time, lmin 53isec. Dividends :£3 15a and £4 2s. Mr, D. O'Brien bought the winner for £40.

I Handicap Trot of 75sova was won by Mr. Taggath's Wakatu (25aeo); Polly (22aec), 2ud ; and Bella (52sec), 3rd. .Dividends : £2 10s and £2 18s 6d. St. Clair Welter Handicap of lOOaovs ; socond horse lOsovs from stakes. The winner of the Birthday Handicap to carry 71b extra. Seven furlongs. Mr. Hathorne'a b m Take Mies, 7at 51b (Rudings) . 1 Mr. Sherwin's b g Quibble, 9st sUba (Stratford) ... 2 Mr. Brown's b m Molly Bawn, 9at 121b (Cotton) ... ... „ 3 Miss Cook (7st 81b), Sweet Briar (7at 81b), and Irish (7st 81b) also ran. Molly Bawn was made the favourite, notwithstanding her weight. Take Miss was away first, but Molly was close on her, and soon took the lead. She was done with, however, at the half mile, and Quibble and Take Miss took the lead, fighting out an exciting finish, resulting in a victory by half a length for the latter, Molly Bawn a poor third. Time, lmin 37isec, Dividends: £3 2s 6d and £3 lis 6d. Right started for the Hack Race, which was won by Cheap Jack, with Teddy second, Gossip third. Dividend : £2 10s. Consolation, of 50sovs. One mile. Mr. Sherwin's Meteor, 7st 71b (White).l Mr. Sherwin's Quibble, Sat 2lb . 2 Mr. River's Don Jose, Bat ... ... 3 Seven started. It was run almost In the dark. Meteor won by two lengths. Time, lmin slßec. Dividends : £3 10s and £3 6s. £6(i45 were put through the totalia&tor, making £11,212 for the two days. LOWER HEATHCOTE RACES. Chkistchurch, Monday. There was a largo attendance at the Lower Heathcote race meeting to-day. Queen's Birthday Handicap of Sosovs, one mile and a-quarter, was won by H. Lunn's Kingaak, 7st 61b, with H. D, Bradley's Rose and Gold, Cat, second, and G. Rutherford's Master Agnes, Sit, third. Four others ran. This was a slashing race, Kingask beat Hose and Gold by a head, after an exciting finish, Master Agnes being half a length away, third. Vanity Fair ran into a post after six furlongs, and seriously damaged his hip. It is not at all improbable that he will have to be destroyed. The Open Handicap Hurdles was won easily by Mr. H. Lunn's Tree Sec, lOst, beating D. Kuthei ford's Lady Eva, 9st, by two lengths ; J. Miasms' Secretary, list 4lba, being third. PET AN E RACES. Natikk, Monday. The Petane races to-day were well at tended, about 1100 persons being present. The weather was splendid, and the racing excellent. Handicap Hurdles.—Denbigh, I; Mountaineer, 2; Asaigai, 3. Karainu also ran. Won by half a length after a gocd race. Maiden Plate.—Brown Duke, 1 ; Denbigh, 2; Clyde, 3. Bret Harte also ran. Won by a neck after a very exciting finish, the same distance separating the second and third horses. Birthday Handicap.—Mystery, 1 ; Orwell, 2 ; Liberty, 3. Soudan and Tamahine also ran. Won comparatively easily by half a length. Pony Race.Ginger, 1; Duffer, 2 ; Mermaid, 3. Ladies' Purse.—Abraham, 1; Liberty, 2; Clyde, 3. Aaai:gai and Bret Harte also ran. Won easily by three lengths. Flying Stakks.—Soudan, 1; Orwell, 2; Tamahine, 3. Firefly also ran. Won after a good race by a neck. The totalisator passed £29117 through. Nelson, Monday. The weather was gloriously fine, but the attendance at the races was not large. The I following were the results :— Hurdles.—Forest King, 1; Dangerous, 2 ; Manfred, 3. Winter Oats.—Puritan, I; Regret (late Kate Kelly), 2 ; Patrician, 3. Birthday Handicap.—Regret, 1; Stella, j 2 ; Patrician, 3. | District Race. —Stella, 1, Stewards' Handicap.—Forest King, 1 ; | May, 2 ; Puritan, 3. j AUCKLAND COURSING CLUB SHAREHOLDERS' CUP. The coursing match for the shareholders' cup took place, or rather was commcnced, at the Plumpton Park yesterday. The weather was all that could be desired, and as the railway department had laid on a special train to the park a large number took advantage of the opportunity of witnessing the juoat important coursing match that has been held in New Zealand. There was a very large attendance of the general public, much larger, indeed, than was anticipated. The sport throughout was good. The forenoon sport was especially exciting, the hares being strong and game, but the hares brought out in the afternoon were only modorate in comparison. Mr. O. Wallnutt officiated as judge, Mr. T. Fletcher as slipper. Messrs. W. A. Fenton and D. Geary as slip stewards, Mr. T. McCroady as flag steward, Mr. J. McCabo as treasurer, and Mr. C. Wallnutt as secretary. The judging throughout appeared satisfactory, but there was some dissatisfaction with the slipping. Mr. MoEwon, of the City Buffet, provided an admirable lunch on the ground in a marquee, and was liberally patronised during the day by men and women, whom the keen air made as hungry as hunters. The chief event of the day was The Shareholders' Cup, an unlimited alleged stake of £3 each, the property of shareholders of the Auckland Plumpton Co. Winner, 40 per cent, and cup ; runner-up, 20 percent.; third and fourth dogs, 10 per cent, each; and four dogs, winners of two courses, eaoh 5 per cent. Ten per cent." deducted from the stakes towards expenses. Nominations, 42 ; entries closed with 41 dogs. Stakes will bb divided pro rata. The whole of the first round was run 00 with the following results :— Mr. J. McCaho's r b Kast Lynne boat Mr. Watson's br and w dog Patent. Mr. D. Watson's (il Handy boat Mr. J. Abbott's if b Pride of Lonsdale. Mr. James Martin't r d King Quail beat Mr. M. Hogan's « and b b Gitana. Mr. liueklaud's b d Pinafore beat Mr. Fiynn's b d Faußh-a-ballagh. Mr. Watson's w and b b Kapal beat Mr. J. Abbott's b I) Ebonite. Mr. J. McUabe's (na) r b Meteor Second beAt Mr. McDonald's f d Rory Bean Mr. Jesse'* Koto beat Mr Chermiido's b d Rustic. Mr. 'Jriffi h's (no) b and w b Bergamot boat Mr, Foster's b anil w d Pinto. Mr. Watson's b b Ladybird beat Mr. Quigley's f d Market Day. Mr. W. F. Buckland's w and b b Chloe [beat Mr. Abbott's f d Jersey Lily. Mr. Bovan's f d Clarence boat Mr. Dignan's b and w b Heather 8011. Mr. Fonton's r d Unit beat Mr. Dignan's w and b Donald. Mr. ninths' r d Dingo beat Mr. A. Buckland's br b Myrtle. Mr. McDonald's f d Totara 111. boat Mr. Dodge's fb Star of tho South. Mr. Mo "abe's f d Jokor beat Mr. Sandall's b d Caroline. Mr. A. Todd's f b Musk beat Mr. Foster's Blue Lupin. Mr. Todd's b d Belmont beat Mr. P, Quigloy'a b b Como Mr. F. Bunkland's w and b d Lucifer beat Mr. Dervan's b h Empress Mr. Dervan's b and w d Martini-Henry boat Mr. M. f b Shuo-fly. Mr. Barker's b (l Hob boit Mr. F. Burt's r b Fancy. Mr. W. A. Fenton's ( d Rata ran a bye. This concluded the first round of the match. The second round will be commenced to-day, and under favourable circumstances it is hoped also that the final rounds may come off. There were numerous undecided courses during the day, which, of course, had to be run off again, and Mr. Buckland's Lucifer, after beating Mr, Dervan's Empress, was badly staked on the fore leg, and will probably not take further part in the competition. A handicap trotting match took place in the park during the afternoon, which was won by Mr. McMullan's Yankee, Mr. Wattie'a Rambler second, Mr. Watson's Maggie third, and Mr. Claridge'a Minnie fourth. Eight started, and the trot was a very interesting one. The second round of the stakes will be resumed at half-past eleven to-day. A special train will leave for Plumpton at twenty minutes past ten o'clook. —~ J

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7646, 25 May 1886, Page 3

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SPORTING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7646, 25 May 1886, Page 3

SPORTING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7646, 25 May 1886, Page 3