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* *•, TP" ■ ■ ———■ 1 1 ■ i i " Ill i i ii PPTNG ant * ' eft ft 8 R »n last evening for Dunedin, Lytte! ton, Wellington, Napier, GiBborne, and thi ♦ ■ port. Hmn WAT** at Auckland—11.33 a.m.: 0.0 p.m. ' 10 Union Co.'s R.M.fs. Mararoa camo int Manukau—3.13 a.m.; 3.40 p.m. Harbour last night from Sydney, en route fo Sun.—Rises, 7.2; sets, 4.50. San Francisco, and, as will be noticed, iihe come Moon.—Last Quarter, 20th, 11.15 a.m. well patronised by passengers. Captain Edi reports having left Sydney wharf at 4.35 p.m ARRIVALS. on the 20th, discharged pilot at 5.30 p.m. Mararoa, R.M.s.s., 3000, James Edte, from experienced iight E.N.E. to S.E. winds fo Sydney. Saloon passengers from Sydney to two days, then fresh easterly winds t, Auckland: Messrs. L. G. Sharp, G. V. Davis, Three Kings, which wqr© reached at 3.4! W. Franks, J. A. Walker, A. W. Pearson, a.m. on the 24th; fine clear weathe Richmond, Sawyers, Armitage, Swinburn, along the coast; received Auckland pilo Humphries, Dr. Tierce, Mesdames Stephenson, at 10.45 p.m., arriving alongside the Queen Richmond, Armitage and child, Marks and street Wharf at 11.55 p.m. The following is i child, Hay, Murphy, Watton, Bruce, list of the passengers by the Mararoa, which ii Thelwell, and 9 in the steerage. Saloon to leave here at 2 o'clock to-day for Honoluh passengers from Sydney to Honolulu; Messrs. and San Francisco: — Mr. Ullithorne, Misi Foster, Calvert, Miss Calvert, and 1 in the Rutherford, Messrs. Marks, Wingato, Mr. ant iteerage. Saloon passongers from Sydney to Mrs. Roberta, Mr. G. H. Aitkin, Rev. Mr, San Francisco : Messrs. W. G. Gilbert, Wal- Waddell, Messrs. J. Rutherford, Betherington, ford, Jeffries, A. Weeks, H. Le.irmouth, Walsh, Mrs. Barnes, Misses Barnes (2), Miss S. O'Brien, l Pratt, Adair, Orr and 2 children. Freeman. Mr. and Mrs. T. Coombe, Messrs, M. Levy, R, B. Mogg, C. H. Gale, J. S. Barnes (2), Frank Patterson. Bell, M. F. Wade. Mesdames O'Brien, Thayer, Tho s.s. Tainui, of the Shaw, Savill, anc W. J. Trickett. 4 children and maid, Pratt, Albion Co.'s line, arrived at Lyttolton at 8.4£ 2 children and servant, Adair, Misses a.m. yesterday from Dunedin. Smith, Rutherford, Orr, Moadames Mc» The s.s. Gairloch, which left Cnohungn Kinnon' and 4 daughters, Roberts, Smith, yesterday, is to go on to Wellington for the Combe, Gore and -1 children, Messrs. Tyr- purpose of being taken on the slip there foi whitt, Wingate, J. W. Ross, Father Moran, cleaning, etc. This will be the first visit that F. Smith, Connelly, Roberts, G. H. Aitken, the Gairloch has paid to the "Empire" city. Rutherford, G. O. Revere. Hargraves, Birken- Mr. Coutts, the inspecting engineer of the head, J. E. Wolfe, T. H. Smith, Combe, J. Northern Co., was a passenger with the GairNoble, P. H. Dixon, C. K. Hall. Fard, loch. Schneider, Captain Swan, Hers. Waddell, Shipping business during yesterday was at a Morris, Gore, Misses Williams, Brunton, and standstill, owing to the day being a Customs 55 in the steerage.—Union S.S. Co., agent?. holiday. The various vessels were all gaily Olive, schooner, 92, J, H. Porcival, from dressed with bunting, in honour of the Queen's Friendly Islands. Passengers: Mesdames Birthday, and the wharf throughout the day Percival, J. Parsons, jun., and child, Galloway, proved a most attractive promenade. No doubt Miss Galloway, and 1 native.—W. McArthur the fineness of the weather added materially to Mid Co., agents. its popularity. Kaikoura, R.M.s.s., Crutchley, from London, The whaling barques Splendid and Othello Via , Cape Town, Dunedin, and Wellington, arrived at Dunedin on Sunday evening last. PassengersSaloon: Mrs. Hawson, Misses The steamers Wellington, for Tauranga, Hswson (2), Messrs. Young, Hawson, Kerr, Clansman for Russell and Northern ports, and Ltiwkins, Shera, Pickup. Second saloon : Argyle for Mercury Bay and Tairua, are all to Alesdnmea Arnold, Johnston, Martin. Tugby, leave this evening. The s.s. Macgregor, due 'Wallwidge aud 2 children, Croll, Ellaton ; from WnnRarei early this morning, is also to Misses Tugby, Beal; Messrs. Arnold, Tugby, return again to the same place this evening. Croll, Grady, McKillop, Woolridge, Master The New Zealand Shipping Company's Croll, and 55 in the steerage.— N.Z.S. Co., R.M.s.s. Kaikoura may be expected to reach agents. here this morning shortly after daylight. The Macgregor, s.s., 159, Johnson, from Whan- steamer is from London, via Dunedin and Jffcrei. Passengers : Messrs. A. McDonald and Wellington. ■on. Ruff, Cunningham. Burney, Moore, Hill, Messrs. W. McArthur and Co. schooner Grant, Wilcocks, Cashil, Bashford, Moore, Olive, Captain Percival, came into harbour last Walker, Mackie, Hickson, McGlaahan, Wilkins, evening, after a very dirty - weather passage McKenzie, Dodd, Holloway, Bethaum, Rud- during the outward trip, during which the dock, Wilcocks, Finlayson (3), Caullouze, vessel was hove on her beam ends under Douglas, Wallace, McKenuan, Campbell, circumstances as already reported by us. Eua Gunslone, Hill, Burron, Raumonga, Kirk, was reached on the Sth March, and from there Mr. and Master Ellingham, Messrs. (Jones, the schooner proceeded through the group on to Beale, Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Holder, Mrs. Samoa, calling at Wallis Island, Keppel's Wilcocks.—Northern S.S. Co., agents. Island,and Vavauon the way home. At the latter Manapouri, s.s., 17S3, Thomas Logan, from port the Olive loaded oranges, and left there on Melbourne and Southern ports. Passengers : the Mb May. Experienced light southerly and —Saloon : Mesdames Fen wick and maid, easterly winds, with fine weather up to arrival. Hexton, Neale, Stewart, Jones, Keane and The schosner is to be berthed at the Queenchild, Sise, Ward, Kilgour, Ryan and child, street Wharf to-day to land her cargo. • Herd, Hudson, Misses Kilgour, Anderson, The schooner Rio, from the Kiapara, arrived Petherick, Murray (2), Fenwick, Conway. at Sydney on the 17th inst. Sise, Rutherford, Gaunt, Caw, Rev. S. J. The s.a. Macgregorj from Whangarei, came Neill, Rev. R. Waddell, Captains Tribe and into harbour this morning, with cargo and pasSinclair, Messrs. Aitkin, Southern. Reid, sengers. She is to leave again this evening for Pole, Stewart. Dicks, Dodgshun, Ellithorp. the same port. Coombes, Wallnutt, Wingate, .T. Stewart, Tho Harbour Board's new dredger, 121, from Beetham, Hudson. Morris, Benjamin. Sise, home, arrived at Brisbane on Saturday last, Murray, Rutherford, Tharratt, Ryan, Harnon, having come through tho Torres Straits. After Chambers, Smith, Skardon, Henderson and taking in coal she was to leave again for here # servant, Master Rutherford : Rignold'. dra- direct. The dredger may be expected to arrive matic company, viz., Mr. George Rignold, during the ensuing week. Mrs. Rignold, Mis* Kate Bishop. Miss 'Lucy — Harwood, Miss Claudius, Miss Langueville, ARRIVAL OF THE KAIKOURA. Messrs. Cathcart, Meade, Isaacson, Marsh, m, »t v c , . . „ _ , „ r _ . Hambro, Kinchall, Harrison, Hall, Tolano, . ™ : J S^ ] 'gPi?*® 01lny "■ KmVincent, Griffiths, Sweeney. Francois, L. bn ° Lohr, and Richards.Union S.S. Co.. agents. k - " t0am P " Arawata, V? M a a 1098. W. L. Cromarty, originally from London, bufc en route 'V from Fiji. * Passengers:-For Auckland : Mes- called at Dunedin and Wellington, there to from Fill. Passengers t or Auckland : Mea- } A ™*n«, v u I, dairies McKinnon, 2 children, and servant, ow ; n£? to t i 1A horfh h " a f Kaikoura, C&Uaghan child. Mi.. H.mli., D'-J™™. «„°S WbSlf KiS/ ?o, ,h. Q °m.U ISidf;. a'J7ta For Sydn.j 5 M2°.?"'J" "TV Messrs. Ma on, Hartinstein, Kirkwood, Barnes, T much annoyed and 1 in steerage. For Melbourne : Hon. H. J. «iQoaId not be permitted to be Btamer - Bfirkfllev —Union S S Co a2ents. snould not bo permitted to ba at once '' ' berthed, instead of her having to anchor DEPARTURES. in the stream. He considered that he Stockbridge, ship, for Newcastle and San * houI 4 have hl >. d e 1 ual privilege, with the San F.vancisco Francisco mail steamer, and believes that Agnes Martin, ketch, for Whangarei. Z^J'c™?' 1 70SSe I S ? re due , i: , sfa ? r uld be a Syren, brig, for Thames and Brisbane. f * fir,k com ? first served. However, there was one rale, and consequently the I'.XPEOTED ARRIVALS. harbour authorities — represented by Pilot SAN FRANCISCO : _ Coopercould do nothing else than obey the It.M.s.s* Alameda, about 2Sth mat. instructions given, and anchor the Kaikoura in LONDON : the stream. She is, however, to be berthed Allanshaw, ship, sailed February IS, NKSL. to-day, and will at once procsed with the Akaroa, barquo, sailed March 10, wi'KH. landing _ of her cargo for this port, upon Falls of Clyde, ship, loading, sgi'J. completion of which she will proceed on to GLASGOW: Wellington again. The Kaikoura on her No. 121 dredger, sailed January 9. outward run , made the passage to Danedin Zealandia, ship, early. from Plymouth in 40 days 7 hours .'5 minutes, NEW York : actual steaming time having been 39 days Wolfe, barque, sailed December 24, via 5 hours 3 minutes. The passage throughout Adelaide (May 10). e 8 Pr? ve( a most enjoyable one, all the officers Lapwing, brigantine, sailed Feb. 2, SLN'D. Jf° m Captain Crutchley downwards doing all in Mary E. Russell, barque, sailed Feb. 25, thelr P 0 .^® 1 " to , la }' the> time pass as pleasantly j^q T> as possible, and from the passengers we learn Sorine, barque, sailed March 1G, XQH3. i ? * his direction they proved most successElinor Vernon, barque, loading. '"V other vessels of the New Zealand Nettie, brigantine, loading. Shipping Co. a line the Kaikoura comes into HAMBURG • liar Dour in excellent order, everything on board Sidlaw', barque,, sailed February 4, KVSF. f' * D ? on !® a . . a ° d J™- . She , brought for apwtiat vnsiviv - London 2,1 bags mail, of which 4a were for ARE. DAL, *, OP.V.A1 • , T this port, and in the landing of the latter Taust, barque, cleared January Captaiu Crutchley lost no time. For Auckland * B °" ISL^', D - : , , the Kaikoura brought 95 passengers, live of Three Cheers, schooner, early, SLXQ. whom are for transhipment for Napier. Of Maile, schooner, early, Q?KT. the passage we learn that the Kaikoura Julia Pryce. schooner, early. left Plymouth on April 10 at 1.44 p.m.. and Atlantic, schooner, oarly. had dirty weather across the Bay ; thonce light LTTTKLTON : a i r windB to Medeira, which was reached on Dbvonport, schooner, early. April 14 at 4 a.m. ; after coaling, left again the NEWCASTLE : same day at 11 a.m., and had very light trades Wenona, barque, early. and the usual weather to the equator. Cape PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Verde was passed on the 17th at 6.10 p.m. After SAN FRANCISCO . untrAb.LVnetJ. crossing the line, had fresh to strong bead R.51.s.s. Mararoa, 2 p.m. to-day. 7! nd *' aniahin .? 'f » he ! a , d | al0 of 1 two , d*y«' London • duration. Arrived at Tablo Bay on April 20 at rt * ii i* .- , 6.21 p.m., and left next day at 0.35 a.m. After Gazelle, brigantme, loading. leaving the Cape had light head winds and aimea, barque, loading. . thick fogs, then fresh to strong northerly and Lu t C e°rwo'rSto Toad °' " KalPara ' BOQtheri y - inda nntil 10. wLn experienced «u Tft to str0Dg south9rl 7 g'e »nd very high sea, during mu \ n 11 i V i which the ship was hove to for more than 12 Thomas A; Goddard, barque, early. hours . From thence had unsteady wind3 and SIDNET: i u moil.' t dirty unsettled weather, with low barometer, R.M.s.s. Alameda, about 23th mat. until the 20th, when the first westerly wind EIMBERLET : sprung up, and freshened until, on the morning Orpheus, schooner, early. of the 21st, it plew a whole gale, with furious SOUTH sea ISLANDS : *qaallg. Sighted Snares at 2.27 p.m. on the Kyno, brigantine, eany. 20th, aud arrived at Port Chalmers at 8.10 a.m. VFSSKr.l TV A I'T'OTTP on * ; ' Je 21st. The mails ware then transhipped v o ; f ' to the tug Plucky, but it was found impracSteamek. Explorer, in stream. _ ticable to tranship the passengers. Left Port Baeque.s—-Kapido, Lutterworth, in stream ; chalmera at 2 an( \ arriv K ed at Wellington B.HCASTINtS. Gazelle, Sarah Pile. By.. at 1.20 p.m. on the 22nd; landed pa».engers Bhiga>TINES. Sar.ih Pile, Ryno, and proceed0d again, after coaling, for AuckOamaru, Queen-street Wharf; Look-out, at land, at 6.47 a.m. on the 23rd. Had light and itauw.y „ ar rrr -j. ' i. , „ , , variable airs and fine weather up the coast, schooners.—. tcmata » at Queen-street h 0 ring at 9.10 p.m. The following are tho Wharf ; Glencairn, in stream. namea of th „ Kaik(Uril ' a offic , : _hief officer, THE UNION S.S. COMPANY. Mr. T. Q. East ; second officer, Mr. C. A.' Mil-TO-DAT. —Hawea arrives atOnehunga at noon, » third officer, Mr. J. W. Croncher ; fourth from Southern ports, and leaves again at 1 p.m. officer, Mr. H. J. Blanchard ; surgeon, Mr, E. The Mararoa leaves for Honolulu and San K - Pa'fitt chief engineer, Mr. J. F. Black; Francisco at 2 p.m. The Manapouri leaves for second engineer, Mr. J. H. Simpson; third Russell. engineer, Mr. H. R. Wildish; fourth oiigineert Wednesday. —The Taupo arrives from Mr. A. Nicol. To Mr. E. J. Bernard, who holds Southern ports early, and leaves for West Coast, responsible position of purser, we are The Southern Cross leaves for Gisborrm. indebted. for the prompt delivery of our files Thoksdat.—The Manapouri arrives from an( * ' or other favour*. Rusiell, and leaves for Southern ports and Melbourne at noon. PORT OF ONEHUNGA. Friday.The Alameda is due from San Francisco, and leaves for Sydney. ARRIVALS. Saturday.—The Rotorua arrives at Onehunga Oreti, s.a., from Wanganui, via New at 8 a.m. from Southern ports, and leaves Plymouth. Passengers : Messrs. Carpenter, again at 2 p m. Sotnerfield, Death, Miller, Brown, Wright, IMPORTS. Matthews, Howard, McLachlan.—J. W. Waller, • Per s.s. Manapouri, from Melbourne and aent IMPORT 0 Southern ports From Melbourne : 18 baskets p 0re ; 400 sheeplnd 10 bullocks. Bottles, 9 packages sewing machines, 5 bales ' " ' kapok, 10 packages ten, 4 bales bags, 05 cases _, „ ,. , , _ , . _ brandy, 150 cases geneva, 8 cases tobacco. 42 The Oreti arrived at Onehunga at u a.m. cases tapioca, 3 cases arrowroot, 10 bags pepper, yesterday, with a cargo of stock and a number 520 bags sugar. From liluif : 501 sacks oats. " f passengers. She leaves again at 3 p.m. this From Dunedin : 1 case snuff, 14 bags sugar, 4 da * for ow Plymouth and Wanganui. cases tea, 5 hhd3. ale, 100 cases jam, 25 bags — oatmeal, 125 boxes candles, GO sacks potatoes, BY TELEGRAPH. 20 cases raising, 7 blocks metal, 100 blocks zinc, 25 cases fish. From Lyttelton : 12 sacks NEW PLYMOUTH peas, 4 cases bacon, 11 cases hams, 2013 s;icks wheat, 33 sacks potatoes, 92 packages sundries. May 22. —The s.s. W akatipu arrived from From Wellington: 20 cases lemonade, 'J packages Wellington yesterday, and went alongside the sundries. breakwater at 11.30 a.m. She took on board Per s.s. Arawata, from Fiji:—For Auckland : for Sydney 1675 kegs butter (equal to 94,9851b), 5 cases lemons, 35 sacks cocoanuts, 1170 ' tierces of beef, anil 40 bales of fungus. The bunches bananas, G4 mats sugar, (> bales mohair, value of the cargo is H171, 10 sacks fibre dust, 24 sacks peanuts, 12 hides, LYTTELTON 2 bundles sheepskins, 27 cases pines 50 packages M 24,-Arrived : S.s. Tainui, from WellingSln 7 : 1(^V eH '*r I-or tou - Sailed: S.s. Wan aka, for Akaroa; Te packages. For lil'ff C truckages. " " n . au ' for D 1 u^ di " 5 Mahinapua, for Wellington, pacicages. I? or lilult : ll TiackHgeE. i m t.' i. b ' Per schooner Olive, from Friendly Islands 1 8 on ' an es ° r ' 123,000 oranges? BLUFF. May 21.The s.s. Waihora arrived at 7.30 The Union Co.'s R.M. steamer Arawata . Sl,00 « for Auckland: Mr. arrived in harbour from Fiji yesterday morning, lnlu ' ra1e and "" •yellibiarifl. a day in advance of her time. She brings — several passengers and a large cargo of fruit, CALL AND DIVIDEND LIST, etc. Captain Cromarty reports having left „ _ Levuka on the 10,h instant , a \ 6 a.m., arriving North Nr^. 1 Farmers' Co-opera- '' in Suva at 11. a.m. , left again at 4.30 ve Assoclat on .. ..010 — May 26 p.m., passed Mount Washington, at 10.30 Old Caledonian O.M. Co. ..010 — May HI p.m. the same date, and sighted Mokohiuau N.Z. SuKar Co 5 0 0 — Juno 18 light at 10.30 p.m. on the 23rd, Tiritiri abeam „ _ dividends. at 5.40 a.m. on the 24fch, and arrived alongside Lund Mortgage Co. .. 7 p. c. — Now

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7646, 25 May 1886, Page 4

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CALL AND DIVIDEND LIST. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7646, 25 May 1886, Page 4

CALL AND DIVIDEND LIST. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7646, 25 May 1886, Page 4