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Dress ana Fashions. ■ i ' RB. SHALDERS AND I . SON Invite Special Attention to thole j NEW MILLINERY, \ Under the Artistic Skill oft Mrs. Duff (Formerly Miss Nodder), So long and favourably known. OUR NEW DRF>S M i-TERIALS, ' PLUSHES, VELVETS, VELVETEENS, &a, Are Worthy of Inspection. - ~*~ Dresses Fashio-<abi.v Made on Shortest Notice. BLANKETS, SHEETINGS, &C, VERY CHEAP. A LARCE VARIETY OF NOVELTIES Form a Great Attraction to Visitors, Resting Rooms, Lavatories,' &0., for convenience of our Suburban and Country Friends, are provided. 204 and 206, QUEEN-STREET. *i I. i in /fiy <^\ //MO BSOX-ST REET)\ X-~*L VISIT £>// /~USH AND DEFERRED PAYMENT, . \_y TAILORS, DRAPERS, AND HABIT MAKERS, IIOB3ON-BTItKI£T, v/« rnnneetfnllv invite attention to our Largo Stock of NOVELTIES for the present Season. Our fireat Variety and Choice of the Boat Fabrics, with th« Skill and Talent wo employ, and the great success of our efforts to produce Superior Garments, PERFECT in FIT, and UNEXCELLED In CUT and STYLE, gives us every confidence in respectfully <ollcltine the favour of a visit. All Tweeds thoroughly shrunk bofora being made up and Fit and Workmanship Guaranteed. The DBf'KRRKn Payment System has been found to bo a ureat boon, by enabling; thoso with limited Incomes to procure neccjittdes In the easiest possiblo way All Goods are marked in Plain Figures. Cash Customers rocelve 5 per cent, discount (one •hilling in tho pound sterling) on all parcels of 20s dud upwards. INSPECTION INVITED. Trim Cars pass the door. Musical. j — o , l g ; ,|i L_vili & ; : [ —Jg '» PIANOS. | JUST | T>IANOS. I LANDED, 1 JL ALSO, PIANOS OF OUR OWN MANUFACTURE. MESSRS. THOS. H. »VEBB * CO . Oak House, HobiOn-sueet, ,ind of View Road, Mount Eden, Manufaoturers of Pianofortes, ilarnioniunn. *e.; Established in Auckland in ISOO. and in London in 1547. Every Instrument sold with Guarantee, on terms tc suit Purchasers All Kinds of Instruments taken In Kichaufjo ; also thoroughly repaired at the FACTO Mount Edou. Purchasers are Invited to in:pect the Spleudidand Varied Stock oh INSTRUMENTS TO BE SKKN ONLY AT OAK HOUSE. PRICES FROM £15 TO £90. * N.B. —No other Depot. Music Pupils taken a* usual. Alto, private Class-rooms for Teachers' use, oi i iifiln to I'raetiefi in. Medical. LOCKLYER'S SULPHUR HAIR J RESTORER. THE BEST, THE SAFEST, THE CHEAPEST. Restore* the rolour to grey Instantly stops the hair from fading. Occasionally used, greyness Is impossible. Removes scurf, and embellishes the hair. Ljrjo Bottles, Is 6d. Sold everywhere. Made in London PEPPER'S TARAXACUM AND POIL DOPHYLLIN. THE SAFEST ANTIBILIOUS MEEICINE. A FLUID LIVER MEDICINE, WITHOUT MER CURY. Li now u.«?d and raßular'y prejcrlbcd by many phynieisns Instead of blue pill and calomel for the cure ■ f dyspepsia, biliousness, and all symptoms of con>:eslien of Hie liver, which are generally pain beneath the ,'houldcrSj headache drowsiness, no appetite, lurred torcue, illsagveeahle taste in the morning, giddiness, disturbance of the stomach and feeling of ('■" oral depression. Bottles, 2s 91 and 4s 6d. Sold by all Chemists, usist on Laving Pepper's GDLPHOLINE T OTION, THE CURE FOR SKIN DISEASES. 'v a few days Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches enlirloy ade away ! Beautifully fragrant, perfectly harmless. Cures old-standing skin diseases. it removes every kind of eruption spot, or blemish, and renders the .-kin clear, smooth, supple, and healthy. Sulpholine Lotion is sold by Chemists. Bottles 2s 9d. Made only by J. PEPPER & CO., London. OEPPER'S QUININ'E AND IRON I. TON IC. HEALTH, STRENGTH, ENERGY. Crrnt bodily strength, great nerve strength, great mental strength, great, digestive strength follows th" use of PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON TONIC, which promotes nppetko and restores robust health. Bottles, 32 does. Sold by Chemists everywhere. Inskt on having Pepper's Tonic. It is made only at Bedford Laboratory, London. neLLewArs PILLS. Impurity or the Blood.— the blood b» kept iu a pure ttato tho constitution must be weakened and disease sup«rv»jio. T'boap wonderful Pills possess tho power of removing or neutralizing all contaminations of tho blood and system generally. They quietly, but certainly, overcome all obstructions tending to produce ill health, and institute regular action to organs that are faulty from irritation or debility. The dyspeptic, weak, and n<jrvou3 may rely op these Pills aa lueir best friaud and comforter, as they act upon the main springs of life, and thus save thousands from a premature (fravo. CdUFLAINTH OF Women and CHILDREN.— Very mild and painless action of those invaluable Pills recommends them to every household as a remedy for the first departure from health. Any mother, uursa, or young parson guided by the directions which accompany each box of liollowuy's Pills has at once available means of cheeking disease, purifying the blood, and expelling from the system all gross humours. Thoy tiro indeed, at all ages, the fcmalo'a tried friend. DIKOKDKKi or tjie Liver with Flatulency ANI» I.viMoitsrroN.—Loss of appetite and flatulency are usually the forerunners of stomachic disease. Then. famous Pills exorcho the most salutary power on all affections of tho liver, and all irregularities of the stomach and bowois • they restore a healthy function to every internal organ, overcome all obstructions and cast out ill unties. Weak HroKKCM — Impiirkd Digestion.—Tho Truest cannot onv me rate one tithe of the distressing symptoms artsi.-,u from enfeebled digestion, all o? winch rusy he ri.idUy dispelled by these admirable Pills, as they -rase the and every other or(;aii of digjsticu iv that healthy tor.c which fully enuhlja then. t« "onvjit all food and drink to the nourishment of the body— these Pills are the pnroat utren{ ,, ii".nors,, and tho safes* restorative in nervousness, "wasting, and chronic debility. .JOUOHS. Colub, IN JTX.IIENZ*. .»ND boiiK THROATS.— For curing .llseases of th« throat, chast, and lungs, these Pills have established fov themselves a preeminently world-wide fame, as they purify the blood and regulate its eirc.ilatiou. roughs, common colds, Influensa, bronchitis, asthma, pleurisy, lutJaiamation of tho lungs, and even consunr.ptlon iu ltr early stayee »re succoasfnily treated vritU ihls medicine, pariS:ularly If Holloway's Ointment bo wall rubbed ui«D th.) ohott and back niclit and mcrolu;. Hwlloway'B Piila "« the ueat remedy known in the world for tho totiawir.u diseases:— Ague Mont Stone and Gravel Asthma Hoadacho Symp(Jilious Gem- Indigestion toms plaints Liver complaints Tic-Dolouroux Blotches on the Lumbago Ulcars Skin il-'ilos > eueraal Affce Bowel complaintslßhejmatisiM tlons Debility jßoiention of Worms of al Dropsy Urino | kinds Female IrregU' Scrofula or King si Weakness, frsja larlties I Evil ) whatevercausa Fevers of all kinds Threats i «c„ &c The Pills and ointment are sold at Professor Hoi way's Establishment, 76, '■ew Otford-street London, also by nearly cvary rospeeutJe Vendor of Nodldnothronshout.the civilised world, in Boxes and Pots at Is lid, ts 9d, is Cd, Is, '225, ant 33s sach. Each Pot and Box of the Genuine Medicines bears the British Ouvarnmont Stamp, with the words. " Holloway a Pills and Ointment, Laadjn," engraved thereon. On the label Is the address, 78, New Oxford, street, London, whsre alone they are manufactured IJSL Beware of all coinuounds styled Holloway'i P*>la and Ointment with a " New York" label. [Established 1865.) TITB. T. TRAFFORD, R.S.D.E., SURGEON-DENTIST, FIELD- STREET (Near Queen-street). Palnleu Extraction of Teeth by the Oxide-Nitrogen Gas.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7645, 24 May 1886, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7645, 24 May 1886, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7645, 24 May 1886, Page 3