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% n Dress and Fashion. . . , v CASH VERSUS CREDIT. * — NEW ZEALAND TWEED CO., TAILORS, . . Shortland-street, Auckland. PATTERNS SENT POST FREE. 7s (id extra for Paget or Morning Coat. Postage: Coat, 2s; Trousers, lis: Vest, 81 ; to My pwSof New Zealand. { NEW, GOODS FOR SPRING NOW SHOWING^ All orders by post must be prepaid. t Measurement for Coat— I 1 to 2, From neck seam to | Jl If _6T 3t04t0 6, From seam at - J v V Ila yr- r- back to elbow, and onto | ; 'I lla yS* I / ns) length of sleeve - w 1 .< . V I >|a o Round chest under coat .. J j ;j|| /V I s ffijr j From back of neck to j , j\ I I ' rm ' required opening i ; jy ii State what pockets you j < 1 | I what pockets you i-r j Measurement for Vest— j My \' i Round chest under coat I 1 11 , From back of neck to I 1 r sjj required opening and I „ M 1 M 2 then on to length \ M 1 J*■ \ ' J \ 1 Measurement for Trousers— \ M j W I I Whether pockets to be side I M If '• • I '\V' I or across I m l» % 1 / I Ito 5, rom op of trousers I M 1 I 6to 7, inside leg seam I M v HgS&t I '' R° UnC * Waist J W' rif&J It I 2 Round Hips )l@f' A ! :'i\ / 3 Round Knee SBiS Wo • sii* 4, Round Knee JStSP^ J ' R oune * Bottom of Boot QUALITY No. J. QUALITY No. 2. , QUALITY No. 3. . QUALITY No. 4. SUIT, SUIT, SUIT. ' SUIT, £3 3s. £3 15s. £4 4s. £4 10s. TROUSERS & VEST, TROUSERS k VEST, TROUSERS & VEST, TROUSERS & VEST, £1 7s. £1 13s. £1 17s 6d. £2. TROUSERS, TROUSERS, TROUSERS, IROUSERS, 16s. 20s. 23s 6d. 265. ~—— ———^Best Paddle Cloth. QUALITY No. 1. BEST QUALITY No. 2. SUPERFINE BLACK CLOTH. FOX'S No. 1 SKRGE j COAT, . COAT. COAT, COAT, £2 4s. £2 17s. £3 ss. £2 6s. TROUSERS, TBOUSER TROUSERS, TROUSERS, 21s. 28s. 30s. 20s. VEST, VEST VEST, VEST. 15s. 15s. 15s. 14s. Black or Blue Diagonal Cloth. Black or Blue Diagonal Cloth. Medical. A SIGNAL VICTORY OVER DISEASE. THE GREATEST REVELATION OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. "PROGRESSIVE SCIENCE," ORyTHE SUCCESSFUL TREATMKNT OF CHRONIC AND SPK.CIAL DISEASES, ACCORDING TO THE LAWS OF NATURE AND THE PHILOSOPHY OF COMMON SENSE. NO MORE MERCURY, NOXIOUS DRUGS, OR OTHER STOMACH CONTAMINATIONS. THE PRACTICE OF MEDICINE REVOLUTIONISED. THE MOST BE CENT DISCOVERIES IN.THE HEALING ART. THERE IS HOPE FOR THE WEAK, THE DEBILITATED, AND THE DISEASED SIGNOU RJENAUD, The celebrated Eclectopalhlst. Botanic Practitioner, Specialist. Professor of Natural Science, Ac., author of the following works "The Principles and Practice of Medical Botany," "The Rationalistic and Kole«tta Treatment of Disease," "Shadows," etc.. etc. Has the honr.ur of announcing tp the residents of Auckland and New Zealand generally that he has ESTAB LISHED THE NEW ZEA>AND ECLECTIC MEDICAL INSTITUTE, 42, SHORTLAND-STREET, AUCKLAND, for the Effectual and Permanent Cure of " Functional Derangement, Nervous '' Auctions, and Chronic and Complicated Diseases." CONSULTATION AND ADVICE (PERSONAL OR BY LETTER) FREE. ' SIONOR KENAUD has made the following class of Complaints the study of hi* life, and his Eclectic Treatment having proved pre-eminently successful in thousands of rases, a sore Cure will be guaranteed in every 'rase undertaken, viz.: Incapacity for Study or Business, Lous of Energy, Nervous and Physical Debility. Premature Decay Spermaiorrboea, Errors of Youth, Lost Vitality, Spots and Specks beforo the Eyes, Trembling of the nantin, I'impiei, on thf- Face. Lassitude anil Depreolon ; Nervous, IIe»d. aiul Mind Complaints: Fits; Liver, Kidney, and Bladder Affections; Diseases Peculiar to Females. Consumption (stages only); Cold KxtremitUs; Hheumatism (tioth acute and chronic) Impoverished Blood: Scrofulous Humors ; files : Neuralgia; Sciatica; Dropsy (of the chest, of the abdomen, and general) ; Indigestion, Flatulency, Sour Belchings ; Heartburn, Dizziness, Hot and Cold Chills ; Pain and Oppression in the Stomach; Loss of Appetite, and all morbid conditions of the Blood and General System, no matter from what cause arising. All those who may be suffering with any of the above forms of Disease or Complaints not Here mentioned should at once consult the only NATURAL HEALER OF ALL DISEASES in Now Zealand, who practices upon Hygenic, Eclectic, Utilitarian, and Cosmopolitan Principles, Nature's own System of Healing all form; and phases of Disease, discarding altogether the use of Mineral Drugs and Poisons. SUCCESS CERTAIN IN ALL CASES UNDERTAKEN. SUFFERERS CAN BE TREATED EQUALLY WELL AT A DISTANCE. CONFIDENCE ABSOLUTE. P.O. Box 239. Office Hours, ton to two. and four to eight Daily. . NoTr.—SIONOR RENAUD will give Advice and Medicine FREE to the POOR every TUESDAY, from ten to twelve, by bringing a note signed br any local cUrgyman, showing their inability topay, Hollowai's PILLS. _ „ OULPHOLINE TOTION, Impuiuty or thk Blood.—Unless the blood be KU ■ 1 kept in a pure state the constitution must be weakened | and disease aupervone. Thoso wonderful Pills possew : THE CURE FOR SKIN DISEASES, the power of removing or neutralising all contamina- _ , tions of tha blood and systom generally. They quietly, j In » few days Eruptions, PinjpleSi Blotches entirely but certainly, overcome all obstructions tending to 1 '* de aw , a / ! Beautifully fragrant, perfectly harmless, produco ill health, and institute regular action to Lures old-standing skin diseases, it removes every organs that ore faulty from Irritation or debility. The '? d eruption, spot, or blemish, and renders the dyspeptic, woak, and nervous may rely op these Pills BltD , ? A „ smooth, supple, and healthy. at tnoir best friend and comforter, as they act upon „ p Lotion is sold by Chemists. Bottles, the main springs of life, and thus save thousands from 28 9di -Made only by J. PEPPER & CO., London. a premature gravo. - — —— CompUints of Women and Children.—The Very T-w nT , m .r„n A 'nTMr»jw a xrrw T T>r\*r mild and painless action of those invaluable Pills're- IJEPPEaS AND IRON commends theni to every household as a remedy for J- TONIC. the first departure from health. dferi'ars S™ENOT B , energy. or young person glided by tHe directions which ae- HEALTH, STRENGTH, ENERGY. company each box of -Hollowav's Pills has at once available means of checking disease, purifying the Great bodily strength, great nerve strength, great blood, and expelling from the system all gross hu- mental strength, great, digestive strength follows the meurs. They are Indeed, at all ages, the female's tried use of PEPPER'S QUIMNE AND IRON TONIC, friend. . which promotes appetite and restores robust health. Dmordsrs of Livsr with Flatulknot and Bottles, Sold by Chemists everywhere. iNDioißiroN.—Low of appetito and flatulency are InsUt on having Pepper's Tonic. It is made only at usually the forerunners of stomachic disuaso. Tlies* Bedford Laboratory, London. famous Pills exorcise tha most salutary power os all ———— affections of the liver, and all irregularities of the stomach and bowels • they restore a healthy function "PEPPER'S TARAXACUM AND PO* to every internal organ, ovorcome all obstructions and . I DOPHYLLIN. cast out all impurities. _ 1 Wea* tax* ens -Impaired Digestion.— THE SAFEST ANTIBILIOI'S MEDICINE, wisest cannot envmerate one tithe of tho distressing • , , • symptoms arising from enabled digestion, all of A FLUID LIVER MEDICINE, WIIHOUT MER which ma" 7 be md'ly dispelled by these admirable OURY. Pills, as thoy -"inse the stomach liv«.r, and overy other Is now used and regularly prescribed by many organ of dlrjsticu to that hoalthy tone which fully physicians instead of blue pill and calomel for the cury enables them to lonvjit all food and drink to the of dyspepsia, biliousness, and all symptoms of co»neurishment of the body— those Pills are the gestion of the liver, which are generally pain beneath purest strenptiwners, and tho safes' restorative in the shoulders, headache, drowsiness, no appetite, nervousness, "wasting, and chronic debility. fnrred tonguo, disagreeable tsste in the rnorring, •Jouons, Coldh, Influenza and Sorb Throats.— giddiness, disturbance of the stomach and feeling of For curing diseases of the throat, chest, and lungs, general depression. these Pills have established fov themselves a pre- Bottles, 2s 9d nnd 4* 6d. Sold by all Chemists, eminently world-wiilo tame, as they purify the blood Insist on having Pepper's. <, and regulate its circulation Coughs, common colds, V ■ : V influenza, bronchitis, asthma, pleurisy, inflammation of the lungs, and even consumption in it» early stages "¥* OCKYER'S SULPHUR HAIR ire successfully treated with this medlolno, parti. _£j RESTORER. ;; •ularlv if olio way's Ointment ba woll rubbed upon _ / ■ the chest and back night and morning. THE BEST, THE SAFEST, THE CHEAPEST. Holloway s Pills are the best remedy known in tk< Restores the colour to grey hair; Instantly stops world for the following diseases: the hair from fading. Occasionally ased, greyness is Ague 2 0U ' Stone and Gravel impossible. Removes scurf, and embellishes the Asthma Headache tlacondary Symp. i,alr. ,» Bl Snts" Llvor complaints Tic°Doloureux Large Bottles, Is 6d. Sold everywhere. Made in Blotches ob the Lumbago Ulcers London. Skin Files Venereal Affec — —; Bowel complaints Rheumatism tions Debility Retention of ' Worms of al /Xjaj Dropsy Urine kinds rmfu 5 Female Irregn Scrofula or King's Weakness, fro* vAft'. V/ftp larities Evil whatever i r nlj9 Fevers of all kinds Sore Throats Ac., <kc f J _M%. The Pills fend ointment are sold at Profosser t Ham Holloway's Establishmont, 78, . s <ew Oxford-stroet London, also by nearly every respectable Yandor of TJATTERSON'S HORSE RELIEF, Medicine throughout the civilised world, in Boxes and | Pots at Is lid, 2« 9d, 4s 6d, 11«, 22a, »ni B<s sach. WONDERFUL CURE OF TUMOUR. Each Pot and Box of tho Genuine Medicines bears the British Government Stamp, with tho words. _____ " Holloway s Pills and Ointment, London," engraved , thereon. A most wonderful cure of a very large and painful On the label Is the address, 78, New Oxford- tumour was successfully treated and removed by street, Londojt; where nlone they are manufactured. „„ _ _ A __ Qf iw USB. Bewaro, of all compounds styled Hollewayh MR. a. PAliisnoujN, P'lls and Ointment with a " New York" label Tho now Well-known Proprietor of tho (Established 1865.] HORSE RELIEF.. Mt» , t ATTirnPTi dan u> A horse belonging to Mr. John Denize, of Onehunga, K, A. AKACfUAJJ, K.Otl/.iS,, had been suffering for some time from a very painful growth, and after trying many remedies, to bo avail, SURGEON-DENTIST, he decided to place the case in the hands of WAKE FIELD-STREET MR. PATTERSON, (Near Queen-street). with the most gratifying results. The horse will be „, , _ , ~ . m .. u: it _~ fit for work in a few days, although the caie was a Painless Extraction of Teeth by the Oxide-Nitrogen very severe one, the tumour removed weighing over **• seven pounds LA WING MACHINES AGETNTS FOR THE ABOVE CELEBRATED HORSE J SHARPENED, RELIEF: _ : By Special Steam Machinery, FRIAR AND DAVIES, Ngaraawahlft and At Grsatlt Reduced Prices. / Huntley. Guarfented to work equal to new. / STEWART SCOTT, Kaihu. J. W. ROFFKY, Te Awamutu. J. STONE, B. SINCLAIR, Onehunga. ENGINEER, MANAK4U ROAD, / WHOLESALE OFFICE, THE PHARMACY Newmarket. / Otahuhu

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7562, 15 February 1886, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7562, 15 February 1886, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7562, 15 February 1886, Page 3