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Mm* Wax**, at Auckland 8.61 — 9-8 Manukau 0.81 — l.*& Sow.— 5.52; sets. 6 29. Moosv-New, 17th, 6.16 a.m. . ARRIVALS. Suva, S.S., 293, MoColl, from Suva. Passenger : Mr. MoMahon.—Union S.S., agents. Gisborne, schooner, 68, Skinner, from East Coast porta. —H. B. Morton, agent. ; City of Sydney, R.M. s.s., 3000, Dearborn, from . Sydney. Passengers: Cabin for Auckland—Lord Elphinstone, J. W. P. Jude and wife, B. Jamieson, T. Rutledge, A. Fronde and son, C. Salter, W. Maxwell, E. George, Misses Levy and Rutledge, G. W. Evans, Mesdames Self* and Levy, George Osborne and wife. Steerage— Loures, G. Williamson, P. J. Sweetland, James Red fern, W. Cameron.— Brown, Campbell, and Co., agents. Darov Pratt, schooner, 155, J. H. Smith, from Dunedin.— and Co., agents. Mimiha, schooner, 54, S. Youlden, from Russell.—M. Nioool, agent. . Magellan Cloud, schooner, 94, Matthews, from Lyttelton.—D. H. MoKenzie, agent. V...'." . . CLEARED OUTWARDS. ' Suva, 5.»., 293, McOoll, for Dunedin.— 8.8. Co., agents. ' 'City of Sydney, R.M. s.s., 3000, Dearborn, for, Honolulu and San Francisco. Passengers : Messrs. W. S. Hampton, E. D, M. Hooper, J. W. Thomas, O. Barker, H. B. Simpson, Muderahausen, Brown, Douglas, R. M. Clark, J. G. Clark, W. Graham, R. H. Rhodes, 0.. S. O. Cameron, H. Hoare, W. Viets, 8. McLaren, 8. C. McLaren, Compton, Pounds, L. Lewis, Rev. G. B. Simpson. Mrs. Douglas, Miss Brown, Miss McMuir, and 16 in the steerage.— Brown, Campbell, and Co., agents. Macgregor, s. i., Johnson, for Whangarei.— Northern S.S. Co., agents. Wnicaki, 5.8., 412, Crawford, for Whangarei. —Kamo Coal Co., agents. Anau, ml, 1652, T. McGee, for Russell. — Union S.S. Co., agents. DEPARTURES. Te Anau, s.s., for Russell. ; City of Sydney, R.M. 5.«., for San Francisco. Maogregor, s.s., for Whangarei, Wsitaki, 8.5., for Whangarei. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Biff IRANCISCO : Australia, R.M. s.s., due March 8. EftTOON : ' Waimate, ship, sailed November 28, NMPS. Northumberland, ship, sailed Dec. 13,LDKG. Coptic, s.a., due about April 12. ~. Loch Linnhe, barque, sailed Jan. 10, WVCN. Sam Mendel, barque, loading, Alaator, barque, loading. Liverpool : ,} Nanphante, loading. •LA&oow: , Lutterworth, barque, sailed November 3, via Dunedin. *jw YORK : Carl Both, barque. Irene, schooner, sailed January 5, • Thames, barque, loading. JAVA Ferdinand, barque, early, rcmb, : . Pankwan, barque, early, VNHT. Imaooo, barque, early. EATavia : . - Hertha, barque, early, jdcl. NEWCASTLE : .' : Borealis, brigantine, sailed February 21. ADELAIDE : Yolande, barquentine, sailed February 9, via Wellington. eurnett rivkk (Queensland) : Lapwing, brigantine, sailed February 23. SAMOA : Fleetwlr.g, schooner, due. TONGA : Sandfly, schooner, early. LIYtJKA 5 Minnie Hare, schooner; tailed Feb, 18. TIHARU : . Energy, schooner, early. LTTTELTON: • Notero, barque, early. DUHEDIN : Lutterworth, barque, early. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. LONDON : Beatrice Haverner, barque, loading. Glenlora, barque, early. I THE UNION S.B. COMPANY. , To-day.—Suva leaves for Dunedin. ' Thursday.— Te Anau arrives from Buisell, and makes excursion to Motutapu. Fkidat.—The Te Anau leaves for Southern porta and Melbourne at noon. Saturday.— Arawata arrives from Wellington. VESSELS IN HARBOUR. (This list does not include coasters.) ' Steamships.— in stream. Barques. — Beatrice Haverner, at Railway Wharf; Esperance, in stream ; Glenlora, at Queen-street Wharf ; Alf, at Sugar Works. : Bsigantineb.— Nightingale, in the stream ; Marshall S., at Railway Wharf ; Circe, at the Queen-street Wharf ; Peerless, at Queen-street Wharf. SOHOONXBS. GoIden Isle, in stream Eyvor, in stream Ocean Ranger, at the Queen-street Wharf ; Maile, in stream; Jessie Nioool, at the Railway Wharf. IMPORTS. Per a. a. Suva, from Levuka : 95 sacks cocoanuts, 14 cases limes, 10 cases oranges, and 831 packages fruit, etc., for Southern ports. For Sydney : 256 Basks maize. > Per schooner Darcy Pratt, from Dunedin : 40 bales cornsacks, 340 sacks flour, 1071 tacks oats, 293 sacks wheat, 100 sacks oatmeal. . Per schooner Jessie Niccol, from Dunedin : 101 cases sulphuric acid, 1052 sacks manure, 4 packages rope, 30 qr.-casks vinegar. EXPORTS. •_ Per R.M.S.S. City of Sydney for Honolulu: 200 sacks potatoes, 100 oases preserved meats. For San Francisco : 6 packages grain drills, 1 case gam, and 3249 packages from Sydney.

' Inwabds Coastwise.— Violet, ketch, from Thames, with 16,000 feet timber; Ruby, schooner, from ' Russell, with 62 tons coal: Ghost, barge, from Wangape, with 21,000 feet timber; Margaret Casey, cutter, from Waiheke, with 27 tons ballast; Mimiha, schooner, from Ruuell, with 95 tons coal. . Outwaeds Coastwise.— Deverou, cutter, for Russell; Margaret Casey, cutter, for Waiheke ; Zillah, ketch, for Thames, with 90 packages flour, 14 chests tea, 52 bags sugar, 50 package s sundries. " The barque Loch Linnhe, which left London On the 10th of Jsnuary, was off Plymouth on the 14th of the tame month. She is bound to this port. .The ship Bangitiki, hence, arrived at London on the Bth January last. , The barquentine Devonport, from the Kaipara, reached Sydney on the 23rd February, after an eight days' passage. ' ' The schooner Three Cheers left Newcastle for Timaru on the 22nd February. ' The brig Vision, from the Kaipara, and

brigantine Myrtle, from Bussell, both arrived at Sydney on the 21it nit. i; The tohooner Orpheus arrived at Sydney on the 21st nit., from Auckland, via Norfolk Island. Captain Taw report* having sailed from Norfolk Island on the 13th of February, with rainy weather and light N.E. winds, which were carried until Lord Howe Island was patted, a degree to the southward, four days later. The wind then hauled farther north, and blew hard, with frequent furious rain •quails, compelling the captain to haul to the wind for' 24 boars. Afterwards better weather prevailed to arrival at Sydney. " The three-masted schooner Waratah, from the' Kaipara, reaohed Sydney on the 21st February. ':. The brigantine Eillan Donan left Newcastle •n the 21st February, for Oamaru. -.. The barque Lutterworth, from Glasgow, via Dunedin, left the latter port for Auckland yes- \ terday. She has on board the machinery for the new tug boat, recently built and launched by Mr. H. Ma.cqun.rrte. ' The s.i. Wellington is due from Tauranga this morning, and is to leave again for Whangaxei'at ten a.m. - Mr. G. Nicool is the successful tenderer for the repairs to the Government steam launch, now lying ac Helena The amount of the tender is £289. The Union Co.'s steamship Suva, after a long absence, daring which she has been doing a great amount of work in Fiji, returned to port yesterday, bringing with her a cargo of fruit, mafce, &c. The objeot of the Suva's return to New Zealand is for the purpose of obtaining a thorough overhaul, of which she stands much in need. Captain McColl comes in charge, with Captain Hutchison acting in the capacity of chief officer. 'The Suva left Levuka at daylight on Wednesday morning, February 25; sighted Poor Knights at midnight on March 2; passed Tirltiri at 11 a.m. on 3rd; and arrived as above. Experienced fresh S.E. trades till Saturday morning, from which time had light and vari- , able. winds till arrival. The Suva leaves for Dunedin at 10 o'clock this morning. ; The schooner Magellan Cloud, from Lyttelton with a cargo of grain, etc., arrived in harbour last evening after a fine weather and smart passage up. , The schooner Daroy Pratt arrived in harbour •yesterday from Danedin, with a large cargo of grain, etc Captain J. H. Smith, who has brought his vessel into port in excellent order, .reports having left Dunedin on the 21st inst., with light easterly winds and thick weather, ■ .which prevailed for the first 24 hours, thence to the East Cape which was rounded on Thursday last, moderate S.W. winds; thence light airs and calms prevailed to arrival. , The t.s. Maogregor and Waitakl, both for Wbangarei, took their departures last evening with passengers and cargo. ' ' THE CITY OF SYDNEY. "■ "The R.M. *•»• City of Sydney arrived in harbour early yesterday morning from Sydney en /route to Honolulu and San Francisoo. The • '* City " comes Into port well patronised by pa 5....... ....... .«<i bo far. the triD hat proved most

enjoyable. The ship wu in splendid trim, and capital order. At half-past twelve the steamer hauled off into the stream, and there anchored until 2.30 o'clock, when returned her passage, i Meantime, the ferry steamer Victoria left the wharf at 2 p.m. with passengers fur the nail boat, and, in addition, a number of friends of those proceeding home went off to the City of Sydney. The scene on board the big boat was a most animated one. Of the passage from Sydney, Captain Dearborn reports having sailed from Sydney, February 26th, at 3.10 p.m., discharging pilot at 3.42 p.m. Had pleasant weather, with light east to S.E. winds and smooth sea. Received Auckland pilot at 6.47 a.m., March 3rd, arriving m above. ';.'"•. LOSS OF THE LUNE. From Sydney, New South Wales, we learn of the wreck of the barque Lune, which recently reached this port from Java with sugar for the New Zealand Sugar Company. The barque at the time of the accident was bound from Newcastle to Batavia. She left Newcastle with 750 tons of coal on the 10th February. At 1.30 a.m. on the 27th the barque struck on a reef on the east side of Cliffy Island. Although going hot more than three knots, the swell lifted her, and she came down on her keel on the rocks with a considerable crash, Rudder, sternpost, and steering gear were all lost, and all hope of remaining on the vessel had to be given up. Two boats were lowered, and a hasty retreat was made into them, and very scant opportunity was afforded to save anything. Captain . Malmberg secured a sextant and chronometer, and the crew had to leave with such articles as they could seize hurriedly. For an " hour or so the barque stuck on the reef, bumping heavily and breaking up, and then the sank. The boats remained in the vicinity until daylight, and then made for Cliffy Island lighthouse station. They had some difficulty in landing, and one of the boats was smashed. All hands were taken oare of by the people at the station, and Captain Malmberg and his crew expressed themselves as very grateful for the kindness which was shown them. They remained on the island until the afternoon of the 21st, when the signals flying there were observed by Captain Lee, of the De Bay. The steamer made for the island, took all hands on board,' and conveyed them to Melbourne. The barque is said to be partially Insured, but not to any great amount, and the lots will fall heavily on the owners. The freight from Newcastle was not insured. PORT OF ONEHUNGA. ARRIVALS. Qairloch s.t., McArthur, from Waitara, Pas- ■ sengars : Messrs. Lawrence, Bent, Marshall, Sutherland, Hicks, Lyr, Black, Jupp, Jones, Grimby, Nioholls, Tile, Horsey, Box, Helfor, Short, Bamson, Downs, Fisher, Larker, Wilson, Telfor, Earp, Wilkinson, Wyllie, Cassen, Mullet, Richmond, .Furlong, Wainhouse, Do vanish, Marshall,. Hurst, Gilmbur, Denham, Colli*, Smith, Baker, Haigh, Hooker, Cunningham, Francis, Abbot, Abraham, Gorsnd, Sole, Moore, Webber, Oolaon, Allison, Maynard, Fugh, Short, Horsey, Manton, Nixon, Airy (2), McArthur, Young, Brooks, Goodman, May, Goodwin, Pitt, Hughson, Arthur, Watts, Leniham, Nioolls, Adlam, Jeffrey, Manning. Brown, Mesdames Taylor, Tatton, Rae, Goutts, Hunter, Halse and child, Gordon, Band, Bell and daughter, Grant and son, Skeet and two daughters, Revill, Marshall (2), Hurst, Denham, Chalmers, Kinworthy, Smith, Misses Taylor, Hunter, Brownhall, Kidd Crocker, Bird, Hursthouse, Kinworthy, and O'K&y.— A. Barnes, agent. Hawea, s.t., Ansby, from the South. Passengers : Remenyi Concert Company, Messrs. Brakenbury, Cooke, Stevens, McKnight, Bennett, Cotter, Tonks, Waymouth, Nioool, Pankow, Tothurst, Ball, Blow, Giles, Vaile, Tilme, Tilby, James, Ladly, Ratoliff, Flygor, Tooser, Mesdames Colter, Ratcliff, Flygor, Haywood, Tooser, Misses Grant, Harker, and 14 steerage. —Northern S.S. Co., agents. DEPARTURES. Hawea, s.s., Hansby, for Southern ports. Passengers: Messrs. Mead, C. Stewart, R. Walker, Hodge, Oleland, Ritso, F. Twrmlow, Z. E. ' McCausland, Cooper, White, Fairs, Weir,. Handler, Barriball (2), Hamilton, G. Lee, Taylor, Stewart, Robinson, Strong, W. Williams, Captain, Mrs., and Miss Sewell, Miss S. Kemp, Mr. and Mrs. Peterson.— Co., agents. Gairlooh, s.s., McArthur, fcr Waitara. Passengers : Messrs. Edmonds, Sweetland, Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Moker and 3 children, Mrs. Carter and 3 children, Mr. Burnett Cassell, and six others, 2 in the steerage.— S.S. Co., agents. EXPORTS, Per Gairlooh, for Waitara : 64 packages machinery, 10 sacks flour, 9 packages sundries. Per s.s. Hawea, for South : 6 casks soda, 167 mats sugar, 2 packages tobacco, 8 cases tomatoes, 3 cases iron, 15 oases fruit, 7 sacks cocoanuts, 61 packages sundries. BY TELEGRAPH. . KAIPABA. March 3.—Sailed from the Heads : Rio, for Launceston, with 187,000 feet baulk, 14,000 feet sawn timber ; Detianoe, for Melbourne, with 153,000. feet dressed, 19,000 feet rough sawn timber, . Arrived ; Zior, from the South. WELLINGTON. March 3.—Sailed : S.s. Kawata, for Auckland. Passengers : Miss Richardson Messrs. Henderson (2), Harrington, Caldwell, Wattneys, Brittain, Bryne, Wilson. LTTTELTON. March Arrived; Empress of China, from Hobart. Sailed : S.s. Penguin, for Wellington ; s.s. Temora, for Wetport. PORT CHALMERS. March 3.— Arrived: Go-ahead, from the North ; s.t. Mahinapua, from the West Coast. Sailed : Annabel!, barque, for Kaipara ; Koranui, for the North ; May Queen, barque, for London, with a cargo of wool and skins valued at £69,870.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7267, 4 March 1885, Page 4

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7267, 4 March 1885, Page 4

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7267, 4 March 1885, Page 4