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~, ■.■- ~ •■.-. .. •■;..-.. ■-; - Electoral* ■'■■'" ;: '."' y \ .: ' ; "'' -•■ ■•' -'■■-:■. •" »:• • " ; - : '.-.w::---: : ■■-■■: - '" l' r ' ' { t % rrr A I * E M A T A . 0,0 it? •;» .'•■!. .£.» ELECTION OF LlCßSSmfi ! cb^T*£BS. ' -n ikl **.. Tferine and the ReguUtlon of Local Elections Acts now In force I hereby give notice that y Committee, or the undermentioned Licensing tUtricta will take place as hereunder given:— -■ \ . ■-■ ,- ■■■■-■. -■ ■. ■■:<• ' ■■_■'■■ '•>■■- Ilstrlct.' Day of Nomination Place of Nomination. Day of Polling. .... M«niia» MirchS '■'■ L»te Courthouie, Wade Monday, March 16 W l? e . TUesdav' March 5 District Library, D.vonport Tne«day, March 17 Takapuna ThunduV MaTch 5 P«*t Office, Hender-on Thursday, March 19 ' S^'m 1 FridavMKhe Schoolroom Waikomiti Friday. March 20 MaluUu BTtu?day7March7 . - Railway Station, New Lynn Thursday, March 26 NominaUon Forms, signed by two elector, and assented, to by the Candidates, must be delivered to me .efore twelve o'clock on the day of nomination. . / > THOMAS SEAMAN, ~._... Returning Officer. 81, Insurance Buildings, * v . Auckland, February 24,1885. •■ ' ■ i',y< Also, ELECTION OF COMMITTEE FOR MOUNT WELLINGTON LICENSING DISTRICT. Nomination, WEDNESDAY March 4 atEli^lchoolrooin. Polling, it required, WEDNESDAY, March 18. . ! Returning Officer 81, Insurance Buildings, AucKland, February 24, 1886. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION. J] LECT I 0 N N OTI CE. WAIROA LICENSING DISTRICT.. The Annual Election of five Ratepayers to form the -■•:-- •• . Licensing Committee for the One Tree Hill Lice sing Th* fnliowin? duly qualified persons have been District wM be he) i at Epsom Mail, Epsom Road, on nominated as Candidates for the office of Member of TUESDAY, the 10th day of March. 1885, and Nominathe Walroa Licetsing Committee at the present Kleo- tion papers will be received by me at the same place tien, vix : a* noon on TUESDAY, the 3rd day of March, 1835. BELL, JAMES ' - ; ■ •' ■-■■• ■■ -■ . HENRY CLARK, CRAWFORD, OANIEL ■>".;;?;;.:- • .Returning Officer. MoDOMALD. JOHN February 23, 885. ■ • / MOOKK, WILLIAM ■ ' , ■ " " j i — MUInRO, GfcORGE TT"-. "" . T~ STKPHKNS, CHARLES .WILLIAM .-:•;- V; - Educat Onal. ' ' '«•■■'*< : THoRP, WI LI\M HAMPTON ; ', ; ■. ; : ; : — v . . w, A T L nK R, TitiFf a ANraTER HP *> ££X N = G • COLLEGE, WIL-.ON, JAMES SANGBTER _|_. ' i . WELLKSLtY-STRKET.., • ; A Poll for the Election of FIVE of the above Ca»- " EVENING CLASHES ARK NOW OPEN. , dldate* to be Member* of the Wairoa licewing PRACTICAL DRAWING, with PLANE and SOLID Committee will be taken on SATURDAY, the 28th -» .* ..... GEOMETRY. ; day of February. 1885, between nine a.m. and six TUESDAY EVENING, AT 7.30. p.m., at the Wairoa fubl c HalL THEOPHILUS L. STEVENS APPLIBD MECHANICS and the STEAM ENGINE, Returning Officer. £x 0 Elo Wairoa, 21»t February, 1885. THURSDAY EVENINGS, AT 7.30. Public Notices. Teacher : WALTER L. ROBINSON. Bo»rd of ■ ' —— "T Education. M»d»lU<t, and Certified with Mrst-class 1,, ' - Honours by Science and Art Department. London; * lso, by City anil Guilds of London Jnst.iute for ad*_QjSna!lis.L__JsSr vancement of Technical Education. . , [AMENDED ADV£RTISBMBNT.] TTTERR LOUIS TUTSUHKA, 1.A.M., mO ARCHITECTS. VIENNA. PROFESSOR OF MUSIC. JL -— Instructions in Singing. Piano, Stringed Instruments, Competitive Designs are invited for a Building to Harmony, Composition, Instrumentation, etc. be erected on the Government Reserve, corner of Cus- — toms and Albert streets Auckland, suitable for the _ Qn application at HERR TUTSCHKA'S .ceo modUion of the Customs, Land, and Native .. Keddenci Hobson-street. opposite St. Department* of that city. " Matthew's Church. The cost of the Building is not to exceed twelve . ■ thousand pounds sterling (£12,000). No plan will be N.B—HERR TUTSCUEA, visits Mrs. Clayton's approved until the tender for it is accepted, and the chool. Parnell, and Girls' High School. tender will be only accepted after the expenditure is — " — ; T : ~ ~ authorised by Parliament. Q ING IN G. A premium of one hundred pounds (£100) will be •..„ „ sTwTTprtriT wxr ' given for the plan approved, which will then become HK. R. K ING-FOOIiEY, ■ the property of the Government. The Government Pupil of Dr. J. Stainer, and Chorister for eight years will not necessarily be bound to employ the same (1872-1810), at ST. PAUL'S OATH KDRAL, LOND .n. Architect on the construction of the Building. Also Stud»nt at the late NATIONAL TRAINING _. _ .„ liujj a «k_ SCHOOL FOR MUSH', South Kensington, London, The Government Re»*rve is two hundred and fifty g-m for two vears rißßo 1882) • . links (260 links) facing Customs-street, and one hun- i *'™ two jean {lm 18WJ. a , dred and twenty-five links (126 link.) f Albert-nreet. TEACHiS E OF AND VOICE The designs are to be addressed to the Commiesloner PRODUCTION, of Customs, Wellington, and to be sent in on or before repre*enting the motto i» to be given. Queen-*"«ot Y Establishment, ■ THOMAS HILL, Mr. R. King-Pooley has the highest references. ' Collector. — ; 1 . * Auckland, February 16,1885. Musical Instrument Warehouse, ka, 88,' Victorla- "'•-'■ ■ /' street, Auckland. ' Js&a§& T. E. C A R T E E ' REMUERA ROAD BOARD DISTRICT. IMPORTER OP MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, , , _ _ , —-— , A „, TEACHER of MUSIC, Notice is hereby given that in accordance with a .. . . resolution of the Board passed at its last meeting, the PIANOFORTE, VIOLIN, CORNET, &c. provisions of the Police Offences Act, 1884, will be sirictly enforced in the Remuera District in respect to Terms and Testimonials Free on Application. the wandering, herding, or grazing of cattle upon the roads, or upon any other public plat* within the .„_,..,,,,, ' „ , • ■ District. , ....... All Kinds of Musical Instruments Tuned and Repaired. The following is an extract from the above Act • — ' : ■ ■ " Any psrwn who permits any cattle to be at ljrge. r\R. HE SON conducts German Class at or without proper guidance, or toi wander, or to be ,jj u!o Val]ee ee minary. Fee, one guinea.M\ij°lStVxdS £$-? P ' * Apply Miss Pompallier Terrace. A public place is defined to be a road or thorough- A NORTH German Lady, who has passed *• 4Twrpt> T? nurd J\- a high examination in modern languages .and ALFRED B. IB **CS- has lived for »ome time in Krance, will open r-nch „,„„„,. , oq - "rm n, and t<erm»n classes in Auckland and its suburbs. February 19,1885. Tuition in schools »nd privately also given. Thoroueb instruction promised, and convention well taught A _» &&• Terms on application.— Devonshire House <KHW©iS5r '■ XNSTRDCTION IN THE FRENCH THE RATING ACT, 187 6. -■-. and LITERATURE. "~~— ■ . MR. F. PELTZKR begs to inform his Pupils an Assessment Courts for hearing objection* to valaa- the Public tbat be has Removed to Sβ, Wak«-fleld-tioos in Borough*, will be heard at the time* and street, and is prepared to import tuition in the French places specified hereunder, viz.:— Language and Literature to private pupils, an i to visit schools in town and suburbs. Mr. F. P. has x BOROUGH OF PARNELL—MONDAY, Match twelve years'experience as a French teacher, both at 9, at ten a.m., at Borough Council Office. home and in the colonies He i the founder of the T>on/-iTTnw r\x> nxnmiTxifii twttrktiay "Sociite , Litidraire Fr»ngai*e" and the only French mS 12 at eleven lm £ the CoSu.l' mMter in Auckland who has M * et Produced' French. March 12, at eleven a.m., at the courtnou«e. gpell _j_ g pllpU _ Special arrangements tot chools . BOROUGH OF CITY OF AUCKLAND— Terms Moderate. DAY. March 16, at ten a.m., at the District — Court, High-stree,. _ o _ rtw T| lf R. W. H. ARD WIC R. C. BATIBTOW, JJ__ (Organist of St. Paul's Church), Jcdge of Assessment Court. Fbojc lonoN, Auckland, February 20, 1885. • TEACHER OF PIANOFORTE AND ORGAN. ~~ ~ \ "" ' • ■ ■ For Terms and nartlculars, address Princes-street, \^ m ' " opposite Masonic HaII. -*i&*lp&B&& IVT R, Jo n 8o n, IjJL Certificated Teacher of SLAUGHTER HOUSE ACT, 1877. PHONOGRAPHY. O ~"~ „ ._ ~ • , Shorthand Teacher at the College and Qrammai Notice is hereby given that a meeting of Justices of School* the Peace will b held at the Resident Magistrate's Address Karan*ahape Road. Court, Auckland, on WBDNEDAV, the 26th Febru- - ■ ' ary, 1885, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon, ■ 1 —— to take into consideration an application by Enoch MUSiCA* • ■ Wood for a Slaughter House License. - .. -~ J. B. STONEY, Clerk of the Court. Picture Frame Manufactory, *&, 88, Victoria-street, . Auckland. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE ■■• M ~T m mt> -w „•« Or WILLIAM MOLLAN DOUGLAS, f< XT* /BARTER, TUN., DECEASED. Kjm XlJ* \J k O All claims against the above Eitate are required to SIGN-WRITER, GILDER, AND be sent in to the undersigned on or befere the 9th day VMTinCQirp rvxi ptacq of March 1886. JBjMJJUooJBiii UJN (jLiAoS. HUGHES & GEORGE, Solicitors to the Administrator. Shortland-street, . - ESTIMATES GIVEN. Auckland, February 23,3886. ■ """ITTTTT ' ■ _;_•_; A RIVING EX DORIC. TITTOTICE ie hereby given that the Part- _f\. n«rihip heretofore subsisting between the . „,_,.. , . , undersigned, Joseph Augustus Tole and Charles PIANOS, by Mignon, Hatke, Rapoldi, and AscherWhite Cave, as Barristeru and Solicitors, as been -berg . di««olved by mutual con-eat, as and from the 81st TrwmT«?R HARMONinMS from £10 day of December last. , The business will be continued -ENGLISH HAKMUI-. IU MS, from ±10 at the present Offices, and all assets received and ' Choice VIOLINS and VIOLONCELLOS, chosen liabilities discharged by tbe >ald Charles White Cave. ■ especially for J.H. by an Eminent English Dated&tiAuckland, this 14th day of February, 1885. Violinist •r<>"' , ' . ■• / JOS. A. TOLK. STRINGS and FITTINGS ■ ?■ :. r ':"~' CHARLES W. CAVE. KardUy's PITCH PIPES, embracing the whole •——"——"——»""——■ — ~""" —— ■ Chromatic (scale. Invaluable to Choir-masters, XT O TIC E. Tuners, etc. J3I . • ROTHERHAM'S Celebrated LEVER WATCHES, The partnership between the undersigned and John *» Gold * nd silver Lloyd Crawly, carrying on business in Queen-street, ERHARDT'S Do., Do,, with Chain and Fuse*, to aSSHzzi dl SU'fZS StSStFt ewure Kour^ Ot "--keeping. December, 1884. The business is carried on by the undersigned in the premises of the late firm. J, HOWDEN * FKEDK. CHAS. RICHARDSON. ' Witness: S. Jackson, Jan., Solicitor, Auckland. QUEEN-STREET. / Insurance Companies T>IANOS ! PIANOS l ORGANS! ORGANS! COMPANY. , JUST LANDED. Established 1824. FROM £12. ' -I Special Obdeb. chief OFFICES : \YoBTH LOOKING at. 88, King-street, Manchester. ~ NOW ON VIEW 96,, London. JNOW OJS VIEW At WEBB'S OAK HOUSE, MESSRS. Agents for New Zealand AUCKLAND. ' (Three Door, from Cook-street) MESSRS. W. MoARTHUR & CO.. AUCKLAND. (ThreeJJoor. from Cook-street) The undersigned is prepared to accept risks at y.8.-8-stop Large Harmonium for £16. ©west current rates. ~" All losses promptly settled in the Colony. T>IANOS i X>IANOS I OIANOS FREDERICK NUTTER, . *- -"- - "*" General Manager, ' ———— __ * -'. 86, Insurance Buildings, Auckland. JUST LANDED, ■ . . , ■ Collard and Collard, Brinsmead and Sens, Erard, . Esdaile and Co., Schwechten, Lipp and Sohn, THE FIRE INSURANCE ASSOCIA- Kohl, and other makers. TION (LIMITED) OF LONDON. ORGANS, by Mason and Hamlln, Bauer. HEAD OFFICE FOr"7uSt"rALASJA, SYDNEY, Goed S «co»d-h.nd PIANOS, from £20. N.S.W. ~, : ' Any Instrument if not approved of Exchanged. CAPITAL AND RESERVE FUND, £1,083,572. '] . The Largest and Best Stock of The undersigned is prepared to accept Risks, in j *ANp INSTRUMENTS, VIOLINS, TENORS, VIO« own or country, at Lowest Remunerative Rates. - .! T.r»«/iRTTn« v«nrnH anti r» ti» Losses and Claims paid, on proof, without reference. LONOBLLOS, English and GEi-JAN ' C F. E KISSLING CONOKKTINAS AND OTHER '! • • Agent P. D. of' Auckland. ' IN TBDMENTS, ■•-• •■ '■ - , ' •- ■ ■ '■- '■ -' ■ ■ ; : ;,;•■;__ ! ON SALE OR HIRE, "'■ UNITED FIRE AND MARINE IN- w ft ni i> m a ts?V '* q « xr e SURANOB COMPANY. HOFFMANN & SONS, - •' • ■' Where you can see the Largest and Best Stock In New The undersigned is prepared to offer special induce- ; i * nd tQt w* l, ' °! °S,™ 9 deferred payment menu to Insurers. i .. . , system. ... RISKS taken at LOWER BATES than heretofore _ , < • v and LOSSES PAID PROMPTLY. ■ £*Lady Jocelyn, Loch Fergus, and Vanduara. *. ' ART. HEATMKR, ■ '' ' ~.''' ""'—>.<•• c Agent. " ; NEXT THEATRE ROYAL, ' LowtrQueen-etreefc ' - iJUK_N.BTREET, AUCKLAND. '

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7260, 24 February 1885, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7260, 24 February 1885, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7260, 24 February 1885, Page 6