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MEETING. The first race meeting under the auspices of the newly-constituted Otahuhu Racing Club was held on Saturday at a , large paddock on Mr. John's property, adjacent to the Mangere crossing, and within about half a mile of the railway station. The programme was a lengthy, and somewhat ambitious one, the number of events being abnormally large, but on the whole good faith was kept with the public, and time was- fairly kept. # The patronage of horseowners, was most liberal, the fields in each instance being good, indeed unusually good for country meetings. . The course presented a good flat of nearly a mile In circumference, with a good straight, arid the steeplechase course was well laid out. There were no steep hills to climb, but there were Borne stiff ■ fences to . negotiate, and it was a fair specimen of cross country work. A temporary stand and saddling paddock were erected, and the former was well patronised.' As usual at outdistrict meetings, there was a plethora of gamblers' tables with games of various forms. They greatly obstructed the proceedings, and we are sure they conferred no commensurate benefits on the club's funds. It. would be much better if the country clubs would adopt the lead of all respectable metropolitan clubs, and exolude these gentry from their courses. There was a good attendance on Saturday of about 1500 people, the greater number of whom were brought out by the ordinary train, leaving Auckland at half-past eleven o'olook, which, greatly to the disgust of those who went out ' thus early to see the first races, shunted them off at the Otahuhu platform, leaving them to find their way as best they could across the paddocks to the racecourse. It was generally understood that this train would drop excursionists at Mangere crossing, but great,was the disappointment, and, in some instances, bitter the imprecations on the management, which, it was held, broke an implied if nob an expressed stipulation. The special train leaving Auckland at a quarter to one o'clock was of course too late for the first races, but those who came by it had the advantage of being left close to the course. Notwithstanding this drawback, the meeting was a very pleasant one. The weather was fine, and the officers of the club, although new to their duties, for the most part worked energetically to carry out the lengthy programme before them. Mr. W. F. Buokland, M.H.R., officiated as judge ; Mr. O. McGee, starter Mr. Johnston, clerk of the soales; and Mr. T. Brown, clerk of the course. Mr. J.- Gordon, Hon. Secretary, also rendered valuable general assistance to all the officials, and the mounted constables of Otahuhu and Papakura lent efficient aid in clearing the course and •maintaining order. Mr. Adams had a double totalisator on the ground, in a house erected for the purpose, and it was well patronised. There was also a good contingent of the bookmakers on the ground, and they did some moderately fair wagering on the prinoipal events. We may remark that on all the - races, except the two prinoipal ones, the totalisator investments were only 10s. The following are the events :—

Maiden Plats of lOsovs., with cup valued 20sovs., for all horses that have never won any public money. Distance, 1 mile.

Mr. Lumsden's Kahikatea, 4yrs, Sat lllbs (Wattie) ... .... 1 Mr. French's b m Luna, 3yrs, Bst 21ba (Abaolom)... 2 Mr. Taylor's g m Disappointment, 4yrs, Sstlllbß(J. Laing) ... ... ... 3 Mr. W. K. Carter's ch g Peeler (6yrs, Bst 121bs), Mr. W. J. S. Laurie's Stranger (4yrs, Bst lllba), Mr. J. Spencer's Norma (3yrs. Sat 21ba), Mr. J. DoreVch m Moss Rose (3yrs, Bst 21b«), Mr. P. Ernest's b g Pretoria (3yrs, Bst 21bs), Mr. A. Wallis's b g Sobersides, (3yrs, Bat 2lbs), also ran. Boomerang, owned by Mr. McGee, was the only one scratched, and the other nine Started. They were sent away to a moderate start, and Kahikatea won easily, Luna being second, and Disappointment a moderate third. There were 290 10s investments on the totalisator, 126 on the winner ; dividend £1. ■ Maiden Rack of lOspvs, 14 handstand under, weight',, for inches, top weight flat 71bs. Distance, three-quarters of a mile. Out of ten entered three were scratched or disqualified, and the rest started, the race resulting as follows :— Mr. F. M. Burtt's blk m Emblem, Bat (McMinim) • ' 1 Mr. J. Dickey's b g Ruby, 9at 71b (P. Burns) ... '- "; ... ... 2 Mr. J. Moore's Little Mary, 9at (T. Hodson) ... ... 3 This was a good race between the first and second. Ruby's rider lodged a protest against Emblem for crossing in the straight, but it was not sustained. There were 296 on the totalisator, 79 on the winner, and the dividend was £1 13s. Handicap Hurdle Race of 25sovs. Distance, 2 miles. Over eight flights of hurdles, 3ft. 6in. high. Mr* W. K. Carter's b g Alario, aged, lOst 71bs (Heaton) ... ... 1 Mr. J. Pollock's b g Bushman, aged, lOst 51bs (owner) ... .« 2 Mr. W. H. Lumsden's Whalebone, aged, 10at lClbs (Hadfield) . ... 3 Messrs. R. and R. Duder's blk g Nigger (aged, list, Brfcwin), Mr. J. Chadwick's Worm (agedj lOat, Howe), Mr. J. Chadwick's b g Marquis (»* years, 9st lOlbs, Woods), Mr. J. Wilson's' br m Frivolity, (aged, 9at 61bs, Hodßon),Mr. S. Dickey's b g Over the Hills (aged, flat, F. Burns), also ran. This was the first race in Which any betting took place, or in which anything more than local interest was manifested. Alaric, notwithstanding his' uncertainty of disposition, was elected a strong favourite at even money, oat of a field of eight, Sham and Kahikatea being scratched^',The other betting was 5 to 2 on Frivolity, 5 to 1 Nigger, 10 to 1 Whalebone and the others. There was considerable delay in the starting of this race, which was allowed to run half-an-hour behind hand, much to the chagrin of those who feared a continuance of such delays. Fortunately similar delays did not ocour subsequently. Bushman who went off with the lead, and made the running, ran a good horse throughout, and led past the stand, followed by Marquis and Whalebone ; but at the back of the course Alaric, who struck and broke nearly every hurdle, and who certainly jumped very clumsily, went up to Bushman, and Worm ran into third position,. Nigger taking up a very minor position in the rear, from which he was subsequently unable or unwilling to emerge.' Passing the stand the second time Alaric and Bushman were together, and Frivolity, running and jumping well, was third, and in this order they went round the course, Marquis and Nigger bringing up the rear. At the back of the course Alario went to the front, and increased his lead in the home stretch, winning hard held by about ten lengths from Bushman, who was done up, and Whalebone made a moderate third, Nigger running at the finish into fourth position. There were 697 on the totalisator, 269 on the winner, and the dividend was 235. .:;■ :

Selling Hack Huedlk Race of lOsovb. Once round the course. Weights, list. Mr. R. Thorpe's bg Bob Sawyer (Wattie) 1 Mr. J. Chad wick's ch g Loohinvar (Hadfield) ... ... - 2 Mr. J. Brown's Rover (E. Williams) ... 3 Mr. J. Wilson's b g Otara by Scarborough also ran. The betting was even on Otara, 3 to 2 against Bob Sawyer, 4 and 5 to 1 the others. Lochinvar led, but, after passing the stand, the favourite went to the front, but soon disappeared in a most disappointing manner, and was no more a factor in the race. Lochinvar, when in a good position at the second last hurdle from home, ran round it, and Bob Sawyer then took the lead and won easily, Otara finishing last. There were 165 on the totalisator, 62 on the winner, and the dividend was 235. Otahuhußaging Club Handicap of 60sovs., : with a sweep of lsov. to the first horse ; second horse to receive lOsovs.; * third horse, dsovs. out of the stakes. Distance, i 1 mile and three-quarters. Mr. J. Booker's br m Mystery, syrs (by The Painter— Bst (J. Taylor) 1 Mr. J. Ohadwick's b m Nannie, 6st (Mcllroy)... .-. .'« '..» ... 2 Mr. J. J. Icing's b in Linda, 4yra, 7st Slbs (J. Laing, sen.) ... ... ... ... 3 Mr. J. Gallagher's br o Revolver (3yrs, 7st 21bs, A. Williams), Mr. N. H. Lumsden'a ch a Snake (7st, J. Thorpe), Mr. R. MoCracken's Winnie (6st 101b», 41ba over, Hollywood), Mr. J. Dore's Mignonette (aged, 2lbs, 41bs over, Byers), also ran. irishwoman and, Victoria ■, were • soratched, leaving : a good. field .of seven to contest for the principal event of the day. s The betting, was 2 to 1 against that consistent performer Mystery, 2 to 1 against the Snake,

3 to 1 Nannie. The others were hardly quoted in the betting. g The Snake appeared to be in fine form- and earned many supperters after he was saddje'd ,up.,^lS 00 ?*" 6 . was at once taken, to the front and cut out the running and Linda brought up the rear, the others pretty well in a elußtar forJhe first three-quarters' of a mile, .At the bacK of the coarse, however,- when Revolver was running well forward he met with an, accident and dismounted his rider, A. Williams, and was no longer in the race, and Nannie went to the frontclosely attended by Mystery. These two had created a gap between themselves and the others, and on the home stretch and turn to the straight Mystery challenged Nannie, coming to terms with her in the straight, up which they came. under the whip, and Mystery won by a length ; Linda, who had come through the ruck, finishing a moderate third. There were 400 on the totalisator, 122 on the winner, and the dividend waa £2 19s. , - ..

Handicap Steeplechase or 50sovs.; second horse to receive 7sovs., third horse 3sovs. out of snakes. Distance, about 3 miles. Mr. M. H. Lumsden'sb g Whalebone, list (fladfield) ... : .- 1 Mr. J. Marshall's b g Sunray, lOst 121bs (Wattie) 2 Mr. J. Chad wick's g Marmion, 9at 41bs (D. Munn).« '.«• ''!•'•? ••• ... 3 Mr. J. Chadwick's -New Year (lOst 81bs, Wood), Mr. M. Edgar's Banana (9st 71bs. Greenwood), and Mr. Robertson's b m Lily Langtry (9st) also ran. Alario was scratched. The betting was even on Sunray, and the odds of 8 to 1 were offered and taken against Whalebone. New Year came out in bandages, and apparently unfit, and so found no favour. Soon after the start Sunray, the favourite, took the lead,, and was in front, going off the flat course, and by the time they reached the double jump past the stand and across the course, he, had obtained a good lead, Marmion being second, Lily Langtry third, and Whalebone fourth. In this order they went round the course, Sunray rather increasing his. lead, and at the back of the course Whalebone rah into second, position, Marmion third. They went down into a gully, where there was a soft bottom in this position, and, here Sunray tumbled on his head and dislodged ; Wattie| Whalebone following suit,' and unseating Hadfield. The little cob was the quickest to recover, and taking command of the . van,', jumping cleverly and consistently, he won easily from Sunray by -nearly a distance, the latter being tired out, and Marmion finished third. There were 471 on the totalisator, 73 on the winner, and the dividend was £5 16s. Publicans' Pobse Handicap, of 20sovs. ' Distance, 1 mile.

Mr. J. Gallagher's br c Revolver, by MusEryeiha, 3yrs, Bst (Mcllrby) ... 1 Mr. J. Booker's br m Mystery, syrs, Bst 41bs (Taylor) ... _ ... ... 2 Mr. N. H. Lumsden's ch g Snake, 7st

(Thorpe) ... ... ... ... ... 3 Mr. J. J. Laing's ch m'Viotbria (4yrs, 7st 12lbB, W. • Laing), Mr. J. Wilson's b g Otara (6yrs, 7st, McMinim), Mr. R. McCraoken's Winnie (7st), Mr. T. Asher's Phoebe (syrs, 6at 71bs, 141bs overweight, Hodsou), Mr. Clark's br m Little Nell (aged, 6st4lbß, lib overweight, J. Stone), Mr. J. Chad wick's b m Nannie (fist 21bs), also ran. Worm, Mignonette, Catch- 'em-if-you-can, and Luna were scratched. The betting was 6 to 4 against Mystery, 3 to 1 against 'Victoria and Nannie, and 4 to 1 against Revolver. This was a very good race. At the back of the course, Revolver took the lead and won a well contested race on the post from Mystery, Snake finishing a fair. third and Viotoria fourth. There were 577 on the totalisator, 65 on the winner, and. the dividend was £3 19s. Selling Hack Race of lOsovs., winner to be sold for £15 weight, lOst up. Distance, 1 mile.

Mr. E. Kolly's ch g Merlin (aged) ... 1 Mr. .T. Chadwick's Fusee (6yrs) . ... 2 Mr. F. Ernest's br g Sultana (aged) ;„ 3 Mr. T. Bell's Lazarus, Mr. W. Taylor's Sandfly, Mr. H. Bull's blk g Trick (aged), Mr. S. Dickey's b g Over-the-Hills (aged), Mr. Clarke's b g Rangi (4yrs), also ran. This was the last race of the day. Although Sultana was the favourite, the,winner turned up in old Merlin, Fusee finishing second. The totalisator dividend on the winner was £183.

The public then commenced to disperse, the greater number of course going to the special train which was in waiting, and without much delay they were conveyed to Auckland. We have to congratulate the club on the success which attended their inaugural meeting, and the stewards are to be highly complimented for the excellent manner in which the races Were got off. «•■ DUNEDIN TRAINING NOTES.' \ ** [BY TELEGRAPH,—PRESS association.] Dunedin, Saturday. Good serviceable work was the order of the morning at the Forbury, and several horses patronised the coarse. Wapiti and Nelson went a couple of miles on the tan at a strong pace, the former going far the better of the two. July covered a similar distance, the first round in company with Stoneyhurst. Tiger Tim worked alone. N Poet and Minerva did a capital gallop over the Cup distance outside the hurdles, the former especially going well. Trenton made his first appearance, and did a slow canter twice round the course. He looks fitter than could have been anticipated after his being thrown out of work for so long. Rubina did similar light work alone. Waddel gave Taiaroa and Captain Webster two and three rounds of the tan at a steady pace. Oudies and Billy did a good strong gallop in fair style. Of Mr. Stead's lot Russley went a smart spin of about six furlongs, while Marion covered two miles on the course, shaping very well. Puck and Raveusoraig were sent twice round the run at a good pace. Vanguard (with a rug on) covered three miles steadily, the first alone and the ' last two with the steeplechaser Linwood. The Cup favourite looks very well. Sheenan gave Master Agnes strong work on the tan. Conundrum and Ravenswood also did a good working gallop round the tan. Adamant, in company with Trapper, did a good two mile gallop on the course. Little John went two miles alone.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7259, 23 February 1885, Page 6

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SPORTING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7259, 23 February 1885, Page 6

SPORTING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7259, 23 February 1885, Page 6