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Sporting. ; •\TORTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT XI RACES. To bo held at Dargaville on FRIDAY and SATURDA If, March the 6th and 7tb, 1885. S'KWARDS: E. Mltchslson, F. R-art, G. McVey, W. Spiers, H. Smith. Q Clark, P. Netand, .T. Seymour, J. Black, R. Masefield, J. Snowdtn, and W. Marriner Judge: Starter: Clerk or Scales: Dr. Norton. J. Quirk. W. Yousden. Clerk o> the Course: L. Marriner. TimeKkeper: Secretary! H. M. Williams. W. B. Buckhurst. Handi capper: W. Percival. . First Day. MAIDEN PLATE of 25sovs.; secrnd horse to receive sfovs. out of the Slakes. For all horses that have never won an advertised race of the value of 20»ovs. Weight for age. Entrance, 80s, to go to the Funds. Distance, 1J miles. BUsHMAN'S PURSE of 40sovs. ; second horse, lOsovs. out of thes'akes For all hornes the bona fide pruptrty of settlers residing in eiihor of ther Counties of Rodney, Hobson, VVbangarei, B»y o Islands, Mangonui and Hoklanga. Weigut for a e. Entrance, 2sovs., to go to the funds. Listance, 1} miles. MAIDEN HURDLE RACE of 25sovs. ; second horse to receive ss> vs. out of the stakes. Distance. 2 miles, over nine fl'ghta of hurdles 3ft. 6in. high. For all horses t"at iiava never won an advertised hurdlo race of the value of 20 to vs. Welter weights forage. Entrance, 30s. DARG AVI ILE CUP HANDICAP of £100; second horse to receive lOaovs. out of the stakes; third horse ssovs. out of the stakes. Nomina ion, 2»ovs. : acceptance, 3»ovs., to goto the funds. Distance, 2 miles. Winner of any Handicap ol the va ue of £100 after the declaration of the weights to carry 7ibs. extra. NATIVE RACE of 15sovs. ; second horse Ssovs. out of the stakes. For lioises the pioptrty of, and lidden by, bona fide Maoris. Distance, 2 miles ; lowest weivht 9at 71bs. Entrance, lsov., to go to the fands. PUBLICANS' PURSE HANDICAP Qf 40it>vs., with a sweep of l»ov. each, to go to second horse, Entrance. lsov.; acceptance, 2sovs., to go to the funds. Distance, lj miles. Winner of the Dargaville Cup to carry 71bs extra. Second Day. „ HANDICAP HURDLE RACE of 50sovs., with a sweep of lsov. each, to go to second horse. Distance, 2 miles, over nine flights of hurdles 3 feat 6 inuhes high. Entrance, 2 sovs. ; acceptance, 2soys., to go to ttie funds, FORESTERS' PLATE of 25sovs. with sweep of lsoveach to go to second horse. Entr-noe, Is >v., to go to the funds. Weight fcr age. Distance, 1 mile. KAIPARa HANDICAP of 85sovs., second horse 10s >vp. out of the -takes.' Nomination 2sovs., acceptance Ssovs. Di-tarce, 1J- miles. Handicap to appear by tight o'clock on night of first day's races. Acceptances by ten o'clock p.m. NATIVE RACE HANDICAP of 15sovj., second horse, 3sovs. Entrance, lsov. for all horses the property of and ridden by bona fide Ma rls, and entered for Native Raoa ttrft day. Distance, t IJ miles. Handicap to appear eight o'clock n glit of flrsi day's ra -es. Acceptance* by ten o'clock p.m. GUM DIGGERS' PURSE HANDICAP of 45sovs. second horse lOsovs. rut of the slakes. Nomina' lion lsov., a ceptanc* 2-ovs. "or a'l horses the bona fide property of s- tilers reading in Counties of tney, Hoiiton, Wb»n<arei, Bay of Islands, Mongonui, and Hokianga. Distance, lj miles. Handicap to appear at eigi:t o'clock on night of first day's races. Acceptances by ton o'clock p.m. FREE HANDICAP of 30sovs., second horse, ssovs. out of thrt stakes. Distance, one mile. Acceptance, 40s, for all beaten horses during meeting. Entries close on Friday, February 13. Weights to appear on the 20ih. Acceptances and general entries, 27 lb. RULES AND REGULATIONS, TO WHICH THE ATTENTION OF PEHSONS ENTERING HORSES IS CULARLr DIRECTED. No entry will be received for anj of the races cxcept upon tbis condition : That all disputes, claim?, and objections arising out of the racing, snail be deeded by a majority of the Stewaids present, or those whom they may appoint.' Th*ir decisions upon all points ecnuected with the carrying out of this programme Suall be final. any Jockey riding except in the colours entered will be fined 3sovs., or ncglecting to declare his colours at lime of entry. When two or more horres start the property of the same owner, a dist nguishiag colour must be worn. Any person neglecting tbis rule to be fine.i 2»ovs. All persons intending to withdraw horses are required to give notice to that effect to the Secretary or Clerk of Scales one half-hour before the official lime for starting. Any person neg eciing or r .fusing 10 comply with this Hnle shall pay a fine not exceeding Ssovs. to the Race Fund. _ All entries to b® staled and addressed to the Secre tary,- or to Mr. W. I'erci al. Queen-street, Auckland; entrance money enclosed, wiih the name, ago at the time of entry, performance of the horse, name of the owner, and colour of the iiai*r. Winners to pay 5 per cent, of their gross winnings towards the expenses of the Course. All races to bo run under the A.R.C. new rales. W. B. BUCKHURST, 5 Secretary. Nominations for all handicaps close on PKIDAV, the 13th February. Weights to appear on er before FRiUAY, the 20th ; ana acceptances with general entries on FkIDaY, tha 27ih. , — 1 ■ —i 11 FLANEUR'S CONSULTATION . , ON THE ' DUNEDIN CUP, 1885. TO BE BUN ON FEBRUARY 20, 2000 MEMBERS AT TEN SHILLINGS EACH. 60 PRIZES—4O HORSES AND 20 CASH PRIZES. FIR T HORSE „ .. .. £350 0 0 SECOND ID RSE 175 0 0 THIRD HORsB .. .. .. 101 0 0 STARTERS (divided) .. .. .. 100 0 0 NnN-STARTERH (divided) .. ... 175 0 0 TWENTY CASH PRIZES, £5 each - 100 0 0 TOTAL .... - £1000 0 0 Application by letter only. Registered letters or telegrams will not, on any account, be received. The Drtwing. under the supervision of a Committee of the Investors, wilt t ke place as soon as filled. R.sult s ips forwarded to Subscribers immediate y after drawing. Enclos.' stamps for reply and resu t. All agents and represen atlves of 25 tickets and of Press invited to the drawing. 43* Early application invited. G. FLANEUR, Care of D. TWOHILL, Park Hotel, Auckland. gPOKTING NEWS. £4000 —320 CASH PRIZES. IS" SEVENTH GRAND HAMBURG DRAWING IS NOW OPEN 1 To a Purchaser of 25 Programmes one will be given Gratia. The Six previous Drawings were filled, and application* that came too late will be registered in the Sever th Drawing. The Seventh Grand Drawing for £4000 will cl"*e the end of t ebrl-aiiy, and the Eighth Hamburg Drawing will Oi»en on th l Ist march. This Seventh Grand Drawing will consist of 320 Money Prizes, amounting to £4000, subscribed by 8000 members at 10s each. The various Money Prizes will be distributed as follows: — 1 £300 PRIZE 10 £30 PRIZPS 15 £15 PRIZPS 1 £200 PltlZE 15 £25 PRIZES 16J £10 PRIZES 1 £li.o PfilZii 15 £20 PRIZES 100 £5 PRIZES 2 £50 PRIZES TOTAL AMOUNT, £4000. 320 MONEY PRIZES. To a Purchaser of 25 Pr grammes one will be given Uratis The Grand principle of these Hamburg Drawings is that a purchase of 115 Programmes is guaranteed a Prize, and the chances are in favour of the inves or drawing a large Priie. as there are 220 large prizes to 100 small ones. To as investor of £2 the chances are only « to 1 against him drawing a prlz-, and the Head Piize or any other may be drawn by an investor of It's. READ THIS.—In Boazi Grand Hamburu Drawings the greatest odds are only 25 to 1 against an investor of los drawing a prize. But carefully note the enormous odds against investors draw ng a Horse »r Cash Prize in any of tho Horse Consultations. The marbles are teplaced for each drawing of the cash prizes, which gives t e enormous odds against investors. This Company would simp y ask investor* to calculate the odds > afore placing their investments in any horse consultations; and this Company would not presumo to tell the public that tliey have a > umber of chancos, and iE«y win a number -j!. prizes for a single investment of 10s. NOTE. — r'rise Winners whethor winning large or small prizas are i fo med that their names will not be made public without their written consent. This conrse will be pursued in consequence of the company having received many letters at VArious times from prizo winners, particularly requesting the company not on any account to m .ke their names public. This Seventh Grand Drawing for £4000 will take place under the supervision of a committee of eight gentlemen, and the prizes will be paid over as early as possible after the drawing. itST Notice.—Country Cheques marked correct by Bank, only payable to a number, and Is added for exchance, PO. Orders preferred, made payable only to BOAZ. Sank Notes accepted. Two 2d stamps for reply and re«nlt. Registered letters and telegrams not received. Name and address of applicant should be plainly written. All letters must be addressed R O A Z, Care of MR. MO3ELY, Wholesale and Retail Tobacconist, Box 64, P. 0., DUNEDIN. J. M. H asi,bit BUILDER, FORT-STREET Wishes to inform his Customers and the Public generally that he has now moved into Larger Premises adjoining the Fort-street entrance to Post Office and is now prepared to carry out Alterations and Additions of every de.*<; "on connected with the Trade,

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7222, 10 January 1885, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7222, 10 January 1885, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXII, Issue 7222, 10 January 1885, Page 3