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Houses and.Land. _______——— GLADSTONE ESTATE (The Property of H. Smith, Esq.j IS NOW BEING SOLD PRIVATELY BY CHAS. H. OSMOND, Land Transfer Title, • Land Transfer Title. LAND AGENT, 116, Queen-street (NEXT B. TONUS k, CO.) A* SHB LOW PRICE OF £33 PEa LOT AND UPWAKDSBLADSTONE ESTATE comprises 62 acres of well-teinei Loam and Volcanic lanS, LAID DOWN IN RICH PASTURE AND BOUNDED BY A SPLENDID FRESH WATER CREEK. IS SITUATE FIVE MINUTES' WALK FROM.MOUNT ALBERT STATION; TWO LINES OF OMNIBUSES GO TO WITHIN FIVE toINTUTES , WALK OF THE ESTATE BY WAY OF NEW NORTH ROAD, AND ONE LINE OF 'BUSES VIA ARCH HTT.T. TWO MINUTES. THE GAS AND WATER MAINS ARE ONLY 100 FEET DISTANT FROM THE PROPERTY. T HE LAND IS ELEVATED, LYING TO THE NORTH-EAST, THE AIR PURE AND INVIGORATING, WHILE THE SCENERY IS EXTENSIVE AKD PLEASING. The fact that some of our most wealthy citizen* have their residences there is sufficient to indicate th e character of the surronadtocs, and the rapidity with which the load is bought up prores that at ne Tory distant period this property will be worth tire eor four tines the pnsiat raise. Experience has proved there is no better investment than land. Thousands squander in little amounts what, if properly invested, is land, would lead to certain fortune. The prospects of increasing ralue are not a question of speculation, for the rapid increase of population, the Ugh price land is sailing for in and around the city, together with the faot that the city must extend westward, are sufficient to prore what the value of tkis land will be In the future. FIVE STREETS FROM THE GLADSTONE ROAD RUN THROUGH THIS GRAND PROPERTY, INTERSECTED BY CROSS STREETS, ALL RUNNING AT RIGHT ANGLES. ALL STREETS 66 FEET WIDE. THIS ESTATE HAS BEEN SUBDIVIDED BY MESSRS W. F. HAMMOND & SON. AT SOON AS FIFTY HOUSES ARE BUTLT AND OCCUPIED THE VENDOR HAS ASRAXGID TO RUN A 188 OP 'SU3ES TO AKD FROM THE CITY AT SIXPBSCB THE RETURN JOURNEY, ISSUING WEEKLY TICKRTS TO RESIDENTS ON THE ESTATE ONLY. LOT 66 FEET BY 132 FEET, ONLY £33. BUYERS TO THE AMOUNT OF £200 AND UPWARDS ONE-FOURTH CASH ; BALANCE ON MORTGAGE AT 6 PER CENT. FOR 3 OR 5 YEARS. THIRTY ALLOTMENTS ALREADY SOLD. INSPECT EARLY, AS FIRST BUYERS ARE SURE TO SELECT THE CHOICEST SITES. ' For plans and any farther information apply to CHAS. H. OSMOND, LAND AGENT, 116, QUEEN-STREET, AUCKLAND.

£i H AS. WILLIAMSON, HOUSE. LAND. AND FINANCIAL AOKNT. HIOH-Sr. (27UA SSCTKTULHD-rr., AUOtLjLKn). BANKERS—Nasohai, Bake 07 Nkw Ziauutd. BENTS tad INTEREST Collected. MONET Inverted for CanltaliiU on fint-clan Eternities, wrraouT oumi Six p«r osat allowed on depodu until urrestad. ICORTOAQES and LOANS NefotUUd. BUILDING SOCIETIES' SHARES Bonrht. KHTATKS manas»d for Absentee*. HOUSES TO LET m<l PROPERTIES FOB SALE , plaoad on my lists free of chance. ALLOTSLCNTS Bought and Homes Built on the Wa»klr Bej»ym«nt Br«tesi or on other Umi. Plans and' Specifications prepared for bulldlnci (with or without Inspection) at lowest remunerative rates. BUILDING ALLOTUKMTS for Sale at per toot :— Id Ccstom-hcraie-sirtet, Beresrord*treat, KewmarKet, Howe-itreet, Shelly Beach Road, Llgar Place, fvuliam-«tre«t, Hepburn-street, Duke-itreot. Kiamettstreet, Conquest Place, Kandolph-street, Nerthoote. Alio, In otbnitreett,atlownUi. TxixraoNX No. 19*. £5000 TO LEND In nuns ot £10 and np. wards, on good security. I CLAREMONT- STREET — Five-roomed Hon« (new) far sale, food well—£32s. 2asy terms. I NORFOLK-STREET — New Five-roomed House for sale, nicely finished, three fireplaces. Hood we 11.—£335. VILLA RESIDENCE for sale near Upper Qo>en-strcet: gas and water; ranje.—£46o. £275.—NEW five-roomed Honse for sale in Surrey 11111 Estate, near Ponsonby Eoad. A de- ~ cided 'oartaln. Easy terms. Smtll deposit. £600.t-JJ£\V Seven-roomed House for sale neirSL Sepulchre's Church; em, range,'outhouse. NELSON • STREET — New eight-roomed Home for sale, gas and water, «as store, bath room. Drained Into main sewer. Back entrance from Hobson-ibeet. Fine view. Price, £SOOMOUNT EDEN—Gentleman's Villa Residenes (new) for sale, with magnificent view, stable, etc—£7oo. Aljo, fine New House for £530. PONSONBY—Six-roomed House (new) for sale, very convenient, city water. Price, £<00. TWO large new six-roomed Houses for immedfate sale, at a great saciSce, in Upper Queen street. Tenants guaranteed at £90 for three yeais £550.— Pretty Villa Residence for «ale on Bt, Mary's Boad, PonsonbT, nsar Three Lamps. NORTHCOTE.—For «ale—Allotments near the Wharf; and aisreral Villa Site* and Farm Sectlons. Bnlendld Kill and grand views. RKMUERA—TweIve acres for sale ; Bonse, Stable, etc, for £150 a Also, Splendid Allotment ■ near Nowmarket QUUon, £175. Fine view. WILLIAM GULLIVER, HOUSE, L»ND, AND ffiTATK AGENT QUEKN-STREET. • Per foot CHTJRCH-STREET, Ponsonby, SS x 100.6 .. £312 0 SURREY HILLS, Surrey-street, Lots each 406x125.6 .. .. .. ..500 SUEKKY HILLS, Pollen-street, Lots each 38.6x132 .. .. .. ..400 ■WHAKF-KOAD.Ponsonby.MxlOO ..200 AHTHtTR-STREKT, Ponsonby, 50x100 .. S 0 0 PKOSPEOT-STREET, Ponsonby, SO x 100.. 4 0 0 BICHMOND-KOAD, Ponsonby, 100 x 117 .. 2 15 0 COKRaJJ-STRKET, Ponsonby. Lots 50x117 4 10 0 TWEBJ*STREET, Ponsonby. Lot 50 x 117 4 0 0 SHELLY BEACH Bd., Pontonby.Lot 60 XIS6 6 0 0 SHKLLY BEACH Rd., Foßsonby, 60x100.. 4 0 0 CLAKENCE-STEEET, Ponionby, <0i57.6.. 2 0 0 PROSPBCT TERRACE, Ht. Kden, 50 x 17S 1 5 0 COX-STREET, Ponsonby, 40 x— .. ..200 JIT. ROSKILL ROAD. Lots 66 x IS2 ..300 STUART-STREET. Ponsonby. 27 x 100, for £SO, EPSOM AND MT. ALBERT ROAD (Mt Eden), 66 x 132 (two frontages), 60s per foot. MOUNT KDEN— Brixton-road, Fβ x 132, 20s, 255, and 30s per foot Dnnbar-road. 66 x 132, 20s, 255, and SO per foot. Bldon-road, 6S x HO, 20s, 255, and SOs per foot. WELLINGTON-STREET, city. £15 per foot. MT.EDEN, in lots to suit purchasers, at £150 per acre. ; Lilts open for Inspection. Large number of Houtes for Sale, from £200 to £4500. CHESTERFIELD ESTATE, Mt. Eden, comer of lit. Eoikill Kcad and Epsom and Albert Roads, now Open for Sale. Lois 66 x 132. Lithographic plans sow ready. FOR PRIVATE SALE ON LIBKRAL TERMS, IN LOTS TO SUIT PURCHASERS: Four hundred acres first-class Volcanic Land (the i property ot lVm. McLaugUin, Esq.) at Fapatoitoi; has been in grass 24 years; is level and available for cultivation. Farm Lots from 20 acres and upwards, sear Pukekohe Station; from £7 10s to £10 an acre. Farm, Lot 130, Awitu. containing 123 acre*; securely ftncod; is near other homesteads, and good land; £2 an acre. Farm ot 150 acres on the Pakekoh* Hill, adjoining that ot Mr. Jaoob Wright's; considerably improved; £S an acre. A firit-clasj Farm, half-way between Kihlkihi and Tβ Awamutu. containing 556 acres, with choice apple I orchard. - Available and Fertile Farms, ringing from ISCO to 10,000 acres,at prices varying with improvements; from £1 to £7 an acre. ALFRED BUCSLAND. FOR SALE OR TO LEASE (with Right of PurchassX 7SO ACRES of LAND admirably adapted for Fruit giowinfi and Sally purposes. On the Property there is > superior Dwelling Boose containing 7 rooms,abio, Fciur-ttaUed Stable and Large Barn. Distance from Auckland, about Sβ mites. -Apply to . \Y. AITKEN, Land Agent, Shortland Crtscsnt.

C HAS - H. o SMONI) ' LAND AND MONETARY AGENT, 116, QtTBEX-STBBBT (Adjoining B. Tonka ft Co.). Telephone 185. BANKERS : NATIONAL BANS OF NEW ZEALAND (LIMITED). MORTGAGES AND LOANS NEGOTIATED ■ RENTS AKD INTERESTS COLLECTED MONEY INVENTED ON FIRST-CLASS SECURITIES, WITHOUT CHARQE ESTATES MANAGED FOB ABSENTEES VALUATIONS AND ARBITRATIONS UNDERTAKEN NATIVE LAND AFFAIRS BPECIALLY UNDERSTOOD HOUSES TO LET AND PBOPEETJES FOB SALE PLACED ON MY LISTS FREE OF CHARGE^ EVERY DESCRIPTION OF LANDED PROPERTY BOUGHT OR SOLD TO ORDER LARGE SUMS TO;. LEND ON FIRST CLASS SECURITY. CITY FREEHOLD PROPERTY. IN THE CENTRE OF THE CITY—A larf» and commodious Store, built of Concrete and Brick with large Dry Cellars, on an Allotment 40 feet 82, feet 6 inches. Buildings valued about £1600 ; the allotment worth at least £50 per toot. Price, £3300. with fint-dass terms- Bringing in at the present time a large return for investment. STORE, very conveniently sitaated cue, close to the Wharf, iarge accommodation. Will be let or leased. SUBURBAN PROPERTIES. PONSONBY - In a leading position—Splendid comfort able Six-roomed Bouse, on » good allotment, commanding a solendid view. Only £400. FODR-ROOMED HOUSE—New, built of fint-dais timber: Allotment, 33 x 90.6 Pleasantly situated in very rising locality. Price, only £210. Easy temu of payment NEW NORTH ROAD, Victoria Avenue—Kithtroomed House and good Allotment, for £350, with easy terms of payment. HOUKT ALBERT—I have a few Properties from SJ to 6 acres volcanic land, three minutes' walk from station; on very easy terms ot payment. PONSONBY — Fint-elass large Corner Allotment, commanding an extensive view of the harbour. £5 per foot. AVONDALE—Eight Acres, slfarket Garden complete, with House and every convenience; main road frontage; for £520. NORTH SHORE—Two Good Allotments, Domainstreet, witb 50ft frontage z 117 ft. deep; pretty view of the water—£3 15s per foot. PENROSE— S acres comer lot, very near Bailway Station. Price, £350. PEKROSK-A Site ot °4 Acres, which, for a residence, cannot be equalled. It commands most extensive views ot both land and sea, the soil is first-class and well sheltered. MOUNT ROSKILL-— Splendid large Allotments 70 feet by 150. £1 per foot; £5 deposit only, balance at 7 percent £20 a year for the lease ot 100 acres ot grand Land close to a rallwrny-statioß. A purchasing clanse will also be given. CLOSE TO TOWN.—A Freehold Property couiisjine . of over 20 acres of choice land, comfortable new house, and all necessary outbuildings. The ground around the house is tastefully laid out, there being over 500 splendid varieties of roses, as well aa many choice flowers and shrubs. The orchard ii well supplied with tho best (elections of apples, pears, plums, and figs. In connection with the orchard tbere are also about 50 lemon and orange trees. Some of the best vines in or around Auckland are also in full bearing. The vegetable garden ii replete with all the most useful kinds of prodnc. Thii pleasantly situated property will be sold a bargain " for £ISSO, as tho owner is leaving the coloiy. GLADSTONE ESTATE. Ten Shillings per foot and upwards, all the unsold portions of that most conveniently situated property known as the " Gladstone " Estate. This estate, situated so closa to town and frow any portion of which the views are unsurpassed, ts now subdivided into large allotments. Those allotment* »re not 33 x 99, but have large frontages and still larger depth. The prices are such that almost any person can obtain their own freehold at a nominal cost. Should terms be any inducement, the owner is propared to accept a one-quarter Caah, the balance to remain for 3or 5 years at six per cent. The inducements which lhis property offora to any persons requiring a nice reUdence site, or a sulandid investment are manifold. Fancy being able to purchase a grand allotment close to town for 10* per foM. Soil semi-Volcanic Views unrivalled, within Five minutes' walk of m. Statioa, Trains to pass in the immediate vicinity. 'Busses constantly, Church and School convenient. Gas and Water mains. Pott Office and Telephone close by. No clearing required. Plans and every information may be obtained at the office of the undersigned. MARKET GARDENS. Several conveniently-situated and excellently adapted, both by position and quality of toil. A small deposit only required, balsnce at six per cent. BDELDING SITES. Some of the finest sttet to be obtained in Auckland, combining grand views, convenience to town, &c Full particulars will bo given with pleasure on application to CHARLES H. OSMOND. SUBURBAN FARM, FOB SALE—3O acres of rich volcanic land, subdivided into four paddocks ; well watered; tojetker with an Eight-roomed dwelling house and'oatbulldlns. -Apply to W. AITKEN, ShorUand Cresctnt.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7170, 8 November 1884, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7170, 8 November 1884, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7170, 8 November 1884, Page 2