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HOT at Annklsnd 10 2» —10.'; Mtnnhii 2.9 — SJ.' •nr.—Hi. 7.4 ; sets,s & . MCOU—Flat quarter, 30th; 9.40 a-m. ABBIV ALE. JCLT 26. Keptune, li, Hoitwt, from Mereury Bay. f- 1 —: —Mean*. Quinlau, Arnold, Hamilta, Niaholu, and 6ln the ateeras*.— Captain Korrii, agent. Glenelg, 156, Stephenson, from RunelL Passengers:—Mr. and Un. Clendon, ileidimu Wormall. Fergtuon, McLeod, Me**r*. Hobbs, Gannon, Ellis, Witt, Hurry, Penny, Turnbull, SixoD, Buaeii, hlilne, Lwkbstt*—Northern B'ft 00., stents. lona, *.*., 159, Amodeo, from HoManga.— Korthon 8.8. Co., scant*. . Wellington, a.*., 279. Farquhar, from Taurange.—Northern 8.8. Oa, agents. Seward, achooner, 40, McDonald, from MangoDai. —Maater, agent. Ohriatina, achooner, 59, Evanaon, from Boa* aell.—Master, agent. Jolt 27. Fanny Kelly, Vetch, 35, Williams, from Whangaro*. —Master, agent. Olaribel, barque, A. Petersen, from Oamarii. —Auckland Pastoral and Mercantile Aaaociatioo, iguitit t? M 3000, H. Webber, from W»n Frmncisoo and Honolulu. Baloon paaaengaia: For Anokland : Mr* J. Lo Cren, Mia* Lo Oran, Mr*. Maw and two ohildren, Meaara. F. AfanuM, J. £, Denniston, Kenyon, and 5 in the ateerage. For Sydney: Mr Gerald Mataey, General O. A. Sheridan, Messra. Frank Fonch, Whitfield and daughter. J. W. Browning, D. M. Oharleaton, Jamea Broaman, George W. Blake, D. Fergie, and Mr. and Mra. Leary. From Honolulu for Sydney: Mra. F. Fluger, family (2), and nurae, Mis* Von Holt, Mr. Albert Granow, and S3 in the a teerage.—T. T. Gamble, agent. CLEARED OUTiVAKDS. Be ward, achooner, 40, McDonald, for MangonuL—Master, agent. Korral, achooner, 56, Edwards, for BoaielU —Maater, agent. Louie, achooner, 92, W. Mackaohnle, for Newcaatla. via Tairua. —Stone Brother*, agent*.

Baoey Kate, achooner, 41, Lewis, for BaaaelL " Mufnr, igttt* Zaalandia, B.U. a.*., 3000, H. Webber, far Sydney,—T. T. Gamble, agent.

' DEPARTURES. Jolt 26, Olenroaa, barque, for Newcastle. .Beward, aehooner, for MangonaL Jolt 27. , Norval, aehooner, for Russell. . Louie, aehooner, for Tairaa and Newcastle. Saucy Kate. aehooner, for RoaielL Zealandia, R.M. a.a., for Bydney. HXPEOTED ARRIVALS. unrooir: lonia, a. a., sailed June 19, hkdb. WaManuL ahip. nllfid Alar 2. QLSP. firth of Dornoek, ship, aailed May 11, BWPC. _ Glenmore, barque, sailed Jane 7, Qvrs. An tare*, barque, aailed Jane 17, rHSQ. Waflcato, ahip, aailed Jane 26, MPKV. Jjoch Fergus, barque, loading, hsbd. Hermione, ahip, loading. m TOBK : Irene, brlgantine, aailed Mar oh 31 (via Dunedin). Nettie, brig, (Via Wellington), aailed April IS. Elinor Vernon, barqae, loading, KABILA : Jerfaloon, aehooner. JAVA : Florence Treat, barqae, ealled. KACBixnra : Nova, brigautine, early. Loola Montgomery, bngantine, early. Am: Myrtle, brigantice, early, *IJI: Ooldea Isle, sohooner. BOUT* 111 ISLANDS : Wsiranpa, a.s., early. Ryno, brlgantine, early. Three Cheers, schooner, early. Kxplorer, a.*., early. EAROTOJCQA : Ada (X Owes, brlgantine, early, mnrcAssu: Caberfaidh, barque, early. jjcqtsdiv : Marshall S., brigantlne, early. cootkooxh : Paiham, barqae, early. ltttxltoh: Pat, barqua, early. ' Armlstioe, barqne, early. Endeavour, aehooner, aailed July 24, PROJECTED DKPARTURK3, LOHDOH : Rangltiki, ship, loading. Crusader, ahip, early. HOSVOIX ISLAND AND XOGMKA I Orpheus, aehooner, early. KZVCASTLX • Goam, aehooner, early, X.TTTKLTOH: OtaU, ahip, early. THE UNION aS. COMPANY. lb* fallowing an the movemsnta el the rteatniMpa of the above eompany for the pre■est wees :— To-dat.—Tha s.s. Eotoaaahana la due from Sonthara porta and llalboaroe at 1 p.m. The Penguin leave* for F!il, via Russell, at 5 p.m. fVa&aka leave* Manukau, for goath, at 10.30 a.n. Tuesday.—The Arawata arriraa from Sydney. The Rotomahana ia to leave for Sydney at Tkussdat.—The Arawata laavea for Southarn porta and Melbourne at noon. Satcm>at.—The Wairarapa arrivee from her South Sea laland ex coral on trip. IMPORTS. Par barqae Claribel, frem Oamaru: 1275 aaoka potatoes, 20 aacka peas, Hm sacks flour, 1214 aacka wheat, 434 aacka barley, 399 aacka beans, 1741 aaoka oats, 362 aacka bran, 142 sacks pollard, 110 aacka oatmeal, 15 aaoka grass seed. Per B.M. a.a. Zealandia, from San Francisco and Honolulu For Auckland : 8 casts books, 1 box pomps, 9 cases drugs, 204 cases canned goods, 118 cases salmon, 149 aacka flanr, 29 pankagea oaaings, 9 packages machinery, 1 box plated ware, 35 psckages casings. 10 caaes Hamburg tea, 3 ease* cigars, 36 packages grooeriea, 14 packagea sundries. For Lyttelaen: 250 caaee salmon, 2 packages knitting machines, 3 boxee files. For Fiji: 87 cases canned goods. For Wellington: 10 barrela vinegar, 440 cases salmon, 1 box organs. For Wnff: 60 oases salmon. For Dunadin : 500 cana aalmon, 10 baits hops, 10 cases fruit.

EXPORTS. Par schooner Louie, for Newcastle (to be ■kipped at Talrua): 70,000 feet timber. Ihwaxds OoAsrmsx. — Reward, schooner, from Mangonnl, with 33,900 feet timber; "Resile, cutter, from Kennedy's Bay, with 21,000 feet timber; Nellie, cutter, from Whangapooa, •with 30,000 feet timber; Atalanta, schooner, from Tairua, with 24,000 feet timber and 27 bogs kauri |ram; Christine, schooner, from Saseen, with 96 ton* coal; Kauri, barge, from Port Charles. Odcttabds Coastwmb.—Reward, (chooser, for Mangonnl; Norval, schooner, for Rauell, with 5 case* salmon, 800 sacks flour, 10 sacks oate, 8 cases wine, 3 casks ale, 2 tons floor, and 39 paokagei sundries ; Lucy James, ketch, for Waiheke ; Saucy Kate, schooner, for Btuiell; Tiiaette, ketch, for the Thanes, with 44 tons eotl; Beetle, cutter, for Kennedy's Bay; Kauri, large, for Fort Charles; Nellie, cutter, for Whangapooa ; Atlanta, schooner, for Tairua. Tie s.a. Neptune from Mercury Bay, Glenelg from Enseal!, losa from Holdaaga, and Wellington frem Tauranga, all arrived in harbour during Saturday last with passengers and cargo. Mr. O. Bailer expects to be able to launch the steam launch he has on hand building for the New Zealand Sugar Company to-morrow or Wednesday. The barques Pelham and Pierre point both left Greymouth for this port on Baturday last with cargoes of coaL \ The schooner Guam will eomplete the landing of her cargo of rice to-day, and she is expeoted to be ready to sail for He*castle to-morrow. W The bngantine Maria 'Virginia waa loadim timber at Mercury Bay when the a.a. NeptonV left on Friday night last.

Mr. X. Dathle launched from his yards, OoitoßMtnet ffwt, on Friday lut, % new •chooser, which has been b«Ut to the order of Uuct. Jigger and Parker. She Uof 73 feet length on the keel, 83 feet over all, depth of fold 8 feet 4 inohes, beam 19 feet 2 Inohes, her tonnage being 79. The achooner is a most creditable addition to onr locally-owned fleet, and Mr. Dathle deaerree praise for the faithful in whloh he haa pat the vessel together. Her fat are trade baa not yet been decided upon.

The Union - Oo.'s steamahip Penguin la to leave for the FJjls this afternoon at 5 p. a. By thia vessel Mr. B. Logan, boatbaUder, of the Karth Bhoce, la shipping a new 8-ton yacht to Xievnka, (or. Mr. wlthun of that place. The boat la 80 feet long. 8 feet 6 inches beam, and 4 feet 8 inches depth of hold. She la diagonally built, b in every way well put together, and ahanld give satisfaction to her owner. The schooner 'Louie sailed for Tairua and Newcastle (N.B. ff.) yesterday morn tag. At the former plaoe die takes in a eargo of timber. .The- brlgantlne Aurora, whloh haa been lying In the stream for the last day or two, la to sail for the Kaipara to-day. • The barque Olaribel came into harbour yeeterday morning from Oamaru, with • cargo of potatoes, fee., after an excellent paseage of ■even daya sixteen hours. Captain Petersen nports having lest Oamaru on the 19th init., *** P-™-. .vii Ught W.B.W. to 8.8. W. winds, until the 21st, when moderate northerly winds were fallen in with, which next 7 southward, and blew a hard gale, with a high confused sea. On ths 23rd ,P" took eff, and from thence variable viads prevailed to making carter at 41

p.ta. on Saturday Uat; thence atrong W.S.W. winda and heavy iqualia to arrival. The barque will be barthed to-day. AK RIVAL OF THE K.M. S.S. ZEALAND lA. The B.M. a.i. Zealandia oame into harbour at one p.m. yesterday from &an Francisco and Honolulu, with the inward Engliah mails. Upon the present trip tho Zealandia ia fairly patroniied with passenger* and cargo. The iteftmer left Sto FriDclico one d*y behind time, and thla ahe has managed to pick np again, and that in. aplta of very dirty weather *hi°h was met with during the latter port of the voyage. The ateamer cornea into harbour the very pinlc of clean lineia and order, and the paaaenger* all apeak in moat glowing; terms -of the courtesy and attention paid to their wants by the officers. To the purser wo are indebted for the prompt delivery of our files and despatches, and for other favours. Of the paaaage Captain H. Webber reports having left San Francisco on July6th, at LSO p.m.; diacharged the pilot off the Golden Gate, and reoeived the Honolulu pilot at jioon on the 13th ; diacharged thr.t pilot at 6.15 p.m. nme day, and took the Anokland pilot oa board at noon yesterday. From San Frascisoo to Honolulu experienced moderate N.K. winds acd fine weather; from Honolulu fresh N.E. trade*, with heavy awell to 8' N. Afterward* to Tutuila strong 8. and variable winda ; from thence to 23' 8. moderate and atrong 8. winds. On the 26th instant experienced moderate gale with high confused sea from the N.W., afterwards shifting auddenly to the 8.W., with heavy con- I fused sea lill arrival in port. The Zealandia proceeded again to sea on her way for Sydney ahortly after 5 o'olook last evening.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7081, 28 July 1884, Page 4

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7081, 28 July 1884, Page 4

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7081, 28 July 1884, Page 4