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High WAXBt, at Auckland i.\ — J-S3 ■■.._■".". - Mannkau 4.41 — 6.13 Snjr.—BUes. 79; sets. 4 48. Moon,—Full, 9th,7.28a.m-

i- " ■'< ARRIVALS. : ..;:• . : - •"■ ' JUNE h~ — Wellington, s.s., 279, Farquhar, from Russell. Passeneera :• —Messrs. Allwright, Adamson, BoVd, McAlister; Broadribb, White, Williams, McArntock, McNaren, Nash, Jaggs, _ and Lewton Constable Moar and four Maori prUonei-s, Mr. and Mrs. Sampson, and Miss Bamsbottoin. —Northern S.S. Co., agejats. ' Glenelg, e.s., 156, Stephenson, from Tanranga. Passengers: Madame Bottenelli, Mia. Home, Mrs. Daley, Messrs. Kenworthy, Wright, Turkguand, Daley, Buchanan, and A. Chisholin. —Northern 5,5. Co., agents, Bowena, 5.8., Scott, from Meronry Bay.— Northern S.S. Co., agents. Neptune, ts.. Mustard, from Mercury Bay. —Captain Norris, agent. Stanley, brigantlne, 347, Gould, ■ from Oarnaru. —Auckland Mercantile and Pastoral Co., agents. ' Orpheus, schooner, 53, Dunn, from Poverty Bay.—M. Nicool, agent. . - Norval, schooner, Eolwardj, from RtuselL— Master, agent. • Yolande, three-masted schooner, from Timaru. Auckland Mercantile and Pastoral Co., agents. • City of Sydney, E.iLs.s., 3000, H. C. Dearborn, , from San Fraaoixco, vie. Honolulu. Passengers—Cabin for Auckland : Mrs. Haslett and datjhter, Messrs. Wm. Kennedy, Duncan, D. Luciani, Mrs. T. A. Dudoit, Master W. E. Kennedy. Steerage :H. Friedlander, Charles Homberg, John Jackson, J. Wash, C. O. Anderson,'Thomas M. Ycungy John Crnickshank, E. Newby, Wm. Gardiner, James Bouse, James Neil, J. E. Doyle, John Knox, A. Aldrich, A. Metcalf, B. Keolan. Cabin for Sydney: Mesdames A. Wolvington, Peacock, Stitt, Richardson, Holroys; Messrs. Cohen and ion, B. M. Smith, A. Haxland, wife and infant, G. Batch-, elder, wife and infant, G. C. Mastick, J. Bamsey, John Richardson. A. H. Tozer, W. J. Kingsland, John Clark, J. E. Costello, T. A. Maher, V. A. V, Delome, J. H. Hutton, G. T.Simpson, 3. S. Dean, M. Boseufeld; Captain C..E. Bayiey, "Bevl E. H. Morton; Misses •Rogers (2), Cohen"(2), Peacock (3), P. Kingsland, Malcolm.—T. T. Gamble, agent. CLEARED OUTSVABDS. City of Sydney, B.M. s.s., 3000 tons, H. C. Dearborn, for Sydney.. Passengers :—Messrs. O. Oapelle, J. F. Cartwright, J. K. Poole, Mr. and Mrs. l<. F. Giblin, J. Plckett, B. F. Symes, and three in the steerage.—T. T. Gamble, agent. Good Templar, ketch, 42, Kilbington, for Glsbome. —Master, agent. Marshall, S., 177, Craig, for Dnnedin, via Mercury Bay.—McKanzie, agent. Tokerau, cutter, 38, Cinnamon, for Tauranga. - —Master, agent. lona, s.s., 159, Amodeo, for Noumea, via Russell and Norfolk Island. Passengers:— Capta&i McGregor, Messrs. Peace, Wyles, Donner, Mr. and Mrs. Phelps, Messrs. Christian, Quintal (4).—Northern S.S. Co., agentu. DEPARTURES. Mat 3L lona, 5.3., for Russell. June 1. Good Templar, ketch, for Gislsorne. : City of Sydney, R.H.X.8., for Sydney. •-•■!• EXPECTED ABBTVALS. LONDON : Glasce, barque, sailed March 3, LCGK. Glenrosa, barque, sailed March 18, WTITX, . Otaki, ahip, sailed April 1, PGWQ. Lsira, barque, sailed April 7, SXHD. Doric, 8.5., sailed April 26. VTanganni, ship, sailed May 2. Firth of Dornock, ship, loading. JCEW YORK: Claribel, barque, via Wellington, sailed January 22, WJiSK. Irene, brigantine, sailed March 31 (via Dcnedin). Nettie, Srigantine (via Wellington), sailed AprillS. ' SAN IRANdSCO: Senator, bvrqce, sailed April 13. J ATA : M&naegaa, barque, nailed April 9. Thuaes, bsxque, early. 3ASXSZ Gnam, brig, daily. china : Androklti, barque, irom, Amoy, sailed on SJ*xeb,26. BASOS3>TGA : Ada C. Owen, hrigaaijne, early. lOXG TST.fgTt . _ lenie, schooner, early. Strrx : Plaetgjas, sciooiier, BaSed May 12. schoacer,' called May ST. PROJECTED DKPAETT7BE3.

zosbos : : Basgxiiki, loading, Alaatcr, barque, loading. THE TTNION S.S. COMPANY. Te-DAX.— The S.S. Manapouri arrives from Southern ports and Melbourne about 10 a.m. The Southern Cross arrives from GUborne. The 'Waii&rapa is doe from Wellington about 2 p.m. The He wea leaves Llannkauat2 p,m. for Sonthern port*. Tcxssat. —The Waihora arrives from Sydney-. The Penguin, leaves for Fiji at coon. The Southern.Cross Is to leave for Gisborne at 5 p.m. The Masapouri leaves for Sydney via Bnreelt at 5 p.m. ' WsD'sraDAiC—The Wairarapa is to sail on her South Sea Island excursion. Thtjbsdax.—The Waihora leaves for Southern ports and Melbourne at noon.

IMPOSTS. Per s.s. Penguin : 480 sacks Canterbury potatoes, 180 sacks fowls' wheat.—G. S. Jakins. Per .brigantine Stanley, from 4589 sicks oats, 199 sacks flour, 67 sacks oatmeal, 75 sacks bran, 42 sacks pollard. Per JS.M.S.S. City of Sydney, from San Francisco and Honolulu : 975 cases salmon, 215 cases canned goods, 72 packages merchandise. 30 kegs casings, 14 packages plated ware, 40 packages dried fruit, 8 bales broom corn. EXPORTS. Per brigantine Marshall S.. for Dunedin (to fas shipped at Mercury Bay): 140,000 feet timber. Per s.s. lona, for Noumea and Norfolk Island, via Russell: 200 tins biscuits, 392 sacks potatoes, 280 kegß beef. 29 mats sugar, 12 sacks garlic, 12 drams oil, 120 packages furniture, 81 packages ironmongery, 109 packages drapery, 49 mats rice, 12 chests tea, 31 cases spirits, 9 cases beer, 2 boxes tobacco, 143 packages sundries. Iswabds 'Coastwise.—Zillah, ketch, from the Thames, with 24,000 feet timber : Eleanor Morton; from Meroury Bay, with 750 bushels limej Ocean,' schooner, from Mercury Bay, with 21,600 feet timber; Waitemata, barge, from.TVh&ngapoua, with 20 logs ; Bata, barge, from "Waiara, with 20 logs ; Nellie, cutter, from Whangapeua, with 30,000 feet timber: Kauri, barge, from Port Charles, with 51,000 feet timber; Patu, barge, from Tairua, with 25,600 feet timber. " .. . _' . Outwards Coastwise.—Eleanor Morton, schooner, for Matakana; Mana, cutter, for Tairua and Gisborno, with 20 sacks oats, 10 sacks bran, aind 30 sacks chaff; Mercury, cuttor, for Tairua; with' 2 tons hay and 20 sacks bran; Rata, barge; for WaUra; Nellie,cutter, for < Whangapoua; Kauri, barge, for Port Charles. - ■-,-: - ; The •.«. ■Wellington (from Bussell), Glenelg. (from. Taur&nga), and Rowena and Neptune (from Mercury Bay) arrived in harbour on Saturday last." The Glenelg, after landing her passengers and cargo, proceeded into dock for' cleaning. ' The cutter Tolcerau, for Tauranga,' sailed on Saturday, with 40 tons coal, 13 tons coke 4 tons flour, 1 ton sugar, and 20 cases sundries. ■ The s.s. Penguin is to leave on her regular trip to the Fiji Isla&ds to-morrow afternoon. The barque Wenona entered outwards at the Customs on Saturday last for Mercury Bay. There she is to load timber for Sydney. : The arrival of the Stanley from Oamaru on Saturday last was followed yesterday by that of the three-masted schooner Yolande from Timaru. The Yolande left the port named four days before the Stanley, and she had to contend against similar weather throughout the passage. The Yolande was in company with the Stanley off the Eant Caps. ■•„..-. The brigantine Stanley came into harbour from Oamaru, with a cargo of oats, etc., on Saturday last, after a fair passage of seven days. The winds proved unsettled throughout, alternating between strong breezes and calms. The vessel will be berthed to-day te discharge. The brigantine Marshall S. is to sail for Meroury Bay to-day. At that place she will load timber for Dunedin. * .■■• ."••- ■■-• The; schooner Cygnet was berthed at the Queen-street Wharf on Saturday last, and there discharged her cargo of oranges. ■ The ketch Good Templar took her departure for Gisborne yesterday with a cargo of 300 barrels cement, 8 cases iron, 5 pieces stone, 10 kegs nails, 60 bundles joinery, 3 tons coal, 500 plates, 10 ewes.wedges. . .."•'' The b.p. lons> took her departure for Noumea on Saturday last. She is to call at Bussell (for coal) and at. Norfolk Island en route. She took a large geriaraLcargo, and some 12 passengeriTgo ■ down' by the; ».s. Glenelg this evening to take passage by the lona for the islands.: . :The - -Union Company's ■'».«. Wairarapa left ■Wellington at 3 ip.m.: on Saturday last for this port direct. She may therefore be'espicted<te arrive here about 2 p.m.-to-day. On Wednesdaj.ahe is te start from here ,on her cruise amiaget the islands of the South Pacific. "V ■IVe would agalri ■ remind;* all interested in shipping matters of the'meeting ef the Mercantile Marine Assooiation, which is to take place /this ;evening :at the TVaitemata -ffotel. The business is to consider the recent casej Begs .». .Webster.- - ..; -. , ■ . . ; .-. ,v . ~ '. . '' J; Toejtarqtte Senator, which' put' back to, San Francisco oa March '28, wae ; er> badly damaged

by the heavyN.W. sales which she encounterod ioon after* leaving San Francisco for this port that it was deemed necessary to discharge all her cargo, and put the, vessel into dock for repairs. In addition to damage to the hull, nearly all the sails were blown away, and two of the seamen were injured. It is alleged that the Senator was unmanageable, being shorthanded, and that it wae mainly from thit came that the master decided to return to port. Upon arrival,'all the crew, it is said, including the captain and officers, refused to go to sea again in the-vessel, consequently a frssh crew was appointed, and the barque, after being repaired, sailed again on April 15.


'The R.M. s.s. City of Sydney harbour shortly, before four o'clock, from 3au Francisco via Honolulu, after a. very good pansage—2l days 2 hours. Upon the preeent occasion, the " City." left San Francisco on May Hi at 1.50 p.m., beinj; one d3y behind time. Honolulu-was reached on the 18th. at 2.10 p.m., and the voyage resumed again at 7.22 p.m. the same day, arriving at Auckland yesterday, at 3.30 p.m. : Fine weather and smooth sea was experienced until the last 48 hours, then to port heavy S.E. galo and rough weather was met with.. As on previous voyages, the City of Sydney comes into harbour in a most clean order, and is fairly patronised by passengers, she having 7 cabin and 16 steerage for here, and 38 ■•'cabin and 31 steerage for Sydney. Owing to the large crowd of persons /who had assembled on the wharf to witness the arrival of the steamship, some difficulty was experienced in getting her lines made fast, and consequently she was delayed in this direction for some little time. The City of Sydney resumed her pasaage to Sydney about 3 o'clock this'morning. "We have*o thank Mr. J. V. C. Comfort, the purser, for the prompt delivery of oat files, despatches and other favours.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7033, 2 June 1884, Page 4

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7033, 2 June 1884, Page 4

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7033, 2 June 1884, Page 4