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----- 'WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1884. , ; W .4. I A" * A & U A, JJ L H * B » fc * B. [ "VILLA gITES. -TfILLA gITEsi a O Gr B b E N w ° Q WILL SELL BY AUCTION AT THE MABT OF MR. W. DOWDEN. QUEEN-STEEET, ON WEDNESDAY, Ob MAY, AT NOON, mWO HUNDRED ACRES OF VERY CHOICE yOLCANIC SOIL out up into RESIDENCE and BUSINESS SITES of from A havingnearly 2000 Feet Jrontage to the Panmnre Eoad,and running back 3000 Feet to I-ke. St. John's College. , i ' The position of this Land need, no further corn»»t ordy of a rnlle disUnt from the EUersUe Railway Station, and having thepropoted Tram,. andßallway from St Heller, running through it. The Soil Uof the Richest Volcanic, Covered with Surtax Stone ; the whole of which stone is Valuable for fencing purposes, and worth Als to £20an acre for ballast Persons derirous of securing a homestead on volcanic soil; ought not to lose the present opport unity of getting one, a. this is abont the only block ol volcanic land of any size likely to oome into the market. , ~ There wIU be no prohibitory reserve On the d, and the terms are very easy. t- \ 27 i" B »A ; \ ■•.'■//■■>.i.»' I I \ ,z? ° /7A ' V // I 3 - ° • 3g i.i.2\ \ v/ 22 I 2I 3.0.33 22 I OQ I J9 I" m~Ss l * I — • ib: /V-'-yis7/ 35 ~" T. —I •>•: 1 12.1.23/ .X l ' l ' 22 // #9 I I J ~1 3 O .32 . .-1 ' 1 1 /■ ,a\ // 22.26 I I ' . <» I - ' _^X—^ z v' /O/ / x -- 1 f - 2 * 28 ■>"■ 37 i.3.29U.0.H2ri5\ 1 2 ' 012 i ~2 A \ zo i 9 I I Ji" ■'■'■•[-' is I • 3-0.30 I -j) 2 - P '" )gsa 1,2.28 [ ' 155 1 S 3 4 liaal'-"'" W 1 ") 9 * 1.J.13 a.g.fsl'- 3 - 5 "^_LJ— J - J . ~ M f 9 J TERMSOFSALE: One-filth Cash ; the Balance can remain for five yeariat 7 per cent, per annum, or the whole or any portion ol it can be e-paid on any Quarter-day within thittime. ' ' , Arrangements may also be made for advances towards the erection of buildings on lota sold, which may be repaid by Instalments U desired. The interest on such advances will be at the rate of 7 pet cent, per annum. T? f7,..-|">,REENWOOD, AUCTIONEER. ~ " '

MONDAY, MAT 19, At Twelve o'Olook Noon. PIANO, DRAWING-ROOM SUITE, BRUSSELS AND OTHER CARPETS, GLASS, CHINA, AND EARTHENWARE, &c. B. ARTHUR Has been favoured with Instructions bom a gentleman ' leaving Auckland, to sell by auction at bis Mart, Queen-street, first floor, on Holiday next, at twelve . o'clock noon, HIS HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND EFFEOTS, all in flrst-class condition. Draw-ing-room Suite, nine pieces, Loo and other tables, Cane and other Chairs, Brussels and other Carpets, Hearth Rugs, Curtains, Fender and Fire Irons, Cheffonler, Pictures, Venetian Blinds, Platedware. Glass, China, and Earthenware, a useful Piano, Handsome Timepiece, Large Wool Mat, Cornice Poles and Rings, Curta'n Bands, Lamps. Wool and other Mats, Oilcloth, Flltor, Iron and Wood Bedsteads, Cots, Palliasses, Spring and other Mattresses, Pillows, Blankets, Chests of Drawers, Washstands. Toilet Sets, Toilet Tables, Looking Glasses, Matting, Commode. Kitchen Furniture, Cooking Utensils, Sundries. A Superior Gold Watch, etc. TUESDAY, MAY 520, NOON. ' ' - ' . JEWELLERY. JEWELLERY. BANKRUPT STOCK. BANKRUPT STOCK. WATCHES. WATCHES. WATCHES. WATCHES. WATCHES. WATCHES. JEWELLERY. JEWELLERY. ONE OF THE LARGEST AND MOST" GENUINE STOCKS THAT HAS BEEN SUBMITTED BY AUCTION IN AUCKLAND. R. ARTHUR Has received instructions to sell by Public Auction, at his Mart, Queen-street (First FloorX on Tuesday next, 20th inst., at twelve o'clock noon, THE WHOLE OB A LARGE AND GENUINE BANKRUPT STOCK, Which comprises over J?P»nnrt WORTH of GOLD and BILVER LEVER -gjUUU WATCHES, by Best makers In the World, vis., Rotherhim's, Dent's, Xhradt's, Bennett's, etc. The Genuine Waltham Watches, Diamond Rings, Bracelets, etc; Genuine Gold and Silver Ladies' Watches, Alberts. Rings, Pins, Studs, Lockets, Pendants, Brooches, Earrings, Bracelets, etc. Also, A Grand Assortment of Greenstone Jewellery (gold and silver mounted). Field and Opera Glasses, Racing Watches, Meerschaum Pipes, etc., etc. NOTE.—Every Article Warranted, and a Guarantee given for every Watch. Don't Miss This Great Chance I As the Stock is to ba sold regardless of cost, people will do well to come and secure some of the genuine Bargains which are to be sold. Remember 1 TUESDAY, TWELVE O'CLOCK NOON, ART H U R'S M A E T. : Terms Cosh. ._' On view on the Morning of the "ale. I HAVE MUCH PLEASURE in informing the Ladles' of Auckland that I have 'again opened a Ladies' Hair Dressing Room, with Lady Attendant, where tbby' can have their Hair Cut, 'Curled, or Dressed in any-style: Latest Fashions from Paris every month.—Ra.NDOi.ra Eaolkton, Ladies and Gentlemen's Hairdresser, 829, Queen-street (opposite J. Smith's, Draper).

TUESDAY, MAY 20, ... At Eleven o'Clook a.m. GRAND LEASEHOLD PROPERTIES • CLOSE TO QUEEN-STREET. SPLENDID FREEHOLD. -A SAFE INVESTMENT. J. R. RANDERSON Will Bell at public suction, as above, at the Lares Sale-room. Mercantile Chambers (next Bank of New Zealand), as under— "VTEW NORTH ROAD —Seven Choice J3I Allotment in this prosperous locality, closo to Mr. T. B. Hill's new buildings, to be laued for 40 years. These Sites are speclalljr adapted lor basinets premises and residences, and as an Investment are Al. Also, for a terra of 14 years, Large Onus Paddock adjoining above, which Is admirably titu»ted for sub-division for gardens or residence sites. Also, for balance ot 60 years' lease, 2 Allotments adjoining Hiding School, to be sold or re-leased. BEACH ROAD, North Shore—Lease of Harbour Board Allotment, 50 x 100, having water froptage ; aboot 10J years to run.; situated directly opposite Mr. Logan's Boat Building Shop, near the New Dock. It commands special advantages, as no mors sites are to be leased on the foreshore. Will be offered for sili first, and, if no satisfactory offer, will be re-leased for balance of term. LARGE . FREEHOLD ALLOTMENT, 40 feet frontage to New North Road, by 127 feet deep, part Kocky Nook Estate. Terrace ready for house; eligible site. | WELLINGTON-STREET—Allotment No. 8, Pratt- ' street, 32ft. 71n. by 115 ft. Land Transfer Title. Terms, £20 cath, balance may remain for 0 months free of Interest, or be paid off on Building Society terms. : PARISH OF KARANGAHAPE-40 Acres, being part allotment 68, locality between Waikomitl and Waltakerei, near Manukau waters. I HASLETT-STREET—Large Allotment 60 x 80, opposite the site of Johmon's Brewery. Terms, onethird cash, balance may remain. ! SALE AND COOK STREETS—Lot 21. Sec. 39, having frontages of 65 feet to both streets, depth about 15S feet, on which are erected Four Cottages, which are let to good and permanent tenants, and yield about £80 annual rental, subject to mortgage of £400 at 8 per cent. ELLEKBLIE.—Large Building Lots, four chains deep, beautiful situation, planted with ornamental trees, two minutes walk from Railway Station. » NORTH SHORE—Two choice sections, 10 acres each, near the Lako. ARCHILL—Io-roemed House on half-acre freehold for 39 years, at £5 rent. Also, 2 Cottages, Eden-road and Haslett-street. All on easy terms. Lease of Lot 15, Eden Terrace, for 40 years, at £610s. SHOP, centrally sitnated, Queen-street, to be Leased for Urm of 3 or 5 years. . That portion of Mercantile Chambers, next Bank of Now Zealand, known as Offices No. 1 and 2, with cellar below. Also, 37 Shares (£3 paid) in the Northern Watroa Steam Navigation Company. 10 Shores (20s paid) Northern Omnibus Company. Further particulars and cards to view at Office of Auctioneer. Other Properties will be included in a day or two. Clients having Properties please communicate without delay. W. S, COCHRANE.] [JAMES DACBE MONDAY, MAY 26. BY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEES, EXECUTORS OF THE WILL OF REV. JAMES HAMLIN. 942 ACRES FREEHOLD LAND. MATAKAWAU,~ONTHE MANUKAU HARBOUR. The Subscribers have received instructions from the Executors of the Will of the Rev. James Hamlin, to sell by Public Auction, at the Land Mart, Queenstreet, on Monday, May 26th, at Twelve o'clock, A LL THAT PARCEL OF LAND, in the _£i_ Provincial District of Anckland, containing 942 ncres, more or less, situate on the Manukau Harbour, County of Eden, having an extensive frontage to the Harbour and to the Matakawau River, and adjoin: Ing Mr. Pearce's property In the Awltu District. SAMUEL COCHRANE & SON, Auctioneers.

TUESDAY, MAY 20, AT NOON. VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTIES, GRAND BUILDING SITES. ' D. FT EVANS Has received instructions from Mr. J. Fooley to Sell by Publio Auction, at his Land Mart, Queen-street (next Bank of Australasia), on Tuesday, May 20, at twelve o'clock, THOSE VALUABLE BULLDING Allotments, being subdivisions of Lots 101, 102, 10S, and. 101, Norfolk-street, and each having a double frontage, viz, 33ft. to Norfolk and Douglas Streets. These Allot- , ments. are centrally situated, being close to the Tram and within easy distance of Queen-street Also, Lot 100, having a frontage of 66 feet to the two abovementioned streets, together with the comfortable House of 8 rooms erected thereon. The whole of these allotments have been planted as an Orchard, and are surrounded by ornamental trees. Also, at the same time and place,, - THAT VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY situated in Oxford-street, off Newton-road ' being Lot 14, and having a fromage ot 33(t. together, with the two 6-room»d Cottages erected thereon. They are well built, and quite new. This property, from its central position in the city, should command the attention of investors. Also, by order of Trustees in Chapman's Estate GRAND SITE FOR MARINE VILLA, situated in Marine Parade; Lots 8 and 9of the subdivision into lots of Lot 1, of subdivision into lots of Allotment 1, Section 8, Fonsonby. Tbeie allotments have a grand water frontage, and a superb .view of the water and surrounding country. LINCOLN-STREET.—First class Building Allotment, quite level, close to Fonsonby-road and the trams, being Lot 11, of subdivision of Lot 45, ot subdivision of Allotment 31. Section 8, suburbs, and having .a frontage of 33 feet. VINE-STREET.—Building Allotments, being Lots 25, 26, 27, and 28, having a frontage of ' 33 feet each; ■ LIN COLN-STRE ET.- Gi and Building Allotment, having a frontage of 44 feet, being part of Lot £9, of subdivision of Allotment 31, Section 8, suburbs. MARINE PARADE.—Lots 10 and 11, of subdivision into lots of Lot 1, of subdivision of Allotment 1;- Section 8, suburbs, having a frootage of 66 feet each by a depth of about 200 feet. .These are grand sites for villa residences, having'a'first-class sea frontage. They are fenced, and planted with fruit trees. Sea bathing with utmost privacy, etc. GREAT NORTH ROAD.—A Grand Building Allotment in a first-class position and splendid View, being Lot 10, of subdivision of Allotment 16, Section 7. • STANLEY-STREET (off Great North Road).— Two Good Building Allotments; one has a frontage of 47 feet, and the other 40 feet, by a depth of 110 feet, being Lots 33 and 34, of .'. > subdivision 15, Section 7. WAIKARK, Parua Bay, Whangarei.—4o acres of Good Fern Land, being south-eastern portion of Lot 45. Would make a nice little homestead in a rising locality; PRELIMINARY. M O U N~~~T ~E DEN. VAILE & DOUGLAS Have received instructions to sell by auction , . . at an early, date, THE WHOLE ■ OF THAT CONVENIENTLY - SITUATED BLOCK OF VOLCANIC LAND, lately own.d by Mr. Enoch Wood, and adjoining the Properties of Mr. Bleazard and Mr. Harper. The. Land is being surveyed and subdivided into suitable Building Lots.. Plans ready shortly. •, - ..Tetßucmy. , - .. , VAILE AND DOUGLAS r Land and Estate Auctioneers, ' ~^.__; Shbrtljmd'Street.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7020, 17 May 1884, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7020, 17 May 1884, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7020, 17 May 1884, Page 8