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STEWART DAWSOI. & GO.'S "UKiIIVALLED ■ ENGLISH; !■ BATCHES. ; '" THE BEST AND MOST'/PERFECT? IN THE WQBLD SELLING IN IhTTSDBBDB, * some of the particulars in which tho quality of Oμ! Lever Watches m«y give the challenge to me hn wJln S to torn. H ».» the met* it.elr. giving au in* B j"^ ,o^ 7 wact pioportloa, both iQ si2e i T b A l ß^»^ , STAwi-Ttoil™ ?/m«ro' d uSmlted durabiUty applies to the BALANCE STAFF. ThU. working In its hoto»%f jewel, driUed and polishod to a perfect rarf»«*. of tho . bein e (notwithstanding the apparent toDosslbiUtr) hardened, and then tempered to the highest degree of elasticity. P ° THE DIAL is the best make, I™" 1™ a » *«* en&n ' e1 ' and h *" 5 , . 8^011^ 3 pi f e J^ s"*5 "* s0 thll!i the hand for marking teconds is completely removed from centaot with thei hour '. ' • . The GILTUNQ Is of a very auperlor class, and the movement is left with a degree of hatdnui that would be unattainable if the gilding were not frosted and finished by steam power. This hardness WORK throßg j, out Watch is hardened and tempered and finished to the highest dCß Th'e CASE owesiU formation to the influences of scientific Csse-msWng Machines, each ewe. when finished, showine a symmetry and style, comWned with strength, that mart it a<i flrit-class. ( It is impos.ible to enumerate every point of excellence In our Watchos. Wβ have noteyen roentionod the Sower of coinc durinc the oneratlon of winding, which power on our. system never falls ; nor need we eXeratfiny further It Xply remains to s/y that result of this organisation of labour this entj lay of oaplUl. with the use of steam power and machlnory, i.iuej in the production of a Watch that will staril the roughest wear and enjoy it. will give it. owner l»u trouble and more comfort, wiU go more years, and will cost less in repair than any other watch Vnown-a Watch, indeed that is at once the masterpiece of ing.nnlty and accuracy, the praise of everyone who Is intellleent and fortunate enou/h to possess Tone, and which every reader »n for himself prove to be In truth and In fact the best Watch ever carried by ordering one ot them as under :—

G&DER .EARLY. ' inty paid by us. It will be observed that for the ouraelvae, thus extending to oar patrons the most at be bought .Retail under Doable the Prices. time. We aek yon to observo that we supply our magnificent Engliah Lorarsat a far less price than often charged for common foreign watches. PRICE, IN HUNTING CASES, £3 15s ; IN OPEN FACE, £3 6>; practically saving to ei-:i\ purchaser from £3 to £4. v A £4 HUNTING DEFIANCE WATOH Fo *. £1 15s None should hesitate to send for one of ihesa Watches, truly named "DEFIANCE," if only to see the perfection that can be attained by a firm whose enterprise and energy have revolutionised tho 'Watch trade ot Europe Also open-faco crystal front, £i 7a Cd; all sterling silver cues. . s. r>. & doi's LADIES' AND GENT'S MAGNIFICENT ■' ENGLISH GOLD LEVEES Are truly marvellous value. W« sell our Ladles' Gold Open-faced. Lrvera at £7 15s, better watches than sold retail anywhere at £11 15s; Hunters ditto, at £10 IBs, positive value for £16 16s; Open-face Keyleie, at £10 15s; and Hunters at £12 15s, nowhere equalled under £20. These are facts beyond diipute. Gents' Open-faoe, £10 16a; Hunting, £13 Sβ ; Keyless ■- Open-face. £14 Us; Hunters, £1016s— each watch Baving to the purchaser from £S to £10. STEWAKT DAWSON & CO.'S English Gold 5-plite Chronographs shonld be seen by every Gentleman who contemplates buying a Gold Watch. The finest, handsomest, best, most modern, and greatest value in the world. ADVANTAGES TO CUSTOMERS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE. ; yirst—Qur gigantic resources of manufacturing, . through our complete and efficient factory organ!- ' satlon, and our universal cash sales, enable us tc ' supply each watch at less than half the usual retail price. " , - Second.—Etch customer Is snrpliod with hla watch on a week's fiee approval and trial. The . fall amount paid is returned to anyone dissatisfied. ... ...... . -.. . •• . ' . ■:. ;■ S "liird.— E-rcry purchaser secures the most perV set English Lever ever maSe, manufactureo. entirely in our own workshops, unequalled for bennty, for strength, for durability, or as a. timekeeper. The perfection of improved mechanism throughout, in solidity of construction, and lasting qualities, eaoh customer receiving an English Lever that will wear out three foreign or. Ameri-can-made Watches one after another.

ORDER EARLY. PLEASE NOTE.—The following Prices lnclnde i present we are plying over two-ihirda of the dnty liberal terms. Every Watch, quality considered, canni A £7 10s GENT'S ENGLISH SILVER HUNTING LEVER FoE £3 15s The most perfect English Hunting Levers to the world, in three sizos, small medium, and large. Every watch manufactnred entirely in our own workshops. Theao watches are specially adapted for bush work, squatters, miners, etc., as they will stand the hardest wear: send for ono of these watches and compare it with what retail dealers call their finest English Hunters at from £7 to £8 and you will at once declare ours to bo the better witch. In open face, £3 65,; ditto crystal nnbreafcaDle front, £3 lie; positively worth £0 10b. A £i(Tios ENGLISH KEYLESS HUNTING SILVER LEVER FoR £5 15s STEWART DAWSON and CO.'s Superb Knyle&s Hunting Levers, a triumph of utility and convenience, a watch that Is also perfeotly air-tight, dnit-tiftht, and damp-tight, keeping theworka perfectly clean. Unequa led at Ten Guineas, our direct cash price to customers being le«« than the actual wholesile price to the trade. Made in two sizes, small and medium. PRICE £6 IBs. POSITIVELY RETAIL VALDE FOR TEN GUINEAS. Also, Eamo watch In open face, price £116s. A £12~12s ENGLISH SILVER HUNTING CHRONOGRAPH Fo * £6 15s STEWART DAW3OS and CO/S MAGNIFICENT ENGLISH CHRONOGRAPH WATCHES. Each watch a model of perfection J flnwt J.plftte movement, fnll Jewelled in raWea, real chronometer expansion balance, dnclinsl dial, centre seconds, and outside atop; each "timed'to dead beat in positions, to go exactly the same In e*> treme he»t or cold. Notwithstanding, the matchlea perfection of this watch, we poiitively sell it at a less price th«n retailors charge for ordinary Inferior made watches. PRICE £6 IBs. PULL RETAIL VALUE FOE 12 GUINEAS. Also, same witch, in open face, price £5 16s. A £7~ios .:■'■■■.- LADIES' ENGLtSH HUNTING LEVER ros £3 15s EVERY WATCH A WOUS OF ART, elegant in shape, chastt in ,i«ign, oilterling English work- • a'iches tnat with fair usage will last a life-

CALL ASfD INSPECT THE ABOVE MARVELLOUS VALUE WHILE YOU HAVE : . THIS OPPORTUNITY. ' ' NOTE—ALL LETTERS AND ORDERS TO BE ADDRESSED— " , STEWART .-.DAWS ON & '■' CO,, . . 195, QUEEN-STREET, AUCKLAND. ear Don"t fail to writo for Illustrated Watch Pamphlet, most interesttofr to ill; 60 pago» of'woaderfa Testimonials British and Colonial, Illustration!! of Gold »nd Silver Alberts at wholesale EmjlUh prices. With This wiliraUb'bJ .entft K S2pi/e brochure, entitled "THE ENGLISH LEVEH, ITS INVENTION AND DEVELOPMENT/' with , an essay on S. D. & Co.'u syitem of business, which should bo road by every Intending watch buyer,- The ttro.pamphleU gratia for the postage, 4d in stamps. Drapery, &c. '° «MITH & rjAUGHEY,^<^ e Blderod by many tho n« V> *V v 3£SS°ißS eC as|iS DRAPERS fc SILK MJSRCERS, .^^j£>^>^ J ° Ur ° tl " .. TJPPER AMD y^ : ' ~ "~~" -NEWMARKET. \ •■ • ■-'■■'. OUABANTEKD. IN BLACK Othor Makes In stock, "N > O AND COLOURS, from Iβ 4ja. Of SEND JOE PATTEENS. AT LOWEST PMOES- / &r EVERY YARD STAMPED. *** QUAKAiJTEED. OTHER AUTUMN akd — ——^~ *\> \*r WINTER DRESS MATERIALS The "LOOTS" bears a IN IMMENSE VARIETY. «3T FOR GOOD VALTJE, - but" UWe wdght." , Try SMITH & CAUGHEY. I _-^

A Gxktlwiak's * SOOO . A Model FiRJr ' Homestead : I \ * n( * For Health and (SHARKS' Sure Fortune Comfort i ._ ) to the Socond to None if Lucky iharein the Colony. ' iSI EACH. v holder. FO R ~ T. U N A '. S GRAND NOVEL O6NBUtT A T I .0 N. TO BE DRAWN ABOUT APRIL. NEXT, ■ 27 PRIZES, as follow:— '" ■ lstprlze-The Farm and Homestead' (ap- - V proved value) .... .....'-: £2500 2nd prize-Cash award 200 3rd „ „ „ •• - - •- 100 «h „ „ .-• SO Bth „ ■ „ „ .. ■•• « ••■- £ Oth „ „ „ .. •- •• - 1B 7th , „ — •• 10 And 20 ~ ii »t£s _. , i, .I~v - 100 j ■ ■■-.■'■ ■■■• •'•' £3000 Thta beautifnl property .Is, situated in- tb» Shag Valley district, no great distance from the railway, containing several hundred acres of ■ superior wheat growing land, well fenced and subdivided, and partly laid down in English sr«ss, a never-falling stream of water running through the property. The Uomcttead comprises a well-built villa residence, with first-class atabllng and out-buildlngs. The garden is well laid out, and contains aevaral hundred choice fnll-beAilhg fruit-irecs and ornamental shrubs.. The freehold of this magnificent estato will be banded over and legally transferred, free of any encumbrance whatever, u> the successful shareholder the day After the drawing. £1000 OR MORE will be lent on the property, at 7 per'ceTit. interest, if required. A Committee of Shareholders will bo appointed to eupervisa the drawing. ■ . . Members of the Piess will be Invited to be present as also any shareholder who ni*y he so disposed. Programmes, £1 each; to be liad >n application by letter only, with two Btamps enoloaed for reply and rosult. ; >' . Cheques to be made payable to number or bearer ; and, if country, add Is exchange. Bank notes or P.O. orders, payable to "I'ortuna,"-preferred. Registered letters or telegrams not accepted. As a large number ot shares ,ha»a already been applied for, early application is'necessary. Address-" rORTUNA," Care of F. \V. Reiohslt, Post Office, Falßierston, Otago. N.B.—Please write the - s and oddreu fall and legibly,

yALUABLE TRUTHS. If you are suffering from poor health or languishing on a bod of sickness, take cheer, lot HOP BITTERS WILL CURB YOU. If you aro simply ailing, if you feel weak and dispirited, without clearly knowing why, HOP BITTERS WILL REVIVE YOU. If yon are o. Minister, and have oyor-taxed yourself with your pastoral duties, or a Mother wo>n out with care and work, . HOP BITTERS WILL RESTORE YOU. If you are a man of business, or labourer weakened by the strain of your every-clar duties, or a man of lottery, tolling over yonr midnight work, HOP BITTERS WILL STRENGTHEN . YOU, , ... , If you are suffering from ovor-o»ting or drinking, any indiscretion or Hlesipatlori, or a;o young and growing too fist, us Is often thocaso, HOP BITTERS WILL RELIEVE YOU. If yoa Are In ths workshop! on the farm, at the dosk, anywhere, and feel that your system needs cleansing, tonlnft.or stimulating, without intoxicating, HOP BITTERS IS WHAT YOU NEED If you are old, and your blood thin and impure, pulse feeble, your nerves unsteady, and your (acuities waning, HOT BITTERS WILL GIVE YOU NEW LIFE AND VIGOUR. HOP BITTERS Jβ an elegant, healthy, and refreshing flavouring for sick-room drinks, impure water, Ac, rendering them harmless, and sweetening the mouth, and cleansing the stomach, '•■ CLEANSE, PURIFY AND ENRICH THE BLOOD WITH HOP BITTERS, And you will fi&ve no sickness or Buffering o> doctor's bill to pay. HOP BITTERS

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7016, 13 May 1884, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7016, 13 May 1884, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7016, 13 May 1884, Page 6