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• STOH.— Rise*. S.4S : seli. S 8. : !i£»SV—Fall. 10th, 3.46 p-m. ABKIVALS. British Ene, ■•*•• 2278 « Kelly, from London. rwwnKiWT-SecWb'-dass : D. Morton, F. A. Crow and family (3), G.' P. Gard--24J. e. ;S. Dalley, Mr. and filrs. Jones and 3- cfcfldrwJ, Mr. P. ArgalL, Mr. W. Napier, Jdrir H. Pool, Mr. H. Strangways. Steerage : TBTllliam, Johanna, Hate, and Barrett; Ties, and Fratces Hoikina; Fred, and Caroline Hoskins and infant; Christopher, Mary, George, Ifauik, Harol6>and Lucy Leek ; John, Ellen, anal Herbert Leigh ;' Charles. Lucy, and Hames lippltt; Harry, Mary, and Harry Moms; John, Sirai, and ECafiiet Oldbnry ; Ferfinand, I*not, Bertha, and Esther Pelteer ; Thomas, Ptillls, Joha, Kate, - aad Pnngle; Arthur and Mary Smith; James, Klizsbefi, Jane, Mary, Janet, Mary, and Agues Smith.: James and John Barrett, Giovanni Bond and wife, Walter Bradley: DaTid Braner. Patrick Farrell, Daniel Ktsgeiald, Peter GilUn, Cari Glinie, Alfred Oaine, Martin Hanson. William Henderson, Herbert Honzb, John Keith, John Kelly, Harry Moor, head, John Morris, Martin Mnllias, Ernest Qaarer Ja«»s and David Soach, Alexander KeSnnson. Edward Russell, William Stewart, William Tumball. Wiihelmine and Anna Audt, Tai<m and Mary Barrett,, Mary Barry, Esther Beavin, Mary Bradley, Piuline Braner, Maggie Clarke, Ana Constant, Mary Cortin, Alice Daniel, Bridget Fitzpatnck, Annie and Kate Gallagher, Lydta Hendenon, Eliza Hollingsworth, Florence and SanJi Hoskins, Sarah Irwin, Lydia Joonsop, Bridget Lawlor. Mary Lewis, Kidiael Longxford, Bedalia Lyons, Jeme HaravaL Esther xsd Mary McDonald, •gn.n UcNeish, Mary Mcßobert, Mary Meredith, Lucy,- Oaroltas, Florence, and Lucy Morris; Mary Xeabit,' Fanny Noble, Emms: Pick, Annie Eoich, Jane Sohicson, £li=i Russell, Lbia Siampyle, Mary White, Elisabetk and Alies "WiIUaEU ; James, Henrietta, Peter, Septimus, aad Axhcroft; Martha, Nellie. Harry, and Hose Beale, William and Martha Bell, James asd Charlotte Butt, Walter. ■Martha, Edith, and Herbert Chappell, Jazoex. Jane, Uaria, and Ann Doyle, WilHam and Christina Kempthorne, Thamai aad Mary Kent,. "John and Mary McGiSazi, Robert, cfarcaret, acd Christina Seid, Aaxust aad V*"' Ulrich, Frank, Clara, Arthur, and Aonie Wright, Alfred, Arthur, aodßobert Ashcroft, James Butt, James and liark Kempthome, Jamas McKenrie, Timothy" CCoanoHy, EHxa Aworth, ■ Charlotte Ads>.»»P_ Jlsry aid Scsui Boyle, Catherine CarkUL. Henri»sa Coventry, Elii»-

beta Danss, WilH'TP" , * £>*J, Silen and ilargani Doyle. Alice Fentou, Jeacie Gilleipie, aanrrat Gillmonr. Bridget sad Catherine Xally, ■*»" Kerapthome, Martha Kurnd, Harriet Lemttnrst, Bridget Maloney, i»arjrarei SicCarter. Alary ilcGinty, Marg&ret Aloran, Ellen Xeill, A"" and Honor* O'Connor, ilary Anne Tag, Kxie P*Uy v Eitabeth Porter, Bridget Catherine Shannon, Catherine Shang, Khoda Tnmer, Alice 'Woods, Jessie, Xellie, lirae, and Ada "Wright—Kew Zealand ShipFaasy Thornton,, S2, E. Keame, from HokiiDga.—E. B. Cardeno, agent. " -Baby, sehoo&er, 30, A- Johnioa, from Whangaroa.—F. Slsahcg, a^ent. Orpheus, achooner, 53, J. Dunn, from Whagaroa.—Hactex, agent. Mampouri, us., 1783. Lafan, from KtisselL Uesxn. Prior, McAiUa, Captain Biker. Mrx. Hanson ftiiM acd 3 in the stetraje.—Union S.S. Co., agents. -Waitaki. 5.8., 412, Crawford, from Wha■ngzrri Passeagers : Mrz. Jerries, Mr. and iir* Brovn. Hz*. Heapohy. Miss Lord. J&eurs. HeCcllogh, Frioklin, Turnball, Lawellyn, McGregor, cad 2 in the steerage.—Kamo Coal agent*. CLEAEED OHTffARDS.

ilaaaponri, u, 1753, T. Logaa, for Melbourne ■»i» Southern ports. Passengers—For Gisbome : Mrs. Austin, Mr. Harker, iliss Hay. For «f" Moulisr, Seville (2). Mr. and Wγ. Sanders. For Wellington : Miss Chisholm, SfcE. Cltisholia, Messrs. Irving, Elliott, Wood, Biihop. For Lyttelton: Sir G. Grey, Mr. Stamfield. For Donedin : Mr. McA.dain, For HeSut: M" Baddlsy, Miss Addison. For V.n*vq.-n» : Urs. Oekenden, ileian. J. Martin andSeynolds.—Union S.S. Co.. agents. Kebecca. Crowell, barque, 557, I±. B. Crowell, for New Tork :—Passengers ; Mrs. Crowell and funily (3), Mr. HitchelL—Arnold, Hines, and Co., agents. OpoaJd, ketch, 34, East, for Oi>otiki.— Muter, agent. Macgregcr, s-s., Johnson, for Whangarei.— 2>orthem S.& Co., agents. DEPARTURES. Hinaponri, rb., for Southern ports and Mel}xim ha, Uacgregor, S.S., for Whangarei. Opctiid, ketch, for Opotiki. EXPISCTED ABRIYALS. - • SAN TRASCISCO : Zealandia, B.M. 8.1., about Hay 3. LOSDOS : Thomas Rasse&Y 8.8., saOedDec. 23, J.C.L.V. Dera, barque, sailed January 21, SSTD. * Ontßi/ier, chip, sailed February 6. ffi»Ticp, barque, tailed March 3. - - Xoira, barque, loading. - ' Glenrwa, skip, loading. r Otiki, ship, loading. «hr tork :■• • . . Olaribei, barque, via Wellington, siiUd January 22, tthsx. . Irene, brigantine, loading (via Dunedin). .. Nettie, l> risan tine, loading (via Wellington). BETTCASTLIi: Naiad, brig, April 5. JAVA •.; Maahegan, barque, sailed March 3L - Maroon, barque, early. Thimts, barque, early. CHINA-: ■ Androklai, barque, early. 2AKOTOSGA : •Ada C. Oweß, brigantine, early. STDNET : Look-out, brigantine, early, DUJJEDIN: ' Camilla, brigantine, sailed April 29, - Himalaya, b*rque, sailed April 29. I/3NG ISLAND : Louie, schooner, early. I.YT2ELTON : ■ . Saxon, schooner, sailed April 29. OAHABtT t , Stanley, brigantine, early. PROJECTED DEPARTURES, LOSDOS : .. Loch Bredan, barqne. loading. , : Rangitikei, ship, loiding. Alutor, barque, early. SYDNEY : Zealacdia, R.M. s.s., about May 3. SYBNEY I3LA.VD : - Explorer, *.*., early. ' Stanley, barque, eirly. NEW YORK : Peerless, brigantine, early. Bebecca Crowell, barque, early. BAXOTONGA : 'Oamaru, brigantine, early. •■'■]•■ THE UfTION S.S. COMPANY. - Tie''following are th& movements of the gteamshlps-of the above company for the present weee. :— Sunday.—The s.s. Wanaka arrives at Onehunga, about 8 a.m., from Southern ports ; and returns again at 3,30 p.m., if the English mail has arrived. ' . MONDAY. —The Rotomafaana arrives about 10 sum., from Melbourne and Southern perts. The Pengnin leaves for Fiji direct at 5 p.m. ■TUESDAT.— The Omapere arrives from Southern ports, and leaves again for Greymouth. The Wairarapa is due from Sydney. The £otomahanaileaves for Sydney. Thursday.—The Wairarapa leaves for Southern ports and Melbourne at noon. The Southern' Cross arrives : from Gbborne and Southern ports, and returns again at 5 p.m. EXPORTS. Per 0,8. Manapouri, for Southern porta and Melbourne: 3 casks oil, 615' bundles wire, 3 eases tobacco, 10 cases geneva, 158 sacks oysters, 180 sacks flour, 18 cases bread, 7 bags heh, 15 cases kerosene, 120 bundles shingles, 391 cases oranges, 22 cages fruit, 30 casks cement, 8 bundles buckets, 12 sacks oil cake, 25 coils rope, SO bales tow, 143 hides, <10 sacks cocoanuts, 2 bundle's abeepskins, 321 packages sundries. Per barque Rebecca Crowell, for New York : 4940 cases kauri gum.

Ikwaeds Coastwise.—Eata, bargo, from "WaUri, with IS logs ; Janet, cutter, from Whanearei, with 800 bushels lime; Olive, barge, from Manaia, vith 14 logs; Pukapuka, barge, from-Great Barrier, -with 16,000 feet timber; lizette, ketch, from Thames, with 25,000 feet timber. ...•' "' •. ' , _OntwAßD3 Coastwisk.—Kata, barge, . for "Waiara; Janet, cutter, for Whangarei; Olive, barge,-, for coaat; Pokapulca, barge, for Port Fitrroy; lazette, ketch, for Thames... ;' - COSTOMBODSE—ESTEEgD OOTWABDS.: Italy, : barque,; Rapp, for Newcastle, via Hokianga: Bangitikei,' ship, MUman. for London. • The. Union Oo.'e eteamship Manaponri took her for Melbourne, via Southern porta, shortly after midday yesterday. ■ ' The a.i. Explorer is to leave for Sydney and other South Sea Islands immediately after the arrival of the mail stoamer Zealandia from San rranoiico.; She takes hence a fall cargo of .atoarwr/eto. -.- : -. - • --'■'/■ •'-J ' ■'• ■■'•.■■•:■■■.■ .: The brigantine Peerle«e w expected to get away to sea on her voyage to; New York about Tuesday next. The:sohogner Fanny Thornton, from Hokianga,, arrived yesterday, .with a cargo of 49 totara.pUes, 9 sacks bonen, 70 sacks gum, 80 pieces (3800 feet) timber. ? -Ihe-:».e—Waitaki; from' Whangarei, brings a cargo of, ro«ack» oysters, 7000 feet timber, 108 toniiicoal, ond.3 tons sundries. • ' The steamshipJßritish King signalled the ship Ornsader, from London; for, this port, on the .ulfc, off Tasmania. . The ship was tain 81

' The schooner Orpheas arrived from Whangaroa, with 42,600 feet timber.yesterday. The *.*. Maegregor, for Wbaagarei. took her departure lass • evening, with passengers sad cargo. .. - • „ - A'meeling or . enipownetl, shiprasislers, and others interested in the formation of a Ifercantile Marine Association is to be held >--t the Waitemifcv Hotel this at eight o'clock. A large attendance is anticipated, as the proposed movement ia a most important and necessary one. . • The bargue Bebacc* Crowell cleared outwards at the Castoms yesterday for I»ew York with a fall cargo of kauri gum. Tie b»rqoe is exported to get away to tea so-morrovr. The folio jring are the particulars and value of the cargo on hoard : —4940 cases, 4i7 tons : £25,479. ; The brigantise. jujhtiasiie was employed duticg yesterday traaihippine into the b-irque Stanley the baivece of her ca-rgv of Xeweaitle coal. 'The brig "Annabel is also to supply the Stanley with coal. .


The New Zeal*"'. Shipping Company's chartered steamship British King paid her first visit to this port last night, haviag arrived shortly after midnight from London, with a , general cargo and a large passenger list. Aβ we have said, this is the firss visit of the vessel to Auckland, but she is no stringer to other porta of New Zealand, having made three ■ri*it» to Wellington and Lyrtelton. A fall description of the British King has already appeared in these colcmcs. The British King is somewhat of a different class of steam vessel to those of the Shipping Company that have hitherto virited this port—bsiag more of the school that pay attention less to passenger accommodation than to the carrying of cargo. Yet, for the carrying of immigrant*, she is well suited, having spacion« and high 'tween decks ; bat, for saloon pnstengera, her accommodation ia liTritofl, Yet what Shere is is neat and comfortable. The " King "is a steel ve»sel of 227S tons, sad was built by Messrs. Harl&nd and Wolff, at Belfast, in ISSI, and is of 410 feet length, 39 fee. 3 inches beam, and SS feet 9 inches depth of hold. Upon her previous trips to and from New Zealand the steamship has shown such a tarn of ipeL>d that warranted the expectation of the venssl making a good ran out to this port, and, as will be seen from the report al the passage those expectations hare been fnliy realised. Forty-tisht days from London to Auckland is not bad work, although there is no doubt that even such good work as this will, in a few year*, be looked upon as a poor rate of travelling. However, the Britiih King has done well, and Captain Kelly, who, like his ship, is also a stranger here, is to be conjTAtulated upon the passage he has made. The Britith SCing com*s from a good yard, her builders being tko»e of the popular steamship. Doiic, lonic, and others of the celebrated White Star line. Owing to the lateness of the hour, and there being no appearance of any officials from either the or Health OfHser's departments. Captain Sainty decided to drop anchor in the stream off the Qaeen-street Wharf, there to await the visits of the authorities named. The first business to-day, after the inspection of the passengers by Dr. Fhilson, wiU be the landin; of the iaaiigrants and their lu£g&ge ; then the discharge of the Auckland pertion of the ship's cargo will receive prompt atieation. As will be seen from Captain Kelly's report, the passage throughout has been a moderately fine weather one. and with the exception of the death of an infant, nothing has occurred to mar the pleasure of the voyage. ■Of the immigrants on board, the British King k* 3 19 * or Hawke's Bay, 41 for Wellington, 14 for Taranafci, 15 for Westland, 7 for Nebon, 5 for ilarlborpugh, aHd 72 for Canterbury, the balance being for this port. Captain Kelly reports having left the Koyil Albert Docks, London, on Thursday 13th of March; proceeded down the river, and anchored at lower light-ship for tide. Experienced fine weather in Channel, and arrvred at daybreak at Plymouth on 13th March. Embarked emigrants, and sailed at 3 o'clock p.m. name day. Experienced fresh southerly winds in crossing the Bay of Biscay, which jcoatinaed to Teneriffe, arriving there at 5 p.m. on SOth. Received coal ou board, and sailed at 7 a,m. on 21st. Had light N.E. trades, with cool, pleasant weather to the equator. Thence, had strong but steady S.E. trades to tbe Cape of Good Hope; experienced a dense fog off Table Bay, arriving at Caps Town on Monday, the 7th of April, at 6 a.m. Sailed from Cape Torm at 2 a-m. on Bth of April, and ran down easting upon the parallel of 45', with variable weather. In longitude 100" S., had a severe gale from S.S.E., which lasted four days. When ofi Tasmania, on Sunday, 27ch of April, signalled tha ship Crusader steering as ourselves. Experienced easterly winds on the coast. Blade the Cape Maria. Van Diemen light at 10 a.xn. on Hay 2, arriving as above.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7008, 3 May 1884, Page 4

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7008, 3 May 1884, Page 4

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 7008, 3 May 1884, Page 4